June 8, 2014 First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 1500 S 29th Street Parsons KS 67357 620-421-4790 [email protected] www.fccparsons.org First Christian Church(Disciple of Christ) Pentecost June 8, 2014 9:30 a.m. During worship, we offer a nursery for infants and toddlers, and extended session for pre-schoolers (ages 3, 4 & 5). The nursery and pre-k rooms are in the northeast hallway of the church. All hymns are from the Blue Hymnal (Unless otherwise noted) Words of Welcome Prelude Rev. Jonathan Brink GATHERING TOGETHER Come, Oh, Come Thou Quickening Spirit Raphael Bringing in the Light Call to Worship *Praise Hymn Come Thou Almighty King Call to Worship #27 Titus Feagan L When we wait listlessly in those upper rooms furnished with fears and doubts: P Come, Holy Spirit, to rearrange our lives. L When we live in those days which seem to last forever: P Come, Wild Wind of Wonder, to reveal God’s future. L When we go through months where we experience a drought of living waters: P Come, Fresh Gale, drenching us with hope. L When we wander in distress, stepping on our own toes in the shadows of life: P Come, Summer Breeze, blowing open our shuttered eyes so we may see your Way. L When we mourn the loss of identity, of family, of community, of faith: P Come, Comforter of the ages, so we may find you in everyone we meet. (Congregation may be seated) SHARING GOD’S WORD Scripture Numbers 11:23-30 OT p127-128 Children’s Moment Prayer Hymn Rev. Jonathan Brink Breathe On Me, Breath of God Silent Prayers and Morning Prayer Rev. Jonathan Brink THE LORD’S PRAYER (sung) Scripture #254 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 Hymn #310 NT p164 Leader: The Word of God for the People of God. People: Thanks be to God. *GLORIA PATRI Special Music Speak, O Lord Scott Nelson, tenor McDonald Scripture Acts 2:1-21 NT p113 Sermon “God Happens” Rev. John Bain RECEIVING GOD’S GRACE Invitation Hymn: Every Time I Feel the Spirit #592 If you would like to join this church, either by making a confession of faith prior to baptism or by transferring your membership from another church, please come forward during the hymn and the minister will welcome you. Moment for Missions Rev. John Bain Invitation to the Offering Rev. John Bain Offertory Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart Ham *DOXOLOGY Prayer of Dedication Steve Fincher Hymn: Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether #392 Invitation to Share the Bread and Cup Rev. John Bain Words of Institution Prayer of Blessing Marian Johnson We believe that every person who confesses faith in Jesus Christ, whether he/she is a member of this congregation or not, is welcome to join us as we break bread at the Lord’s Table. Please take the bread and cup as they are passed, and use this time as an opportunity for prayer and reflection. (*Indicates “please stand if able”) GOING FORTH *Benediction *Congregational Response: Nurtured by the Spirit (Sing once) Nurtured by the Spirit, walking in God’s light we are open to the visions from above. Sharing fruits of heaven, caring for the right we will walk with the mission of love. We are the seeds sown in weakness, raised in power, God makes us sprout. We are in need of your Spirit, now’s the hour: God send us out! Postlude (Purple #180) Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid Lenel SERVING TODAY ACOLYTES: Samuel Brewer, Jessalyn Overall Team 1 DEACONS: Lori Ford, Sammi Ford, Jeanette Horton, Elaine Hudson, Ron Little, Jean Reeves, Mary Shue NEXT WEEK (June 15) ELDERS: Dean Cramer, Lori Ray WORSHIP LEADER: Jewell Reed ACOLYTES: AJ Fearmonti, Wyatt Warstler Team 2 DEACONS: Jason Langston, Taffy Langston, Andrea Hetlinger, John Mulberry, Jonna Gabbert, Brad Bayless, Micah Bain Church Staff Ministers: