Republic of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment BFO Building, Ortigas Avenue cor. EDSA, Mandaluyong City 1501 OB CEITTIACATION INTERNATIONAL Website: E-mail: [email protected] Hotlines: 722-1144, 722-1155 INVITATION TO BID The PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION (POEA), through th e 2015 National Expenditure Progra m (NEP) intends to apply the sum of TWELVE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX PESOS ONLY (Pl2,160,876.00) to payments under the con tract for the Retrofitting of Blas F. Opie Build ing - Phase 2, being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC). Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatical ly rejected at bid opening. The POEA now invites bids for t his project as fo llows: --- - ITEM/DESCRIPTION Approved Budget Ceiling for the Contract - Retrofitting of Blas F. Opie Building Phase 2 (Rebidding) (ITB 06-2014) P12,160,876.00 DATE & TIME --Deadline of Pre- Bid Submission and Opening of Conference Bid Docume nts - -- November 28 2014 2 :00 p.m. ACCREDITED Qr.G~i!lcolb>.lloltf ISO Q(() l :2008 Accrocr.Ollon No: CrP/4676/12/00/811 MSA-OJI Price of Bi Document s (NonRefundable ~ December 10 2014 2:00 p.m. P25,000.0 0 - - - Bidders should have at least two (2) completed and/or on - going similar project, within a five (5) year period from th e date of submission and receipt of bids . The description of an el igible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in Section II. Instructions to Bidders . Bidd ing wi ll be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a nondiscretionary "pass/fail" criterion as speci fi ed in the Implementing Ru les and Regulations (IRR) of Republ ic Act (RA 9184), otherwise known as the "Government Procu r ement Act." Bidding is rest ricted to Fil ipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, cooperatives or corporations, with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Phil ippines, and to citizens or organ izations of a country t he laws or regu lat ions of which g rant simila r rights or privileges to Fi lipino citizens, pursua nt to RA 5183 and subject to Commonwealth Act 138. Interested bidders should be enrol led t o the Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS) program of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) , pursuant t o Executive Order No . 398, RR 3-2005, and must be registered under the Phi lippine Government Electron ic Procu r ement System (PhilGEPS) . A complete set of Bidding Documents may be inspected and purchased by interested bidders at the BAC Secretariat beginning on November 21, 2014 at anytime between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents. Only bidders w ho have purchased the bid documents shall be eligible to attend in the Pre-Bid Conference and participate in the b idding process. Th e POEA wil l hold a Pre- Bid Conference on November 28, 2014 at 2:00 p.m . at the HRDD Train ing Room , 5th Floor, Blas F. Opie Bldg., Ortigas Avenue corner EDSA, Mandaluyong City, which shall be open to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidd ing Documents . Bids must be delivered t o th e BAC Secretariat, Mezzanine Fir., Blas F. Opie Bldg., Ortigas Av enue corner EDSA, Mandaluyong City on or before December 10, 2014, 2 :00 p. m . All bids must be accompanied by a bid securing declaratio n or bid security in any of the acce ptable forms and in the amount stated in !TB Clause 18. Bid opening for this project shall be held on December 10, 2014 at 2:00 p.m ., at the HRDD Training Roo m , 5 th Floor, Blas F. Opie Bldg. , Ortigas Avenue corner EDSA, Mandaluyong City. Bids will be opened in the presen ce of the bidders' rep resentatives who choose to attend at the address above- mentioned. Lat e bids shal l not be accepted. All particulars rela t ive to El igibi lity St atement and Screening , Bid Security, Performance Security, Pre-Bidding Conference, Eva luation of Bids, Post-Qua lification and Award of Cont ract shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of R.A. 9184 and its Implementi ng Rules and Regu lation (IRR), as amended. The POEA reserves the ri ght to accept or reject any bi d, to annul th e bidding process, and to reject all bids at any tim e prior to contra ct award, without ther eby incurring any liability to the The POEA assu mes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any expenses incu rred in the preparation of their bids. For further information, please refer to: BAC Secretariat Mezzanine Floor, Blas F. Op ie Bldg., Ortig as Avenue corner EDSA, Mandaluyong City Telefax: (02) 7277781 NIM FA BAC Ch Date of Publ ication: November 21, 2014 Newspaper: Philippine Daily Inquirer PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION (POEA) ITB 06 -2014 Re t ro fit ting of Blas F. Opie Building - Phase 2 ( Re bidding) Blas F. Opie Bldg, Ortigas corner EDSA Mandaluyong Cit y Standard For m Number : SF-G000-06 Revised on: May 24, 2004 Checklist of Technical and Financial Com p onents for Bidders A. T he Technical Component ( Envelope No. 1) sha ll cont ain t he fol lowi ng: 1. Registration ce rtificate from SEC, Department of Trade and I ndustry ( DTI ) f or sole proprietorsh ip, o r CDA fo r cooperatives, or any proof of such registration as stated in t he Bidd ing Docume nts, duly ce rtified by the issui ng government agency as certif ied true copy . 2. Val id Mayor's perm it issued by th e city or m un icipal ity where the principal p lace of business is located . 3 . Statement of a ll its ongoing and completed government and private contracts, including co nt racts awarded but not yet sta rted, if any . The statement should include at least two (2) sim ilar contract s, the aggregate amou nt of wh ich should at least be equivalent to t he ABC of t his project, wit hi n the re leva nt per iod as provided in t he Ph ilipp ine Bidd ing Document s (PB Ds) . T he statement sh all include all information required in the PBDs prescribed by the GPPB. 4. Valid Philippine Contractors Accreditation Boa rd ( PCAB) li cense and registration for the type and cost of the con t ract t o be bid . 5 . Th e audited financ ial stateme nts, showing , among ot hers, the tota l and curren t assets and liabilities, sta m ped " received" by the BIR or its duly accredited and authorized inst itutio ns, fo r t he fiscal years 2012 a nd 2013 . 6 . T he computa ti on for its Net Fi nancia l Cont racting Capacity ( NFCC) must be at least equa l to the ABC t o be bid OR a com mit me nt from a Universa l or Commercia l Ban k to extend a cred it line in the amount equ ivalent to at least 10% of the ABC in its favo r if awarded t he contract to be bid (CLC) . 7. Bid-Securing Declarat ion OR Bid Secu rity in the prescribed form, amount and validity period (see page 22 of PBDs) . 8. Proj ect Requ irements, wh ich shall include the following : a) Organizational cha rt fo r the contract to be bid ; b) List of contractor's personnel t o be assig ned to t he con t ract t o be bid, with thei r complete qua lification and experience data ; c) List of contracto r's equ ipment units, w hi ch are owned, leased, and/or under pu rchase agreements, supported by certi fi cation of availab ility of equipment from the equ ipment lessor/vendor for the duration of the project. 9. Omnibus Sworn Statement (see pages 91 - 92 of PBDs) by t he pr ospect ive bidder or its duly aut horized rep resen t at ive in t he fo rm prescribed by the GPPB as to the fol lowing : PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION (POEA) ITB 06 -20 14 Retrofitting of Blas F. Opie Building - Phase 2 (R e biddi ng) Blas F. Opie Bldg, Ortigas corner EDSA Mandaluyong City a) it is not "blacklisted" or barred from bidding by t he GOP or any of its agencies, offices, corpora t ions, or LGUs, incl ud in g foreign government/foreign or internationa l f inancing institution whose black listing ru les have been recognized by the GPPB ; b) each of t he documents subm itted in satisfaction of t he bidd ing requirements is an a ut hentic copy of the orig inal, com plete, a nd all statements and informatio n provided t herein are true and correct; c) it is authorizing the Hea d of the Procuri ng Entity or his d uly authorized rep resentative/s to verify al l t he documents subm it t ed; d) t he signatory is its duly aut horized representative, and granted f ull power and authority to do, execute and perform any a nd all acts necessary and/or to rep resen t in the bidding, with the duly notarized Secr etary's Certificate attesting to such fact, if t he prospective bidder is cor poration, partnership o r joint ventu re; e) it compli es w ith the d isclosu re provision under Section 47 of the Act in relation to other provisions of R.A. 3019; f) it complies with t he responsibi lities of a prospective or eligible bidder provided in the PBDs; and g) it compl ies with existing labo r laws and standards, in the case of procurement of services . B. The Financial Component (Envelope No . 2) sha ll contain the fo llowing : 1. Duly Signed Bil l of Qua ntities (see pages 84-85 of PBDs ) 2. Duly Sig ned Bid Form (see pages 87-88 of PBDs)
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