FEBURARY 2014 VOL 2 ISSUE 1 ONA LOCAL 238 Negotiations Attending Meetings The negotiated settlement with the Oakville and Milton sites was ratified with 87.5%. The contract became effective as of Jan 31. Have you been told that your are required to attend a meeting with either your manager or HR? Even though the contract has become effective, please give the Union and the Employer time to implement the contract. This is going to be a learning curve for both the nurses and administration, so we do expect some growing pains. We do have an implementation committee that will work through the issues. It is important now more than ever, for your unit rep to be aware of any issues that are happening on your unit so that we can deal with them. If we don't know what's happening, we can't fix the problem. Union reps have been sitting in on a few meeting with the RN's at Oakville and Milton. Now that we have a contract, you have the right to have a union rep with you at meetings. Managers may still meet with you alone for initial meetings. With the passing of the Oakville/Milton contract, we can now combine our contract with Georgetown. The negotiation team was acclaimed at the end of last year. We will be looking at booking negotiation dates with the employer soon. Central negotiations for the Province are also taking place in 2014. All sites will be participating in the central agreement. At the time the list was put on the ONA website, only Georgetown site was participating in the Central contract. ONA has meet with the OHA to begin bargaining. Representing Region 4 is Donna Bain, St Joe's Hamilton and Loretta Tirabassi-Olinski, Niagara Health System. Dues Increase As many of you may be aware, the Provincial membership voted in a 3% dues escalator. In 2014 dues will be increasing to $87.81 per month. It is important to note that if you do not work any hours in a month, you will not pay dues for that month. If you work standby or education hours only, you pay $5.00 per month. If you do not work in the first half of the month, but you work in the second half, your dues will be deducted from the second pay period of the month. Similarly, if you only work in the first half of the month, your dues will be deducted in the first pay period. If you are in a meeting where you have not been offered, or told you do not need a union rep, please contact a local executive member right away as this could affect your rights under the contract. Did you know that you do not have to attend a meeting on your time off? If you are unavailable for the time and date, just ask to reschedule to a time that is more convenient for you. If you are working and cannot leave your patients at the time of the meeting, just tell your manager and s/he will either find coverage for your patients or reschedule your meeting. E-learning T he em pl o ye r is n o w r eq u ir ed t o p a y us f or a l l re q u ire d e d uc a t i on , i nc lu d in g e- le ar n in g. Yo ur m an a ger m us t g i v e yo u reas o n ab l e o pp or tu n it y t o c om pl et e yo ur e - le ar n in g d ur in g work in g h o urs . T his c o ul d inc l ud e d o i ng it o n do wn t im e. If yo u c a nn o t c om pl et e i t b ef or e th e d u e da t e, yo u m us t inf orm yo ur m an ag er th at yo u wi l l b e c om pl et i ng e - l e ar ni n g a t hom e a nd t h e y wi l l b e req u ir ed t o p a y yo u f or yo ur t im e. FEBRUARY 2014 VOL 2 ISSUE 1 CONTACTS - LOCAL 238 2014 Executive Committee Kerry Bell Kim McDonald Kelly Gentle Marielle Uliana Jacqui Hunt Laurie Rogers Olive Riley Heather Shaver Local Coordinator/Bargaining Unit President Vice Coordinator Treasurer-Secretary Grievance Chair/Site Rep Grievance Chair Grievance Chair Vice President Vice President OTMH [email protected] GCH OTMH GCH OTMH MDH OTMH MDH [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Unit Reps MILTON OAKVILLE Kathy Prepos Allison Jasin Gale James Olga Katerynych Jeff Simai Allison Mago Joan McEwan Lana Radkin Jennifer O'Sullivan Naima Mussarat Sherry Tickner Joan Viaene Coleen Willians Darren Hummel Bonnie Kavic VACANT Negotiations Hemo/ Neph Clinic 2C 4W 4E Rehab/CCC 2E PACU/SDC/PAC OR L&D ICU Peads/SCN Outpatient Clinics Psych ER Back up Rep 4C Jennifer Cassista Kristin Ingraham Sheila Richardson Doris Tubman VACANT VACANT OB ER CCC PACU/OR ICU Med/Surg Brenda Breznil VACANT BSRD Dorval Clinics NEGOTIATIONS Kerry Bell Pat Elsey Jacqui Hunt Janet Corpe Jennifer Cassista Marielle Uliana Kim McDonald Chair OTMH - PT OTMH - FT MDH - PT MDH - FT GCH - FT GCH - FT MONTH DAY YEAR ph 555.555.5555 fx 555.555.5555 mo 555.555.5555 [email protected] www.webaddress.com
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