newsletter-june-19-2014 - Goondiwindi State School

Goondiwindi State Primary School
Principal: Mrs Carmel Schaumburg
Deputy Principal: Mr Lew Verney
Term 2 Week 9
19th June 2014
34 George Street, LMB 5, Goondiwindi Qld 4390
Phone: 46777333 Fax: 46777300
Email: [email protected]
Student Absence Line: 46777360 Tuckshop: 46777312
Senior Gold Pass Day - Yrs 4-7
Josh Arnold Song Writing day
Junior Gold Pass - Yrs P-3
State Rugby League Carnival
School resumes
150th Meeting @ 6.30pm in the Library
P & C Meeting @ 6.00pm in the Library
Senior Athletics Carnival
Chaplaincy Dinner - Christmas in July
From the Principal’s Desk
From the Deputy’s Desk …..
Celebrating 30 years of keeping Queensland kids safe in school zones
It’s been 30 years since the School Crossing Supervisor Scheme (SCSS) was
first launched in Queensland in 1984. At that time, 255 schools adopted the
scheme and 353 school crossings were opened across the state.
Fast forward to 2014 and 652 schools have adopted the scheme, with more
than 1200 school crossings across the state. There are also over 1900 school
crossing supervisors to help keep kids safe as they make their way to and from
A school crossing supervisor's role is to assist children in safely crossing roads
on their way to and from school. They are required to be there every day, before
and after school, in all weather conditions. Our school crossing supervisors do a
tremendous job and the SCSS 30th anniversary is a great opportunity to thank
them for their care and diligence. Next Monday on our Full School Assembly,
we will be thanking our crossing supervisors with a small presentation to mark
this special occasion. We invite parents to attend at this time, and remember,
next time you cross the road safely at one of our supervised crossings, please
thank our Lollipop people - they do a great job.
School Camps
A reminder to parents of all Yr 5 students that the deposit for Yr 5 camp to
Mudjimba is due by Wednesday 25th June. Our Yr 7 cohort travelled to
Mudjimba earlier in the year for their camp and returned with only good
comments. Invoices for the Year 6 camp to Canberra will be sent home early
next week at the latest.
School Lunches
A reminder to parents and students that we ask everyone NOT to
share/swap/borrow others’ lunches at school. Students should bring their own
lunch, and eat their own lunch. Many problems can arise when lunches are
shared or taken from others.
This same ruling applies to any money brought along for tuckshop lunches, and
for any food bought at the Tuckshop. Thank you to parents who continue to
support our teachers by reinforcing these rules at home.
Welcome to Week 9. This week on assembly we celebrated the adage, “that
when the going gets tough, the tough get going”. With the last week upon us this
is so true in our commitment and persistence in our learning and play.
We have a very full and exciting week next week –
Monday: Whole School Assembly in which we acknowledge the wonderful
work of our Crossing Supervisors. Every school day, rain or shine, they are here
to help keep our children safe.
Tuesday: Whole school involvement in the community NAIDOC parade. At
9:15 we will be walking as a school down to the Queensland Hotel in Marshall
Street to assemble with other community groups for the community parade. We
will be parading up the main street as a school and then enjoying the official
ceremony, the performance of an Indigenous Dance Troupe from Sydney and a
shared morning tea before returning to school by 1pm. This year’s theme is
Serving Country: Centenary and Beyond. We ask that all children wear full
school uniform and hats for this occasion. They may also wish to bring a water
Wednesday: Senior Gold Pass Activity. Thanks to the support of Goondiwindi
High School students who are coordinating this event as part of their course
Lew Verney
Thursday: The opening of the Queensland Junior Rugby League Schools
A note from School Banking…
It is great to see so many students bringing their bank books in each
Friday: Junior Gold Pass Day.
