bul oct 26 14 - Diocese of London

Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
Please pray for…
Prions pour…
lundi/Monday, October 27, 2014
No mass! Pas de messe!
mardi/Tuesday, October 28, 2014
8:30 am (E)
Intentions of Irene Gagnier
Pat Quenneville
For a special intention
by her sister
by John & Mary Ann Hamlin
by a parishioner
mercredi/Wednesday, October 29, 2014
8:30 am (F)
Intentions de Paul et Lucy Tremblay par Raymond et Rita Dupuis
Geraldine Lanoue
par Madeline Beaudette
Robert Chauvin
par John et Jeannette Foolen
jeudi/Thursday, October 30, 2014
8:30 (E)
Bob Labonté
by Al & Rita Bellaire
Phyllis Nowak
by Mike & Pam Fenchak
For the intentions of Charles & Agnes Labonté (60th wedding ann.)
vendredi/Friday, October 31, 2014
8:30 am (F)
Cecile Julienne Baillargeon
par testament
Marie Anne Labonté
par Chodi Abou Kassim et famille
Âmes du purgatoire
par une paroissienne
samedi/Saturday, November 1, 2014
2:00 pm Marriage
William Comartin & Jillian Popovich
11:30 am Confessions
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
The sick…Les malades...
Bill Bulley, Yvette Bulley,
Rita Charest, Juliette Comartin,
Rita Knapp, Jean-Guy Langlois,
Estelle Lebert, Cathy Michaud,
Charlene Parent, Brian Quick,
Randy Reaume, Jeannette Rivest,
Maria Teves, Timothy Trepanier.
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario N0P 1J0
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Our Collections
October 19, 2014
Envelopes $4,690.25
+ loose
World Mission Collection..…....$401.00
Thanksgiving Appeal…………..$250.00
Website: www.visitation.dol.ca
Email: [email protected]
Father Bob’s Email: [email protected]
Katherine’s Email: [email protected]
Building Fund
Weekend Masses
Memorial Donations……..….…$195.00
October Pre-Authorized Debit..$825.00
Saturday 5 pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
Merci! Thank you!
Office Hours:
9:00 am to 12:00 noon…...1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Larry Lamphier, Permanent Deacon/Diacre permanent
Katherine Marsh, Pastoral Minister/Youth Minister/
Agente de pastorale/pastoral-jeunesse
Parish Staff
Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary
Rachelle Moison, Secretary/Receptionist
Debbie Rubin, Caretaker
Randy Barrette, Maintenance
Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper
Kelly Authier, Choir Director
dimanche/Sunday, November 2, 2014
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
Join 40 Days For Life
11:00 am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Lylah Rose Campbell,
child of Kaille & Jacinta Campbell
Dakota Wayne Vernon Demers,
child of Michael & Holly Demers
Audrey Elizabeth Desaulniers,
child of Joel & Rachelle Desaulniers
Benjamin Arthur McDougall,
child of Ryan & Amanda Thibert
September 24th to November 1st
everyday from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
(except Sundays)
in front of Leamington Hospital
contact Helen Lewis
at 519-816-0402
[email protected]
Centre culturel St. Cyr: Vendredi le 14
novembre, le Centre culturel St.Cyr présentera le
chanteur Jean-Guy Labelle de Monetville. Il saura
nous donner un AVANT-GOÛT de Noël à la Salle
St. Simon et St. Jude. Bar payant 17h30. Souperspectacle 25$ à 18h30. Spectacle seulement 15$.
Achetez vos billets tôt de: Hélène 519-798-3048,
Lucy 519-798-5857, Pauline 519-798-5756 et
Ursule 519-727-1306.
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon
or by appointment.
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
30e dimanche du temps ordinaire
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
October 26, 2014
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
We should
live our lives based on our love of God,
our neighbors and our self.
definition of love has carried many
different meanings throughout history.
We do not need a degree in psychology
to be able to know authentic love. We
can look to those we know to find the
meaning of true love. The greatest
example of love is Jesus. Sure models
of true love are Mary and the saints.
30e dimanche du temps ordinaire:
même amour. Aimer Dieu, aimer son prochain et s’aimer
soi-même, voilà ce que Jésus nous demande aujourd’hui.
Aimer son prochain comme soi-même et aimer Dieu, c’est le
même amour. L’un ne va pas sans l’autre.
The readings…Les lectures...
November 2
le 2 novembre
Lamentations 3:17-26
1 Corinthians 15:51-57
Matthew 11:25-30
Lamentations 3, 17-26
1 Corinthiens 15, 51-57
Matthieu 11, 25-30
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Our Children’s liturgy of the word teachers
need more helpers. If you love kids and love
God, this could be the ministry for you. Please
call Denise at 519-682-9196.
COR 45:
Applications are now available for the
COR weekend to be offered at l’Essor High School,
Friday November 21st to Sunday November 23rd.
Applicants must be 16 to 19 years of age. The cost is
$50.00 per person. As a limited number of candidates will
be accepted, apply now to guarantee your place.
Applications are available from the parish office Monday
to Thursday, in the sacristy on weekends and also on our
website, [email protected] under the “Youth” tab.
COR Food Donations:
We are now accepting
food donations for the next COR weekend. Items needed
are: turkeys (cooked and carved), pies, vegetables
(cleaned and cut), fruits, milk, cheese and crackers.
Please call the office at 519-687-3118 if you are able to
donate. Thank you!
Thank you very much for your generous support of World
Mission Sunday last week. This support is a blessing for
the priests, Sisters and Brothers and Lay Catechists who
depend on this help through the Propagation of the Faith.
