School Drama WS 2014

School Drama /Drama in Education
(Výukové drama/Drama ve výuce)
KAJ/ 6138 and KAJ/6083
Instructor: PhDr. Anna Kinovicova, PhD.
Winter Semester 2014
KAJ/6138 Wednesday 9am-11.50am (Room: CS-326)
KAJ/6083 Monday 10am- 10.50am (Room: CS-406)
Course Summary and Goals:
This course will engage Bc. students (as well as Primary School Students of English) in a
great number of practical drama-based activities that can be used in the language classroom
with primary school pupils. At the end of this course students will be able to use activities that
will help them strengthen creativity, independent learning in groups, group dynamics,
cooperative skills and raise their awareness of the new ways of communication with their
future pupils. Students will learn how even very simple drama techniques can add motivation
and creative force to language learning. Students can also learn how to teach English more
Main Topics:
Roots of creative dramatics
Process and product
Main tasks and elements of the creative dramatics process
Exercises and games in practice
Teachers and students´ roles in the creative dramatics process
Organization of a lesson, preparation and planning
Environment, conditions and organization
Teacher of English and dramatic education
Practical Part:
Introduction – group co-ordination and trust exercises; warmers for the classroom;
Creative play through improvisation (using both the voice and body)
Story telling techniques
Developing communication skills (by means of such activities as role play)
Creating dramatic effect (by means of intonation, stress, rhythm, pauses)
Adaptation of plays.
Materials: Creative Dramatics Resource Books, a series of games and exercises on the way
to preparing a school performance; puppets, masks;
Core/Recommended Reading:
McCaslin, N. (ed.) Children and Drama. New York: David McKay Company Inc., 1975.
Koťátková,S. a kol. Vybrané kapitoly z dramatické výchovy. Karolinum, nakl. UK. Praha:
Maley, A., Duff, A.: Drama Techniques in Language Learning. Cambridge Handbooks for
Language teachers. General Editor: Cambridge: Michael Swan, CUP 1991, 2002.
Morgan, N., Saxton J.: Teaching Drama. A Mind of Many Wonders. Hutchinson Education
Morganová, M., Saxtonová, J.: Vyučování dramatu. Hlava plná nápadů. Sdružení pro
dramatiku. Praha: 2001.
Machková, E. Úvod do studia dramatické výchovy. Praha: ARTAMA, pracoviště IPOS ve
spol. se Sdružením pro tvořivou dramatiku,1998.
Psychosomatický základ veřejného vystupování. Jeho studium a výzkum. Sborník z
konference 14. a 15. 10. 1999. Praha: Výstup grantu Ministerstva kultury ČR č. 827/99,
AMU, 2000.
Spolin, V. Theatre Games for the Classroom. A Teacher´s Handbook. Illinois: Evanston,
Valenta, J. Dramaterapie. Praha: Portál, 2001.
Valenta, J. Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2008.
(This book will provide teacher trainees with rich creative dramatics bibliography, pp.336340)
Wandel, R., McDevitt, L., Decke-Cornill, H., Beyer-Kessling, V. Fundgrube Englisch
handlungsorientiert. Berlin: Cornelsen VerlagScriptor CmbH and Co. KG, 2007.
Credit Requirements:
Regular attendance (80%) in seminars and participation in the course activities.
Team/Group Work:
 Preparing a drama project
 Creating dramatic scenes, puppets, paper masks, etc.
for primary school pupils of different age groups
 Acting in front of the peers
 An adaptation of a longer tale
 Evaluation of educational materials and their (content based)
appropriateness and effectiveness
 Reflection on students´activities and the content of the course