PARISH COUNCIL of DENMEAD The Old School, School Lane, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hampshire, PO7 6LU Tel: (023) 9224 7947 Fax: (023) 9224 7943 Date: 27th June 2014 Clerk to the Council: Mr Tony Daniells You are summoned to attend a meeting of the AMENITIES COMMITTEE of the PARISH COUNCIL OF DENMEAD as detailed below: Tony Daniells Tony Daniells Clerk to the Council TIME, DATE AND LOCATION 7.30 pm on WEDNESDAY, 2nd July 2014 in the Old School, School Lane, Denmead. MEMBERS: Cllrs: Scholey (Chairman), Andreoli, Crooks, Forster, Harrison, Hull, Lander-Brinkley, Reed and West AGENDA 1. Apologies: To receive any apologies for absence. 2. Election of a Vice-Chairman a) The Election of a Vice-Chairman of the Amenities Committee: To elect a Vice-Chairman for the municipal year 2014/15. 3. Declarations of Interest: Arising from this Agenda, Members and Officers are invited to declare any relevant interests. Not withstanding this item, Members may subsequently declare an interest at any point during the meeting. 4. Minutes of Previous Meeting: To receive and confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2014. 5. Public Participation: The meeting will, if required, recess for no more than 15 minutes for questions and comments from members of the public. 6. Matters arising and Outstanding matters from Previous Minutes: To consider any matters arising or outstanding from previous Amenities Committee meetings. 7. New Communications: To receive, consider and determine action to be taken on correspondence received and not covered elsewhere in this agenda. a) Email from Chris Peach, dated 16th June 2014 – Re free football training sessions at Ashling Park – 18th – 21st August 2014. To Note b) Email from Ruth Curtis, dated 23rd June 2014 – Re new jogging track at Harvest Field. To consider and determine action. 8. Section 106 Funding: a) To receive an update from the Chairman. b) Section 106 Open Space Funds, Remaining Funds after invoices paid play = £29,320.33, and Sport = £33,208.73 To note. Open Space at Little Frenchies Field – To receive an update from Cllrs Harrison and Hull. To consider and determine action. c) Amenities Committee Agenda – 2nd July 2014 1 9. 10. Proposed use of Open Space funding a) Goal Post for Harvest Field – To receive an update from the Chairman. b) Jogging Track for Harvest Field – To receive an update from the Chairman. c) Mill Close – Play equipment – To receive an update from Cllr Hull. Landscape Working Party: To receive a report from the LWP Chairman Fencing & ditches between Goodman’s Field and The Lawns. JBS Fencing will be commencing the work on the ditches and fencing on 28th July 2014, ground conditions permitting. To Note. c) Forest Road – Community Payback quotation for £1,000 to reduce hedge to 4 foot and reduce shrub to ground level – This work will be carried out in September/October 2014. To note. d) The Wetlands Dredging – Proposed date September / October 2014. To Note. th e) To receive and accept the notes of the Landscape Working Party meetings held on 29 April th 2014 and 10 June 2014. a) b) 11. Goodman’s Field Working Party a) To receive an update from Cllrs Harrison and Scholey. b) Goodman’s Field Car Park, planning application now live. To Note 12. Sports Sub-Committee At the Full Council meeting on 28th May 2014, it was decided [min ref: 005/15C (b)] to revert back to a Sports User Group meeting. The Sports Sub-Committee Meeting was planned for 14th August 2014 – Is this date acceptable for the 1st Sports User Group meeting. a) Who will chair this meeting? b) Denmead Football Club: Use of football pitches on 3rd May 2014. Letter from DPC, dated 12th June 2014 (attached) – To Note. 13. Matters Relating to Ashling Park: a) Vandalism Reports: To receive an update from the Committee Clerk. To consider and determine action. i. Letter to Sgt Gilmore. A letter has been sent regarding increased Police presence to combat antisocial behaviour in the Ashling Park. A response is awaited. To Note. b) Pavilion Clock – To receive an update from the Chairman. c) Access All Areas – 7th August 2014, Ashling Park. Winchester City Council will be running an event for children aged 11 – 17 in Ashling Park. To note. d) Pop-up café in Ashling Pavilion – Proposed dates – 11–15 August & 18–22 August 2014. To receive an update from Mrs Connell and her team, and consider and determine action. e) Rateable value for Ashling Pavilion, ref the “Pop-up café”. To receive an update from the Chairman. f) Use of Ashling Park by Out-fit Training of Petersfield - Ashling Park is being used by this business for training sessions on Monday and Thursday evenings, without previous agreement with Denmead Parish Council. To consider and determine action. 14. a) 15. Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cairns a) To receive an update from the Chairman regarding the installation of the QEII Cairns at Harvest Field and Goodman’s Field. 16. Forestry Commission Liaison Group: The next Forestry Commission liaison group meeting is due to be held on Monday 7th July 2014. To Note. 17. Matters Raised by Councillors: To take note of any matters Councillors wish to bring to the Committee’s attention for inclusion on the next agenda. (No decisions can be taken). IOG Saltex – The IOG Saltex will take place from 2nd – 4th September 2014 at Royal Windsor Racecourse, Approval is requested for the Groundstaff to attend Saltex (date to be decided) and an allocation of £200 petty cash to be made. Amenities Committee Agenda – 2nd July 2014 2
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