MLP Newsletter – Issue 4 JULY 2014 WELCOME TO THE 4th EDITION Well here we are at the beginning of a new financial year, in the middle of another winter on the Monaro and we are all left wondering where the last 6 months have gone? We thank you for the positive reaction to our newsletters and we are very pleased to issue our fourth newsletter for your perusal. We aim to supply as much information as we can to support our clients. Feedback is welcomed as well as any suggestions for improvement that you may have. OFFICE HOURS Our office is open from 9.30am til 5:00pm. There are times the office will be unattended due to mail, banking, lunch or sick kids! On Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays it is Vanessa behind the desk or on the other end of the phone with the other days being covered by Julie. If the office is unattended & your query is urgent, please call Vanessa on 0405 355 682 or Julie on 0421 272 920 or email [email protected] RUSSIAN & SAUDI ELIGIBLE Being Russian and/or Saudi eligible will give you full competition and maximum return on your livestock. Where this applies to you, you MUST write Russian & Saudi eligible on your NVD for both sheep and cattle. Use Question 9 for cattle, Question 8 for EU Cattle and Question 7 for sheep. Russian Eligible: is written on the LPA NVD when the livestock have NEVER had or have NOT been injected with or ingested feed products containing oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline in the last 90 days Saudi Eligible: is written on the LPA NVD for stock that have NOT been fed any products containing animal fats in their lives. If in doubt about Russian Eligible or Saudi Eligible, please call us. OLD NVD PHASE OUT If you are using NVDs older than 2013 you are required to update your NVDs either by purchasing a new book or by purchasing electronic NVDs (EDecs) from Meat and Livestock Australia. E-Decs are 48% cheaper ($1.05 per NVD) and are always the most up to date NVD because you print them as you need them. Books $40 or $2 per NVD from 1 July 2014. Earlier book versions including 2013 could become redundant at any time depending on a market access issue, such as Russian and HGPs. MLA 1800 683 111 – CALF SALE We held our 4th Annual Weaner Sale on Wednesday 2nd April with a yarding of 4044 yearling and weaner cattle. Yearling steers sold to $850, spring drop steer calves (7-9 months) sold to a top of $710 while yearling heifers topped at $590 and spring drop heifer calves (7-9 months) sold to a top of $495 Quality was excellent, we congratulate our vendors on their preparation of these cattle and we thank them for entrusting us with the sale of this quality offering. UPCOMING STUD SALES MLP are proud to be conducting the following Stud Sales *Rosskin Annual On-property Bull Sale (28 Angus & 2 Charolais Bulls) Monday 1st September, 2014. Rosskin Open Day – Monday 4th August *Monaro White Wool Ram Sale - including Main Range Merino stud, Prahran White Suffolk Stud and Mt Pleasant Border Leicester Stud Tuesday 21st October, 2014 at Cooma Showground *Kunuma Spring Bull Sale – mid October, date to be confirmed MARKET OUTLOOK/INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The livestock markets look very positive for the upcoming selling season on the back of much better seasonal conditions in the south of NSW and Victoria plus very strong export demand for our end product. Already we have seen the first of the new season lambs starting to come onto the market in the West with quality trade weights making $125-$140 with some local bred 1st X ewes scanned in lamb selling to $200 The cattle market is positive with heavy MSA steers making up to $4.00/kg carcass weight or around $2.00/kg live weight and good feedlot type cattle attracting solid competition. The continuing dry in the North is of most concern and is certainly holding the market back especially for cows. Rain is the answer for the upcoming season ! For excellent industry news, click into the Beef Central News Headlines Visit for upcoming sales, weather, useful links & information CLEARING SALES Monaro Livestock & Property were proud to conduct, in conjunction with Fergusson Real Estate, the clearing sale of the deceased estate of B S Osborne of ‘Maffra station’. A sunny Spring day saw some amazing antique & historical items sold at the clearing sale with a large attendance by many locals as well as bidders who travelled great distances to purchase a piece of “Maffra” history FIT TO LOAD The Australian Animal Welfare Standards for the Land Transport of Livestock (The Standard) define specific requirements in relation to livestock transport in Australia. The Standards are enforceable. It is an offence to load and transport an animal in way that causes, or likely to cause, it unnecessary harm. Penalties and possible prosecution under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act can be enforced. Some Saleyards have introduced a livestock disposal fee for unfit stock arriving at the yards. For a full ‘fit to load’ guide please go to IF IN DOUBT – LEAVE IT OUT! HERD/FLOCK SELECTION & CLASSING This is a service that MLP offer our clients to help obtain optimum stock improvement for commercial sale. Gary has a keen interest in helping clients improve their herd/flock genetics for performance & sale. Please call Gary or Will for further information or discussion. NLIS Just a reminder that the Law in all State is “No details, No Tag, No Sale” – this is without exception and we thank you for your co-operation in helping us to adhere to these regulations! NSW LOCAL LAND SERVICES From January 2014 Local Land Services have been operational across NSW. Local Land Services (LLS) brings together a wealth of technical and advisory knowledge from parts of the Department of Primary Industries, Livestock Health and Pest Authorities and Catchment Management Authorities into a new grass roots model for regional service delivery. LLS are managed by local people on local Boards, working closely with farmers, land managers and communities, to deliver services relevant to their local needs. NSW has been divided into 11 Local Land Services regions, Cooma-Monaro, Snowy River and Bombala are part of the South East region which is chaired by David Mitchell from Delegate. There are 7 member Local Boards for each region made up of four government appointments and three ratepayer elected positions. The Chairs from each of the 11 LLS regions are part of the Board of Chairs along with an independently appointed Chair of the Board of Chairs. Further information is available at; LIVESTOCK MARKETING AVENUES As always, we remain loyal in our support of the Cooma Saleyards as a competitive selling option but at the same time we recognize that sometimes to gain the optimum results for our clients, we need to employ alternative selling options. We have developed good working relationships with independent agents from other selling Centres including Wagga and Wodonga. This has allowed us to achieve good results for our clients. In addition AuctionsPlus and Over the Hook selling remain effective methods. At the end of the day, our aim is to obtain the best results possible for our clients which mean we analyse each situation as it arises to gain the maximum return at that time. NLIS SHEEP YEAR OF BIRTH TAG COLOURS: 2008 BLACK | 2009 WHITE | 2010 ORANGE | 2011 LIGHT GREEN | 2012 PURPLE | 2013 YELLOW | 2014 RED 2015 SKY BLUE | 2016 BLACK | 2017 WHITE | 2018 ORANGE | 2019 LIGHT GREEN
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