Download the 2014 CRRN Info Brochure

This activity will provide 15.0 contact hours. This continuing education activity was approved by the Ohio Nurses
Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the
American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission
on Accreditation.
Approval valid through 01/12/2016. Assigned ONA # 16987.
Please call Margaret Crummel, Medical Education
Coordinator at 616.242.0476 for more information about
contact hours.
Registration Form
The deadline for registration is Thursday, March 20, 2014.
Please copy this form, print your information, enclose your
check payable to Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
and mail to:
Margaret Crummel
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
235 Wealthy Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Margaret Crummel, BS, CCMEP
Medical Education Coordinator
Pat Ford, RN, BSN
Nurse Educator
Linda Page, BSN, MHA, NE-BC
Director of Nursing Services
Bonita M. Pawloski M.Ed.,R.T.(R)(T)
Director of Education
Name ______________________________________________
E-mail ______________________________________________
Credentials: RN
Other ______________________________
All faculty and planning committee members participating
in sponsored activities and/or their spouses or partners are
required to disclose to the symposium audience any real
or apparent conflict(s) of interest related to the content of
this activity.
Planning Committee members have no relevant conflict
of interest to disclose.
Home Address _______________________________________
City _____________________________________State ______
Zip ________________________________________________
Phone: (work) ________________________________________
Betty Clark, RN, BSN, MEd, CRRN has no relevant conflict
of interest to disclose.
The sponsors of the course are fully committed to accommodating the special needs of participants and will do everything
possible for requests made seven days in advance of the start
date to 616.242.0476. Accommodations or special needs
requested after that timeframe cannot be guaranteed.
(home) _____________________ (cell) ___________________
Registration Confirmation
Registration confirmation will be sent via e-mail which
will also be your receipt. Contact Margaret Crummel at
616.242.0476 if you do not receive confirmation.
235 Wealthy Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Certified Rehabilitation
Registered Nurse (CRRN)
Exam Preparation Course
Friday, March 28 & Saturday, March 29, 2014
Overview and Objectives
This course will help nurses prepare for the Certified
Rehabilitation Registered Nurse (CRRN) exam. Nurses
new to rehabilitation nursing can also take the course
to become more knowledgeable about the principles
of rehabilitation and the nursing care that rehabilitation
patients require. This course provides in-depth coverage
of topics critical to the practice of rehabilitation nursing.
Friday, March 28
Only licensed RNs may the take the CRRN exam.
In addition, the RN must have been employed as a
rehabilitation nurse for at least two years within the
past five-year period, or have been employed as a
rehabilitation nurse for at least one year within the past
five years and completed at least one year of advanced
training (beyond a baccalaureate degree) in the field of
rehabilitation nursing.
10-10:15 am: Break
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
• Identify
models and theories as they apply to
standards of care in order to plan, implement and
evaluate nursing practice
• Discuss the functional health patterns related to
anatomy, physiology, assessment and intervention
for chronic illness, injury and disability
• Describe the functions of the rehabilitation team
members, including case managers and how they
prepare the patient/family for community re-entry
• Integrate the knowledge of ethical, economic,
legislative and legal issues into nursing practice in
order to advocate for rehabilitation patients
Betty Clark, RN, BSN, MEd, CRRN
Betty Clark Educational Services
Ms. Clark has been a nurse for
more than 35 years; most of her
experience is in neurology and
rehabilitation. She has developed
and presented more than 15
rehabilitation specific courses in the past five years and
has been teaching CRRN review courses since 1989.
7:15-8:15 am: Registration and Breakfast
12:25-1:25pm: Lunch
8:15-8:25 am: Introduction and Overview
1:25-1:50 pm: Explain the Pediatric Rehabilitation
Considerations of Children, from Toddlers to Adolescents
8:25-8:55 am: Describe Rehabilitation Theoretical Models
8:55-10 am: Perform a Review of Systems Assessment on
the Rehabilitation Patient to Determine the Plan of Care
10:15 am-12:15 pm: Perform a Review of Systems
Assessment… (continued)
12:15-1:15 pm: Lunch
1:50-2:20 pm: Explain the Geriatric Considerations
of an Elderly Rehabilitation Patient
2:20-2:30 pm: Discuss the Co-morbidity Diagnoses
Seen in Rehabilitation Settings
2:30-2:50 pm: Describe the Strategies Used for Patient/
Family Education Throughout the Rehabilitation Process
1:15-1:45 pm: Explain the Psychosocial Impact
on the Rehabilitation Patient/Family
2:50-3:20 pm: Use the Concepts of a Rehabilitation
Interdisciplinary Team to Achieve the Patient’s Highest
Level of Independence
1:45-2:05 pm: Discuss the Safety Needs of a
Rehabilitation Patient Preparing for Home Discharge
3:20-3:35 pm: Break
2:05-2:20 pm: Break
2:20-2:35 pm: Evaluate Other Issues Related to Rehabilitation
2:35-3:20 pm: Describe Appropriate Pain Management for
Rehabilitation Patients
3:20-5:20 pm: Explain the Neuroanatomy of the Central
Nervous System
Saturday, March 29
7:30 am: Breakfast
8-8:10 am: Use the Nursing Process to Promote
the Rehabilitation Patient’s Perceptual Patterns
8:10-9:10 am: Develop a Plan of Care for a Patient
Who Had a Stroke
9:10-10:10 am: Develop a Plan of Care for a Patient
After a Traumatic Brain Injury.
10:10-10:25 am: Break
10:25-10:55 am: Develop a Plan of Care for a Patient
with Multiple Sclerosis
10:55-11:55 am: Develop a Plan of Care for a Patient
with a Spinal Cord Injury
11:55 am-12:25 pm: Develop a Plan of Care for a Patient
with Parkinson’s Disease
3:35-4:05 pm: Explain the Process of Care Management
that Promotes Return to the Community
4:05-4:35 pm: Describe the Ethical and Legal
Considerations of Rehabilitation Management
4:35-4:55 pm: Explain the Economics of the
Rehabilitation Healthcare Payment System
4:55-5:05 pm: Written Evaluation
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital
2nd Floor Conference Room
235 Wealthy Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Mary Free Bed Employees: $200
Network Members: $250
Other: $300
Tuition includes conference materials, parking,
continental breakfast and lunch.
Cancellation Policy
Tuition is refundable (less a 25% handling fee) if
registration is cancelled in writing at least seven days
prior to the beginning of the course.