School Wide Positive Behaviour Support School Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Mission Statement: The community of Glen Aplin State School will strive for a responsible, safe, respectful, learning environment that will enable our students to reach their full potential. Issue 25 19 August, 2014 54 Mt Stirling Rd, PO Box 21, Glen Aplin. 4381 07 46 858 333 Email: [email protected] Glen Aplin Grapevine GLEN APLIN STATE SCHOOL Principal’s Message Congratulations to all our students on their efforts at the athletics carnivals last week. Our school won the B Schools Aggregate Trophy, which is an outstanding result. Several of our students broke records and performed Personal Best Achievements. Our students showed great sportsmanship. A huge thank you to the staff whom have worked tirelessly over the past months training, organising and working at the athletics carnivals. Also, to our volunteer coaches, parents and P&C who have supported the school throughout each carnival. These events do not happen without all this support. Students that have qualified to participate at the DD Athletics carnival on September 9, will be notified over the coming week. Our school NAPLAN results have been reviewed by teachers and we are extremely pleased with the outstanding results our students in Years 3/5/7 have achieved this year. As part of our Great Results Guarantee (GRG) funding this year, we funded extra staff to work with students in small groups in preparation for NAPLAN testing as well as exposing the students to lots of pre-test practise opportunities. Individual student results will arrive at school shortly and will be forwarded home ASAP. A reminder that Parent/Teacher interviews are always available, please contact the school to make an appointment with your child’s teacher. P-3 are travelling to Stanthorpe Hospital on Thursday morning from 9.30-12, at the ‘Healthy Mouth, Healthy Me’ activity day. Parents of the P-3 children are encouraged to attend this morning and join in the activities with our students, also bringing younger siblings to enjoy the fun activities. Permission notes need to be at school TOMORROW please. We wish our schools OptiMinds team all the best at the Challenge this Sunday in Gatton. Rachael, Nicholas, Rory, Alicia, Tyler, Jimmy, Toni and Mrs Grimmond have worked tirelessly over the past months practising and preparing for the challenge. Playgroup will re-commence at school on Thursday August 28, 9am. We would love to see as many playgroup children and their parents enjoying the school facilities and commencing on their transition to formal schooling, through regular playgroup sessions. Marina S.W.P.B.S Our Behaviour Focus this week is—Waiting at the Bus Stop Area. Harry and Konrad have created a slideshow which has been presented to all classes explaining to all students what the expectations are in the bus stop area. This focus area is extremely important as the staff on duty need to know when children have left school for the day and how they have travelled home. (Duty of Care) Students are also required to use their manners and acknowledge staff on duty when leaving ie ‘Good Afternoon Mrs…’ Page 2 GLEN AP LIN GR APEVINE P-3 Excursion Thursday 21st Tuckshop News The Prep-Yr 3s will be attending the Healthy Mouth, Healthy Me Expo at the Stanthorpe Hosipital on Thursday 21st August. The Expo consists of various activities including Germ Busters, Craft, Storytelling, Plaque Cave, Face painting, the Tooth Fairy and Dr Rabbit. The theme revolves around health, particularly dental health. Afterwards the children will enjoy a sausage sizzle for lunch. Please send a gold coin with your child on the day. Tuckshop is held every Tuesday, please support this fundraiser for the P&C. The Adolescent Learner Workshop has been postponed until Wednesday 27th August. Chess Congratulations Brianna There will be no interschool chess competition this term due to lack of helpers. Next term we may be involved in district competition dependent on staffing. Past student Brianna Woods together with Michelle Gatuteo won the State Championships for the Junior Culinary Challenge on Saturday at the Ekka. Their composure during several power outages impressed the judges as well as their team effort! Chicken Burgers will be available from next week for $3.50 each. The Adolescent Learner Workshop Guitar Lessons Lessons will commence with Mr Hume THIS THURSDAY 21st August from 11.15am— 11.45am. Students need to remember to bring their own guitars and to bring their $80 payment. Guitars can be left in the