p.- f | I E BJtQQItt,XN DAJLY ^ q ^ ; , ' NEW J p R ¥ / • • « mmjtttfH M U M I I I stole--in through iny window blind. I K I L L E D U N P E R MOTORCAR I S X ^ A T H Y FOK Vti&& i was coriscienbe strickbri at my w}ld d i ^ . ^ a g Hfltrbo'r,'Li t.,Npv. 3-^WnUam \^H^ I?rppklyn Daily Eagle: ' sipatlon, a n d decided to remain.; a t Basserideh; M bhh«ffeur, was 9 r u s h e a i ^ S S i ' S e f l S * h p ^ ' horiie | h a t day and 'rest up. love IJate in the afteriiopn r received a t p ' d k t h b e n e ^ h ^ b l g touring" car a t l ^ m ^ t A T i % ^r & .y.in 'I tejegrum; With throbbing hve a d ' a r i d tho garage of Henry P . Cpok', Tuesday. dar^'hpur pf • - - »trial • - * :-.A;dark trembling ;fingers I'toVe"opeh tho encloud is "now h o v e r , n ? byer/hei velope. l t >va's jtrom iny rfrTertd,' arid A Japk had sllppfed from th* j^ftt: axle, hill* and valleys; her p.epple at rbad.: "Will riot reayh Morifredl for' a letting the machine fall oh th<»' bhauf-. with s gjoom- and • despair, as few: days; delayed ut Albany in hps- feur; ' BS.ssenden's"" father, wnlliB em- prpachesV fbr in M wake lt:wli pital.- Thank heaveni to^vris' thb other ployed by CppkV was. crushed lc» death desolation, pillage and murder, gjdp pf'' bbrdbr a r e ' ppt rebklhg fy\\H 26 years a g p . ' vV . • . lflsh hearts thrpu*nb\it the wor i M a n d pies! Tfroyf can"^OH"-:expect well trembls at I t s fuf>, b u t Searching for '•'< Hootch, Thoy cakes to'keep-^dowri the high cost of sugar hope that a s the frtbrm |ulls a WandeKlnto Bakeshops and in Brooklyn, carrying: ibn the way you SEt4G?dAN ESTATE, flliOOO. ' the. clbuds jh>y rsveal.a. sliver do?"- " ' • • - • ' . Thb w(ii of Charles' Seiigmih, late which will m time rbstpre tb tli Suffer. ..'; As I sank b§ck op roy pillow I riour- of Corona, disposing' Pf an estate val- Isle, wh'pse h^bpy pepple ar« so r mured, "Can ypu beat it? ' ; an^ loved ip every corner of th« Editor Brooklyn Dally Eagle: ; ."•"Will not Sbirib klrid reader exchange ued a t UO.n^O real a h S > 1,000 per- its v liberty, and let her take he Whjle' I do not by. any me^ns julyo- yipws ph this* dl^efnl sUhJe^t?' •', [••onar property, h a s tjeeh filed for pro-, among t h e hatiohs of the ea/tl cato Iriteinperance.. I d,o believe that J b a t e ' with Surrogate. Daniel Nobl? of ' OLD BltOOKPYNiTpJ. • " ' ' JAMES J. BAI* v lib'ht wiites dijd-beers, are. to a cppsidBrobklyp. Q'bt. 3Q. ' ' • ' 7 I Queens'County, a t Jarbalba. Brooklyn. Oct. 80. • ©ruble extent,; less .harmful to the h u m a n ; system, than the "mJRflty °* Various U«i(u{c} conepctions arid s u p pos^dly .digestible' splidV that are of»&ais<im«)aanm?xa*ia*xJusH)ai^^ fered nowadays to the ralld-raannered and tende'-neaVted publje, w h o a r e hiiscepjjbie and d o c i l e e n o u g h to a c cept the same* as "treats," .in lien of the more substantial and beneJtcialpri•«3*fci tertalnnicnt they were able ty procure tr-. in the past. • • ' , Jn'support of,th}s argument i wish tp;i;fcl»te a'rj experience thai it be^amh jn'y UjtV'tp endure. Happening along Fiiltoh St. the other afternpmv rcar<te across81) pld acquaintance, whom I lju'dnpt seen l n ' a very longtime." We *tr/4 were overjoyed: at the meeting and I suggested that we have a. treat; W e hastened to a downtown hostelry, b\»t to pur "dismay found t h a t ttje'pars arid tables had peeri