Tuesday, August 19, 2014 SALINE COUNTY BOARD OF

Disclaimer: These unofficial minutes are not official until approved by the Commission. Please contact the Saline County Commission Office or the
County Clerk's office regarding any questions or accuracy of the minutes prior to the Commission approval
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
The Saline County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with Commissioner Duncan absent for the
following agenda: Commissioner Gile called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM. ( Commissioner Duncan
arrived at 10:00 AM)
Executive Session
Motion by Commissioner John Price to recess to Executive Session, under the Personnel Exception to the
Kansas Open meetings Act. Second by Commissioner Jim Gile. Motion carried 2-0. Also, present were Marilyn
Leamer, Human Resources Director, Rita Deister, Administrator, Mike Montoya, County Counselor, Bronson
Farmer, Health Dept. Director. The Executive Session began at 9:30:00 AM and the Public Session resumed at
10:00:00 AM
Executive Session
Motion by Commissioner Jim Gile to recess to Executive Session, under the Personnel Exception to the Kansas
Open meetings Act. Second by Commissioner John Price. Motion carried 3-0. Also, present were Marilyn
Leamer, Rita Deister, Mike Montoya. The Executive Session began at 10:00:00 AM and the Public Session
resumed at 10:30:00 AM
County Counselor Update
Mike Montoya discussed the procedure in regards to a 5 member district County Commission. If the concept
passes in November the Commission will have until the end of the year to decide on the Districts and take
applications for potential new Commissioners.
Public Forum & Regular Meeting
1 Juvenile Statistics Report
Lt. Sean Kochanowski reported on juvenile visits and trips to Junction City to the Juvenile center in the month
of July.
2 FY 2015 Fire District and Kipp Sewer District Budget Public Hearing
Rita Deister, Administrator reviewed the Rural Fire Districts 1 through 7 budgets for 2015 and the Kipp Sewer
District Budget for 2015. Motion by Commissioner Jim Gile to adopt the Rural Fire District 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 as
presented and the Kipp Sewer Operations FY 2015 Budget as presented. Second by Commissioner John Price.
Motion carried 3-0.
3 Appraiser Monthly Update
Sherry Sammons, Appraiser reported on reappraisal maintenance with 17% re-inspection of properties,
attendance at CIC Annual Symposium, Appraisers Melissa Theel and Toby Marco have completed classes IAAO
101 and 102.
4 Resolution # 14-2136 increase of County Commission members from 3 to 5
Reolution read by Don Merriman, County Clerk. The Group Drive for 5 circulated a petition and obtained the
proper number of signatures ( 1,647) sufficient to call the question to be placed on the November 4, 2014
ballot. Motion by Commissioner John Price to approve Resolution #14-2136 authorizing a vote to change the
number of Commission Districts from 3 to 5 on the November 4, 2014 ballot. Second by Commissioner Jim
Gile. Motion carried 3-0
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
5 Resolution # 14-2137 Fee Increase for Environmental Services in Saline County
Bronson Farmer, Health Department Director reviewed this Resolution setting fees for various environmental
inspections in the County. Motion by Commissioner John Price to approve Resolution #14-2137 authorizing
the fee schedule increases for Environmental Control services in Saline Co. which are attached to the
Resolution. Second by Commissioner Randy Duncan. Motion Carried 3-0
6 Adjournment
Motion by Commissioner John Price to adjourn at 12:07 PM. Second by Commissioner Jim Gile. Motion carried
Afternoon Session
Commissioner Duncan called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. Commissioner Price was not present for the
afternoon session.
Conservation District FY 2015 Budget
Angela Allen, District Manager and Loren Berndt, Supervisor of the Saline County Conservation District
discussed the FY 2015 District budget. The total County allocation is $24,289.00 ( $19,789.00 from the general
fund plus $4,500.00 from other funds). The Conservation district rents out a drill and sells grass seed. Motion
by Commissioner Jim Gile to approve the Conservation budgeted amounts in the amount of $24,289.00 and
authorize the Chairman's signature. Second by Commissioner Randy Duncan. Motion carried 2-0
County Administrator Update
Rita Deister, Administrator reported on the Project Plum which the Chamber was working on, reviewed the
appeal policy, handed out and discussed the Building Authority Interlocal Cooperation Agreement concerning
tenants in the building, upcoming meetings of the IEDC, and progress on the cleanup at the closed convenience
store on Hedville Rd. at I70.
Agenda Preparation Week of August 26
The Commission prepared the agenda with Rita Deister and Sue Prunty, Commission Office Coordinator.
Human Resources Monthly Update
Marilyn Leamer, Director reported on 4 workers compensation events, 1 unemployment appeal, renewal of
insurance, 1 new hire, 2 transfers/ promotion, 4 no longer employed, 1 job offer extended, 6 open positions,
and progress on the Policy & Procedure audit.
Executive Session
Motion by Commissioner Randall Duncan to recess to Executive Session, under the Personnel Exception to the
Kansas Open meetings Act. Second by Commissioner Jim Gile. Motion carried 2-0. Also, present were Marilyn
Leamer, Human Resources Director and Rita Deister, Administrator. The Executive Session began at 3:05:00
PM and the Public Session resumed at 3:15:00 PM
Executive Session
Motion by Commissioner Randall Duncan to recess to Executive Session, under the Personnel Exception to the
Kansas Open meetings Act. Second by Commissioner Jim Gile. Motion carried 2-0. Also, present were Marilyn
Leamer and Rita Deister. The Executive Session began at 3:16:00 PM and the Public Session resumed at
3:26:00 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
RFA # 177-14 Contract with KWU for nursing education
Bronson Farmer, Health Dept. Director and Jan Albrecht reviewed this request to sign a contract with KWU
student nurse program so the Students may shadow Health Department staff in their daily activities. There is
no budget impact with this agreement. Motion by Commissioner Jim Gile to approve this contract with KWU
and authorize the Chairman's signature. Second by Commissioner Randy Duncan. Motion carried 2-0
WIC entry/ exit door Health Department
Bronson Farmer discussed a need to install a door frame and door in the west wall of the WIC office. This is for
convenience and gives staff an extra exit in case of emergency. The Department already has the door and
frame available. The Commission will view the area and make a decision at a future meeting.
Kansas Environmental Health Association Conference
Bronson Farmer asked about his attendance at the conference September 24,25,26 as he is current President
of the Association. The conference is in Salina. The Commission asked him to spend only the time there as he is
needed to run the conference during the regular work day.
Meetings attended
City- County Building Authority- Commissioners Gile and Price; Aug. 20-- Airport Authority- Commissioner Gile;
North Central Juvenile Meeting-- Commissioner Duncan; Commission on Aging-- Commissioner Price
Documents Signed
Personnel changes, Payroll register, Cash requirement summary, A/P detail check register, A/P detail wire
register, Tax Roll corrections-Real Estate #2014000498
Office Callers
Tim Horan, Judy Larson, Norman Mannel, Ray Hruska
Motion by Commissioner Randy Duncan to adjourn at 4:13 PM. Second by Commissioner Jim Gile. Motion
carried 2-0
Randall E Duncan, Chairman
Jim Gile, Vice Chairman
John C Price, Secretary
Donald R. Merriman, County Clerk