BID NOTICE INVITATION TO TENDER Ngqushwa Local Municipality hereby invites bids from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for implementation of the projects listed below: Bid No: Description Compulsory briefing session Closing Date and time Enquiries 8/2/304/2013-2014 Review ICT Strategy none Ms B.B. Maliza 040 673 3095 8/2/324/2013-3014 Supply, delivery & installation of a Back-up generator none 21 February 2014 at 11:00 21 February 2014 at 11:00 8/2/325/2013-2014 Development of a Cemetery Management System 10 February 2014 at 10:00 28 February 2014 at 11:00 Mr R. Mkontwana 040-673 3107/8 8/2/326/2013-2014 Call for Expression of Interest; Revitalization of Kalana Citrus Farm 21 February 2014 at 11:00 Ms X. Maswana 040-673 3107/8 8/2/327/2013-2014 Invitation of SMME’s and Co-operatives Mentors to participate in Mentorship and Capacitation Programme 21 February 2014 at 11:00 Ms J. Ngwanduli 040-673 3107/8 8/2/328/2013-2014 Farmer Mentoring Program 21 February 2014 at 11:00 Ms X. Maswana 040-673 3107/8 Mr B. Mangesi 040-673 3098 Bid documents will be available as from 4th February 2014 at the cashier’s office in Ngqushwa Municipality, Erf 313, Main Road, Peddie between 08H00 – 16H30 upon payment of a non-refundable fee of R200. Payment must either be cash or a bank guaranteed cheque payable to Ngqushwa municipality. A compulsory site inspection/briefing meeting will be held as detailed on the schedule above. Prospective bidders are to meet at the Community Services of Ngqushwa Municipality as per the schedule and from there drive to site. Further enquiries may be directed for each project can be directed to the person mentioned in the schedule. Completed sealed bid documents, addressed to the Municipal Manager and marked with the name of the bid and the bid number must be deposited in the Bid box situated at Ngqushwa Municipal offices Erf 313, Main Street, Peddie, not later than 11H00 on the Closing date. PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK ACT 2011 (PPPFA) POINTS WILL BE AWARDED AS 80/20 Price B-BBEE -80 points -20 points Bidders must take note that a Pre-Qualification Evaluation (Functionality Criterion) will be undertaken as follows: Experience - 30 Expertise - 30 Methodology - 40 PLEASE NOTE: A minimum score of 60 points out of 100 must be scored for Functionality. Bidders, who do not obtain the minimum score for functionality, will not be considered for further evaluation. SUPPLIERS/SERVICE PROVIDERS SHALL TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING BID CONDITIONS: [a] The Ngqushwa Local Municipality Supply Chain Management Policy will apply; [b] The Ngqushwa Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest Bidder or any other Bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the BID; [c] Bids which are late, incomplete, unsigned or submitted by facsimile or electronically, may not be accepted. [d] Price(s) must be valid for at least ninety (90) days from date of bid closing. [e] Priced bids must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT. [f] For all transactions exceeding R15 000, 00 your original tax clearance certificate must be furnished from SARS. (Tax Clearance Certificate- original copy) [h] This BID will be evaluated in terms of the 90/10 preference point system as prescribed in the Preferential Procurement Regulation of 2011 and for this purpose the service providers are required to submit together with their bids the Original and valid B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate or certified copies thereof. [i] Certified copy/s of IDs, CK certificate must be attached. [j] Bidders to submit individual Tax Numbers of the Directors of the company with the bid. V. MBELANI MUNICIPAL MANAGER
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