The Congregation Pastor: Rev. John Bain Associate Pastor for Children, Youth & Family - Rev. Jonathan Brink Director of Music: Lewis Hoyt Organist: Carol Hoyt Office Administrator: Connie George Custodian: Jay French Nursery Attendant: Samantha Lee Church e-mail address: [email protected] THE SUNDAY EDITION As we remember the Day of Pentecost, may the same power, love and unity that blessed the first Christians touch us all. We welcome you, and God loves you! Children, Youth and Families! Mark your calendar! Saturday, June 14th, will be our outing to Carousel Park in Joplin! Tickets are $5 per rider for most rides at the park. We will gather at the picnic area for fellowship and fun between rides! (Food will not be provided but is available for purchase at the park.) 11th, 18th, 25th: Upcoming June Dates: 10am-Noon “Who Let the Kids Out Wednesdays” (JYF) 8th, 22nd, 29th: 4pm Youth (Chi-Rho/CYF) 7pm Family Movie Night Our next movie will be “UP”. th 14 : Carousel Park 2 pm - 5 pm – Family Outing 25th- 27th: JYF Camping Trip - Big Hill Lake - Bring your fishing poles! 30th, July 1st and 2nd - Children’s Cooking Classes (2nd-5th grade) - 9 am-11:30 am and 1 pm-3:30 pm. (with K State Extension) Application available in church office or see Jonathan. NO COST! Transportation is available. Please call the church office at 421-4790 to inquire. Dates for VBS are set! July 28 - July 31 from 5:30 - 8:00 pm. If you would like to help out with the program, crafts, music, snacks or transportation, please let Jonathan know. Thank you for all your help! Disciples Women's Indoor Picnic will be June 10 at noon. Bring a covered dish and table service. Working women, please join us for lunch. Come and go or stay for fellowship if you can. You don’t need to bring anything but your presence! See you then!! Our June Project is Safe House in Pittsburg, KS. Safe House offers services for victims of family violence and sexual abuse/assault. Abuse is defined as “any unprivileged physical contact”. Verbal abuse is screaming, shouting threats, yelling obscenities or verbally attacking another person. Emotional abuse is constant feeling of fear, anxiety, or dread caused by the action or inaction of another person. Since there are so many needs for the shelter, we will be taking monetary donations that can be used to where needed the most. Thank you for your generosity! Every Church Was New Once Pentecost Offering Just imagine what your life would be like if no one answered God’s call to start your church. Do you know that more than two-thirds of the United States population doesn’t live within close driving distance of a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregation? This year’s Pentecost Offering will be taken on Sunday, June 8. We give praise to God for the sacrifices of generations before us – the new churches that were started by courageous, visionary leaders. As a member of a Disciples church that was new once, will you consider participating in this offering so other churches can experience new life? “Retro” Brides Traditionally, June is the month for brides, weddings, flowers, rings and rice! Please bring your old, new, borrowed or blue wedding photos to be displayed on the church family community bulletin board by the office. Don’t forget the bloopers! The Supper Quilt is coming We are privileged to host a showing of the ”The Supper” Quilt on Wednesday evening, June 18th for a program for the local quilt guilds and guests at 7 pm. We respectfully request that if you come on Wednesday for the program, please stay for the entire program. The quilt will be open to the public on Thursday, June 19th from 10 am to 4 pm on a come and go basis. This magnificent quilt has been shown all around the world. It was made in 1998 by Dr. Don Locke of