PARISH COUNCIL OF DENMEAD MINUTES OF THE AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 21st MAY 2014 IN THE BARN GREEN ROOM, THE OLD SCHOOL, DENMEAD COMMENCING AT 7:30pm Cllr K Andreoli (Chairman) Cllr F Hull Cllr I Reed Cllr R Smart (P) (P) Cllr J Harrison (Vice Chairman) Cllr K Forster Cllr N Lander-Brinkley Cllr K Scholey (P) (P) Also present: Mrs Debbie Cooper – Committee Clerk and four members of the public. 111/14A Apologies: Forster. Apologies were received from Cllrs Harrison, Reed Smart and 112/14A Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest. 113/14A Minutes of Previous Meeting: The minutes of the Amenities Committee meeting held on 9th April 2014 were submitted for approval. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the minutes of the Amenities Committee be accepted as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman. 114/14A Public Participation: (S.O 1 (c)): At 7.32pm the meeting recessed into open forum to allow questions and comments from members of the public. The meeting re-convened at 7.55pm and the Public session was re-opened 7.57pm to 7.59pm for further questions. 115/14A New Communications: a) Email from David Bovey, dated 7th May 2014 – request to start a “buggy fit class” on KGV playing fields, Tuesday and Friday mornings. It was unanimously AGREED to allow the use of Ashling Park for the Buggy Fit training with a charge of £10.00 per session, with a proviso that the Groundstaff are consulted regarding the condition of the field prior to training. This matter to be reviewed after 3 months – August 2014. b) Quotation from Aubrey Madgwick to create a “drop kerb” at DCC (access to the Outdoor Gym). It was unanimously AGREED to accept that quotation from Aubrey Madgwick for a drop kerb in the Car Park of the Denmead Community Association to allow disabled access to the Outdoor Gym. In addition, it was unanimously AGREED that a contribution be requested from the Denmead Community Association regarding this matter. Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 54 Cllr Lander-Brinkley stated that the DPC Groundstaff could mark out the disabled parking space and hashed lines on the car park in front of the drop kerb. c) Fields-in-Trust AGM – 10th June 2014: Noted. d) Boundary Fence at War Memorial Hall The Chairman stated that there have been issues concerning the boundary fence line at the War Memorial Hall. It was unanimously AGREED that the Groundstaff should mark the boundary line with a temporary field fence which should be erected in the middle of the ditch. Cllr Lander-Brinkley requested that legal advice be sought regarding DPC’s position regarding the boundary line. 116/14A Security Camera System at Ashling Pavilion: The Chairman stated that the CCTV is now a working system, and although there have been camera issues, these have been resolved. Cllr Hull stated that since Servian installed the CCTV system the TV aerial signal has disappeared completely and that the system has caused interference with the wifi connection at the Ashling Pavilion. The Chairman requested that the Parish Clerk contact Servian to ascertain how this situation can be resolved. The Chairman further stated that CDs have been burned and this imagery would be assessed by the PCSO. It was unanimously AGREED that a letter be sent to Sergeant Gilmore to ensure that he is satisfied that the imagery would be of the correct quality to obtain a conviction. 117/14A Section 106 Funding: a) To receive an update from the Chairman Discussion took place regarding the remaining Section 106 Funds. Cllr Scholey stated that there was very little provision for the elderly in the village. A suggestion was made that more benches around the village, on the greenways and in Goodman’s field. Cllr Lander-Brinkley stated that not all older people want to just sit, some play tennis and bowls. A suggestion was made that a pétanque court be created inside the jogging track at Harvest Field. It was unanimously AGREED that investigation into the size and rules of pétanque were made, and that contacting the Twinning association may be useful. b) Section 106 Open Space funds: £29,320.33 (Play) and £33,208.73 (Sport) -Noted. 118/14A Proposed use of Open Space Funding: a) Goal Post for Harvest Field The Chairman stated that no progress has been made, as Harvest Field is still very wet. Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 55 b) Jogging Track for Harvest Field The Chairman stated that the application for section 106 funds from Winchester City Council for the Jogging Track has been successful. The Purchase Order for Poulsom Plant Hire needs to be raised so that this matter can be progressed. c) Mill Close – Play Equipment Cllr Hull to meet with HAGs/SMP representative at Mill Close play area on Wednesday, 4th June 2014 at 10:30 to discuss layout and options. 119/14A Landscape Working Party a) To receive an update from the LWP Chairman The Chairman stated that as the LWP Chairman was not in attendance this item should be deferred to the next Amenities Committee Meeting. There were 2 items which the Committee requested clarification on: L5 - £1,000 should be included in future budgets to cover mowing by Treescape with the exception of the entrance and back fields which would continue to be cut monthly by DPC Groundstaff. Any unspent funds would be used to cut back the encroaching hedges. 