Telephone: 41501111 13 November 2014 SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT (SWPBS) Website: SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT (SWPBS) SWPBS FOCUS FOR THE FORTNIGHT - BEING RESPECTFUL CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2015 SCHOOL CAPTAINS Congratulations to Breanna Clark, Alli Geiger, Tommy Farrugia and Gabriel Oei who have been elected by their peers and staff as our School Captains for 2015. We look forward to working with these four young people who will do a fabulous job leading our Student Council next year. Commiserations to Elliot Slean, Riley Dingle, Brendan Healy and Liam Richardson. House Captains will now be elected. NOTIFICATION OF NON OR LATE RETURN IN 2015 If your holidays are going to extend beyond TUESDAY 27TH JANUARY, 2015 or if your child/children will not be continuing student/s at our school, could you please complete the form below, and return to school as soon as possible. CENT SALE SAT 15 NOV (9:30am -12pm, School Hall) Great Prizes $3 includes morning tea and Lucky Door prize Whip-round raffles We’re looking forward to a huge turnout to raise funds for class sets of iPads. Bring your mother, neighbour, or best friend for a fun-filled morning. CENT SALE GIANT RAFFLE As part of our Cent Sale the P&C is conducting a raffle with fantastic prizes. 1st Prize is a BMX Bike and a $200 Accommodation Voucher, 2nd Prize is a BMX Bike and a $50 Accommodation Voucher, and 3rd Prize is a Jackeroo Portable Gas BBQ. Tickets are $1 each and are on sale every morning before school from near the tuckshop. They will also be sold on Cent Sale day, Saturday 15th November, with the draw taking place on that day. Make sure you get your tickets in this great raffle! FREE DRESS/CRAZY HAIR DAY-GOLD COIN DONATION FOR WORLD VISION A Free Dress/Crazy Hair Day is being held on Thursday 20 November. All participating students must donate a gold coin on the day. Donations will be collected at the start of the day in each classroom. All money raised will go towards supporting our World Vision sponsor child. Parents/Carers are asked to ensure that their children wear appropriate clothing to school on that day and that clothing does not display offensive or inappropriate words. Any child not conforming to this request will be asked to change into a school uniform that we will supply for the day. Please also ensure NO coloured hairspray cans are brought to school. All children must still wear closed-in shoes and a hat. MUSICAL EVENING Our Musical Evening will be held on Tuesday 25 November at Shalom Performing Arts complex commencing at 6:30pm. Instrumental groups, choirs, dance groups and others will be performing. Everyone is welcome and Entry is free. Instrumental students are required to be there at 6.00pm for tuning up. All other students should arrive by 6.15pm. Please show your support for our students by joining us for an evening of AWESOME entertainment. BOOK LISTS 2015 Our P&C is once again organising for the bulk purchase of next year’s stationery requirements. Orders will be placed with AASTAT, with books again not having to be paid for until collection. There will be two collection dates - 23 December and 14 January. The P & C organises the booklists as a fund-raiser, with AASTAT paying a commission on the total of the orders made by the due date 12 December. In previous years, the P&C has found AASTAT’s products to be of good quality, and longerlasting. Booklists are being sent home today, so please ask your children for these, complete your order and return to AASTAT or the school office by Friday 5th December. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTIFICATION OF LATE OR NON-RETURN TO SCHOOL IN 2015 My child/children ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… in Year/s ………………………… in 2015 will not be returning to Bundaberg North State School in 2015 until …………………………………………… OR will be attending ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Name of new school or town going to, if known). STUDENTS OF THE WEEK The following are Students of the Week for the weeks ending 31st October and 7th November : 3C - Skye Petersen / Stuart Slean Prep B - Tayte White-Cobbo / April Modrow 4A - Jade Erhart / Annabelle Radel Prep C- Tabetha King / Alexander Raines 4B - Luke Goni / Vanessa Van Rooijen Prep/ 1A - Emma John, Kyandra Orpin / Lataya Howett, Syd Norcott 1B - Sir-Bastian Denton / Jeremiah Soloman 5A - Riley Dingle 1/2C- Jedd Marland / Bella-Rose Johnson, Mia Lynch 5B - Dakota Maas, Nikki Davy / Andrew Healey, Brae Bartley 2/3A- Alyssa Dilger, Tamika- 6A Jane Spies / Corey Dare 2B- Kobe Woodman / Shanice Dixon 6/7B - Maverick Fischer / Jade Petersen 3B- Daniel Jones / Christian McLellan 7A - Jack Turner / Scott Bourne Dusti Rowe / Lachlan Slean Instrumental Music - Hannah Ferguson BOOK FAIR Thank you to everyone who supported our school Book Fair. We sold over $1800 worth of books and our commission from this will allow us to buy over $350 worth of books to put in our school library for students to borrow. Children who won prizes in the Book Fair raffle were given their prizes on parade on Monday. TUCKSHOP IN 2015 The P&C Association has decided that in 2015, tuckshop will open only two days per week - Wednesdays and Thursdays. The reason for this decision is that tuckshop takings, particularly on Tuesdays, have been very poor for quite a while and the tuckshop is losing money. In an effort to rectify this problem, it was decided that the tuckshop would not open on Tuesdays in 2015. Hopefully the tuckshop will be supported on Wednesdays and Thursdays next year allowing it to remain open on these days. As well we are always looking for more tuckshop volunteers. If you are able to help please contact our convenor Mel on 4150 1124. CHILDREN’S CHESS TOURNAMENT The last Sunday Children's Chess Tournament for 2014 will be held on Sunday 30 November at the U3A rooms. Registration by 9 am. First game at 9.10 am. Playing fee $10 per player. ($18 for a family of two or more!!). If attending a Sunday tournament for the first time, no playing fee is payable. Free cash draw of $25. Nine or ten