art room area near the staff room and the money can be placed the red box in the library/office. AWARDS Week 4 Jarrah - for an interesting recount in journal writing time. Zane D - Outstanding in number sequencing! Christopher - Outstanding in number sequences - before and after. Tahlia - for being responsible and cooperative member of the class. School Accounts Most families will be receiving a statement in this newsletter either showing a credit or a debit. If you owe the school money, please pay as soon as possible. The cost of the pantomime on September 15 for students, will be covered by the Rural Education Fund, however if accounts are still outstanding for swimming and Arts Council, students will not be attending the pantomime. Optiminds Good luck to our team as they compete at the Regional Finals in Gatton this Sunday 24th. They have been extremely busy this last couple of weeks - drilling, sawing, taping, sewing, writing, designing, painting, budgeting…..our space elevator will be one to remember! Our team has stuck together and come up with idea after idea as the challenge this year was extremely tough. Other teams in other schools have been having serious problems trying to meet the challenge. Hayley M - for always being polite and respectful. Week 5 Jonah - Working hard to sound out words when writing his sentences. Samuel - Outstanding effort with his sight words. Eavie - Creating an interesting character in writing time. Zali - Using her spelling strategies when writing. Sophie - for working hard in all areas and working cheerfully. Ashton - for working hard in all areas and working cheerfully Jacob - Participation and sportsmanship at sports days. Will - Participation and sportsmanship at sports days. Harry - Participation and sportsmanship at sports days. Our school expectations are: I am Safe, I am Responsible, I am Respectful, I am a Learner. ISSUE 25 Page 3 Above: Granite Belt Athletics Carnival “B” Schools Aggregate Champions! Sports Captains Rory, Liam, Will and Tabitha display the trophy. Noah and Lillie were the “B” Schools Age Champions and also the Granite Belt Age Champions for their respective age groups. A fantastic achievement!! Important Dates ♦ August 18 Prac Student P/1 (4 weeks) ♦ August 20 Qld Oztag visit & Gymnastics Lessons commence (P-7) ♦ August 21 P-3 Healthy Mouth, Healthy Me Ex- 7 SSHS ♦ September 9 Darling Downs Track & Field ♦ September 11 Under 8’s Day Severnlea SS ♦ September 12 Stanthorpe Ambulance safety talk cursion to Stanthorpe Hospital ♦ ♦ August 24 OPTIMINDS September 2 & 3 Spaghetti Bridge Comp Yr 6 & (all grades) ♦ September 15 Pantomime (Robin Hood) at Glen Aplin Hall $4 entry for parents, younger children, Our school expectations are: I am Safe, I am Responsible, I am Respectful, I am a Learner. P&C Page Granite Belt District Sports Day: Glen Aplin State School catered for the tuckshop at the Granite Belt Sports Day Carnival on Thursday 14th August. Special thanks to Nikki, Michelle, Vicki, Lucy, Rita, Yvette, Kylie, Karen, Lissa, Scott, Tanya, Caitlyn, Jaydn, Allana, Vanessa, Kim, Felicity, Tim and Judi for all your help getting prepared for the carnival and working on the day. Thankyou to all those families that provided homebake and donations. It was great to see so many families contribute towards making the day a success. We grossed over $5,000 on the day. These funds go towards the benefit of all students at the school. Congratulations to everyone involved on a successful day! P&C President: Michelle Boyd 0422384663 P&C Class Reps: Prep: Desiree Wallace 0429047407 Year One: Lucy Low 0448327956 Year Two: Melanie Zanatta 0413121139 Year Three: Lucy Low 0448327956 Year Four: Rebecca Appleby 0400392266 Year Five: Michelle/Markus Repo 0403588856 Year Six: Rita Carnell 0403166910 Year Seven: Chasely Paech 0466978308 g n i t e e M Next st u g u A 7 2 Fundraising Chocolates: There are still families who have not returned their money or any unsold chocolates. Please return all money or unsold chocolates immediately. Thanks to those who have already! Raffle: This term, the P&C will be conducting a raffle to raise much needed funds for the new playground. NB. The raffle ticket note stated incorrectly that second prize was dinner at Felzberg Winery - it is lunch at Felzberg Winery. Please make sure people know this change when you are selling your tickets. If you require any more tickets please see Michelle Boyd. Our school expectations are: I am Safe, I am Responsible, I am Respectful, I am a Learner.
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