Al Khalediah - Al Jawad Al Arabi Magazine

Al Khalediah
Arabian Horse Championships
text by: Amr Abdelaziz
photos by: Ahmed Nashat
27 to 29 March 2014 Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Championships hosted by Rabab Stud of Sh
Khaled Bin Laden, located in beautiful suburbans of ancient Giza, amongst the old, beautiful palm
forests and neighboring farms and horse riding centers.
This year the show was supported by HRH Prince Khaled bin Sultan Al Saud, Al Khalediah farm and several
other Arabian horse farms of Egypt with big companies as Mercedes, that brought its limousines last year at
Rabab International - C Arabian Horse Championships to the ring with the international jury sitting inside. How
it was beautiful!
The timetable was cleverly arranged by the Organizers
who made a great effort to finish all categories perfectly
on time. The categories took place in the afternoons
which was an excellent decision. This way, breeders
and owners who had travelled from all over the world
were able to visit the beautiful and futuristic city of
Giza! The hospitality is very welcoming as always, our
congratulations go to the Staff in the persons of Mr.
Nashaat Hegazy, Mr. Mohamed Akl, Nesrin Hegazy
and our dearest friend Marwa Fawzy who is very kind
whilst struggling through paperwork and solving all
sorts of problems ''Thank you".
Now, a few words about the show.
At the tribunes we found the representatives of most
important Egyptian farms as well as the guests from
abroad that were interested in what's up in the source
of the Straight Egyptian blood.
First of all the TOP FIVE regulation was applied. Five
judges on the panel: Mrs. Stojanowska Anna, Mr.
Moschini Cristian, Mr. Huet Regis, Mrs. Schibler
Renata, Mrs. Court Janet.
Early in the afternoon the first filly of the category 1A
yearling fillies entered the show ring. The winner of
this category was Sharbat Luz Omar (Jamil El Rayyan
x Hala Ezzain) owned by Omar Stud. Second place
was taken by Asmaa Tahani (Kenz El Baidaa x Sokara
Tahani) owned by Khatab & Tahani Stud. Section B
of the yearling fillies category was won by Heba El
Hamd (Tabayan El Qusar x Anar Adoya) owned by
Ahmadeyet El Hamd Stud. Karima El Rayyan Misr
(AN Mayark x MB Dalia) bred and owned by El Rayan
Misr Stud, followed in second place. The winner of
section C was Malak El Hamd owned by Ahmadeyet El
Hamd Stud. Followed her by the second place Karima
II Tahani ( Kenz El Baidaa x Horya Tahani) owned by
Khatab & Tahani Stud. The winner of the two year old
fillies category section A was won by Bokra El Farida
(Psyches China x Imperial Baarez) owned by El Farida
Stud. Second place was
taken by FS Christine OX
(WH Justice x Christina)
owned by Omar Stud.
Section B of the two year
old fillies category was
won by Eidya El Sayad
(Hamra Elegance x Adala)
owned by El Sayad Stud.
The three year old fillies
category followed with 15
horses competing. First
place in this busy category
was assigned to Manar
El Kahera (Moustafa El
Sheruk x Anwar El Kahera)
owned by El Kahera Stud.
Second place was taken by
Shakraa El Sheruk (Mirage
RCA x N Amoura) owned
by Boustan Stud.
The 4/6 year old mares
category was a show
case where we were able
to admire top quality
international horses. The
winner of section A was
Parma OX (El Sid OX x Kupona OX) owned by El
Mamlaka Stud. Second place was assigned to Sheruk
El Farida (Ammar El Rayyan x Mazara) owned by
El Farida Stud. Section B of the 4/6 year old mares
category was won by Ghazal Tahani (Ezz Ezzain x TB
Shadya) owned by Khatab & Tahani Stud. Second
place was taken by Sheruk Tahani (King Tahani x
Cerine Ban Aldira) owned by El Rayan Misr Stud.
The 7 year old mares category section A was taken by
Nonya El Negoum (Tabayan El Qusar x Nemat Adam)
owned by Lilan El Boustany Stud. Second place for
Leila El Najdiah (Boznika x Hababa Hamdan A)
owned by Rabab Stud. The last female caregory 7years
old mares section B was won by Mohga Saqr (Imperial
Mamdoury x SES Marah) owned by Khatab & Tahani
Stud. Second place was taken by Dalia KA (Marquis I
x Georgia KA) owned by El Farida Stud.