round swiss depending on nominations. Lucky draws for fast food vouchers. Cash Prizes. Further information from Allan [Bundaberg Chess Club Inc.] on 0417073094 HIGH SCHOOL 2015 BUS TRAVEL Students who need to travel to/from school on Stewarts Buses next year will not be permitted to board the bus unless they have a bus pass. Parents are asked to call in to Stewart & Sons depot at 66 Targo Street to register their children for bus travel. Stewarts phone number is 41532646 and email is [email protected] CHAPPY’S CHAT "Find what makes your heart sing and create your own music" How would you like to get out of bed every morning looking forward to the day? The answer lies in you. When you notice after exploring many , varied healthy experiences that you find joy in a particular arena, why not incorporate that joy into your daily work? An important challenge in our lives is to determine what makes our heart sing and then pursue it with passion and creativity. What makes your heart sing? TENNIS HOT SHOTS LETTER Our school is participating in the National School Partnership Program (NSPP), as a venue for the ANZ Hot Shots tennis program for PE. The school has been provided with $1500 worth of tennis equipment which we are able to keep. Mr Stitt is using the equipment to conduct PE lessons. A letter was sent home with students yesterday. If you would like a free t-shirt for your child/children, please complete the details on that letter and return to the school office TOMORROW. HIPPY PROGRAM - AIMED AT PREP 2016 CHILDREN Hippy is a free, two-year home based program to help families with 4-year-olds to be their child’s first teacher. Families receive a free set of activity packs and storybooks, and a trained tutor makes fortnightly visits to the home/ community to demonstrate the activities to parents and carers. There will be an information session on Thursday 20 November at Bundaberg Baptist Church, 14 Fitzgerald Street, 10am - 12.30pm. For more information please phone 41529233 or 0447500508. ELECTRONIC LICE COMB The school has recently purchased an electronic lice comb. This kills lice without the need for toxic chemicals. If you would like to borrow this please pop in to the office. Older students may be able to use it themselves or, with your permission, an older sibling may assist their younger brother/ sister with the comb. Hopefully this will be a great tool in combatting any nit problems. If you would like to come up and take it for a test drive yourself, please feel free to pop in to the office. IMPORTANT DATES 25 November - End-of-Year Concert, Shalom 3 December - Volunteers’ afternoon Tea 4 December - Prep Come-and-Try Day 5 December - Yr 2 Concert / Gold Award Celebration 9 December - Prep/Yr 1 Concert / Yr 7 Celebration Day 11 December - Presentation Day 26 January - Australia Day 27 January - First Day 2015 Coach Connection As you may know our school has been working on the reading strategy of Inferring. To infer, you must gather CLUES from the text by asking, What are the facts? You must also try to use your own PRIOR KNOWLEDGE, and you may even MAKE CONNECTIONS by asking, What knowledge do I already have? Or What experiences have I had that are similar to this? To help your child infer when reading at home, model your thinking by saying: I would expect that … I already know … so I think … In my experience … I think the author is really saying … My conclusion is … because in the text is says … I think what is really going on here is … I wonder why … This makes me think that … At first I thought … but now I think … After reading … I suspect that … To help your child infer when reading at home, you can ask the following questions: What would you expect to happen? What do you already know that can give you a clue as to … ? In your experience, how has … ? What is the author really saying when … ? What is your conclusion? Which words tell you that? What do you think is really going on here in this section? Why do you think … ? What makes you think that? What did you think initially? Do you still think the same way? After reading this page, what do you suspect is happening? When your children read at home And you sit by their side Help them learn the ways to know What the text is trying to hide. Show them how to think it through And the questions they can ask And they’ll find that inferring Is not the hardest task! Above and below - photos from Random Act of Kindness morning tea in the Botanic Gardens North Play2Learn THANKYOU TO ALL PARENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN PLAYGROUP THROUGHOUT 2014. It has been the most enjoyable year. PLAYGROUP FOR 2015 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN ON TUESDAY 10TH FEBRUARY. WE WILL BE OPERATING IN THE PREP B ROOM EVERY TUESDAY AFTERNOON DURING SCHOOL TERMS: 1PM – 2.50 PM Have a super Christmas holiday. LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AGAIN IN THE NEW YEAR! Regards, Louise Stallard and Shelley McKeown (Your friendly playgroup teachers) PUBLIC NOTICES AFTER-FLOOD DISCUSSIONS Lifeline are hosting free Community Conversations on 25 November for North Bundy residents to connect with each other, share discoveries and consider the future. Times are 9am11.30am at Café 1928, Bberg Botanic Gardens, or Railway Hotel THE ANNUAL MAYORAL CONCERT - Concert featuring Function Rm 5.15-7.30pm. RSVP Neighbourhood Cntr 41531614. ABBAnova - a selection of local artists and The Rum City Silver Over the last 2 yrs the Community Recovery team has heard Band, held at the Moncrieff on Sat 22 Nov at 1.30pm., $2 enfrom, and helped, many people through the heartache and try. Ph 41304100. struggle, and witnessed amazing strength and resilience. They B’BERG YOUTH ORCHESTRA - Auditioning on Sat 22 & Sun invite you to come and share your stories and struggles, and 23 Nov. Application forms avail at school office. help shape the community’s future. B’BERG CALEDONIAN PIPE BAND - Presenting entertainment on Sat 22 Nov at Shalom, 7pm. Adults - $10, children u/13 - $15. Reservations ph Julie 04880048567or Debbie 41541207. Tickets available at door.
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