1 Newsletter 1 – January 2015 The Spring Term has started well

Newsletter 1 – January 2015
The Spring Term has started well. The children have returned with a
very positive attitude to learning and most are behaving really well.
A number of parents commented about the trees that
had been cut down along the front of school. The
weeping silver birch in particular was so beautiful.
Unfortunately these trees had become diseased and had
rotted, even though they looked all right to us. They were becoming
dangerous and so have been cut down before they fall down. We are
looking into replacing them, but are slightly hampered by a main water
pipe in that vicinity.
The Christmas Fair was very successful. The PTFA have put the money
raised in December together with other money and have given the
school £3000 to have the playground area enhanced with lots of
markings to help the children have great playtimes, as well as help
with their learning in the outdoors.
School employs in excess of 60 people and institutions of this size
always experience challenges with staffing. We do our best to keep
things as consistent as possible for the children.
At the time of writing Mrs Peach continues to be away on long term
sick leave. Mr Hill has done a sterling job of teaching the reception
Mrs Bullen is just about to start a series of treatment that will mean
she is restricted as to how often she will be able to come into school.
Contingency plans have been put in place to cover all that Mrs Bullen
undertakes. We wish her well over the next few months.
The Selsdon Education Partnership is planning an
event at the end of June based around the theme
of circuses.
The children have put forward their ideas for this
event and the adults are now working hard to
make sure their ideas come to fruition.
Apologies now, if you find your child juggling with
fruit. They have been told to NOT try to spin the
plates at home!!
Years 5 and 6 will be spending a week away on
residential school journey at Carroty Wood, Tonbridge,
early in March. They will be carting, swimming, BMX
biking, high and low rope work ….. also, hopefully they
will sleep well, which makes such a difference to the
adults who volunteer for this week away from school.
The children remaining at school will undertake special
work throughout this week.
Punctuality – school starts for Nursery at 8.45. This is the
time that all other pupils should be arriving at school. This
gives them a little bit of play and socialising time prior to
the whistle being blown for the start of school.
Far too many pupils have been late recently and then have
to access school through the front door. The pupils’ entrance is open
until 8.55 and should be used up to this time.
Year 6 are practicing hard for the Croydon Schools’
Music Association Junior Festival which will take
place on Thursday 19th March at the Fairfield Halls.
Being part of a 500 strong choir is a fabulous
experience for the children, as well as giving them a
taste of live theatre.
All who have taken part previously have thoroughly enjoyed
Throughout your child’s complete time at school he /
she will regularly have lessons relating to growing up
and changes to their bodies. In curriculum terms these
are headed up as ‘Relationships and Sex Education’ and
this can be quite startling for many parents. In essence,
this means using correct terminology for parts of the
body, answering any questions asked, ensuring children know about
keeping healthy and hygienic and that they are able to cope when
friendships don’t go as well as is hoped. All of this work is
encompassed in the scheme of work issued by the Local Authority and
approved by the school’s Governors. It is only when they are in years
5 and 6 that the ‘nitty gritty’ bits of sex education are explained to the
A few reminders:
Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back or put up – hair
band, pony tail, plaited, bun. We are trying to stop the spread of those
nasty little critters called head lice.
Gilbert Scott Primary school has a school uniform. This includes black
shoes, or black trainers – NOT white or red ones. Children’s shoes are
best if they can be flat. Heels are not suitable for running around in
the playground or for using the trim trail. Most children want to blend
in with their peers, please help them to do this.
If you have any spare, outgrown uniform we would very much
appreciate it. If your child needs to be changed at school, please wash
the borrowed clothes through and return them to school.
Please keep nail varnish and anything other than stud earrings for the
We are beginning to gather large amounts of lost property, including
coats! Please ensure your child’s clothes are named. This way they are
more likely to be returned when left lying somewhere strange in
Please remember to put adequate amounts of money
on your Parentpay account to cover the children’s
lunches. If possible, an amount for the month would be
great, but weekly is ideal. Daily is not really appropriate.
This causes a huge amount of extra work for the office and
kitchen staff. It also costs the school extra money, which we don’t
want to have to charge parents for.
Please try to ensure that your child has a healthy and
substantial packed lunch. A sandwich or wrap with ham,
cheese, tuna, chicken, a piece of fruit, carrot or cucumber
sticks are all excellent. We have noticed a few children
having chocolate spread or jam every day.
The Government is beginning to show an interest in what children
have in their packed lunches. They are definitely discouraging crisps in
packed lunches. More information about this when we receive it.
The contract for providing school cooked lunches has come up for
renewal. Various companies put in a bid for this and a company called
Caterlink have been appointed to take over from 1st April 2015.
If you are sending someone else to collect your child,
please try to let the office know before 3 pm – even earlier
than this is best. This is the busiest time in the office and
sometimes it is difficult to get a message to the relevant
class in good time.
Extra Reminders:
Hear your child read and sign their book every day.
Book bags in school every day.
If a book is deliberately damaged then a charge will be issued to
replace it.
PE kits brought to school on a Monday and taken
home for washing on a Friday
Half Term – school will close at normal time on Friday 13th February
and reopen on Monday 23rd February.
School finishes for the Easter holiday on Friday 27th March at 2 pm.
Summer term starts on Monday 13th April.
Monday 4th May – Bank Holiday
Week beginning 11th May – SATs for year 6
Friday 22nd May – school ends at normal time for half term
Monday 1st June – Training Day
Tuesday 2nd June – school opens to pupils
Tuesday 30th June / Wednesday 1st July – special SEP circus event at
Gilbert Scott …. dates to be confirmed
Friday 17th July – school finishes at 2 pm for the summer holiday
School reopens to pupils on Monday 7th September