l Equity Research l Hong Kong l Real Estate Investment & Services 12 March 2014 Sino Land Cash is king OUTPERFORM Price target: HKD 13.00 PRICE (as of 12 Mar 2014) BLOOMBERG REUTERS 12 MONTH RANGE MARKET CAP HKD 10.66 83 HK 0083.HK HKD 9.83 - 14.20 HKD 63,582mn (USD 8,192mn) The government withdrew the TPTL 213 Pak Shek Kok site from the tender because the bids did not meet the reserved price. Sino Land was one of the seven unsuccessful bidders. We believe the news will have an overall positive impact on Sino Land. While it is likely to be negative on sentiment, it should ease concerns – and an overhang – about further exposure at undue valuations to Pak Shek Kok (where property sales have been slow), in our view. We think valuations are inexpensive and maintain our Outperform rating with a price target of HKD 13.00. Sino’s net cash position will continue to support the high yield and share buyback, in our view. Pak Shek Kok site withdrawn from the tender. The government rejected the bids for the TPTL 213 Pak Shek Kok site because the offered land price failed to meet the reserved price. The market was expecting HKD 5,000-7,000psf (or HKD 3.6-5.0bn). The seven bidders also included Cheung Kong, Sun Hung Kai Properties, Wheelock, Great Eagle and Paliburg/Regal, according to Bloomberg and Hong Kong Economic Times. We think the news highlights the government’s continuing dilemma between the land price and its housing target. Negative on market sentiment…We think the tender withdrawal is likely to be negative in regard to market sentiment and could hurt the ASP of upcoming sales launches in Pak Shek Kok (where Sino has an estimated GAV exposure of c.10%). Despite booking a 24% development profit margin in 1H14, mainly from The Graces, we conservatively factor in a marginal pre-tax loss from the upcoming sale of the D1 and D2 sites around mid-2014, largely because of higher land costs of HKD 7,145psf and HKD 7,284psf, respectively, and assumption of ASP drop. …but overall positive. The news clearly demonstrates Sino’s prudent and disciplined approach to land banking. We think it eases concerns about Sino’s further exposure at undue valuations to Pak Shek Kok, where sales progress has been lacklustre. Asset-turn is important, in our view. Reiterate OP with a PT of HKD 13.00. Sino has a strong balance sheet with a net cash position and a growing recurrent income. We think the stock is inexpensive, with c.47% discount to NAV and c.4.7% dividend yield. We reiterate our Outperform rating with a price target of HKD 13.00. Paul Yau, CFA Esther Liu [email protected] +852 3983 8534 [email protected] +852 3983 8514 Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix 83 HK All rights reserved. Standard Chartered Bank 2014 HKD 10.6 6 HKD 13.0 0 http://research.standardchartered.com Equity Research l Sino Land Figure 1: TPTL 213 site in Pak Shek Kok Source: bing, Bloomberg, Standard Chartered Research Figure 2: Trading at 1 SD below the 10-year historical average discount to NAV 40 Sino Average disc of 25% +1sd -1sd 30 Premium/(Discount) to NAV (%) 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered Research 12 March 2014 2 Equity Research l Sino Land Disclosures appendix The information and opinions in this report were prepared by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, Standard Chartered Bank Singapore Branch, Standard Chartered Securities (India) Limited, Standard Chartered Securities Korea Limited and/or one or more of its affiliates (together with its group of companies, ”SCB”) and the research analyst(s) named in this report. 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Recommendation and price target history for Sino Land HKD 15.60 8 67 14.20 12.80 4 2 1 10 9 11 12 13 5 14 15 11.41 10.01 3 8.61 Apr-11 Date Jul-11 Oct-11 Recommendation Jan-12 Price target Apr-12 Date Jul-12 Oct-12 Recommendation Jan-13 Apr-13 Price target Jul-13 Date Oct-13 Recommendation Jan-14 Apr-14 Price target 1 19 Jul 11 IN-LINE 12.27 6 24 Aug 12 UNDERPERFORM 14.00 11 15 May 13 OUTPERFORM 15.60 2 2 Sep 11 IN-LINE 12.45 7 30 Aug 12 IN-LINE 14.00 12 23 Aug 13 OUTPERFORM 14.80 3 11 Nov 11 UNDERPERFORM 9.50 8 20 Sep 12 IN-LINE 14.20 13 29 Aug 13 OUTPERFORM 13.60 4 17 Feb 12 UNDERPERFORM 12.80 9 17 Jan 13 15.30 14 14 Jan 14 OUTPERFORM 12.80 15.40 15 26 Feb 14 OUTPERFORM 13.00 IN-LINE 5 29 Feb 12 UNDERPERFORM 12.90 10 28 Feb 13 OUTPERFORM Source: FactSet prices, SCB recommendations and price targets Recommendation Distribution and Investment Banking Relationships % of covered companies currently assigned this rating % of companies assigned this rating with which SCB has provided investment banking services over the past 12 months OUTPERFORM 53.2% 14.5% IN-LINE 35.2% 12.8% UNDERPERFORM As of 31 December 2013 11.6% 8.3% Research Recommendation Terminology OUTPERFORM (OP) IN-LINE (IL) UNDERPERFORM (UP) Definitions The total return on the security is expected to outperform the relevant market index by 5% or more over the next 12 months The total return on the security is not expected to outperform or underperform the relevant market index by 5% or more over the next 12 months The total return on the security is expected to underperform the relevant market index by 5% or more over the next 12 months SCB uses an investment horizon of 12 months for its price targets. 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