Waxahachie, Texas and took over 2.5 years to complete. There are 51,816 pieces of fabric. Each piece measures 1/2 inch (1.25cm) on edge and there are over 350 different fabrics used. The entire quilt is 67 inches (5.6ft) high and 183 inches (15.25ft) wide. Check out “thesupper.net” for more information. Sunbeams Preschool is taking enrollments for the 2014-2015 school year. If you know of a child ages 3-5 who could benefit from the preschool experience, please have them contact the church office. Our daughter, Lissa, has a friend traveling to Uganda, Africa to do missionary work. She is asking for donations of gently used badminton equipment (raquets, birdies, nets) and BINGO games. If you have any of these items that are just taking up space, please consider donating them. There will be a container in the Narthex through mid-July for them. Thanks, Peggy & Dean Cramer. CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, June 8 Pentecost 8:00 am – Elders Meeting 9:30 am – Worship Service 10:30 am – Fellowship Time 11:00 am - Sunday School 4 pm - 6 pm - Chi Rho/CYF meeting 7 pm - Family Movie Night - “UP” Monday, June 9 9 am - Staff Meeting Tuesday, June 10 Noon - DW Picnic Wednesday, June 11 9:00 am - Quilting 10 am - noon - Who Let The Kids Out Wednesday Saturday, June 14 2 pm - 5 pm - Carousel Park, Joplin Sunday, June 15 Father’s Day 8:00 am – Board Meeting 9:30 am – Worship Service 10:30 am – Fellowship Time 11:00 am - Sunday School Home Communion 4 pm - 6 pm - Chi Rho/CYF meeting 7 pm - Family Movie Night - Important Events The “Save Someone’s Life This Summer” American Red Cross Parsons Community Blood Drive will be held on Monday, June 23 from noon to 6:00 pm and Tuesday, June 24 from 8:00 am to noon here at FCC. To make your appointment, go online at www.redcrossblood.org or call 1 800 RED CROSS. IN OUR PRAYERS . . . Our nation’s leaders and military Cody Nading (nephew of Janet Brewer) Cody Page John Ray Address below Andrew Shipps (Iona’s grandson) Care Homes/Homebound Doris Brenner Jimmy Dodds Rutheen Hammack George Mattox Joe Nance Martha Railsback Myrtle Shue Joyce Tanner Francis Whinery Tom Woolfolk Health Concerns: Bryleigh Beardmore Kyla Daetwiler Carol Fincher Carol Hoyt Nancy Miller Lois Parker Jack Smith Barbara Wills Erlene Cares Doris Drummond Jerry Gartner Anne Maloney Joe Nance Martha Railsback Lee Wegner Wilma Zink Naida Harper Anona Mosse Nina Schiefelbusch Martha Tredway Sherrie Coltrain Frank Drummond Julia Gerdes June Miller Colleen Payne Kay Shields Ann Wilkinson Mary Zwink Our friends with continuing concerns: Judy Beal (Warren Townsend’s cousin), Regina Bone (Wilma Zink’s friend), Priscilla Bowman (Jean Reeves’ friend), Jenny Clemons (Joyce Austin’s friend), Debbie Daetwiler Depew, Tim Fox, (Gene & Janet Rexwinkle’s friend), Dick French (Jay French’s father), Dicy Janssen (Don’s mother), Jackie Kelley, Jud Lackey, Nick Laforge (Joyce Austin’s friend), Betty McMillan, Jerry Millis (Sherrie Coltrain’s friend), Ed Nance (Joe & Sandy’s son), Jackie Nash, Jean Nash (Jean Reeve’s aunt), Evelyn Pekerel, (Sherrie Coltrain’s friend), Terry Reeves (Jean’s brother-in-law), Erv Ringle (Jonna Gabbert’s friend), Gerald Shafer family (Barbara Robbins’ friend), Charles Smith, Freddie Townsend (Warren’s cousin), Doris Stice, (Sherrie Coltrain’s friend), Mike Walters, (Sandy Nance’s nephew), Andrea Ward (Warren Townsend’s cousin) McKenzie Wegner, Roger Wegner. If you know of anyone who should not be on the prayer list any longer, please let the office know. Thanks for your help! Address for John Ray: PVT Ray, John; E.EO 3rd PLT Gunfighters; 1-61 Inf. Reg., 165th Inf. Bdd; 11901 Golden Arrow Road; Fort Jackson, SC 29207. He will be there through first week of August.
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