Febrary 19, 2014 - Burlington School District

Volume 6 No. 13
February 19, 2014
Greetings All,
I hope you were all safe and enjoyed the
unexpected snow day on Valentine's
Day last week. For a bit of fun, watch
how J.J. Flynn was closed by Lego
Batman on the Jimmy Kimmel Live
Show! tinyurl.com/oqrm39t.
As we move toward school vacation, I want to wish each of you a
wonderful vacation and chance to rest and reflect. Please
remember to vote on Town Meeting Day or before! Our Annual
Report is now live on our website and worth a couple of hours of
looking it over. We do phenomenal things in BSD and I am
proud to work alongside you.
Along with the Annual Report, view the eLearning site on the
BHS website for awesome work by students and teachers.
In addition, check out the Storify about the EMS Digital Learning
And...watch students at C.P. Smith learn to code (at that young
age???) at Math Coach Karyn Vogel's Blogspot:
These are just a few of the great things happening in our schools
on a daily basis. The budget that is proposed includes a 3.9%
increase in expenditures. This includes continued support for
technology, facilities planning, meeting the needs of increased
enrollment and does, unfortunately, include a few reductions as
well, such as elementary Spanish. Specific reductions will be
made once we know revenue streams later this spring.
3.9% expenditure increase equates to an anticipated 9.9% tax
increase. This is very confusing to many as the school budget
increase and tax increase are not aligned. The reality is that the
Tax Commissioner has proposed a 5% tax increase and our own
Common Level of Appraisal is up by 2% as our houses are worth
more. Thus, our budget decisions impact only 1.9% of the tax
increase. This is hard to understand, but if we do not pass a
budget, we will need to reduce spending by up to $1.5M more
and will still have an 8% increase in school taxes. Send people to
the website who have questions on the budget or email me
directly at [email protected].
Enjoy vacation. Remember to vote! Jeanné
Teacher Feature
Claire Noble (Flynn)
Mrs. Noble knew she wanted to be a teacher
when her daughter was in kindergarten and
she volunteered in her classroom. She has
been teaching for 14 years. Story time, when
Mrs. Noble sparks students’ imagination by
reading books aloud, is one of her favorite times of day…
Jane Lavigne (EMS)
The students explained to me that a “usual day” includes a
deep book discussion where students bounce ideas off each
other. As students speak, Ms. Lavigne circles their names
and draws lines between them, to ensure that every
student is connected. She explained to me that,
“A good discussion looks like a spider web.”...
Kellie Smith (SA)
The previous school day, students had
made a list of what was important for a
healthy community. Ms. Smith reviewed
key concepts of sustainability, including
the economy, environment and
improving the quality of life for all. I
was amazed by how engrossed the students were in her lesson...
BSD 2012-2013 Annual Report
Now Available at www.bsdvt.org
Learn more about what is happening in the Burlington Schools!
See how we are doing, what we are delivering. Burlington
School District's 2012-2013 Annual Report includes the
comprehensive budget for 2014-15, comparative data on
school spending between Burlington and other Vermont
communities, and a review of school accomplishments and
assessments for the 2012-13 school year.
Hard copies available upon request (call 846-3736.)
Health Matters!
February is Heart Month
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Heart
disease causes 1 in 4 deaths in the United States – more than all
types of cancer combined.
Implementation Team Meeting Tomorrow
Tips to prevent heart disease:
Join us for our next Implementation Team Meeting tomorrow,
February 20th from 6 - 7:30 p.m. at Burlington High School. Our
Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.
I-Teams work in five areas to create more student-centered
Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.
schools: Teaching and Learning Environments, Family-School
Drink alcohol only in moderation. This means no more than Partnerships, Youth Engagement and Leadership, Community
one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a Based Learning, and Personalized and Proficiency Based
day for men.
Eat healthy and get active. Aim for two and a half hours of
moderate aerobic activity every week.
We'll kick off this month's meeting as a large group so that each
Aim for a healthy weight. If you are overweight, losing even team can share an update about their work and learning since
10 pounds can lower your risk of heart disease.
September. After this report out, we'll break out into individual
Remember to utilize your health care benefits. Schedule your
annual checkup today! Regular health care can aid with
preventative healthcare and establishes a baseline for your overall
health and wellness.
Tech Byte
EMS Digital Learning Day
(February 11th)
The day was an enormous success as parents,
community members, and educators from all over Chittenden
County visited EMS to see what transformation looks like.
Visitors had a chance to spend time in classrooms and see the
1:1 program in action. They also had an opportunity to take part
in a student-run “speed geeking” activity. The speed geeking put
students in the driver’s seat to share the exciting projects and the
innovation happening everyday at Edmunds Middle School.
WPTZ News coverage at:
Learn more at: http://bsdmiddleelearning.blogspot.com/.
teams and cross-team task forces to continue work on various
projects related to school change. When you arrive at
BHS tomorrow, please come to the cafeteria to enjoy light
refreshments before we get started. To take advantage of free
child care, drop off your kids in the library before heading to the
To learn more about what our I-Teams are working on,
visit http://partnershipvt.org/progress/minutes.
Welcome to the District!
Amy Dickson / Partnership for Change Fellow / District
Melissa Cleary / Prevention Coordinator / BHS
Adam Provost / Partnership for Change Tech. Integ. Spec. / BHS
Melanie Leavitt / Paraeducator / EES
Milly Mulcahy / SLP Assistant / BHS
Paw Kbo / Burmese Mutilingual Liasion / District
Donald MacDonald / Student Transportation Monitor / District
Rachel Wisdom / Long-Term Substitute / HMS
Sarah Austin / BAS Asst. Site Director / Champlain
Stephanie Elliston / BAS Asst. Site Director/ EES
Julia Johnson / Paraeducator / EES
James Calder / Driver’s Ed. Instructor / District
Glenn Cannon / Driver’s Ed. Instructor / District
Elaine Martin / Discrete Trial Instructor / EEE
Avianti Castro / Paraeducator / BHS
David Besserer / Paraeducator / HMS
Getting Real About Race
(excerpted from The Burlington Free Press, Molly Walsh)
"The entire freshmen class at Burlington High School left campus
(last) Wednesday to talk about race, labels and fairness. The
“Getting Real About Race Event” brought roughly 270 students
to Fletcher Free Library on College Street and Burlington City
Hall on Church Street for workshops and conversations with
community members and BHS alumni."
Eric Schoembs sharing EMS’ new 3-D printer.
To view powerful image reflections from students, visit: