4C CLASSIFIEDS 754-8463 Thursday • December 11, 2014 www.thehawkeye.com C LAS S IFIEDS 800 S. M a in Street Bu rlin g to n , IA 52601 31 9-754 -84 63 fa x: 31 9-754 -6824 em a il: c la ssified s@ theha w keye.c o m Rea d the Cla s s ified s a t Yo u ra d w ill b e presen ted to 57,000 printre a d e rs 50,000 d igita l custom e rs it’s a ll Bu y a n a d b la st to rea c h a b igger a u d ien c e! FR EE! 405511 [email protected] Four Seasons Excavation & Landscaping, INC. is accepting applications for • Truck Drivers Class A & B Wages based on abilities and experience. Phone 319-758-6396 RESTAURANT BIG MUDDY’S now accepting applications for dishwashers. Apply in person 710 N. Front St., Burlington. No phone calls. APARTMENTS UNFURN. STUDIO. Convenient location. Call 9-6pm 752-2074. AGRICULTURE FARM EQUIPMENT RARE 1949 8N Ford Tractor. Good tin with overdrive.. $2500. 319-850-2029 Sell your stuff! Call Classifieds 319-754-8463 Monday-Friday 8 to 5 Sales and Services AUTOMOTIVE AUCTION CALENDAR 12/13, SATURDAY ESTATE AUCTION, 621 Morningside, Burlington, Iowa, 10:00 am. RUTH (ROD) BELL ESTATE, Two Rivers Bank & Trust, Executor. Vincent Gaffney, Vice President/Trust Officer. Auctions by Smith, L.C. 12/07, SUNDAY, 1 p.m. Consignment auction. River Town Auctions, 3017 Flint Hills Dr., Burlington. Anything with Wheels DAN, JOE & JIM SULLIVAN 217.847.2160 sullivanauctioneers.com We just keep on growing! 12/16, Tuesday Afternoon Auction, 5784 Summer Street Road at 1:00 p.m. RALPH and JUDY JOHNSON, OWNERS. Auctions by Smith, L.C. 12/20 - ESTATE AUCTION at 10:00 AM. Great investment property with new roof located at 2411 Avenue J in Fort Madison, Iowa! Home features 2 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, dining & living rooms, full bath and partial basement. Good sized rooms, lots of closet space, hardwood floors and detached 2 car garage. Also selling: 1985 Plymouth Reliant SE 4 door sedan, great condition both inside and out, 63,463 actual miles. Tools, Antiques, Collectibles and Household! Robert L. Hinkle, Sr. Estate Seller. Auction to be conducted on-site by Fraise Auction & Real Estate. 319-367-5744 www.fraiseauction.com. RIVER TOWN AUCTIONS SUNDAYS - 1 p.m. 3017 Flint Hills Dr., 759-7963 www.rivertownauctions.com A-1 Appliance Repair Factory Authorized Service Center -------------------------------- Parts & Service on Most Brands -------------------------------2825 Mt. Pleasant St. Suite #4, Burlington 319-754-7777 a-1appliancerepairandparts.com BASEMENT REPAIR BASEMENT REPAIR Get the Job Done Right • Basement Water Control • Foundation Repair • Bowed/Buckling Walls • Home/Building Settlement • Proven Patented Systems • Hundreds of References • Dealer Trained Installation Crews • A+ BBB Rating Free Estimates • References Written Guarantees 319-372-3554 800-541-9433 Local Professionals Since 1960 www.bixservice.com More effective than the Yellow Pages! Now offing estate & farm cleanup 50/50 Buying batteries $5 and dirty copper wire 75¢ /lb. Also Buying Scrap Metal 319-850-7536 319-208-4874 CONSTRUCTION SERVICE FOR ALL WHEELS Pulse Auto Salvage Computerized Inventory National Parts Locating 402 N. 2nd St. • Rome, IA 800-292-0095 Choose your next career Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds S.E. Iowa’s #1 Advertising Source for New Jobs G iv e yo ur Beekeep er a Co m p lete S ta rter K ito r S o m e Da da nt S up p lies fo r Christm a s! 3 6 2 0 FlintR id ge D r. •B u rlingto n, IA 3 19 -75 2 -6 6 11 •8 77-75 2 -6 6 11 w w w .ho rs ea nd ho u nd c o u ntrys to re.c o m 1978 LINCOLN Continental Mark V. Diamond Jubilee edition. Like new. Gold. 29k miles. 460, moonroof. Books for $27,000. Asking $19,000. 319-572-9229 or 572-5858 We Can Repair • Cracked Walls • Bowing Walls • Wet Basements • Foundations -FREE ESTIMATESWATER CONTROL AND FOUNDATION REPAIR Crushed Limestone Sand • Gravel HERITAGE QUARRY See Paul Boles for your next car deal!!! 319-385-7614 Boles Auto Sales 3 mi. E. of Mt. Pleasant on Hwy. 34. www.bolesautosales.com MISCELLANEOUS 2002 FORD Taurus. Runs good, Lots of new parts with records. RUST FREE 8’ pickup bed with $1500.00. (319)931-5656 bolt in 5th wheel plate, off of a 1990 Chevy. $800. Call AT AUCTION: 2005 FORD 319-470-8921. FIVE HUNDRED LIMITED There are lots of Great Buys sells Sat., Dec. 13, 621 Mornin today’s Classifieds ingside at noon. www.auctionsbysmith.com Check Them Out! FLOORING GUTTERS 725 S. Roosevelt, Burlington 319-754-8759 Complete auto, truck & van repair services 1445 320th Ave. Wever, IA (319)528-4065 OFFICE: 1444 320th Ave. Wever, IA 52658 (319)528-4065 319-759-5017 FURNITURE REST. We Refinish & Restore All Types of Furniture & Trunks! Lifetime Transferable Warranty Locally Owned & Operated Serving Southeast Iowa Farmer’s Wife Antiques -217-659-3898Terre Haute/Lomax, IL 319-752-7333 www.iowabasement.com GARAGE DOORS CARPENTRY Quality Workmanship Since 1990 •New Construction •Room Additions •Kitchens/Baths •Siding/Windows •Custom Decks •Garages Free Estimates•Fully Insured Call Mike Now(319)752-3078 CLEANING SERVICES Professional Cleaning Group Of Burlington Expanding to homes in Danville & Ft. Madison!! Openings in our schedule for office buildings, banks, factories, etc. Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly, One time deep cleans. 319-457-1485 for estimates Doctor John makes house-calls *Reach 50,000 potential customers daily *80,000 unique visitors online 27 years experience If it's broke, I can fix it. Affordable Service Satisfaction Guaranteed! Personal or Commercial. COMPUTER SERVICES Computer Help (319)573-8506 New Inventory. Every Day. Looking for a great deal? Turn to The Hawk Eye Classifieds. A.G. Services !"e$ && 'ea$) *+ ,-)*+e)) 319-752-8199 or 850-2607 HANDYMAN HANDYMAN Remodeling baths & kitchens, decks, carpentry, drywall, custom cabinets, and hardwood furniture. - INSURED - REFERENCES Reasonable Rates Call Greg 319-931-6892 Home Improvement Inc. Home repairs and/or remodeling inside and out. Manufactured homes included. 30 years experience. Call anytime Henry Harris Burlington, IA 309-299-3337 ELECTRICIANS - Commercial - Residential Whole House Generators Locally Owned & Operated 319-208-9655 Keeping Our Customers Wired. PROFESSIONAL ELECTRICAL WORK • Low Rates • Licensed • Insured • 35 Yrs. David A. Rappenecker 753-6436 Build Your Business with The Hawk Eye Service Directory Call Classifieds for economical advertising rates and start building your business today! 319-754-8463 Garage Door Installation Service-Repair Most Brands Construction (319)758-7695 Southeast Iowa Garage Door Specialists Is Your Door Ready For Winter? Call for a Fall Tune-up Today! Backed By Unbeatable Service We Service Most Brands 319-752-7147 or toll free at 888-824-DOOR www.seiagaragedoorspecialist.com Visit Our Showroom: 208 Harrison Ave. Burlington, IA Since 1987 Ross Hartman, OWNER Earn Extra Cash! Deliver The Hawk Eye Keep your evenings free A few hours per morning Contact Circulation 1-800-397-1708 Treadm ills,Ellipticals & Exercise Bikes,Recum bentbikes Treadm ills starting at$25000 Sales & Service ! Those Jobs/Repairs Off Your Honey-Do List With One Single Call! Lead Safe