Minutes Planning Commission Meeting 2014-04PC July 2, 2014 Page 1 of 5 MINUTES TOWN OF SEVERANCE PLANNING COMMISSION July 2, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING 2014-04PC Immediately following Public Hearings or 7:00 p.m. whichever is earlier. ********************************************************************************************* Commissioners Present: Pauline Brown, Chairperson Gloria Kane, Vice-Chairperson Todd Ahl Don Brookshire Commissioners Absent: Tim Reichel Staff: John Holdren, Administrator Nick Wharton, Intern Sharla Riley, Deputy Clerk/Permit Technician Jim Birdsall, Town Planner Audience: Bob Glaze, Kevin Deitrick, Mike Foley, Rich & Jenny Ojala, Kyle Schnellmann, Holly & Lou Kirk, Mike French, Jackie Middleton, Christine Humphrey, Wes Whitecotton, Harlan Speer, Jim & Vanessa Davis, Don Connely, Ron Schafer, Jack & Bev Schneider, Tim Rohrbacher TOWN OF SEVERANCE, COLORADO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR SEVERANCE SQUARE / RED WILLOW LOCATED AT 9847 CR 74, SEVERANCE, CO 80550 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing before the Severance Planning Commission at the following date, time and place: 2ND day of July, 2014 6:00 P.M. Severance Administration Building 3 S Timber Ridge Parkway Severance, Colorado This hearing is for the purpose of taking public comment on proposed site plan in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 16, Article 6, Section 20.6 of the Severance Municipal Code. GIVEN AND POSTED this 9th day of June, 2014. Minutes Planning Commission Meeting 2014-04PC July 2, 2014 Page 2 of 5 B. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Pauline Brown opened the public hearing at 6:00 p.m. I. ROLL CALL FOR PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Reichel was absent II. COMMENTS FROM THE APPLICANT Jim Davis & Doug Connely, Owners of Red Willow Construction, Windsor, stated they are proposing to purchase the property at the corner of WCR 21 and WCR 74. They have a preliminary plan for what they want to do and showed their conceptual plan. Jim stated they work basically with general contractors as a concrete contractor for commercial and industrial projects. He noted the intended use of the property will be a new 2,400 sq/ft office and attached 7,500 sq/ft shop area. He noted they will also require a 4,000 sq/ft storage building used to house equipment. He stated that the storage yard will be fully enclosed with a 6’ privacy fence and gravel storage area. Jim stated they will build a berm and plant trees to act as a screen to adjacent neighbors and also act as a sound barrier from traffic along the main street. Jim stated that their operating hours are generally 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. He noted that the 7.5 acres will be divided into three parcels, one of which includes the existing structure. He noted that the other properties will be subdivided for similar types of businesses. They showed their plans and a picture of their building in Windsor. Jim stated that no work will be done at this site since they do concrete work. III. COMMENTS FROM THE TOWN PLANNER AND STAFF Town Planner Jim Birdsall stated that tonight is the first step of the process that involves the public. He stated that the main concerns with neighborhood compatibility include the change of use to light industrial, architecture of the buildings should be compatible with the existing building and the surrounding neighborhood, access to the existing lot, the location of the access onto WCR 74 should be coordinated with the Town Engineer and the Town’s Traffic Engineer, utilities, grading and drainage and perimeter improvements, the surrounding roadways may need to be improved and they should be coordinated with the Town Engineer. He also noted that they need to provide solid fencing. IV. COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Brookshire had some questions about the Lot lines and suggested a more open feel to the area and not an industrial look and feel since it is a primary gateway to the Town. Commissioner Brown asked if it was possible to get pictures of different types of fencing for the Commissioners to look at. V. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Anyone wishing to speak please limit your comments to 3 minutes in length; please do not reiterate what has already been expressed by someone else. I. ANYONE WANTING TO SPEAK IN OPPOSITION – There were none II. ANYONE WANTING TO SPEAK IN FAVOR – There were none. VI. ADJOURN THE PUBLIC HEARING – The Public Hearing adjourned at 6:51 pm. Minutes Planning Commission Meeting 2014-04PC July 2, 2014 Page 3 of 5 REGULAR MEETING Meeting Procedure: Comments from the Public are welcome at two different times during the course of the meeting: 1) Comments on items not scheduled on the Agenda will be heard under Public comments. 