International Scientific Comittee Representatives of the PSE/ESCAPE communities from Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa have been invited to join this committee. (Continued) Name G. Henning S. Diaz M. Narodoslawsky F. Logist C. A. O. Nascimento F. Pessoa R. M. de Brito Alves P. Stuart L. Cisternes J. Chu J. Zhao F. Xiao S. Zhang K. M. Ng G. Sin K. Gernaey J. K. Huusom J. Woodley B.-G. Rong B. Sarup P. M. Harper X. Joulia S. Engell J. Kussi A. Bode I. Harjunkoski P. Lutze A. C. Kokossis F. Friedler J. Klemes S. Munawar M. Bhushan R. Srinivasan N. Mostoufi S. Pierucci F. Bezzo S. Hasebe M. Hirao Y. Yamashita M. Kano Y. Fukui I.-B. Lee I. Moon J. H. Lee C. Han D. Foo Z. A. Manan M. Sales-Cruz A. Jimenez E. Perez-Cisneros S. Skogestad A. Barbosa-Povoa H. Matos N. ElBashir S. Agachi N. Menshutina I. A. Karimi Z. Kravanja D. Hildebrandt T. Majozi L. Puigjaner A. Espuña F. Marechal Name C.-L. Chen I-L. Chien P. Kittisupakorn A. Kammafoo R. Meier J. V. Schijndel A. ten Kate M. Turkay E .N. Pistikopoulos C. C. Pantelides P. Piccione A. Azapagic I. D. Bogle G. V. Reklaitis L. Biegler I. Grossmann V. Venkatasubramanian M. Ierapetritou A. Linninger M. R. Eden C. Floudas Z. Nagy Y. Huang M. El-Halwagi L. Achenie J. Siirola C. T. Maravelias N. Sahinidis M. Bassett B. Wayne Bequette K. C. Furman M. K. Burka F. You C. Gonzalez-Jimenez S. Balakrishna Institution Universidad Nacional del Litoral PLAPIQUI Graz University of Technology University of Leuven University of São Paulo Universidade do Brasil University of São Paulo École Polytechnique de Montréal Universidad de Antofagasta Zhejian University Tsinghua University Xi'an Jiaotong University Chinese Academy of Sciences Hong Kong University of Science and Technology DTU Chemical Engineering DTU Chemical Engineering DTU Chemical Engineering DTU Chemical Engineering University of Southern Denmark Alfa Laval Copenhagen Harper & Vedel INP-ENSIACET University of Dortmund Bayer AG BASF AG ABB Technische Universität Dortmund National Technical University of Athens University of Pannonia University of Pannonia Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar University of Tehran Politecnico di Milano University of Padova Kyoto University University of Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Kyoto University Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Pohang University of Science and Technology Yonsei University KAIST Seoul National University University of Nottingham Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universidad Autónma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa Instituto Tecnologico de Celaya Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Norwegian University of Science and Technology Technical University of Lisbon Universidade de Lisboa Texas A&M University at Qatar Babes-Bolyai University D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology National University of Singapore University of Maribor University of the Witwatersrand University of Pretoria University Politecnica de Catalunya, ETSEIB Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Country Argentina Argentina Austria Belgium Brasil Brasil Brasil Canada Chile China China China China China(H.K.) Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Greece Hungary Hungary India India India Iran Italy Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Korea Korea Korea Korea Malaysia Malaysia Mexico Mexico Mexico Norway Portugal Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Singapore Slovenia South Africa South Africa Spain Spain Swiss Institution National Taiwan University National Taiwan University Chulalongkorn University SCG Chemicals DSM Shell International Chemicals AkzoNobel Chemicals B.V. Koc University Imperial College London PSE Enterprise Syngenta Ltd. University of Manchester University College London Purdue University Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Columbia University Rutgers University University of Illinois at Chicago Auburn University Princeton University Purdue University Wayne State University Texas A&M University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Carnegie Mellon University/Purdue University University of Wisconsin-Madison Carnegie Mellon University Dow AgroSciences LLC Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Exxon NSF Northwestern University GSK Optience Country Taiwan Taiwan Thailand Thailand The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands Turkey UK UK UK UK UK USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Contact Information PSE/ESCAPE 2015 Secretariat Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Søltofts Plads, Building 229 DK-2800 Lyngby Tel: +45 4525 2802 Fax: +45 4593 2906 Email: [email protected] PSE2015/ ESCAPE25 31 May - 4 June 2015 Copenhagen PSE-2015 / ESCAPE-25 Joint Event Bella Center Center Boulevard 5 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Layout: Suzanne Fog v/ J & R Frydenberg A/S • Print: • Photos with kind permission of Wonderful Copenhagen and Bella Center International Scientific Comittee Invitation We warmly invite you to attend the 12th PSE and 25th ESCAPE Joint Event to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark 31 May-4 June 2015. With this conference we would like to highlight the contributions of the PSE/ CAPE community to the sustainability of the modern society. Through contributions from academia and industry, we would like to establish the core products of PSE/ CAPE, define the new and changing scope of our results, and the future challenges we face. We also would like to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ESCAPEseries, the 12th PSE conference and the 40th year of the Computers and Chemical Engineering journal. We would like to make PSE2015/ESCAPE25 more open yet more competitive, giving a platform to anybody who has a good story - high scientific quality, interesting application, new significant development - to tell. To achieve all this, a package of measures is envisaged: flexible registration fee; attractive scientific program; world-wide participation; high industrial participation; and incentives for young researchers, to mention a few. Symposium Structure Plenary and keynote lectures discussing real world challenges (globalization, energy, environment, health) as well as contributing to the discussions on the widening scope of PSE/CAPE versus the consolidation of the core topics of PSE/CAPE will be presented by speakers from industry and academia. Provisional Technical Themes New developments in the application of computing and systems technology to chemical and biochemical engineering problems through the following topical areas: • Modelling, numerical analysis and simulation • Mathematical programming (optimization) • Cyber-infrastructure, informatics and intelligent systems • Process and product synthesis/design • Process dynamics, control and monitoring • Abnormal events management and process safety • Plant operations, integration, planning/ scheduling and supply chain • Enterprise-wide management and technology-driven policy making • Domain applications (molecular, biological, pharmaceutical, food, energy, and environmental systems engineering) Also, papers on emerging new areas and topics not covered above would be welcome. A special session on education with participation from EURECHA and CAChE will be organized. Symposium Organisation Symposium Chair Rafiqul Gani Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Local Organisation Committee The organization committee consists of Rafiqul Gani, John M. Woodley, Krist .. Gernaey, Gurkan Sin, Jakob K. Huusom, .. Ulrich Kruhne and Eva Mikkelsen. Plenary Speakers Three plenary speakers representing the regions of Asia, Europe and North America have been invited to give plenary lectures: • Prof. Ignacio E. Grossmann from USA • Prof. Ka Ming NG from Hong Kong • Prof. Kai Sundmacher from Germany Important Dates Abstract: 31/08/14: Abstract submission, 30/11/14: Full manuscript submission, 31/01/15: Revised manuscript submission. Registration: 30/09/14: Registration open, 25/02/15: Early bird registration, Till 04/06/15: Standard registration. Publication Policy The ESCAPE-series publication policy will be followed (proceedings published as part of the Computer Aided Chemical Engineering book series of Elsevier, as well as a special issue of the CACE journal)
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