2 (d) – PK asked if the resident who parked his van at the Murphy Strip should be allowed to do so. It caused no problem and took the van off Forest Road. If it became a problem, TD would write. The Chairman stated that a letter should be written to the residents stating that this is DPC owned land, and although DPC have no objections to the van parking there, DPC do not want to set a precedence. The Fencing and ditches between Goodman’s field and The Lawns. JBS Fencing will be commencing work on the ditches and fencing during May 2014. The Chairman stated that the ditches would be dug out and fences erected during the first 2 weeks in June – Ground conditions permitting. The plan is that the ditches will be dug from the corner of the pumping station to where the river crosses the field. The bottom field ditch is very overgrown, and would therefore not be dug out. The stock fence will be across the length of all three fields. c) Forest Road – Community Payback quotation for £1,000 to reduce hedge to 4 foot and reduce shrub to ground level – This work will be carried out in September/October. Noted d) To receive and accept the notes of the Landscape Working Party The notes of the Landscape Working Party held on 29th April 2014 were deferred to the next Amenities Committee meeting, as the LWP Chairman was not in attendance at the meeting. 120/14A Goodman’s Field Working Party: a) To receive an update from Cllrs Harrison and Scholey: Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 56 Cllr Scholey stated that the planning application for Goodman’s Field had been submitted to Winchester City Council. i) Change of use to Goodman’s Field – additional funds of £190 are required by planning authority to allow change of use from agricultural to recreational. Cllr Scholey stated Winchester City Council had requested an additional £190.00 for change of use from Agricultural to Recreational. It was unanimously AGREED that this additional payment should be made. 121/14A Sports Sub-Committee: a) To receive a report from the Sports Sub-Committee Chairman. The Chairman stated that as Cllr Smart was not in attendance, and that the planned Sports Sub-Committee meeting had not taken place, there was nothing to report. b) Denmead Football Club – Training The Chairman stated that Denmead Football Club had been training on pitches 3 and 4 even though they had been informed by DPC that these pitches were being reinstated and that no training should take place on these pitches. The Chairman asked the Committee two questions: 1) Should the football pitches be fenced off whilst reinstatement work was taking place? 2) Should DFC be given a straight “Red Card” for use of the Football pitches during May 2014, having been informed of the reinstatement work and that they could only use the training Area? After discussion, the following was unanimously AGREED: a) Letter to be sent to Denmead Football Club stating that as they used the football pitches during May, they would be given a “Red Card”. b) The Groundstaff to mark the pitches and old play area with “PLEASE KEEP OFF - THESE AREAS ARE UNDERGOING REPAIR” It was unanimously AGREED that a letter be sent to DFC stating that as they used the pitches during May, they would be given a “Red Card”. c) Tennis Courts will need to be re-skimmed in 5/6 years’ time. To receive a report from Mr David Chiswell regarding this matter. The Chairman thanked Mr Chiswell for his overview of the Tennis Club and its requirements. Cllr Lander-Brinkley stated that the club premises are owned by Denmead Parish Council. The Chairman stated that Denmead Tennis Club have contributed well to the Parish, and asked how much the resurfacing of the Tennis Courts would cost. Mr Chiswell stated that the approximate cost is £15,000, but an actual cost for the Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 57 resurfacing will be available in October 2014. It was unanimously AGREED that funds should be factored into the budget over the next few years to contribute DPC’s share of the resurfacing costs for the Tennis Club. 122/14A Matters relating to Ashling Park: a) Vandalism Reports: 1) KGV Play Area – New juniper plants pulled up and thrown around play area. 2) KGV Play Area – Juniper plants pulled up and thrown around the park, bowls clubs path and scatter over 100 yard area. 3) Ashling Pavilion - Fire started outside emergency exit door (door onto basketball court) 4) KGV Play Area – Fire started against wooden side of sand pit (no real damage caused) 5) Fence broken around the mound in the play area, next to sand pit. 6) KGV Basketball Court – Fire started in rubbish bin, fire retarded lid repaired. 7) KGV Play Area - 7 Foot piece of fencing around the mound in the new play area completely broken beyond repair. 8) Hambledon Road, Car Park - Kissing gate, hinge and stop handle broken off, welds broken on both parts. 9) Ashling Pavilion – Drain pipe on upper windows of pavilion has been knocked off. 10) KGV Field – Fire started in rubbish bin (near Tennis Club) using towel and plastic bottles – bin fire damper worked and put out fire Cllr Lander-Brinkley was concerned that the fire and broken glass were not being reported to 101 by the rangers, and that he would take this matter up with the Parish Clerk. Cllr Hull stated that the use of cannabis in Ashling Park had increased, and that Adults have reported this. The Chairman of the Council to send a letter to Sargent Gilmore regarding the use of Cannabis is the village and Ashling Park. After discussion, it was unanimously AGREED that any incidence of fire or smashed/broken glass must be reported to 101. The Chairman stated that he and Cllr Lander-Brinkley would speak to the Parish Clerk regarding this matter. b) Pavilion Clock The Chairman stated that this matter is still outstanding, due to ground conditions. c) Access All Areas – 7th August 2014, Ashling Park. Noted. Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 58 d) Pop-Up Café – Ashling Pavilion The Chairman thanked the ladies for the very in-depth explanation of their proposal. Cllr Lander-Brinkley asked if they had any training in food hygiene and preparation. There is a requirement for this to be certified. Mrs Connell stated that there is sufficient time for these certificates to be obtained. Cllr Lander-Brinkley stated that public health inspectors will assess the premises, The Chairman stated that one of his concerns is the Cricket team as they use the Pavilion at the weekend to make their teas, and therefore the Pavilion would need to be left clean and tidy. Cllr Hull was concerned about the provision of activities, and that the café didn’t become a “playschool”. Mrs Connell stated that they had no intention of supervising children that would be the responsibility of the parents. Cllr Hull further stated that you should be aware of the fact that there are often children in the park who are unsupervised. The Chairman requested that once the ladies have obtained their insurance that a copy of their policy is given to the Parish Clerk. It was unanimously AGREED that the pop-up café in the Ashling Pavilion be given permission to run for a two week trial period (11-15 and 18-22 August 2014. For this trial period there would be no charge, however, it was AGREED with the ladies that a contribution be made to Swings & Things from any profits made. 123/14A Memorandum of Understanding for the War Memorial Hall: Cllr Lander-Brinkley stated that a letter should be written to Mrs Cathy Caine, thanking her for the meeting and stating that there will be a charge of £150 per annum to contribute towards the maintenance of the land and hedges, this charge to be paid each year in June. It was unanimously RESOLVED that legal advice was sought regarding the correct wording as DPC do not want this to be a Tenancy Agreement. 124/14A Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cairns: The Chairman stated that the Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cairn has been installed in Harvest Field. Goodman’s Field Commemorative Cairn will not be built until the car park in Goodman’s field has been completed. The Chairman stated that a plaque about Goodman’s Field was in the Parish Office, which could be incorporated into the Goodman’s Field Cairn. 125/14A Replacement blades for Greenmech Chipper a) The blades on the Greenmech Chipper need replacing. Cost £22.50 x 26 + VAT £585 + VAT Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 59 It was unanimously AGREED that the replacement blades be purchased, funding to come from 6050 Machinery Maintenance. 126/14A Forestry Commission Liaison Group: The next planned meeting of the Forestry Liaison group is Monday, 7th July 2014. Cllr Lander-Brinkley stated that the lecterns for the Jubilee Avenue have been delivered and will be installed shortly. 127/14A Matters raised by Councillors: To take note of any matter councillors wish to bring to the Committee’s attention for inclusion on the next agenda. No decisions can be taken). Cllr Lander-Brinkley requested that investigations are carried out into the reason for the Solar Bollard not working in Ashling Park, has it been vandalised or is it broken. There being no other business the meeting was closed at 9.32pm. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, 2nd July 2014 Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 60 Amenities Committee – 21st May 2014 Public Session Mr David Chiswell – Denmead Tennis Club Mr Chiswell stated that he had produced a paper which outlined the lease for the Tennis Club. The Denmead Tennis Club is very well used, with 11,500 people using the courts last year. The Tennis Courts are used by all ages and abilities and there are 12 coaching staff on-site. Denmead Tennis club are the custodians of the Tennis Courts and as such are responsible for: Maintaining the lights Having the courts cleaned and maintained Regular Slip Tests The Tennis Courts will need resurfacing in the next 5 – 6 years and this will require funding. Denmead Tennis Club is willing to contribute 50% of this expense. And although Denmead Tennis Club may be able to fund the resurfacing completely, the courts do belong to Denmead Parish Council Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 61 Mrs Rebecca Connell, Mrs Carly Wright and Mrs Catherine Williams – Pop-Up Café The concept of the “Pop-Up Café” To run an ethical café providing drinks and snacks to the public for a 2 week period in August 2014. To provide activities for local children and an opportunity for local artists to showcase their work. The vision A meeting place for friends and families A stop off between activities A coffee break whilst your children are entertained. A showcase for local arts and crafts A place to learn a new skill A green attitude to upcycling/recycling An ice cream on a hot day! The café would run initially for a two week period, Monday to Friday from 09:30 – 4:30 and the proposed dates are: 11 – 15 August 2014 and 18 – 22 August 2014. Requirement – currently investigating the cost of Public liability insurance. The menu – from local suppliers where possible Drinks – Tea, coffee, cold drinks (Hill Farm Juice, Droxford) Snacks – Ice Cream (Bere Dairy), Savoury snack and sandwiches, cakes and biscuits. Showcase & Activities A place where local artists and artisans can showcase and sell their work A free activity for all children to take part in. A sign-up activity for children to attend at a pre-arranged time at a reasonable cost. Mrs Connell stated that she and her colleagues had been to the pavilion and had a good look around, and that they would ensure everything was clean and hygienic before any food preparation took place. The only issue being the lack of a freezer. Amenities Committee Minutes – 21st May 2014 Page 62
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