PLANNING COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 09 April 2014 at 6.30pm in the Town Hall, Banbury. Present: Councillor Harrison (Vice Chairman in the Chair) Councillors: Beere, Clarke, Dhesi, Milne Home, Ross and Wren. Officers: Matthew Coyne (Planning & Administration Officer) PL.91/13 Apologies Councillors Cullip and Ilott. PL.92/13 Declarations of Interest Councillors Beere, Clarke, Milne Home and Ross declared that as Members of the Planning Committee of Cherwell District Council, any views expressed at the meeting would be based on the information currently available and that their final decisions, which in the light of further information, might differ from previous views, would be made at the Local Planning Authority Meeting. Councillor Ross declared a personal interest as a Member of the Committee of the Sunshine Centre, in respect of application No 14/00408/F (The Sunshine Centre, Edmunds Road) and withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting thereon. Councillor Ross also declared a personal interest as a friend of the architect, in respect of application No 14/00277/F (land adjoining and north of 6 Hightown Road) and withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting thereon. Councillor Beere declared a disclosable pecuniary as an employee of Chiltern Railways, in respect of application No 14/00003/SCOP (OS Parcel 8184 Adjoining And North of River Cherwell And South West Of Spital Farm Sewage Bankside) and withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting thereon. PL.93/13 Minutes of the last Meeting IT WAS RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. PL.94/13 Planning Applications to be considered The Committee considered various planning applications that had been referred to the Town Council for consideration by Cherwell District Council (CDC) and were matters that had been delegated to the Planning Committee or where a Ward Member had referred a delegated application. IT WAS RESOLVED that the comments, as set out in Appendix 1, be forwarded to the Local Planning Authority. PL.95/13 Planning Applications Delegated to the Town Clerk The Town Clerk had submitted a schedule containing details of planning applications which had been delegated to him in consultation with the Chairman, setting out the observations that had been forwarded to Cherwell District Council. IT WAS RESOLVED that the report be noted. P. 964 Banbury Town Council PL.96/13 Planning Committee 09 April 2014 Decision Notices Members were advised that there had been no Decision Notices that had been received where the decision of the Planning Authority was contrary to the observations of the Town Council. IT WAS RESOLVED that the report be noted. PL.97/13 Planning Appeals Members were advised that an appeal had been submitted by Mr Mike Beames against the refusal to grant planning permission by Cherwell District Council on the grounds that the proposed garage extension, due to its size and sitting, ‘represents an overdominant and over-bearing feature which will cause significant harm to the residential amenity currently enjoyed by the occupants of 36 Kingsway to the rear, contrary to Saved Policies C28 and C30 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework’. Members were advised that the appeal lodged by Gallagher Estates, with respect to planning application 13/00321/OUT, had been withdrawn. IT WAS RESOLVED that the report be noted. PL.98/13 Banbury Traffic Advisory Committee IT WAS RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 05 March 2014 be noted. PL.99/13 Temporary Road Closure- Banbury – Southam Road Roundabout Members were advised that a request had been received from Optimise (Water) LLP for a temporary One Way Traffic restriction and “No Waiting” restriction to apply to a length of Foundry Street, Banbury whilst essential Thames Water pipe diversion works were carried out. A temporary Notice was being made by Oxfordshire County Council to implement the temporary restrictions and would operate from 7 April 2014 for 5 consecutive days (07.30 to 17.00 each day). IT WAS RESOLVED that the report be noted. The meeting ended at 7.05pm P.965 APPENDIX 1 Banbury Town Council Planning Committee 09 April 2014 Planning Applications considered by the Planning Committee Application Number 14/00291/OUT Applicant Ms Sidra Hill Location 24A Fergusson Road Proposal OUTLINE - Construction of new two storey, three bedroom property on garden land to south side of existing property. Extension of access road to new property. Erection of 2no. Flats Observations No Objections 14/00277/F Mr Paul Raymont Land Adjoining And North of 6 Hightown Road 13/01948/F AMENDED 14/00404/TPO LXB RP (Banbury) Ltd & Prodrive Holdings Ltd Sunshine Centre Board of Trustees Mr Weir Prodrive Ltd Acorn Way Variations of Conditions 34 and 39 of 13/00227/F No Objections The sunshine centre Edmunds Road Sycamore House Firtree Close Erection of a community café. No Objections No Objections 3 Dashwood Terrace Dashwood Road 1 no. Willow (T1) (Whitebeam on TPO) - Prune Eastern side away from house to give 2.2 metre clearance. 1 no. Spruce (T3) - Fell. 1 no. Sycamore (T14) - Reduce lower Northern Crown (over drive) by 1 metre. Trees subject to TPO 11/2003 Fell Sweet Chestnut Tree (T4) and replant with Field Maple Subject to TPO 16/2002 T1 x Christmas Tree - Crown raise by 2.0m to give 0.5m clearance from neighbouring premises guttering 14/00376/TPO Ms Frances Morrow Whately Lodge Horse Fair 14/00123/TCA Mrs Angela Moulder 14/00328/TPO Mrs Yvonne Gray 146 Bloxham Road Fell 1 no. Horse Chestnut. Tree Subject to TPO 3/1962 14/00003/SCOP Chiltern Railways OS Parcel 8184 Adjoining And North of River Cherwell And South West Of Spital Farm Sewage Bankside Scoping Opinion - Proposed Banbury train maintenance depot and associated rail sidings No Objections - Banbury Town Council would like to see the tree replaced, as recommended in 6.0 (ii) of the tree survey 'report of inspection'. No comment at this stage of the application process 14/00109/TCA Sue Goss 61 West Street T1 x Unidentified Broadleaf - Reduce height by three quarters and reduce branches overhanging neighbours garage back to boundary 14/00408/F P. 966 BTC would like to object to this application as there is a lack of access to the proposed development and there would be concerns over the safety of this access. No Objections No Objections No Objections Planning Committee 09 April 2014 R3.0031/14 Oxfordshire County Council Frank Wise School, Hornbeam Close 14/00115/TCA Brian Collins Banbury Town Council Peoples Park Warwick Road new 2 storey building for the 16-19 age group (6th form) at the Frank Wise School in Banbury to replace the existing temporary accommodation. The proposals include minor car parking improvements with the creation of 7 additional parking spaces in the main school parking area and also 4 spaces for use in association with the 16-19 building on the site of the temporary buildings Various tree works as per attached schedule P.967 No Objections No Comment - BTC Application
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