l Global Research l Economic Alert | 27 October 2014 Indonesia – New cabinet likely to be market-positive Cabinet is announced following delays due to anti-corruption commission vetting Sofyan Jalil leads the economic team; Finance Minister Bambang has pushed for a fuel-price hike We think that a fuel-price hike looks increasingly likely in November 2014 Summary President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) announced his cabinet on 26 October, six days after his inauguration. The delay was attributed to the vetting of ministerial candidates by the anti-corruption commission (KPK) and the Center for Reporting and Analysis of Financial Transactions (PPATK) as Jokowi sought to ensure that the cabinet would not be affected by the corruption cases that frequently affected his predecessor’s government. The KPK initially rejected eight ministerial candidates, arguing that they were likely to be named corruption suspects within two years. After rejecting some of Fauzi Ichsan +62 21 5799 9117 [email protected] Macro Research Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia Branch the additional names submitted by Jokowi, it eventually approved 34 names, following political compromises between the four political parties that support Jokowi. The team is led by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Sofyan Jalil, who has a PhD in commercial law and served as minister of state enterprises in President Yudhoyono’s first cabinet (2004-09). Though he lacks macroeconomic experience, he won praise from markets as state enterprises minister for pushing for the privatisation of state companies. Finance Minister Bambang Brojonegoro is well known to financial markets, as he was previously vice finance minister and head of the fiscal policy office that prepares the government budget. An advocate of fiscal prudence, he has been pushing for a fuel price hike since the beginning of 2014 and will play an important role in negotiations with parliament over revisions to the 2015 budget. We think that a 45% fuel-price hike in November 2014 looks increasingly likely. Other members of the economic team include Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel, a local business partner to the Japanese electronics manufacturer Panasonic, and Industry Minister Saleh Husin, a representative of the Hanura political party and a former corporate executive. The high-profile post of state enterprise minister went to Rini Sumarno, a close confidant of former President Megawati Sukarnoputri, former CEO of Astra International (Indonesia’s largest listed company), and former vice chairman of the Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency (IBRA), which restructured nationalised banking assets following the Asian financial crisis in 1998. Markets had initially expected the post of coordinating economic minister to be filled by a high-profile technocrat like World Bank Managing Director and former Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati or Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo. However, they are likely to view Jokowi’s cabinet as relatively ‘clean’ (having been vetted by the KPK) and competent in facing challenges such as the fiscal and current account deficits, which will face financing issues after the US Fed starts hiking its policy rate, likely in Q2-2015. The cabinet’s first big test will be its handling of the urgently needed fuel-price hike. Markets will be watching how it handles parliamentary scrutiny of the increase and reallocates the resulting fiscal savings to infrastructure projects and poverty alleviation programmes. Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix All rights reserved. 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