NIB No: AIIDC/1399/2014/9708, Date

Phone: (0361) 2556864,
2556864, 2550387
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidam, GuwahatiGuwahati-21
Fax no. 03610361-2556864
Dated Guwahati,the 10th October, 2014
No. AIIDC/1399/2014/
Sealed tender in prescribed format (eventually drawn in favour of APWD F-2 Form affixing nonrefundable court fee stamp of Rs.8.25 (Rupees Eight and paise Twenty five) are invited by the undersigned
from the eligible registered contractor (up to date) of APWD (Roads) or contractors registered with other
State/Central Govt. Departments, Institutions, Undertakings and Authorities for the following works:
Name of work
Value of
Construction of RCC Bridge on
Dimly River for connectivity road Rs. 48,35,908.00
Chatabari and IGC Chaygaon,
Jambari through ASIDC’s Food
Procesing Park District: Kamrup,
Money /Bid
Period of
6 (six)
1. The bidder must achieve a financial turn over (certified by a CA) of not less than 75% of
amount put to bid in any one of the last 5(five) years.
2. Required experience: The bidders are to submit experience certificate for completion of
RCC Bridge work meeting requirement at least one of the following:
a) Single works with value not less than 80% of Bid value in last seven financial years.
b) Two works with value not less than 50% of Bid value in last seven financial years.
c) Three works with value not less than 40% of Bid value in last seven financial years.
3. Bid documents may be purchased from the office of the undersigned on production of an
application along with non refundable fee for each set as indicated in the table, in cash
from 13-10-2014 to 22-10-2014. Interested bidders may obtain further information at the
same address.
4. Bids must be accompanied by bid security of the amount specified for the work in the table
payable at Guwahati and drawn in favour of MD, AIIDC. Bid security will have to be
deposited in any one of the forms as specified in the bid document and shall have to be
valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid.
5. Bids must be delivered to the M.D., AIIDC, Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati-21
on or before 14:00 hours on 24-10-2014 and will be opened on the same day at 14:30
hours, in presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who wish to attend. If the
office happens to be closed on the date of receipt of the bids as specified, the bids will be
received and opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
6. Other details can be seen in the bid documents.
The NIB may also be seen in the official website &
up to 24-10-2014
Sd/Managing Director
Dated Guwahati,the 10th October, 2014
Memo No. AIIDC/1399/2014/
Copy forwarded to;
1. P.S. to the Additional Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Industries & Commerce
Department and Chairman AIIDC for appraisal to the Additional Chief Secretary.
2. The General Manager, AIIDC, Guwahati-21 for information and necessary action.
3. The Dy. General Manager (LAZ), AIIDC, Guwahati-21 for information and necessary
4. The Financial Adviser, AIIDC, Guwahati-21 for information and necessary action.
5. Sri S.R Mondal, Manager (C), AIIDC, Guwahati-21 for information and necessary action.
6. M/s Avantika, Anuradha Complex, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati-21. They are requested to
upload the NIT in the official website of Industries & Commerce Department for wide
7. The General Computers, Christianbasti, Guwahati-5. They are requested to upload the NIT
in the official website of AIIDC for wide publicity.
8. Office Notice Board / Site office Notice Board.
Sd/Managing Director
1. The rates are to be quoted as mentioned in the price bid.
2. The rates are to be quoted both in words and figures. In case there is any
discrepancy in the rate indicated in words or figures, the rate indicated in
words shall be taken into consideration.
3. Rates to be quoted by the bidder must include AGST, Income Tax, Forest
Royalty, Labour cess and any other taxes/duties etc. as per Govt.
4. All pages of the bid document are to be signed and stamped by the bidder
or person so authorized by him.
5. Any cut marks/overwriting/corrections etc. are to be initialed.
6. The bidder will have to :
demonstrate availability of Equipments required (as per Appendix to
the ITB) for construction of bridge works either owned or on lease or
Deployment and engagement of required key technical personnel and
their qualification and experience (as per Appendix to the ITB) as per
proforma at 1.4 and 1.5 of Qualification information and in form of an
7. The bidders are to furnish Completion Certificate of at least one single work
of similar nature as mentioned in the NIB executed during last three years
Undertaking/Agency Registered under Govt./Autonomous Body,
mentioning clearly the name of work, work order no. & date with value and
date of completion along with the bid.
8. The bidders are to submit the requisite Bid Security separately for each
group of works as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Bid (half in case of
those contractors who belongs to ST/SC/OBC caste subject to furnishing
relevant documents along with the bid) in the form of N.S.C/K.V.P/ Banker
cheque / Bank Draft of any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank duly pledged in
favour of “Managing Director, AIIDC, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati-21 ”
along with their bid failing which the bid will be summarily rejected.
9. The bidders are to submit the copy of the valid registration (up to date) as
mentioned in the NIB.
10. The bidders are to submit the Income tax/PAN Card and VAT Registration
with supporting documents, Labour license along with their bid.
11. Evidence of access to line(s) of credit (10% of the contract value ) certified by
banker ( the proforma of which is provided in “ SECURITIES AND OTHER
12. The copy of the money receipt against purchasing of the Bid Document
should be accompanied along with their bid.
13. The bidders shall have to submit their bid separately for each group of
works super scribing the name of work on the sealed envelope.
14. In the event for any reason, the specified date for submission of bids
declared as holiday/bandh etc. the bids will be received and opened on the
next working day at the same time and venue.
15. No materials/machineries will be issued to the contractor against the work.
16. The estimated quantity/cost is likely to vary. In this case, the decision of the
Corporation shall be final and binding upon the Contractor.
17. No escalation of price will be allowed for the work in any circumstances.
18. In case of any item(s) out of the estimate to be executed during the time of
execution, the rate for that item(s) would be considered as per the relevant
item(s) of APWD Schedule as per accepted rates.
19. Terms & Conditions and Instructions to Bidders as supplied with the Bid
Document along with relevant provisions of the F-2 form of APWD will be
final and binding upon the contractor.
20. All the works are to be executed as per the latest specifications provided by
Assam PWD.
21. Penalty will be imposed on contractor by the Corporation doing substandard works or for time delays, if any, as deem fit.
22. The Security Deposit (SD) money will be released only after expiry of the
Defect Liability Period of 24(twenty four) months reckoned from the date of
completion of the work.
23. The Corporation reserves the right to modify the drawings, details and
specifications. In such cases resulting increase or decrease in quantities, the
decision of the Corporation shall be final and binding upon the contractor.
24. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all the bids without
assigning any reason thereof.
25. The Corporation is not bound to allot the works to the lowest bidder only.
26. Performance Security amount will have to be deposited by the selected
contractor who will quote below the approved estimated rate as per the
APWD circular dated 15/02/2011 failing which the Bid Security will be
fore fitted.
27. Any dispute arising out of the processing of offers and of the work order
shall be subject to the jurisdictions of Hon’ble Gauhati High Court,
Guwahati, Assam.
28. Item, mentioned in the index (page no -7) from section 1 to section 6 are the
integral part of the Tender document.
Sd/Managing Director