Tuesday. You are all earning 1 token for each deposit you make at
We have a record number of children who have qualified for Gold Behaviour
school, and you are well on your way to earning those fantastic reward
Level. This just shows what outstanding students we have, living our great
items! Next Tuesday will be our last week of school banking for the
expectations every school day. They are very proud of their achievements, and
term, then we resume again in Week 1 of Term 3. Don’t forget to drop
rightly so. I too am very proud of them for their consistent efforts.
your books into the canteen before school starts, and pick them up
Next term on Thursday of Week 2 we will be having a very special assembly to
again from the canteen at either morning tea or lunch break.
celebrate student achievement in two areas of school improvement: reading and
Our competition for the Ipod shuffle has now closed. Keep an eye out
attendance. It will involve a shared BBQ breakfast for all students, family
in next week’s newsletter when we announce the winner! For anyone
members and guests. More information will be in our Newslink early next term.
that wants to sign up for school banking, please come and see me in
This event will be a great way to celebrate our shared commitment to student
the canteen on Tuesday, or at the Commonwealth Bank for an
learning so mark it on your calendars
application form.
Warmest regards
Carmel Schaumburg
Sponsorship Opportunity
An opportunity exists for parents and community
members of the school to be a part of our
150th Celebrations weekend in September.
The P&C are accepting donations of cash and prizes to
help with the costs of a spectacular weekend.
If you would like to assist and like more information on
how you can contribute, please
contact Lynda Stewart 0427 174 461.
Holly Lacy, School Banking Co-ordinator
Goondiwindi Horse Sports - 1st August
If you are a member of a pony club and own your
horse and would like to be a member of the GSPS
Horse Sports team then trot over to N Block (SEP)
and ask Miss Esther for a nomination form.
Nomination costs are $20 per rider. The horse
sports will be held at the Goondiwindi Showgrounds
on the 1st August.
Prep C
Prep R
Prep T
Joshua Schmidt, Henry Zellers
Payton Winkworth
Makaylah Adams, Matt Rogers
Gemma Maloney, Georgia Dillon
Walker Martyn, Memphis Diamond
Mia Mullins, Tyler Scott
William Anderson, Marcus Anderson
Angus Turvey
Tilly Fairbanks, Joel Birchyard
Kahsin Martyn, Eli Wilson
Kyra Lloyd, Whole Class
Keira Perry, Kyla Fuller, Nicholas Smith
Raylee Amos, Tysharni Craigie
Isabella McGrady, Torah Rose
Tamika Lloyd, Logan Sutherland
Jorja Sloan, Ayden Bate
MaryAnn Stratton, Will Smith
Dallas Gillam
Layla Parkes
Kayleedah Hippi, Melyssa Hutchison
Sophie Smith, Chelsea Coote
Wk 10 Term 2 - Mon 23 June to Fri 27 June
Toasted Ham & Cheese Sandwich
You may have noticed that the tuckshop
roster is no longer displayed on this page as
Our tuckshop provides a valuable service to the
school and we desperately need YOUR help for
this service to continue to provide for our
children. Helpers are only needed at drop off
time (8.45am) for approximately 1 hr. To help
the school tuckshop to continue in this vital role
PLEASE call in or phone the
tuckshop on 46777312
Track and Field 2014
HPE classes have been focusing on the
different disciplines involved in Track and Field this
term. Students in Year 3-7 have been practicing and
trialing in Sprint Events(100m and 200m) and Shotput, Longjump and Highjump. Senior students have
also been practising ballgames. P-Yr 2 students have
been practising their sprint races(60m) and jumping
races as well as ballgames.
It has been great to see the students putting in a top
effort this term in preparation for our school athletics
carnivals next term. The P-Yr2 carnival is on Friday
18th July(Week 1 Term 3) and the Year 3-7
carnival is on Friday 25th July(Week 2 Term 3).
These are great days and a good chance for students
to demonstrate their track and field skills in a very
supportive environment. Remember every participant
will earn at least 1 point for their house. I hope to see
you all there.
