INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, MAHANADI BARRAGE DIVISION, GANDARPUR, CUTTACK-753 003. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) Bid Identification No. MBD – 15 to 19/ 2014-15 (05 Nos.) The Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division, Cuttack on behalf of Governor of Odisha invites On-line Percentage Rate Tenders through e-procurement for execution of Irrigation Project. The bid should be submitted by Registered Manufacturers/S.S.I. Units as prime bidder having good infrastructure and track records of past experience & expertise for execution of Gate Works to be eventually drawn in P-1 Form through on-line in the Government website The bidders should have necessary portal enrolment (with own digital signature certificate). The registered bidders from out side of Odisha state can also participate in this on-line tender process after necessary portal enrolment but shall have to subsequently undergo registration with appropriate authority of the state govt. within a month of acceptance of bid. The bidders registered out side the state are required to submit an under taking in the form of an affidavit, that they are not registered under the VAT act in the state of Odisha as they have not started any business in the state and they have no liabilities under the Act. But the successful bidder has to produce V A T clearance certificate in the form V A T-612 before signing of agreement. Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Name of work Replacement of rubber seals of Stop Log of Mahanadi Barrage for the year 2014-15(MBD-15/2014-15) Repairing of wheel bearings of spillway gate No.09,12,13,16,17 , 19, 47, 48, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71 and 81(14 Nos) of Mahanadi Barrage for the year 2014-15.(MBD–16/ 2014-15) Fabrication and Erection of chequred plate on upstream side of Mahanadi Barrage Gate No.21 to 72(52 Nos) for the year 2014-15. (MBD–17 / 2014-15) Aluminium painting to Kendrapara and Taladanda canal and repairing of gates for the year 2014-15. (MBD – 18 / 2014-15) Renovation and repairing including painting of 17 Nos Gates of Naraj Barrage for the year 2014-15. (MBD – 19 / 2014-15) Approximate value of Work (in Rs.) 14,80,088/- 29,82,000/- EMD Required (in Rs.) Class of Contractor (for each work) Time for completion (for work) each 03(Three) Calendar Months 15,000/- 03(Three) Calendar Months 30,000/Eligible Registered Manufactur er/S.S.I. Unit’ 03(Three) Calendar Months 49,41,883/- 49,500/- 14,71,409/- 15,000/- 03(Three) Calendar Months 34,000/- 03(Three) Calendar Months 33,65,860/- Cost of Tender Paper (for each work) Rs. 6,000.00 + VAT 5% = 6,300.00 per set (Non refundable) only in shape of DD in favour of Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division, Cuttack. The DD is to be scanned and uploaded in pdf format in the website along with the bid. 1. Mode of Submission of EMD : 2. 2 Mode of submission of tender 3. Period of availability of tenders on-line / date of time of bidding on-line / last date of seeking clarification / date of opening of tender papers. Procurement Officer Bid Identification Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division, Cuttack-753003 No. MBD –15 to 19 / 2014-15 (05 Nos.) on-line Tender must be accompanied by security amount of required EMD pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division, Cuttack in shape of K.V.P. / N.S.C. Postal Time Deposit Pass Book / Deposit Receipt of any schedule bank. The scanned copy of EMD will be submitted in web site at the time of submission of bid with the tender paper. The EMD is to be scanned and uploaded in pdf format in the web-site along with the bid. Tenderers desirous to hire machineries or equipment from outside the state are required to furnish 2% of the amount put to tender as security. : Tender should be submitted on-line in : Details as follows. Availability of tender on-line for biding From To Last date and time of seeking tender clarification Date & time of opening of tender 12.11.14 16.00Hours 19.11.14 11.00 Hrs to 16.00 Hrs 28.11.14 12.30 Hrs. 24.11.14 16.00Hours 4. Any addendum / corrigendum /cancellation of above tender will be published in the web-site, and in the notice board. The system shall generate a mail to those bidders who have already uploaded their tenders and those bidders if they wish, can modify their tenders. 5. Bid document consisting of qualification, information and eligibility criteria of bidders, plans, specification and schedule of quantities of the works are available in web-site and the set of terms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents can be seen in the web-site till last date of sale and receipt of tender papers. Interested tenderers may obtain further information at the web-site 6. