
Lesson Plans
LA III and Advanced
Week 18: 12/15-- 12/19/2014
Unit 4: Narrative Writing/Research & Evaluate
MONDAY 12/15
Learning Goal:
Higher Order
Bell work
FRIDAY 12/19
LAFS.8.L.3.6 (DOK 1)
LAFS.8.L.3.6 (DOK 1)
LAFS.8.L.3.6 (DOK 1)
LAFS.8.L.3.6 (DOK 1)
LAFS.8.L.3.6 (DOK 1)
LAFS.8.RI.3.8 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.3.8 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.3.8 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.3.8 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.3.8 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.1.1 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.1.1 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.1.1 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.1.1 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.1.1 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.SL.1.3 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.1.3 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.1.3 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.1.3 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.1.3 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.2.4 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.2.4 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.2.4 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.2.4 (DOK 3)
LAFS.8.SL.2.4 (DOK 3)
LAVS.8.W.1.1 (DOK 3)
LAVS.8.W.1.1 (DOK 3)
LAVS.8.W.1.1 (DOK 3)
LAVS.8.W.1.1 (DOK 3)
LAVS.8.W.1.1 (DOK 3)
Students will be able to identify relevant/irrelevant evidence in informational text. Students will be able to determine the author’s point of view or purpose and analyze how the author
distinguishes his or her position from that of others.
1. What does it mean to analyze the author’s point of view from a text?
2. How do I recognize if the evidence from a text is relevant/irrelevant information?
3. Why is it important to evaluate specific claims within a text?
LAFS.8.RI.3.8 (DOK 2)
LAFS.8.RI.2.6 (DOK 3)
1. What argument and specific claims are made in the text? How is each supported?
4. What is the author’s viewpoint on_____? What other viewpoints on ___ are presented?
2. What irrelevant evidence is presented? Use textual evidence to support an explanation as to why. 5. How does the author respond to/address conflicting viewpoints on ___? What specific
3. Is the reasoning behind the author’s claims sound? Use textual evidence in your argument.
Techniques are involved?
4. Is the overall argument effective? Explain why using textual evidence.
6. Is the author effective in responding to conflicting evidence or viewpoints? Why or why
not? Use textual evidence in your analysis.
7. What is the author’s purpose? What question(s) is/are the author answering?
Students will research the different Students will plan and work on their
Students will complete their civil Students will present their
Students will present their arguments
articles from Unit 4 in order to
civil rights argument, using relevant
rights argument, using relevant
arguments to the class and
to the class and participate in a panel
create an argument about the
evidence from all articles in Unit 4.
evidence from all articles in Unit
participate in a panel discussion
discussion in which they defend their
progression of civil rights for
in which they defend their claim
claim and the evidence.
African Americans.
and the evidence.
Caught Ya # 53
Vocabulary Card # 53
1. Bell Work
2. Introduce Panel assignment
3. Read and write an objective
summary of article.
4. Begin planning opening
Caught Ya # 54
Vocabulary Card # 54
1. Bell Work
2. Work on panel assignment.
WICOR (writing, collaboration,
Written response
1. Bell Work
2. Complete work on panel
Caught Ya # 55
Vocabulary Card # 55
1. Bell Work
2. Begin presentations and
Caught Ya # 56
Vocabulary Card # 56
1. Bell Work
2. Complete presentations and
WICOR (writing, collaboration,
WICOR (writing, collaboration,
WICOR (writing, collaboration,
Cogitate (verb)
To think hard; ponder
Read at least one chapter from
AR book
Noredink.com (due Friday)
Wily (adjective)
Crafty; sly; clever
Read at least one chapter from
AR book
Noredink.com (due Friday)
Learning Log (AVID Strategy)
Learning Log (AVID Strategy)
WICOR (writing, reading)
Ticket Out
Affable (adjective)
Definition: easy to approach and
Read at least one chapter from AR
Noredink.com (due Friday)
Learning Log (AVID Strategy)
Shoddy (adjective)
Definition: poor quality
Read at least one chapter from AR
Noredink.com (due Friday)
Learning Log (AVID Strategy)
Read at least one chapter from AR
Noredink.com (due Friday)
Learning Log (AVID Strategy)
ESOL Accommodations
E1: Making use of contextual clues—gestures, expressions, body language
E2: Using multiple media
E3: Using linguistic modifications: repetition, slow speech, restating, controlled vocabulary, controlled sentence length
E4: Individualized instruction and assistance
E5: Peer Tutoring
E6: Using written and pictorial forms to teach: maps, graphs, charts, pictures, audiovisual aids, lists, semantic maps, webs, flow charts, outlines
E7: Adjusting or shortening assignments
E8: Hands of Experiences
E9: Small group instruction
E10: Cooperative Learning
E11: Defining content area language or terms for students
E12: Using alternative assessments
E13: Reducing oral and written directions and information to easy to understand steps or parts
E14: Using role play
E15: Adapting written text and materials to facilitate comprehension
ESE Accommodations
1: Extended Time
2: Preferential Seating
3: Check for Comprehension beyond what is normally provided to student
4: Provide peer assistance
1: Extended Time
5: Read aloud directions
6: Alternative testing format