2015 CERTIFICATION DUES RENEWAL FORM To renew on-line, go to http://www.search.eocp.ca and the information we have on file for you will be displayed on the screen. Please make the necessary changes. If you choose not to renew online, please complete ALL sections of this form and mail it to our office along with your cheque or credit card number. If your employer pays, complete this form and give it to your employer for inclusion with their payment. Mr./Ms. ____________________________________________________ Certification No. _________ Certificates Held _____________________________________ (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) (List all certificates held) Home Address ________________________________________ City _______________________________ Province/Territory ______ Postal Code _________________ Home Phone (____) ________________ Cell Phone (____) __________________ Work Phone (____) ________________ Fax (____) __________________ E-Mail _______________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ Currently: Self Employed: Unemployed: dd-mm-yyyy Employed: Retired: If employed, please complete employer information and table below. Principal Employer ________________________________________ Do you authorize the EOCP to provide your personal information necessary for your employer to carry out updates and/or corrections on your behalf? Yes No Department _____________________________________ Street_____________________________________ Voluntary Information – Are you a member of a First Nation? Yes No City ______________________ Province______ Postal Code_____ If so, what is your Band Number?_______ Certificates % of Facility Employment Employment Held * Time ** Job Title Number Facility Name Facility Owner Start Date End Date If there are not enough lines above, please use the back of the form. * List each active certificate by type (Do not include CH). ** Indicate the percentage of your work time you use each of the certificates you hold at the facilities you work at. If your work ended at a facility in the past year, please indicate the date that your work ended in the appropriate column. GST No. 89383 7971 RT0001 For the year ending Dec 31, 2015 Dues Calculation Examples: 1) Operator Certified as WD-I & For Certificates that include one or more of: - WT, WD, WWC, MWWT, IWWT $70.00 WT-OIT – Dues $70.00 Visa or M/C #: ___________________________ 2) Operator Certified as SWS – For Certificates held that ONLY include: Dues $60.00 Expiry Date: ___________________________ - SWS, SWWS, and/or BWD $60.00 mm/yyyy 3) Operator Certified as WT-I & Late fee (after Mar 31, 2015) $10.00 SWS– Dues $70.00 Name on Card: ___________________________ Reinstatement Level OIT-IV $80.00 2014 Plus Late Fees, Reinstatement Fees & Fees SWS, SWWS, BWD $70.00 Tax. Level OIT-IV $80.00 NOTE: IF ANNUAL DUES ARE NOT RECEIVED 2013 SWS, SWWS, BWD $70.00 BY MARCH 31, 2015, AN OPERATOR IS NOT IN GOOD STANDING For Office Use Only Level OIT-IV $80.00 2012 SWS, SWWS, BWD $70.00 IF ANNUAL DUES ARE IN ARREARS Date Received SUB TOTAL FOR 3 YEARS, YOUR CERTIFICATION Date Entered PLUS 5% GST WILL LAPSE TOTAL PAYABLE & ENCLOSED CC Approval Mail completed form and cheque or money order to: ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATORS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 201 - 3833 Henning Drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6N5 Ph: (604) 874-4784 Toll Free 1-866-552-EOCP(3627) Fax: (604) 874-4794 E-mail: [email protected]
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