l Global Research l Rates Alert | 20 March 2014 Moderate impact on Asian bonds from GBI-EM re-weighting Colombia’s increased weighting in the GBI-EM will push Thailand’s and Indonesia’s weightings lower Any asset-allocation shift should be gradual; impact on IDR bonds should be higher than on THB bonds We take profit on our long THB 10Y position; we shift to a Neutral THB bond outlook from Overweight Summary Colombia’s weighting in the GBI-EM Global Diversified index (GBI-EM) will be revised significantly higher to 8.0% from 3.2% (see Morning Call, 20 March 2014, ‘Colombia’s gain is other EMs’ pain’). This will be done in phases over a five-month period – from 30 May through to end-September 2014. As a result, weightings of other markets will be revised lower, e.g., Thailand (to 7.57% from 8.42%), Indonesia (to 7.42% from 8.0%), Turkey (to 8.02% from 9.21%), Russia (to 9.02% from 10.0%) and Hungary (to 4.86% from 5.43%). We do not expect Malaysia’s weighting to change from 10%. Danny Suwanapruti +65 6596 8262 [email protected] Nagaraj Kulkarni +65 6596 6738 [email protected] If we assume conservatively that around USD 200bn of AUM tracks the GBI-EM and all funds are passive, a 1% weighting drop could translate into outflows of around USD 2bn. However, the reality is that most real-money funds are not passive, and investors are generally underweight Thai baht (THB) bonds and closer to neutral on Indonesian rupiah (IDR) bonds (from being underweight previously) (see SC FIRST, 14 March 2014, ‘Buy 10Y South Africa bonds’, for the latest update on fund positioning). Flow dynamics are therefore less straightforward given that funds are mostly active. Moreover, our total returns analysis (Figure 1) shows that the Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEEMEA) region has underperformed the most since the start of this year, with Russia underperforming by 16.1%, South Africa by 7.2%, Turkey by 5.6% and Hungary by 4.6%. We suspect that investors have been moving funds out of Central and Eastern Europe into Indonesia over the past few weeks, which could partly explain why foreign holdings in IDR bonds have grown to a record high of USD 30bn. We expect the impact on Asian fixed income to be gradual, as this asset-allocation shift will be phased over several months. We believe that Indonesia will see more of an impact than Thailand, as foreign investors have been building larger positions in Indonesia. Given how well IDR bonds have performed (+10.6% YTD), we expect to see some degree of bond-market correction following this news. Figure 1: Total returns performance YTD (%) Figure 2: Estimated weight drop* (outflow, USD bn**) 0.0 Russia Nigeria South Africa Turkey Hungary Philippines Colombia Peru Malaysia Brazil Mexico Poland Thailand Indonesia -30% -25% -20% -15% -10% -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Russia Turkey Thailand Indonesia Hungary Nigeria Note: Assumes investment in 10Y bonds and incl. bond carry + duration + FX P&L for the *J.P. Morgan estimate; **assuming USD 200bn of AUM in funds will be reallocated; Source: period; Source: Standard Chartered Research J.P.Morgan, Standard Chartered Research Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix All rights reserved. Standard Chartered Bank 2014 research.standardchartered.com Rates Alert Idiosyncratic factors – Key in determining asset allocation Indonesia The IDR bond market sell-off is unlikely to be sustained; maintain Neutral outlook We expect to see some degree of correction in IDR markets following the GBI-EM reweighting news, as IDR bonds have already performed very well this year. IDR bond yields have dropped 100bps, the IDR FX rate has rallied by 7% since January, and foreigners have bought around USD 2bn worth of IDR bonds this year. However, we do not expect the sell-off in IDR markets to be sustained. The outlook on macroeconomic fundamentals has improved from that in mid-2013. We expect CPI inflation to ease (to 5% by Q4-2014) and current account dynamics to improve this year. The Debt Management Office (DMO) has already raised around 44% of funding needs for the year (by mid-March). On the politics front, markets appear to be reacting positively to Jokowi Widodo’s nomination as a presidential candidate. On balance, we expect any correction in the IDR market to be short-lived, although some assetallocation flows to Indonesia that came from the Central and Eastern European region may now be partly diverted to Colombia. We maintain our Neutral local rates market outlook on IDR bonds. Thailand – Take profit on long THB 10Y bond; shift to Neutral from OW Positive local demand/supply dynamics to temper any foreign selling We expect limited impact on Malaysia Local demand/supply dynamics are positive. The Public Debt Management Office (PDMO) has just released the Q3-FY14 (April to June 2014) supply calendar – it plans to auction THB 113bn worth of loan bonds (LBs), the same amount as in Q2FY14. If we include only conventional bonds, LB supply will be THB 93bn versus THB 95bn in Q2-FY14. Supply will therefore be broadly similar to that in Q2. Pension funds, insurance companies, asset managers and banks were all preparing for THB 2.2tn worth of infrastructure projects, which have been postponed. As such, demand for bonds is high. Nevertheless, we prefer to take profit on our long THB 10Y bond (LB236A) at 3.72% for a gain of 23bps. This trade has already performed well, and we change our local bond outlook to Neutral from Overweight. Malaysia – Maintain Negative duration outlook on MYR bonds We expect limited impact on Malaysia from the GBI-EM rebalancing, and forecast that the weighting will remain at 10%. We maintain our Negative local bond outlook, with inflationary pressure (following the removal of subsidies), still-high foreign holdings and a marginally more hawkish Bank Negara Malaysia underpinning our bearish outlook on Malaysian ringgit (MYR) bonds. We favour shifting duration risk from the MGS 10Y sector to the MGS 3Y sector of the curve. Figure 3: Improving sentiment towards EM bonds Accumulated foreign flows since 30 April 2013, USD mn 19,000 15,000 22 May - Fed Chairman 18 Sep - FOMC Ben Bernanke's testimony to surprise, no tapering Congress decision 19 Dec - QE tapering decision 5Y 9-Apr 11,000 10Y IDR 3,000 15Y HUF THB -5,000 ZAR 10 11-Jun 15 9 16 20 26-Jun Jun-13 Aug-13 Oct-13 Dec-13 Feb-14 Note: Weekly data for THB (14 Mar) and TRY (7 Mar); for latest daily data, MXN (7 Mar), IDR Total 15Y 25Y (inflation) (amortising) 9 14-May 04-Jun TRY -9,000 50Y 5 28-May -1,000 30Y 20 30-Apr MXN 7,000 -13,000 Apr-13 Figure 4: Thailand’s April-June 2014 supply calendar THB bn 9 THB 93bn THB 20bn Source: PDMO, Standard Chartered Research (18 Mar), ZAR (19 Mar) and HUF (17 Mar); Source: National sources, Bloomberg, Standard Chartered Research 20 March 2014 2 Rates Alert Disclosures Appendix Analyst Certification Disclosure: The research analyst or analysts responsible for the content of this research report certify that: (1) the views expressed and attributed to the research analyst or analysts in the research report accurately reflect their personal opinion(s) about the subject securities and issuers and/or other subject matter as appropriate; and, (2) no part of his or her compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this research report. 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