HERE - Central Europe

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Young women: A key target group
for rural development in Europe.
© Daly and Newton/OJO Images/Getty Images
Transnational forum
The event is dealing with young women as a key target group of regional development
strategies to tackle demographic change in rural areas. Female and youth sensitive
concepts and experiences from companies and regions to limit further bran-drain of
young females will be presented.
Presentations and discussions will especially focus on the importance of female networks
and the image of rural regions. In this respect approaches for the improvement of living
and working conditions for women in rural areas from six regions in Austria, Germany,
Hungary, Poland and Slovenia will be discussed with committed women, EU-policymakers, entrepreneurs and regional representatives.
The Transnational forum is organised in the frame of the project WOMEN which is
implemented through the Central Europe Programme and co-financed by the ERDF.
The entrance is free of charge. The language of the transnational forum is English.
Transnational forum
Young women: A key target group
for rural development in Europe.
Tuesday, October 7th 2014, 05:00 p.m.
State Representation of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt
Boulevard Saint Michel 80, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
05:00 p.m.
Warm-up: Videos and refreshments
06:00 p.m.
Welcome and introduction
Get together and enjoy video portraits of successful female role models
from the project regions, registration
Dr. Henrike Franz, Director of Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the EU, Brussels, DE
06:10 p.m.
Europe for women: Rights and equal opportunities today
N.N. (Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality) (t.b.c.)
06:25 p.m.
Women as employees: Prospects of HR management in rural areas
N.N. (Human Resource and Talent manager at DOW Chemical ) (t.b.c.)
06:40 p.m.
5 minutes, 5 questions to
06:50 p.m.
(R)Emigration: Rural development strategies in Europe
Maria Skazel, Major of the family friendly municipality “St. Peter im Sulmtal”, A
Arne Lietz, Member of the European Parliament (t.b.c.), DE
A. Urmos, DG REGIO (t.b.c.)
07:05 p.m.
Young women: A key target group for rural development in Europe
video &
Wilfried Köhler, Head of the Unit for Demographic Change, Ministry for Regional
Development and Transport Sachsen-Anhalt, DE
07:20 p.m.
The WOMEN EU-Mainstreaming Strategy Paper – objectives and
recommendations for rural development
Andrzej Parafiniuk, President of the Board of Podlaska Regional Development Foundation
and Robert Girejko, PL
07:35 p.m.
Women in rural areas: What they should be looking for? How to support them?
moderated by Dr. Henrike Franz, DE
Elżbieta Łukacijewska, Member of the European Parliament (t.b.c.), PL
Sven Schulze, Member of European Parliament, DE
Olga Golonka, Winner of the women are future –award, Leader of the women network
Geek Girls Carrots in Rzeszow, PL
Franziska Hillmer, Winner of the women are future – award, DE
08:10 p.m.
Opening of the exhibition “20 projects ERDF/ESF”
by Sven Schulze, Member of EU Parliament
After the conference a buffet reception with culinary specialties from the project
regions will take pace to which you will be cordially invited
Registration Form
Young women: A key target group
for rural development in Europe.
Tuesday, October 7th 2014, 05:00 p.m.
State Representation of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt
Boulevard Saint Michel 80, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
To register for the Transnational Forum on October 7th, please fill in your personal data and
send your registration until 25th of September via email to [email protected]. The entrance is free of charge.
100 Women – 100 different commitments to 6 home regions
Interested? Please take a look at 100 portraits of successful women. All of
them consciously decided to stay. They prove that it is not necessary to
leave the region to realise visions. Portraits are available from September
2014 on
More information are available
Are you already aware of the following workshop?
Opportunities for job creation and growth – Facing the
challanges of demographic change (07A07)
7/10/2014, 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m., Centre of the Regions
Please contact us if you have further questions:
Ministry for Regional Development and Transport Saxony-Anhalt
[email protected] / [email protected]