CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Family name: Natha First name : Edson Gender: Male th Date of birth: 8 July 1978 Nationality: Mozambican Residence: Alto-Molócué, Zambezia Contact details: Skype ID: edsonn78 Email address: [email protected] Mobile number: 00258824553750 Education: Institution Universidade Aberta – Portugal Dublin City University Universidade Catolica de Mocambique The Humbu University UMB/AWU Degrees or Diplomas obtained and graduation year 2012-2014: MSc food and consumer science in progress 2012-2013: Graduate Diploma in Leadership Dev. ICT and Knowledge Society 2011-2012: Bachelor, interdisciplinary studies on HIV, AIDS and Health 2007-2009: Master in Rural and community Development 2000-2004: Bachelor in Agriculture Other skills and qualifications: Advanced Diploma in Management and administration (Cambridge International College) Diploma in project management (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) Postharvest and basics of mechanical engineering skills Horticulture and greenhouse management Baseline studies and participative rural appraisal facilitation Small irrigations system design Solar energy system Data base and M&E systems Participative M&E methods Computer skills, MS word, Excel, Power point, Access, email and internet Computer hardware Present position: Program Coordinator and agribusiness technical officer National Directorate for Rural Development Promotion, The government of Mozambique and IFAD Rural Market Promotion Program Publications: Co-author of Banana bunchy top disease in Mozambique and Zambia. The international journal of banana and plantain. Infomusa 2007 Vol. 16 No. 1/2 pp. 38-39 ISSN1023-0076 Murrimba N. Natha E. Policy coherence in ICT towards knowledge society development in Mozambique. 2013 GESCI. Kenya Professional experience From – to 2011-2013 Name of organisation National Directorate for Rural Development Promotion- The Rural Markets Promotion Program – IFAD and EU funded Position Coordinator and agribusiness officer 2010-2012 National Directorate for Rural Development Promotion- The Rural Markets Promotion Program – IFAD and EU funded Agribusiness officer Niassa, Nampula and Zambezia Description Main responsibilities and activities General coordination of the program in Nampula and Zambezia provinces this includes planning, monitoring and reporting. Supervising and coordination with the service providers national and international NGOs contracted to implement program activities this includes annual budget implementation. Facilitate the implementation and development of value chain opportunities in Nampula and Zambezia with matching grants facility including small scale value addition and processing initiatives Coordination for access roads and other markets infrastructure construction, this includes district level assessment with district established reference groups. Support the program management unit to establish and maintain market information systems operational in the districts. Provide guidance and technical support on farmers groups development including functional adult literacy training sub component Develop Agribusiness partnership including the facilitation to access financer services. Develop and supervise the local market information system with local radios Support the service providers to establish and train saving and credit groups Assist the roads contractors to introduce HIV and AIDS prevention and mitigation activities in the work environment and surrounding communities Conduct technical and field assignments and support the Program unit in the implementation of the programs activities in Niassa, Nampula and Zamnezia districts. This included farmer’s organization development and training in business and enterprise management, market linkages, value chain assessment development and supporting the production of cash crops and link production to market. 2008-2010 Belgium Fund for development and cooperation- Belgian International NGO in partnership with Tete provincial farmers union Senior food security and livelihood Adviser 2006-2007 2002-2005 International Institute of Tropical AgricultureMalawi CGIAR a) Southern Africa Roots Crop Research Network b) The horticulture network of USAID funded Chi Nyanja Triangle Project Cheetah Mozambique Limited Research associate Extension and Production manager In general, provide technical and organizational capacity building to implementing partner. This included training the program staff to better assist grass roots association to overcome food insecurity. Implement trainings in agriculture production mainly conservation farming, livestock, small business development for income generation, gender mainstreaming Support and care of HIV and AIDS infected and affected program beneficiaries. This included the establishment of junior farmer field schools to training orphan kids to prepare for their future lives. Ethno veterinary trainings and medical plants multiplication and conservation. Administratively I provided guidance on budget and financial management on the program. Implemented in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Angola I was in charge for the projects activities in Mozambique. I was responsible for technical activities such as establishing cassava multiplication fields. Conduct cassava and coco yams trails Identifying opportunities for agro processing business to farmers groups Training farmers on fruits nurseries establishment and management I conducted some work and assignments missions to Angola, Malawi and South Africa Training small farmers in horticulture production including construction of community fruits nurseries Train farmers in intensive crop production and greenhouses management Design small irrigation system Worked in Tete, Nampula and Zambezia Leading the technical field team and outgrower system for paprika production and export Plan and monitor activities related to the production of Paprika in the field, Allocation of inputs (seeds, fertilizers and chemicals) for farmers in the form of credit, Conduct trainings on production, quality and processing of paprika for export. 2005 - GLOBALMOZ Lda Training and service provider consulting firms Director and owner Conducted trainings of IT, business and management Assisted ITC equipment maintenance Provided translation services for clients Developed capacity building to organizations staff (public health, youth organization) Conducted baselines and assessments Seed and agri inputs supply References Mr/Mrs/Miss Dr. Dany wijnhoud Mr. Antonio Aljofre Mr. Rene Desjardins Organisation FOS-Belgium, currently with UN CNFA-USAID SNV Email address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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