93 No. 18 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ____________ WEDNESDAY 6 AUGUST 2014 1 Meeting of House The House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (Hon. M J Atkinson) took the Chair and read prayers. 2 Postponement of business Ordered - That Notices of Motion: Private Members Business: Committees and Subordinate Legislation No. 1 be postponed and taken into consideration after Notice of Motion: Private Members Business: Committees and Subordinate Legislation No. 3. 3 Withdrawal of Business – Notices of Motion: Private Members Business – Committees and Subordinate Legislation Notices of Motion: Private Members Business: Committees and Subordinate Legislation Nos 2 and 3 were withdrawn from the Notice Paper. 4 Regional Impact Assessment – Economic and Finance Committee - Motion re Mr Griffiths, pursuant to notice, moved - That this House – (a) supports the referral to the Economic and Finance Committee of all Regional Impact Assessment Statements, with the ability to call witnesses, and (b) urges the Minister for Regional Development to ensure the State Government – i. guarantees full compliance by all State Government departments, agencies and statutory authorities of the Regional Impact Assessment Statement policy and process to ensure the Government undertakes effective consultation with regional communities before decisions which impact community services and standards are implemented; and ii. makes public the results of all Regional Impact Assessment Statements undertaken prior to any change to a service or services in regional South Australia. Debate ensued. The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure (Hon. S C Mullighan) moved - That the debate be adjourned. Question put. 94 House divided (No. 1): Ayes, 21 Noes, 18 Ms Bedford Hon. Z L Bettison Hon. L W Bignell Hon. G G Brock Hon. P Caica Hon. S E Close Mr Gee Hon. M L J Hamilton-Smith Ms Hildyard Hon. S W Key Hon. A Koutsantonis Hon. S C Mullighan Mr Odenwalder Hon. A Piccolo Mr Picton Hon. J M Rankine Hon J R Rau Hon. J J Snelling Hon. J W Weatherill Ms Wortley Hon. T R Kenyon (Teller) Mr Bell Mr Goldsworthy Mr Griffiths Mr Knoll Mr Marshall Dr McFetridge Mr Pederick Mr Pengilly Mr Pisoni Mrs Redmond Ms Sanderson Mr Speirs Mr Tarzia Mr Treloar Mr Van Holst Pellekaan Mr Whetstone Mr Wingard Mr Gardner (Teller) So it was resolved in the affirmative. Ordered, that the debate be adjourned until Wednesday 17 September. 5 Postponement of business Ordered - That Notices of Motion: Government Business Nos 1 to 3 be postponed and taken into consideration on motion. 6 Postponement of business Ordered - That Orders of the Day: Government Business Nos 1 to 6 be postponed and taken into consideration after Order of the Day: Government Business No. 7. 7 Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill Order of the Day read for the adjourned debate on the question - That this Bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Ordered, on motion of Mr Tarzia, by leave, that the debate be further adjourned and resumed on motion. 8 Answer to a question An Answer to a question without notice was tabled by the Speaker. 9 Paper The following Paper was tabled: By the Minister for Disabilities (Hon. A Piccolo) University - South Australia Annual Report 2013. th 10 Legislative Review Committee – 6 Report th Mr Odenwalder brought up the 6 Report of the Legislative Review Committee on subordinate legislation. Report received. 11 Questions Questions without notice were asked. 12 Grievance debate On motion of the Speaker, the House noted grievances. 95 13 Return to Work Bill The Attorney-General (Hon. J R Rau), pursuant to notice, moved - That he have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to provide for the recovery, return to work and support of workers in relation to work injuries; to repeal the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986; to make related amendments to the Civil Liability Act 1934, the Judicial Administration (Auxiliary Appointments and Powers) Act 1988, the Motor Vehicle Accidents (Lifetime Support Scheme) Act 2013, the Supreme Court Act 1935, the WorkCover Corporation Act 1994 and the Work Health and Safety Act 2012; and for other purposes. Question put and passed. Bill presented and read a first time. The Attorney-General moved - That this Bill be now read a second time. Ordered, on motion of Ms Chapman, that the debate be adjourned until tomorrow. 14 South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill The Attorney-General, pursuant to notice, moved - That he have leave to introduce a Bill for an Act to establish a tribunal with jurisdiction to review certain decisions relating to rights or circumstances arising out of or in the course of employment; to confer powers on the tribunal; and for other purposes. Question put and passed. Bill presented and read a first time. The Attorney-General moved - That this Bill be now read a second time. Ordered, on motion of Ms Chapman, that the debate be adjourned until tomorrow. 15 Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Bill Order of the Day read for the second reading of this Bill. The Attorney-General moved - That this Bill be now read a second time. Ordered, on motion of Ms Chapman, that the debate be adjourned until Tuesday 16 September. 16 Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill Ordered - That the adjourned debate on the question - That this Bill be now read a second time - be now resumed. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. In Committee Clause No. 1 agreed to. Clause No. 2 read. Ms Chapman moved on page 8, line 2 to delete “this” and substitute Subject to subsection (2), this Question put and negatived. Clause No. 2 agreed to. Clauses Nos 3 to 48 agreed to. Clause No. 49 amended and agreed to. Clause No. 50 agreed to. Clauses Nos 51 and 52 amended and agreed to. Clauses Nos 53 to 109 agreed to. Clause No. 110 amended and agreed to. Clauses Nos 111 to 194 agreed to. Title agreed to. ____________ 96 The House having resumed: Ms Bedford reported that the Committee had considered the Bill referred to it and had agreed to the same with amendments. Bill read a third time and passed. 17 Postponement of business Ordered - That Orders of the Day: Government Business Nos 2 to 4 be postponed and taken into consideration after Order of the Day: Government Business No. 5. 18 Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill Order of the Day read for the adjourned debate on the question - That this Bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. 19 Extension of sitting Ordered, on motion of the Attorney-General, that the sitting of the House be extended beyond 6.00pm. 20 Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill Debate (interrupted by the foregoing) resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. In Committee Clauses Nos 1 to 3 agreed to. Clause No. 4 amended and agreed to. Schedule No. 1 agreed to. Title agreed to. ____________ The House having resumed: Ms Bedford reported that the Committee had considered the Bill referred to it and had agreed to the same with an amendment. Bill read a third time and passed. 21 Adjournment The House adjourned at 5.59 pm until tomorrow at 10.30 pm. ____________ MOTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE WAS GIVEN For Thursday 30 October 2014 Private Members Business: Other Motions Mrs Vlahos to move – That this House – (a) acknowledges that 20 July 2014 marks 40 years since Cyprus was divided; (b) notes the first Turkish invasion of Cyprus on 20 July 1974 and the second Turkish invasion of Cyprus on 14 August 1974; (c) recognises the continuing support of this Parliament towards achieving a just and fair resolution for the Cyprus problem; 97 (d) notes that any solution to the Cyprus conflict should result in the demilitarisation and reunification of the island for the benefit and welfare of its entire people and peace in the region; (e) acknowledges the many South Australian Cypriots whose families and property have been illegally displaced and seek a just settlement; and (f) calls on the Commonwealth Government to aid the current peace process and relevant United Nations resolutions on respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus. ____________ Present during the day - All Members except Hon. R B Such. The following Pairs were handed in at the Table during the days proceedings: Division No. 1 Ayes – Mrs Digance, Mr Hughes, Ms Vlahos. Noes – Ms Chapman, Hon. I F Evans, Mr Williams. Hon. M J Atkinson SPEAKER Richard Crump ACTING CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY
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