Renovator Insured • 30 Yrs. Experience HAULING Clean basements, garages, old houses and yard waste. Move one piece or a whole house full. Call Tad at (319)750-0858 CLEAN HOMES Attics, Basements, etc. HAUL junk, scrap, recyclables One item or truck full. Call HAWKEYE HAULING 319-752-5801 Small ads, Small price. BIG RESULTS Call Classifieds Monday-Friday 8 to 5 to place your ad or at www.thehawkeye.com 24/7 a cross from Sta p les Financing Available • M ajor CreditCards W elcom e w w w .nickscf.com •Truck •Light Truck •Light Passenger •Agriculture Bauer Built Tire 1207 Broadway West Burlington (319) 753-2895 Delta Service Center & MR. T’s TRANSMISSION Family Owned since 1979 •Transmissions• •Brakes• •General Repair• •Foreign + Domestic• 319-752-0101 or 800-972-6263 600 S. Main St., Burlington www.deltaservicecenter.com Fixing Dents, Door Dings and Hall Damage Economical and Environmentally friendly Dents as low as $50! For appt. (319)750-6159 Find Us on Facebook Got a service to sell? Advertise daily in the Classifieds Service Directory Cabinet Refacing New & Custom Built Cabinets Custom Built Laminate and Solid Surface Countertops Professional Installation Serving Burlington & Surrounding Areas 319-753-2131 www.kitchensolvers.com SERVICE FOR ALL WHEELS Small ads, Small price. Increase Your Customer Base with an ad in the Service Directory BIG RESULTS Call Classifieds Monday-Friday 8 to 5 to place your ad or at www.thehawkeye.com 24/7 We can help! 1 Day Tune-up Cabinet Refacing Cabinet Redooring New Cabinets And Much More Inside Sears Hometown Store kitchentuneup.com 319.237.1480 or 319.753.6580 LAWN & GARDEN Victor Tate, Owner/Operator 319-631-0328 Mowing * Edging Weed Eating * Leaf Removal Shrub/Tree Trimming Residential & Commercial MISCELLANEOUS Expert Clock Repair Start growing your business tomorrow! 499 99 Quilts & M ore 309-924-2334 w w w .quiltsandm ore.net PAINT & WALLCOVERING Interior/Exterior Quality Work • Reasonable Rates Insured Textured Walls & Ceilings New Construction Painting Special Faux Finishes Staining & Varnishing Deck Sealing Epoxy Floor Coatings Power Washing & Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES 753-1984 ROBERT’S PAINTING Painting • Drywall Subfloors • Carpentry Free Estimates PLUMBING 411969 REMODELING REMODELING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Baths * Kitchens Painting * Drywall Fencing * Siding * Decks Windows * Doors Affordable Remodeling & Maintenance, Inc. (319)931-4431 ROOFING JM Enterprises * New Construction * Remodeling * Roofing * Siding & Windows * Concrete Licensed & Insured 319-750-0263 319-850-6581 40 yrs. experience SNOW REMOVAL Jeff George Mark’s Plumbing Lawn Care All Your Plumbing Needs Residential & Commercial Insured. 32 Yrs. Experience 319-752-8554 • 572-1461 SNOW REMOVAL • Insured - Residential & Commercial Call for a FREE estimate!! 3 19-208-1273 Lane Plumbing & Heating Snow Removal “A Name You Can Trust” AJ Construction & Sons 319-752-4216 or 319-601-9711 Service & Remodeling 2 Master Licensed Plumbers 319-865-4511 Toll Free: 877-751-5777 Pro Plumbing Inc. 705 Maple St. Plumbing • Septic Systems Water Service • Sewer Repair 40 Yrs Exp*Licensed*Insured Randy VanNiewaal (319)457-1367 Residential, Commercial and Industrial Design/Build-Licensed/Insured Burlington 319-758-7576 Ft. Madison 319-372-8156 VISA, MC, DISC, AMEX Looking for a caterer? You’ll FIND IT at TOWING Residential or Commercial TREE SERVICE All American Tree Service Tim Myers Owner/Operator Spring Storms are here to stay, Call to Trim Your Trees Today!! Tree Removal • Trimming Stump Grinding • Spraying Transplanting • INSURED Ph: 319-367-2059 Cell: 319-931-0769 [email protected] WINDOW WASHING Timernic Professional Window Cleaning Affordable rates, Call for a quote! 