It should be noted that because of limited space,
only the first two horses to qulify have been named
although the first five actually entered the final
Championship. All the relative names can be found on
The second day of the show (28 March) was the time
to judge the male participants starting with section
A and colts born in 2013. The winner was Sahm El
Kahera (Mirage RCA x Mounira) owned by El Kahera
Stud. Second place was taken by Mishaal El Najdiah
Rabab (Qatareya Al Da Prestige x Khalediah) owned
by Rabab Stud.
Section B of the yearling colts category was won
by Naizak El Yasser (Taymour Halim x Rihana El
Kahera) owned by Al Yasser Stud. Second place was
assigned to Asad El Akhlas (Jamil El Rayyan x Shahd
El Baidaa) owned by El Akhlas Stud.
In the 2 year old colts category section A, the winner,
with 91 points, was Djdan Ibn Djsira (WH Justice x
Djsira Princess) owned by Omar Stud. Second place,
with 90,67 points, for Nashmy El Kahera (Mirage
RCA x El Sayeda) owned by El Kahera Stud. The
winner of section B was Mohab El Sheruk (Mirage
RCA x Mohiba El Sheruk) owned by Alla El Din Stud.
Second place was taken by Hilal Omar (Ezz Ezzain x
Kamar Omar) owned by Omar Stud
The following category with a great score of 90.83
points was taken by Mazen El Badayer (Marajj x
Mattahar II) owned by Athbah Stud. followed by Ezz
El Kahera (Moezz El Kahera x Amoura) owned by
Zein El Din Stud, in second place.
Finally the stallions categories - the highlight of the
show. 15 Stallions entered the ring for the 4/6 years old
category section A. The winner was GM Aiyad (WH
Justice x Anisa) owned by Al Mamlakah Stud, just
half point ahead of Kheir Al Masaeid by the Champion
Stallion at Dubai show Marquis CAHR, out of Barah
Al Khalediah, owned by Shemoukh Al Masaeid. The
winner of section B was Sameh El Sheruk (Mirage
RCA x Warda) owned by El Sheruk Stud. Second
place was taken by Negm El Farida (Saeid Hafid El
x Chamsin MB Mazaraa) owned by Alaa El Din Stud
The last Category of this exciting day was for stallions
10 years and older. The winner was Adham Saqr
(Imperial Madoury x Amira Saqr). This beautiful
stallion is one of the breeding jewels of Saqr Stud,
owned by El Farida Stud. Second place was assigned
to PCF Vision (Marwan El Shaqab x Varonika JA)
owned by El Mamlaka Stud.
Heba el Hamd (Tabyan el qusar X Anar Adoya)
Karima el rayyan Masr
(A n Mayark X M B dalia)
Malak el Hamd
(el Shiekh obayed Moghazy X
zomoroda el Hamd)
Manar el Kahera
(Moustafa el Sheruk X Anwar el Kahera)
This brought an end to the second day of work for the
team of judges.
Now the last day, the most difficult part: the final
Championship. Its always hard to decide who is to
receive the GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE medals, but
the decision of assigning this difficult job to five judges
leaves no doubts and balances the decisions made!
Bokra el Farida
(imperial Baarez X Psyches
China doll)
rasha el Mamlaka
(d A Prestige X Aya rahim)
Al Khalediah
Arabian Horse Championships
Parma oX (el Sid oX X Kupona oX)
ghazal Tahani
(ezz ezzain X T B Shadya)
Mohga Saqr
(imperial Madory X SeS
Mazen el Badayer (Marajj X Mathar)
Mohab el Sheruk
(Mirage rCA X Mohiba el
djdan ibn djsira
(W H Justice X
djsira princess)
The Stallions Championship is always the most exciting
part of the event. The judges nominated
Sahm el KAhera
(Mirage rCA X Mounira)
nayzak el Yasser
(Taimoor Halim X rihana el
Asad el Akhlas
(gamil elrayan X Shahd el
Thus we reached the end of this amazing show that attracts
breeders and owner from all over the world. As every year, Al
Jawad Al Arabi was there to capture the beautiful images and the
results for our affectionate readers and spread the word about this
Champion Stallion
Adham Saqr
(imperial Madorey X Amira Saqr)
PCF vision
(Marwan el Shap X varonica)
g M Ayad
(W H Justice X Anissa SS)
important international event.
Once again special thanks to the organizers for their exquisite
hospitality and to all the public present on this occasion. Don't
miss the next Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Championships!