JUNE 2, 2014
Call to Order
President Jerry Brown called the USD 407 Board of Education special meeting to order at
5:31 p.m. at the Central Administration Office. Additional board members in attendance were
John Fletcher, Tonya Murphy, Kevin Ochs, Jon Quinday, Raeleen Reinhardt, and Candi
Wagner. Jane Cline, Board Clerk, was also present.
Administrators in attendance included Superintendent David Couch, Larry Bernard – Russell
High School Principal, Kathy Cook – Special Education Director, Kent Michel – Principal of
Bickerdyke and Simpson Elementary Schools, and Gaylon Walter – Ruppenthal Middle
School Principal.
Consideration of Fundraising Applications
The following fundraising applications were submitted for approval:
 Brandy Ney, RHS Cheerleader Sponsor – Mini Camp for ages 5 – 12
 Brandy Ney, RHS Cheerleader Sponsor – Selling ads for sports programs
 Jennifer Hayes, RHS Dance Team Sponsor – Selling ads for sports calendars
Jerry Brown moved and Candi Wagner seconded a motion to approve the applications as
presented. Motion carried 7 – 0.
Update on the 1:1 Initiative
Mr. Couch expressed concern with moving forward on the 1:1 initiative at the same time as
hiring a new technology director. Cory Funk, Technology Director, presented quotes for the
Dell Venue. Implementation options of the 1:1 initiative were discussed using various
Jerry Brown moved and Raeleen Reinhardt seconded a motion requesting a price breakdown
 the cost of anti-virus software,
 a cost comparison of lease agreement (3 and 4 year options) compared to an out-right
purchase of the Dell Venues for students and staff in the 9-12 environment and staff only
in the 6-8 environment, and
 a list of equipment that will be transitioned to Ruppenthal Middle School.
Motion carried 7 – 0.
Facilities Study
Superintendent Couch recapped steps taken thus far during the facility study and outlined
space requirements for a new K-8 facility. Mr. Couch also reviewed results from a study
provided by Piper/Jaffrey on how a bond issue would affect property tax rates and options for
proposing a sales tax to fund improvements or a new facility. Discussion was also held on the
costs involved with installing Astro turf on the football field and infield on the baseball
diamond and modifying the track from a 7-lane to an 8-lane running surface as it is need of a
Mr. Couch stated he would contact several architects to get preliminary estimates using the
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USD 407 – BOE Minutes
June 2, 2014
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space requirements outlined for a new K-8 facility.
Staffing for 2014-2015
Jerry Brown moved and Raeleen Reinhardt seconded a motion to enter executive session for
a period of 15 minutes to discuss personnel matters relating to non-elected personnel. Motion
carried 7 – 0. Superintendent Couch was invited into executive session.
Start Time:
End Time:
7:53 p.m.
8:08 p.m.
Open session resumed. Jerry Brown moved and Candi Wagner seconded a motion to re-enter
executive session for a period of 10 minutes to discuss personnel matters relating to nonelected personnel. Motion carried 7 – 0. Superintendent Couch was invited into executive
Start Time:
End Time:
8:09 p.m.
8:19 p.m.
Open session resumed. Jerry Brown moved and Raeleen Reinhardt seconded a motion to reenter executive session for a period of 10 minutes to discuss personnel matters relating to
non-elected personnel. Motion carried 7 – 0. Superintendent Couch was invited into
executive session.
Start Time:
End Time:
8:20 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Open session resumed. Jerry Brown moved and Raeleen Reinhardt seconded a motion to reenter executive session for a period of 5 minutes to discuss personnel matters relating to nonelected personnel. Motion carried 7 – 0. Superintendent Couch was invited into executive
Start Time:
End Time:
8:31 p.m.
8:32 p.m.
Larry Bernard, Jane Cline, Kathy Cook, Kent Michel, and
Gaylon Walter were invited into executive session.
8:36 p.m.
Open session resumed. No action was taken.
Retirements, Resignations, and New Contracts
Mr. Couch presented the following retirement, resignations and new contracts:
 David Couch - Superintendent of Schools effective following the 2014-2015 school year
 Clifford Bisbee – Special Education Paraeducator @ Russell High School
 Christina Bourland – Speech-Language Pathologist @ Bickerdyke Elementary School,
Ruppenthal Middle School & Russell High School
 Mike Frost – Head Custodian @ Ruppenthal Middle School
 Cory Funk – Technology Coordinator @ Central Administration Office
 Lacy Hammack – Title 1 Paraeducator @ Bickerdyke Elementary School
 Carol Karlin – Cook @ Russell High School
 Charlotte Michel – 1st Grade Teacher @ Simpson Elementary School
 Kent Michel – Principal @ Simpson & Bickerdyke Elementary Schools
USD 407 – BOE Minutes
June 2, 2014
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Jayson Peetzke – Special Education Paraeduator @ Ruppenthal Middle School
Kimberly Pfanenstiel – Special Education Paraeducator @ Russell High School
Brenda Schilde – Kindergarten Teacher @ Simpson Elementary School
New Contracts
 James Martin – Alternative Learning Center Director @ Russell High School
 Jennifer Taggart – Special Education Teacher @ Russell High School
 Tessa Walters – Special Education Teacher @ Elementary School
Jerry Brown moved and Jon Quinday seconded a motion to accept the retirement,
resignations and new contracts as presented. Motion carried 7 – 0.
Jerry Brown moved and Raeleen Reinhardt seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried 7 –
8:39 p.m.
Jane M. Cline
Jane M. Cline, Board Clerk
Date Approved