319-754-8424 AFFORDABLE RATES 40 YEARS PULLIN’ FOR BURLINGTON 319-754-8463 200 E.N ichols St.,Stronghurst,IL Ralls County Clock Company Located inside Home Furniture 204 W. Washington Mt. Pleasant, IA Service Tech Available on Fridays Call 319-385-4515 Call Classifieds today A ccuquilt G o! B ig Electric $ Fabric C utter Call 319)572-1003 Tired of your kitchen? 412103 SERVICE FOR ALL WHEELS M&N Painting Low Key Lawn Care ALL HAULING 203 W .Ag ency Rd . Ste.D W est Bu rling ton 319-752-8480 KITCHENS Gutter & Spout Repair Hand/Power Wash Siding Tree & Brush Trimming Hauling & Other Odd Jobs - FREE ESTIMATES Lifetime Installation Warranty Change Your Life,Be Fit! Absolute Transportation Inc. Gutter Cleaning Wet, Leaky Basements? 360242 2 GOOD YEAR Tires. 225/75R16. Half tread. $20 each. (319)931-5656 POWER WASHING - Siding, etc. If you offer a service your ad needs to be in the daily Service Directory Call Classifieds for economical advertising rates today 319-754-8463 Buying Trucks, Vans, Semis, Buses & Farm Equipment Toolbox DEE-ZEE platinum series, single lid, fits regular size pickup. Excellent shape. Call (319)371-8665 TOPPER FOR a 2011 or 2012 Chevy or GMC short bed truck. Fiberglass, custom built. Silver in color, new condition. 319-753-1457 make offer! All Tires Available! M and H Construction 54 Yrs. of Expert Service Paying $100-$1000 per Vehicle AUTOS 12/20, SATURDAY PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD, 927 S. Leebrick, Burlington, Iowa, 10:00 am. Real Estate sells at AUCTIONS noon. Public Showing Thursday, Dec. 11, 3:00 to 4:30 pm. ESTATE AUCTION: Saturday, KENNETH J. & ROBERTA December 13, 621 Morningside HYNDMAN, OWNERS. Aucat 10:00 a.m. RUTH (ROD) tions by Smith, L.C. BELL ESTATE, Two Rivers 12/21, SUNDAY, 1 p.m. ConBank and Trust, Executor. Vinsignment auction. River Town cent Gaffney, Vice President & Auctions, 3017 Flint Hills Dr., Trust Officer. Burlington. www.auctionsbysmith.com APPLIANCE REPAIR Got a service to sell? Advertise in The Hawk Eye Classifieds Service Directory CASH FOR JUNK CARS W EEK Full time position with knowledge of routine office, math, and computer skills. Must have IT skills to maintain all office equipment. Requires valid drivers licenses and routine drug screens. Please send resume and references to: Box 834, c/o The Hawk Eye, P.O. Box 10, Burlington, IA 52601 or email to: AUCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS FABRIC CUTTING of the SYSTEM CEO Assistant AUCTIONS By Smith, L.C. AUTOS 412101 GENERAL AUCTIONS W EEK Brand New Ads AUCTION CALENDAR 12/28, SUNDAY, 1 p.m. Con- PUBLIC AUCTION OF REAL signment auction. River Town ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD: Alfalfa grass hay. Also small Auctions, 3017 Flint Hills Dr., Saturday, Dec. 20, 927 S. square bales of alfalfa grass Burlington. Leebrick at 10:00 am. Real hay. Call 319-752-4659 or estate sells at noon. KENNETH 319-759-7548. J. AND ROBERTA HYNDMAN, AUCTIONEERS OWNERS. David Beckman, Attorney. www.auctionsbysmith.com TUESDAY AFTERNOON AUCTION: December 16, 5784 Summer Street Road at 1:00 “Your Extra p.m. RALPH AND JUDY Service Auctioneers” JOHNSON, OWNERS. 319-753-2579 www.auctionsbysmith.com www.auctionsbysmith.com BEEK EEPIN G of SU PPLIES the NEW TODAY FARM SEED & FEED LARGE ROUND BALES thehawkeye.com John Champagne 319-750-8028
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