May 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes - Heart of the Valley Metropolitan

Members Present: Dave Casper, Bruce Siebers, Steve Giebel, Pete Wallace, and
Kevin Coffey
Also Present:
Mark Surwillo, District Manager HOVMSD; Glen Geurts,
Superintendent HOVMSD; John Johnson, Regulatory Compliance
Manager HOVMSD; Dawn Bartel, Office Manager HOVMSD;
Tammy Kuehlmann, Scott Schramm, John Stoeger, and Jeff Elrick
1. 6:00 p.m. Call to Order – Roll Call
Acting President Giebel called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Casper
arrived at 6:10 p.m.
2. Public Appearances
District Manager Surwillo announced his plans for retirement at the end of 2014. The
Commission asked that the topic of succession planning be placed on the June agenda.
3. Approval of the Minutes of the April 8, 2014 Regular Meeting
The minutes of the April 8, 2014 Regular Meeting were presented to the Commission.
A motion was made by Commissioner Coffey and seconded by Commissioner Wallace
to approve the minutes as written. The minutes were reviewed and pre-approved by
Secretary Siebers. Motion carried.
4. Correspondence to/from/for Commission
Copied for the Commission were the e-mail messages sent between the
Commissioners and District Manager Surwillo.
5. Plant Reports
A. Strategic Municipal Services
A motion was made by Commissioner Wallace to award the contract for the
interceptor improvements project to Great Lakes TV & Seal in the amount of
$784,328, which includes both land and marine manholes. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Siebers. A roll call vote was taken: Commissioner
Casper, yes; Commissioner Siebers, yes; Commissioner Wallace, yes;
Commissioner Giebel, yes; and Commissioner Coffey, yes. Motion carried
A motion was made by Commissioner Siebers and seconded by Commissioner
Coffey to authorize District Manager Surwillo and Commission President Casper to
act as the District representatives for the signing of contract documents. A roll call
vote was taken: Commissioner Casper, yes; Commissioner Siebers, yes;
Commissioner Wallace, yes; Commissioner Giebel, yes; and Commissioner Coffey,
yes. Motion carried unanimously.
Scott Schramm noted that the pre-construction conference will be held on Tuesday,
June 3rd. Discussion regarding project financing will be at the June 10th Regular
Commission Meeting.
B. Donohue & Associates Update
Tammy Kuehlmann presented the antecedent moisture modeling data, which
included measured flow data, peak flow reduction by community, as well as
cumulative peak flow I/I reduction per year for each community.
C. FOG Control Program
District Manager Surwillo indicated that the FOG program received a favorable
response from the communities at the April Quad Meeting. The communities
indicated they would like HOV to be the enforcer and handle the billing portion. The
Commission then reviewed a draft Memorandum of Understanding for the
administration of the FOG program between HOV and the five communities. The
Commission directed Surwillo to add more detail to the memorandum regarding the
responsibilities of HOV, the contractor, and the communities. The document will be
reviewed at the June Commission Meeting, and eventually presented to the
communities for their input.
John Johnson presented information on a Wilks infared FOG calibrated analyzer at a
cost of $7525.00. The Commission endorsed the purchase of the equipment.
D. Sewer Use Ordinance Modifications; Section 6.08 Connection Fees
District Manager Surwillo informed the Commission that after meeting with the
communities, they expressed a desire to leave the verbiage of Section 6.08 as is.
Their thought is that the trigger event for a connection fee within each community is
relatively equivalent and no changes are necessary. Commissioner Casper had the
opinion of making the ordinance work with each community’s trigger date.
Commissioner Coffey suggested consistency and believes the ordinance language
should be modified. After a discussion, it was decided that each community would
continue with the method they currently use; HOV should document each
community’s “trigger point” and ensure they consistently continue to use in the
future. The language within the Ordinance will remain the same.
E. Lamers Property
After a discussion, the Commission directed District Manager Surwillo to tell Jon
Lamers that the Commission is not interested in selling any farmland at this time.
F. New Page Wasteload Allocation
District Manager Surwillo copied the Commission on an email he sent to Attorney
Timothy Fenner, as well as an email to Mark Corbett and Mike Hammers, both of the
Wisconsin DNR, regarding the TMDL-WLA Reallocation & Reserve Capacity. The
issue is now in the hands of Attorney Tim Fenner and Attorney Carl Sinderbrand.
G. 2013 CMAR – Adoption of Resolution #161
After a review of the 2013 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR), a
motion was made by Commissioner Casper and seconded by Commissioner Coffey
to adopt Resolution #161 stating that the HOVMSD Commission has reviewed and
understands the CMAR which will be submitted to the Wisconsin DNR. A roll call
vote was taken: Commissioner Casper, yes; Commissioner Siebers, yes;
Commissioner Wallace, yes; Commissioner Giebel, yes; and Commissioner Coffey,
yes. Motion carried unanimously. The CMAR was signed by President Casper and
Secretary Siebers.
H. Kaukauna Annexation Ordinance #1698
Following a 30-day contestment period, Kaukauna’s Annexation Ordinance No.1698
will by default be accepted into the Metropolitan Sewerage District because it lies
within the 2030 sewer service boundary. This annexation consists of approximately
1.194 acres from the Town of Kaukauna and the Town of VandenBroek. The
current population is zero (0). A property description and map was attached. The
annexation is due to a failing water system (will not be hooked up to sewer at this
1. 2014 Flows & Revenues Report / Plant Operation Summary
The Commission received a copy of the Flow & Strength charts, which shows the
year to date surplus/deficit revenue for the month of April. Revenue received
from Fox Energy for final effluent purchased in April 2014 = $3,544.68. Total
revenue received from Fox Energy for 2014 = $11,653.82.
The average final effluent concentrations for April 2014
were as follows:
Suspended Solids
6.01 mg/l
14.53 mg/l
.21 mg/l
.40 mg/l
426.15 mg/l
** All permit values were met for April 2014 **
6. Funds
A. May 2014 Accounts Payable; Action for Approval
After a review and discussion of the bills payable, a motion was made by
Commissioner Siebers and seconded by Commissioner Wallace to approve
payment of the bills in the amount of $262,521.90. A roll call vote was taken:
Commissioner Casper, yes; Commissioner Coffey, yes; Commissioner Siebers,
yes; Commissioner Wallace, yes; and Commissioner Giebel, yes. Motion
carried unanimously.
B. Budget Comparison Report
The Commission received a copy of the May 2014 Budget Comparison Report,
along with an explanation of exceedances.
7. General Old or New Business
District Manager Surwillo asked the Commission if they plan on attending the
WEFTEC conference in New Orleans. Commissioner Casper and Commissioner
Siebers will be attending.
Commissioner Coffey noted that he read in his notes from last year that
Resolution #101 regarding the HOV self-funded disability policy can be dissolved
now that the employees are under the Employee Trust Fund Disability policy.
This topic will be put on the agenda for the June meeting.
Superintendent Geurts informed the Commission that HOVMSD was presented
with a recognition plaque for being involved in the Youth Apprenticeship
8. Adjournment
With no further business before the Commission, a motion was made by Commissioner
Giebel and seconded by Commissioner Coffey to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried
unanimously. ( Time: 8:12 PM )
Bruce M. Siebers, Secretary