ffi Haryana I nclustriatTraining Directorate ll eaclquarters: C-hancl i garh To Principal / GroupInstructor Incharge/ GroupInstructor Incharge (women), ;,,r]i,m,i"'(wo flifl"Jl"[ m en; i?i:i# ?Tifi'Xf i m:i!'lf,:'-"''i"",,, E n d st.N o .A d mn_ ]|TN1/AAZ/41/ Subject:- Dated: Defegationof powers. please referto the subjectcitedabove. The powersto disposeoff the following mattersalreadyvests with the princrpal/ Group InstructorIn-charge/ Group InstructorIn-charge(women) being Head of Institutionof the respectiveGtTt/ GtTt (W) . Sr. j nuleltnstruCtions No. i SubjectMatter 9l No tof Ap$ndx 1 2 o f CSRVolume-|, part_ll/FD letter no 11t102t2009_3FR dated 5.7.2012 FDletterN@ dated29.4.2002. Health Oepartnrentletter no. 2t871t08-1HB_ilt. dated 15.3.2010 Earned legve uptof ZOd;yr 6-Non GazettedGovt.employees. qCL upto 120 days to GazettedGovt.women e Leave Encashmenffi Non.Gazetted Govt.emolovee Medicalre-imUuisement uffi 50,000/- Power to Non Head of Institution 4- i rC-lette- No--iejo{pGnL i PensionCasesolsuOorOrnateEtaff for t rtrzroz, o iittrszzaz, dated ated 3 31.10 1 . 1 0 .dil 1 9 7 7a I sending the cases to Accountant m-entroned " in FD letter no Gener alHar yana I 6,8I212001/F D/pension/SAp, | I dated 113j2.2002. FD letterNo. tgl19/20082$iL d a t e d2 1 . 4 . 2 0 1 0 I6 _____i in lieuof I | Ruter atzllnof3)oi tnEGovt. r Employee Conduct Rules,1996 ; l "ff;ry--] to classI l r .L__ In view of this' all Principal/ Group InstructorIn-charge/Group Instructor ;;,;;;il,; Fnn,rroml fh^ ^^^^^ ^r,, fon'vard the casesof thesemattersto directorate for sanctron / approvar. This is for information and strictcompliance E n d s tN. o A d m n_ t n N 1 t W 2 t 4 1 t &6g rur(Admn._t), ForDirector General, In-dldinlirainino ningDepartment. D Hary;4na Jtt',"*insrortheinfo rmtronandX;;-::; iAll:gi !i" aty?'q'#iffi necessaryaction: officers H.e. (ExceptOCfil "?;i* 2 . P A t o D G|T . 4 t . 3 . A l l H ea do f S e cti o na t H .e . f.<J--tt ,f4,;cel fw.alrs; It ForDirector Generar, Training Department, Harvana './\./ ffi HaryanaIndustrialTrainingDirectorate, Headquarters: Chandigarh The powersto sanctionthe "r""rO:::;" henceforth exercised, as detailedbelow: Sr. No. -;- officers and officialsat H.e., will be Powers to seh t . I I Addl.DirectoiTJornt to Assistant Directorsand Superintendents of the t' Sanctionot a to officialsof the branches. I r D a t e d :1 2 . 2 .2 0 1 4 S.K GOYAL,IAS DirectorGeneral,IndustrialTrainingDepartment, Har yana. Endst. No. Admn.-1ffN 1| AA2t41I &.,1e A copy is fonvardedto the foilowingfor the 1. All officersat H.e. (ExceptDGtT) 2 . A l l H ea do f S e cti o na t H .b . 3 . P A t o D GtT . Dated:1,"1 .> z- atV informationand necessary action:_ (Admn.-l), al TrainingDepartment, Har yana. 4/ C C ,tF Haryana IndustrialTrainingDirectorate, Headquarters: Chand igarh / Order In continuation to the powersalreadydelegatedvide endst. no. Admn._l I AAsI re-delegation of powerdated31'.07 .2006and in ro pow"is the -cun!rat, u".t"o underrure19.1 of PunjabFinancial Rule Vol.-1,r, s x covar, "*"r.L" lns Director Industrial rraining rederegate in" rorowins powers to theJointoii."to,. il::flf-'T,,.?-;,i?ffi:i ",:.J;::, Fowei UptoRs. 1 . 0 0L a ci n eacncase futi powers P=ot;rs now- pr eviously re-delegated delegatedto to Joint Joint Director(M) Director Upto Upto75,000/- 50,000rin UptoRs. 50,000/per institute UptoRs. 50,000/for UptoRs. 75,000ffor a n yo n e t t e m i any one item e xn a u sti n a g l l the appr oved d u r i n ga d u r i n ga so u rce so f su pplym entioned finanoalyear i financial year i n A p p e n d i x1 7 of the puniab in respectof I rn respect of F i n a n c i aRl u l e s V , o l u m e- i l each Headof 1each Head I and the rate contracr officesunder I of offices a rra n g e db y th e Dir ector , his contr ol S u p p l i ea s n dD i s p o s a l s , i ,.i"' ii' of Rule 19 14-A, if availabte !!eryana, lssuance of aOmTistrative approval as perFD i n stru cti o nvi s de no. lil6lgj_ 4 F D -lIl /18 6 0 (2004) dated 20.10.2A04 for saleof afticlesof storesor stocks declared surplus or un_ serviceable by the In each case FullPowerin respectof office / institution u n d e rh i m any one r tem d u r i n ga fi nanc i aly ear rn respectof each Headof officesunder h i s c ontr ol office/ institution u n d eh r im r co mp e te nat u thor ityby j - _ _ _ - p u b l i ca u c t i o n i I L_,_ Dated:12.2.2014 S.K.GOYAL,IAS Director General, Industrial Training Department, Haryana EndstNo.Admn.-ltTN1tAAZt4lI ALq D a t e dl:- 1 . 2 ' 2 - \ \ A copyis forwarded to the following for the information and necessary 1 2 3:l:::::l *:::l:" to GovtHaryana, Finance Deparrment action:_ ;;, i; ;;il ir ffi,il Departm ent I :::ji"?f::'::1'J^ l?Su:y.l dit),f t,i; ; i;,; c handigarh s g,_rA f ;.^:y:::,^9,", | 4 . All officers at HXe. (Except'DGIT) A All Headof Institute in the HaryahaState All Headof Section at H e. PA to DG|T c<_ g; I btua.*J-L ul+; L*e-Cu>e$ " or(Admn.-t) For Dir ectorGener al,Industr ial Tr ainingDepar tm ent, f lar vana. 4-
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