2) Comments on all scheduled Agenda Items will be heard immediately following the presentation by Staff or the Petitioner. Please wait until you are recognized by the Chairman and keep comments as brief as possible. The Town Planning Commission will act on an Agenda item after comments from the Staff and the Public have been heard. I. Roll Call for Regular Planning Commission Meeting 2014-04PC, July 2, 2014 Commissioner Reichel was absent. II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Approval of Agenda MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER KANE, second by Commissioner Brookshire to approve the Agenda. All members present voting YES, MOTION CARRIED IV. Approval of Minutes 2014-03PC May 21, 2014 MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER BROOKSHIRE, second by Commissioner Ahl to approve the Minutes for 2014-03PC May 21, 2014. All members present voting YES, MOTION CARRIED V. Public Comments for items not on the Regular Agenda: There were none. VI. Red Willow Site Plan – Action Commissioner Brookshire asked Town Planner Jim Birdsall if it would make sense to refine this concept plan before moving to the next stage. Commissioner Kane asked if we move forward with the conceptual plan with the understanding that when we come back to it there will be more information. Planner Birdsall stated there are a couple of options: table this agenda item and ask the applicant to address the concerns that came up in the public hearing or to move forward with it and forward it to the Board with conditions. He stated that there is enough here that it probably warrants giving the applicant time to work on the concerns. Administrator Holdren stated that the Board would be able to review the same plan and make comments. MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER KANE second by Commissioner Ahl to move forward and share with the Board the comments and questions made by the public and the Planning Commission for the Red Willow site plan. All members present voting YES, MOTION CARRIED Minutes Planning Commission Meeting 2014-04PC July 2, 2014 Page 4 of 5 VII. Severance Farm – Work Session Planner Birdsall introduced the project. He noted there are several steps in our process and this is a prepresentation ahead of the normal steps and process. He noted that at this time they have not reviewed the project. Bob Eck with the Broe Real Estate Group introduced himself. He noted that the Broe Group started in real estate in Denver about 40 years ago. The last 40 years the real estate group has grown and branched out into oil and gas, Great Western Oil is part of it and into railroads, omnitrax is a part of that. He introduced Brad Linze, Director of Development for the Pro Realty Group and Stan Everitt who has been working with them to provide insight and guidance with regard to the planning and the Town of Severance. He presented the plan they have for the Severance Farm property. Mr. Eck stated that what they would really like to get out of the meeting tonight is feedback from the Commissioners and the audience. Stan Everitt showed some maps of the property. He noted the plan is organized to comply with the comprehensive plan and zoning codes. The land uses are predominantly residential but they are allowing for some commercial. He noted they have great plans for around the John Law pond and ditch area for a very large community park/activity center. Stan noted that diversity is a key issue for their plans to retain the small town feel. Tim Rohrbacher, Baldridge Subdivision, stated that their priorities are the water in the Franklin and that it be worked into the plans for the neighboring subdivision. He stated that they really appreciate Mr. Everitt’s concerns and his listening to their concerns. Jack Schneider, Baldridge Subdivision stated he did a lot of the developing at Baldridge and one of the things they might look at is having the lots closer to the size that are in Baldridge around the lake and then work into the denser areas. Commissioner Brookshire asked about the life span of oil and gas wells since part of the land has a well on it. He also talked about overall water use for the future. He stated this might be an opportunity to look into it. Stan stated that they are directional wells and do not last as long as the others. He stated they will explore all the options. Planner Birdsall stated they will be working with the Broe Group a lot in the near future and if anyone has any ideas, suggestions or concerns for the project to please let him or John Holdren know. VIII. Staff Reports Administrator Holdren invited the Planning Commission as well as the public to the open house for the New Town Hall, July 15, 2014 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Planner Birdsall stated that in addition to what he spoke about tonight he expects to see a pre-concept plan submitted for Dalton’s Run. He noted they have a pre-application meeting tomorrow with Saddler Ridge. IX. Adjournment MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER BROOKSHIRE, second by Commissioner Ahl to adjourn the meeting. All members present voting YES, MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Minutes Planning Commission Meeting 2014-04PC July 2, 2014 Page 5 of 5 TOWN OF SEVERANCE PLANNING COMMISSION ________________________________ Commissioner Pauline Brown, Chairman ATTEST: ________________________________ Betty Mauch, Deputy Clerk
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