MYP Year 2 Math (7th Grade) Unit 1: Rational Numbers CONCEPT CATEGORY: Operations with Integers LT Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 NS. 1c Practice: Resources: Textbook, Khan Academy, MARS novice tasks NS. 1d Practice: Resources: Textbook, Khan Academy, MARS apprentice tasks, Illustrative Mathematics tasks, SBAC samples NS. 2a NS. 2b NS. 2c LEARNING TARGET CCSS 1A I can add integers and represent the process on a NS.1a, 1b number line. I can describe situations in which opposite quantities combine to make zero. I understand “p + q” as the number located a distance IqI from “p”. I can apply sums in real-‐world contexts. 1B I can subtract integers using the additive inverse [p – q = p + (-‐q)]. I can apply differences in real-‐world contexts. I can apply the commutative and associative properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract integers. I can multiply integers. I can show that multiplying signed numbers extends from repeated addition and express this in a table. I can interpret products by describing real world contexts. I can divide integers, so long as the divisor is not zero. I understand that [-‐(p/q) = (-‐p)/q = p/(-‐q)]. I can interpret quotients by describing real world contexts. I can apply the commutative and associative properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide integers. 1C 1D 1E 1F Non-‐Routine Practice: Resources: MARS expert tasks, some of the Illustrative Mathematics tasks, SBAC samples CONCEPT CATEGORY: Operations with Rational Numbers LT 1G 1H 1I LEARNING TARGET I can show through long division that a rational number is a terminating or repeating decimal. I can add and subtract rational numbers (fractions and decimals), following student-‐observed patterns from integers, including the use of properties as needed. I can multiply and divide rational numbers (fractions © ESMS (Olesiuk, Lee), 8-‐19-‐14 CCSS NS. 2d Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 NS.1a, 1b, 1c, 1d NS. 2a, Routine DOK 2 Non-‐ Routine DOK 3 and decimals), following student-‐observed patterns from integers, including the use of properties as needed. 2b, 2c CONCEPT CATEGORY: Solve Problems in a Real World Setting LT 1J LEARNING TARGET I can solve real world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. CCSS NS. 3 Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 Unit 2: EXPRESSIONS and equations & inequalities CONCEPT CATEGORY: Apply Properties to Write Equivalent Expressions 2A 2B LEARNING TARGET CCSS I can use the distributive property and its converse EE.1, 2 to expand and factor an expression, including rational coefficients [ex: factor a 3 out of (4a + 6) and factor a -‐1 out of (-‐2x + 6)]. I can explain how re-‐ writing an expression in different forms can shed light into the context of the problem. I can use the commutative and associative EE.1, 2 properties to combine like terms within an expression, including rational coefficients. I can explain how re-‐writing an expression in different forms can shed light into the context of the problem. Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 CONCEPT CATEGORY: Create True Statements (equations) with Rational Numbers (focus on evaluation, not solving) 2C LEARNING TARGET I can evaluate and identify equivalent expressions that involve all four operations with rational numbers. !.!∙! ! ! Ex: 2.1 − = ! (!ℎ!!"# !"#$ ! !"#$ !" !"#$%#&'( !"#$%&'!() !"#$!%%&'(%) −4! + 5 = −2 2!+? (!ℎ!!"# !"#$ ! !"#$ !" !"#$%#&'( !"#$% !" © ESMS (Olesiuk, Lee), 8-‐19-‐14 CCSS EE.3 Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 2D !"#$%&" !ℎ! ? ) I can explain why a solution is reasonable based on mental math and estimation (including “front-‐end estimation”, “clustering”, “compatible numbers”, etc). EE.3 CONCEPT CATEGORY: Write/Solve/Graph 2-‐step Equations and Inequalities 2E 2F LEARNING TARGET I can use variables to represent unknown quantities and construct simple equations to solve word problems involving rational numbers. I can fluently solve equations in the form px + q = r and p(x + q) = r. I can explain why the steps used to solve the equation are valid. I can use variables to represent unknown quantities and construct simple inequalities to solve word problems involving rational numbers. I can fluently solve inequalities in the form px + q > r and p(x + q) < r. I can graph the solution set on a number line and interpret it in the context of the problem. CCSS Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 EE.4a EE.4b Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 Unit 3: Proportional Relationships CONCEPT CATEGORY: Determine Proportional Relationships 3A LEARNING TARGET I can determine whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship using a table and/or a graph. I can explain the importance of the point (0, 0) on the graph of a proportional relationship. Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 CCSS RP. 2a, 2d Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 CONCEPT CATEGORY: Identify Unit Rate (including fractional rates / complex fractions) 3B 3C LEARNING TARGET CCSS I can identify the constant of proportionality (unit RP. 1, 2b rate) using tables, graphs, verbal descriptions, etc. I can compute unit rates involving fractional rates (complex fractions). I can identify the unit rate on a graph and explain its RP.2d meaning © ESMS (Olesiuk, Lee), 8-‐19-‐14 Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 CONCEPT CATEGORY: Use Proportional Relationships to Solve Real World & Mathematical Problems (focus on y = kx) 3D 3E LEARNING TARGET I can use the constant of proportionality (unit rate) to represent proportional relationships by equations (y = kx, where k is the constant of proportionality). I can use proportional relationships to solve multi-‐ step ratio and percent problems (including simple interest, tax, markup & discount, gratuity and commissions, fees, percent increase and decrease, percent error). I can use visual representations to check the reasonableness of the solution. CCSS Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 RP 2c RP. 3 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 Unit 4: Geometry CONCEPT CATEGORY: Scale Factor 4A LEARNING TARGET I can solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale. CCSS G. 1 Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 CONCEPT CATEGORY: Constructions, Slicing, and Relationships 4B 4C 4D LEARNING TARGET CCSS I can use drawing (using appropriate tools) to G. 2 determine what conditions create a triangle, including observations about side length and interior angles. I can describe the two-‐dimensional figures that G. 3 result from a plane slicing a three-‐dimensional figure. I can calculate the perimeter and area of the cross sections from right rectangular prisms and pyramids. I can use angle relationships (supplementary, G. 5 complementary, vertical, and adjacent) to write equations and solve from an unknown angle in a figure. © ESMS (Olesiuk, Lee), 8-‐19-‐14 Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 CONCEPT CATEGORY: Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Pyramids (focus on regular polygons constructed from triangles) 4E 4F LEARNING TARGET I can solve real world and mathematical problems involving area and surface area of two-‐ and three-‐ dimensional objects composed of quadrilaterals (including parallelograms, rectangles, squares, and trapezoids) and triangles. I can solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume of three-‐dimensional objects composed of quadrilaterals and triangles. CCSS Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 G. 6 G. 6 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 CONCEPT CATEGORY: Circles LEARNING TARGET 4G I can explain the relationship between the diameter and circumference of a circle. I can use this relationship to derive the formula for the circumference of a circle and use it to solve problems. I can explain the relationship between the circumference and area of a circle. I can use this relationship to derive the formula for the area of a circle and use it to solve problems. 4H CCSS Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 G. 4 G. 4 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 Unit 5: Statistics and Probability CONCEPT CATEGORY: Interpreting the Sample Set of a Population 5A 5B LEARNING TARGET CCSS I can use data from a random and representative SP. 1, 2 sample to draw inferences about a larger population with an unknown characteristic(s). I can describe ways to create a valid sample set. I can use measures of center (mean and median) SP. 3, 4 and measures of variability (IQR and Mean Absolute Deviation) for numerical data from random samples to draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. I can use visual representations of data sets to make comparisons. CONCEPT CATEGORY: Chance Events and Simple Probability © ESMS (Olesiuk, Lee), 8-‐19-‐14 Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3 5C 5D 5E LEARNING TARGET I can represent the probability of a chance event as SP. 5 a number between 0 and 1 (a ratio of desired outcomes to total number of possible outcomes). I can use a probability model to approximate the SP. 6, 7 number of times an event should occur in a real world scenario, and explain possible reasons why the theoretical probability matches or does not match the empirical probability outcome. I can find probabilities of compound events by SP. 8 using organized lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulations. © ESMS (Olesiuk, Lee), 8-‐19-‐14 Recall & Reproduction DOK 1 CCSS Routine DOK 2 Non-‐Routine DOK 3
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