Stan McDonnell
Young Writers Award – Writing Short Stories
Queensland Writers Centre in partnership with the State Library of Queensland is proud to visit
Goondiwindi in June 2014 to deliver Short Story Writing, with SLQ Young Writer Award
shortlistee, Kathleen Noud. Explore the essential techniques to write compelling short fiction and
learn how to polish it to perfection, so you can put forward your best work. Anyone over the age of
15 who has an interest in writing are welcome to attend.
Essential Info: YWA Short Story Writing
9:30am – 12:30pm on Saturday 21 June
Goondiwindi State Primary School Library, McLean St, Goondiwindi
Please bring morning tea with you. Coffee/tea supplied. Registrations preferred on line or via
phone as per Media Release. This workshop is free to attend but bookings are essential: or (07)3842 9922 (Sophie Overett)
Bungunya Bun Run - 10th August
As many laps as you can run! As many breaks as you need! As much fun as you can have! In 3 hours
In aid of the Bungunya State School - Registration from 7.30am - Race Start @ 9.00am
Enter your teams, individual and juniors to win $500+ in prizes. There will be giveaways live music and
refreshments. Enter online or visit for more information
2014 Yagaburne Junior Tennis Tournament
Tuesday 1st July - 8am start
Girls and Boys Singles ($5) and Doubles ($5) in all groups, Mixed Doubles for 14 and overs only ($5)
10 and under, 13 and under, 14 and over & consolations
Nominations to: Bryan Lahey: 46754149 - [email protected]
Nominations by Sunday, 29th June please
Morning Tea, Lunch and BBQ tea available.
Goondiwindi Motocross Club
Coloured hoodies ($60) are now available to order at Lisa's Screen Art & Embroidery, Polo Road
Goondiwindi. You can pop in or call Lisa on 0746713230. Adults & Kids sizes are available in a range of
Club meeting is on this Friday Night at the Victoria Hotel in Emu Bar at 6.30pm. Hope to see you all there.
PCYC Midyear Vacation Care
Vacation care will be available from 30/06 until 11/07/2014 from 7.00am through till 6.00pm. Costs are:
$42.00 per child per day for full week bookings or $45 per child per day less CCB for 1-4 days and
$45.00 for bookings received after 30/06/2014.
There is a wide variety of activities planned including community visits, arts & craft, board games, soccer
and an end of holiday party. For further information please contact Fiona on 0408 125 982
GSHS Slam Poetry Competition
The search begins for Queensland’s best spoken word poet Queensland rappers, rhymers and poets are
invited to bring their words to the stage as the 2014 Australian Poetry Slam competition tours the state.
Poetry Slams are electric live events, featuring a broad range of writing and performance styles, where
contestants have two minutes on stage to impress the audience with a spoken word performance of an
original poem. The Goondiwindi heat will be held on July 16th at Goondiwindi Cultural Centre with
registration at 6:30pm. Poems to be no longer than 2 minutes and must be the original work of the
student. For more information and full heat details, visit
NAIDOC Celebrations at Boggabilla Central School
Boggabilla Central School NAIDOC celebrations will be held on Wednesday 25th June commencing at
9.00am. A range of activities are being held at the school. Please contact the school for further
information on 46762104
Seven Points About the Sevens!
6 x Yr 7 students are participating in State sporting carnivals in the next week!
4 x Yr 7 students represented our school at the Darling Downs Readers Cup challenge this week
100% of Yr 7 students need to return their Walkathon sponsor sheets and money by Friday 27th
22 x Yr 7 students are attending Gold Pass Day activities
91.28% attendance rate for June - working on achieving 92%
All Yr 7 students attending NAIDOC celebrations next Tuesday
All Yr 7’s are looking forward to holidays after a very busy term! School starts again 14.07.2014
Come dressed in your favourite team colours or as your favourite player to be in the running for a football signed by
Darren Lockyer
Where & When: 6.00 - 8.00pm, Friday 20th June @ PCYC, Russell Street, Goondiwindi
Cost: $5 per person Age Group: Prep to Year 9
Food and drink available at the canteen
Police & Parental Supervision