Please continue to pray for all who serve in mission
countries that they may remain steadfast in their vocation
to bring Christ’s message of love to those they serve, the
world’s most vulnerable.
If your child attends an English
public school and is in grade 7 or 8, or in high school and
has not previously received this sacrament,
please see Katherine or call the office for
program and registration information. For
more detailed information please visit
Attention All Parishioners:
Tue. Oct. 28
@ 7:00 pm PPC Meeting - library
Wed. Oct. 29
@ 2:00 pm CWL Bazaar Mtg - library
@ 7:00 pm Choir Practice
Sat. Nov. 1
@ 9:00 am COR Meeting-Sunday
School Room
Sun. Nov. 2
@ 9:45 am Squirettes Exec Mtg-library
Journée Missionnaire Mondiale
Merci beaucoup de votre généreux appui pour la Journée
des Missions la semaine dernière. Ce soutien est une
bénédiction pour les prêtres et les catéchistes laïcs qui
dépendent de cette aide par le biais de la Propagation de la
foi et des Frères et Sœurs. S’il vous plaît continuez à prier
pour tous ceux qui servent dans les pays de mission, qu’ils
peuvent rester fidèles à leur vocation d’apporter le
message du Christ de l’amour à ceux qui sont plus
vulnérables du monde.
Parish Breakfast...next
Sunday after both masses.
Come and enjoy yourself with friends. The cost is $5.
Déjeuner...dimanche prochain après les messes. Venez
jaser avec vos amis et voisins tout en dégustant un bon
déjeuner! Coût 5$
Knights of Columbus Annual Can Drive
When: Saturday, November 1st, 2014 at 9am
3rd Annual
Soup Competition
Sunday, November 9th from Noon to 2:30 pm
at the Visitation Parish Hall. All the Soup you can Eat.
Admission Fee at the door only
is $10.00 per/adult (Tea or Coffee) included and
$5.00 (for children 10 and under).
Hot dog combos for $5.00. Desserts $1.00 each.
There will also be a 50/50 Draw.
All proceeds to support the Building Fund.
Come out and join us for some fantastic homemade soup.
For more information please contact
the Parish Office at (519) 687-3118.
Soup makers needed!!!!
We still need more Soup-Makers. Please consider
putting your favorite soup in the contest. We need
at least 14 Soup-Makers in order to have this
event. There are only 5 entries so far. Entry
Forms are available in the foyer.
Cemetery Sunday Prayer Service
World Mission Sunday
Heavenly Rest Cemetery in St. Francis Mausoleum
3:00 pm Sunday, November 9th, 2014
Presider - Bishop Ronald P. Fabbro, CSB
Bishop of Diocese of London
All are welcome. Seating is provided.
For information: 519-969-4836
CWL is collecting grocery receipts from the
Foodland in Tilbury only. Please place your
receipts in the container found on the desk in
the foyer. Thanks for your participation!
CWL News
Your participation in selecting the new
executive council for 2015/2016 is needed. Nomination
forms are available on the desk in the foyer. Completed
forms are to be deposited in the provided box. The
deadline is Monday, October 27th, 2014. Those who are
nominated will be contacted by telephone by the
Nominations and Elections Committee Members. Elections
will be held at the November 17th general membership
meeting. For information call Yvette at 519-798-5951
Regional Fall Day: Workshop taking place on Saturday,
November 8th at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Windsor,
from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Topic: Spirituality Through
Music. Cost of $8.00 lunch will be paid by Council. Sale
of Special Pewter Christmas Ornaments - $20
Carpooling available. Contact Laurie Lassaline at
519-728-2807 by October 26th to reserve your spot.
Where: Visitation Parish Hall
Volunteers, especially teens are needed to collect
cans from area homes and sort them.
This is an opportunity to acquire Community
Service Hours and at the same time help feed
hungry people in our area. Food and drink will
be provided for our volunteers.
Marie Rose Place Programs
Phone: (519) 253-1383
E-mail: [email protected]
Thursday, November 6, 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
The Message and Devotion of Divine Mercy
Facilitator: George Beaune CSB
Commit to helping those less fortunate! Join us on the 1st.
Please call Larry Gagnon at 519-839-4682 if you can help.
Friday, November 7, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Day of Prayer – Remembrance
Facilitators: Janine Rocheleau SNJM and Joe Quinn CSB
Squires Update:
Thursday, November 13, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Facilitators: Joe Quinn CSB and Janine Rocheleau SNJM
Due to our Circle growing in
numbers, we are in need of more Counselors. If you enjoy
working with youth 10-18 years old and could help guide
and advise these young men as they plan and carry out their
events, we would greatly appreciate your help. We meet an
average of 3 times a month from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm. If this is
something that might interest you or if you have any
questions please don`t hesitate to call.
Chief Squire Mitchell Tulloch 519-687-6951
Chief Counselor Ted Richardson 519-728-3752
Wednesday, November 19, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Faith As A Journey
Facilitator: Maureen Comartin
Thursday, November 20, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Journaling 111: Towards the Unity of Being (A)
Facilitator: Marie-Anne Quenneville OSU
Prayer Intentions
The Visitation Intercessors would like to pray for your intentions. Please fill out your intention below and place it in the collection basket during
the offertory. Our prayer team commits to pray daily for the intentions of our Parish.
Intentions de prière
Nous voulons prier pour vos intentions. S'il vous plaît remplir votre intention ci-dessous et le placer dans le panier d'offertoire. Notre équipe de
prière s'engage à prier tous les jours pour les intentions de notre paroisse.