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the last date of receipt of bids. If any bidder/ tenderer withdraws his bid/ tender before the said period or makes any modification in the terms and condition of the bid, the EMD deposit at the time of submission of tender shall stand forfeited. 7. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the State Government is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service, without Government permission. 8. Other details including details of Portal Registration, Submission of bid, Resubmission and withdrawal of bid can be seen in the bidding document which is available in web-site 9. The bidder shall provide the cost of Bid and the Bid security / EMD in original in a sealed cover superscripting the name of the work and Officer inviting the bid. He/She is not required to write his / her name on the cover. The sealed cover containing the cost of Bid and the Bid security / EMD in original shall be physically produced before Superintending Engineer, Drainage Circle , Cuttack or Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division, Cuttack or Liaison Officer of Chief Engineer, Drainage, at Bhubaneswar, from 25.11.14 at 11.00 AM to 26.11.14 up to 5.00PM. The bidder may also submit the cost of Bid and the Bid security / EMD in original by Registered Post/ Speed Post / Any Other delivery System, to the above mentioned officers within the specified date and time as above. 10. The Superintending Engineer, Drainage Circle, Cuttack or Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division, Cuttack or Liaison Officer of Chief Engineer, Drainage at Bhubaneswar shall not be responsible for any postal delay and / or non receipt of the original copy of bid security and bid cost on or before specified date and time. Non submission of Bid security within the designated period shall debar the bidder from participating in the online bidding system and his portal registration shall be blocked. 11. The Original documents along with a set of its Xerox copies against the scanned copy of R.C. (Registration certificate), VAT, PAN, Affidavit and other requisite documents submitted through web-site should be produced in the O/O Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division, Cuttack for verification on demand after opening of the Technical Bid. 12. Additional Performance Security shall be deposited by the successful bidder at the time of signing of agreement when the bid amount is seriously unbalanced i.e. less than the estimated cost by more than 10 %. In such an event the successful bidder will deposit the additional performance security to the extent of 1.5 times the differential cost of bid amount and 90% of the estimated cost in shape of post office savings bank account/National Savings Certificate/Post Office Time Deposit Account/Kisan Vikash Patra/Deposit Receipt of Schedule Bank payable at Cuttack duly pledged in favour of Executive Engineer, Mahanadi Barrage Division Cuttack in addition to EMD failing which the tender in his favour shall be liable for rejection. 13. If the rate quoted by the bidder is less than 15% of the tendered amount, then such a bid shall be rejected and the tender shall be finalized basing on the merits of rest of bids. But if more than one bid is quoted at 14.99%(decimals up to two numbers will be taken for all practical purposes) less than the tendered amount, the tender will be finalized through a transparent lottery system which will be held on 01.12.2014 in presence of all bidders/their authorized representatives, the Executive Engineer and DAO. 14. If L1 bidder does not turn up for agreement after finalization of the tender, then he/she shall be debarred from participation in bidding for three years and action will be taken to blacklist the contractor. In that case, the L2 bidder, if fulfills other required criteria will be called for drawing agreement for execution of the work subject to the condition that the L2 bidder negotiates at par with the rate quoted by the L1 bidder, otherwise the will be cancelled. 15. Before acceptance of the tender, the successful bidder will be required to submit a work programme and milestone basing on the financial achievement so as to complete the work within the stipulated time and in case of failure on the part of the agency to achieve the milestone liquidated damage will be imposed. 16. For eligibility of contractors, Detailed Tender Call Notice is to be referred. 17. Authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. Executive Engineer Mahanadi Barrage Division Cuttack.
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