jrempve'd arid in their plnqe weVe counters and shetVes piled, nigh with hats, r p p u l d hot treat my •/, friend to.'a hat, so we'put'ftcrpssr thf: street to another, cafe I khow^of-% l|t* tie further up, only:to fipd that th,U place had been turned into ~tL> she>e . store. As with the hat, iTJpuld not very.tyejl treatrayfriend to & pair pf Shoes, so X recalled to mjhd aqpther place oh Fultpri St., where I w a a c ^ h fldent we could g e t t h e entertainment v we" sought. ' ' ' '/Jiriagme my chagrin, tosay. nothing of myhbrrpr," to'find <tuW cozy corner turned into a bakery, a n d wp found ourselves staring wildly a t the : tfpysra upon TOWS; of 'highly deeorated- and SUgar-coated cakes;'•:,-" T6imfy gjeeful H'r surprises however, V I • recognized through the window the old-time p.rPprletbr standing jh: the shop,, so we rriader oUr way; swiftly inside. ' * . . . ^ V . V . " V •"-.•':•'. • ' " " • " . . • . • • ' . • ' - ' . • . v . . ' -v" i . \,-:':" •"•',-" •. ' | I n a' few words Bill fptd his stpry. Irlethad quit the'"business" altogether '.,'*V., v V - - . . ' " , - ' • ; • ; - ; • ' ' .V "-. " T .. ' • • / ' '•• ,i ;.. " ' a n d ' h a d ' Pperied u p this palace of iweetS; and «we were welcome t o feel a t bprhe; whereupon I asked, my friend what, ho wbvild have, : j l y f r l e h d selected a pieljePf: walnut arid Ag cream layer-cake, with orange paste flilittg. arid I Jriturn c h h s e a piece of.butternut fruit arid pineapple fudge cake, with' peach Jelly filling.' We chatted merrily over > our 'cake, and: dur thoughts drifted hack to t h e geod old •:•.'• clayis of Jack's place arid Tpm's place; , We treated and counter-treated" to more Pake, going t h e reunds frorh air mond arid strawberry jarh Ailing spice s t a k e with raspberry icing tpchpcbiate toarshm'allow' red cufcrarit: pake: with Icrhpn frostlrigv v When wb decided to go, Bill insisted upon a "tinroofj" in pther.*pi;dS, another -piece of cake ea?h ''pp c: th? GO ON A AKD PIESPHBE 1 m> ^ S m 1 m ^7?® M p $1$j§lll^- t^^dj^l^^^^^0' m ir/^^-Mwtbe made n^'-^iph^^: ; : l : : B^chr^cji. ^(Qtd^raphs I 0|iri$tmgs sfiQppittg ^ ; trea^iyed gifts ifcryour entire eirele of friet;c3$; m 5Q7JFl^H^Ei hou.s&,". #hieh^ ^e, accepted; a,pd^nai.iy linking arm's "w^ started, up the street.' Glancing through the' gold-lbttered wlridbw'of aripther palace' of sheets, J t a u g h t sight' df Pete; a h bld^tirrie/'bari tender.. w,hd w i s famous as 4rirli&erof fancy:- drjriks,-'arid'we imiriediately darkened :hls7dob'rway'. :dnce> rne'irel asked my friteftd''wnat would h e hay& and fbr a change it was suggested we bach have a:pi.cce of plei . " Again ; bur.coriversatibn took a:backward turn to days pf the "Abbey,"' and, other old-time resdrts,"and', nptwithstandlhg the pleasant . mernqrlbk r e ^yiyed; we bothv agreed' after several rounds bf pie, that this was a '.'good .lll"bld world after ail,- and h o ^ mtich .Pbpnpt Yah^«V)>i|e 7 # 0 . S t u d i o . Jh . "Twelve ^a»te>n' ; Cjlit(^r \ \',-;. (aacasams*te<a*BKmvmi*3&i*rtr/i'az^^ better wcv would'?$£& on the mbrrow than had be partaken of frbthy beers or yillairipus whrsky; Herb, too, we ha^ a pibbe pfp|e<f !'»pri:the house," and then wb parfed," 'my;rfr;ieftd to" take a train tbvMohtf'bal; r tHomy home= •" Arriving-at''th'e-apartrrtent my.-wifP was alarmefl to f i n d w e p a s s m g by -.thiB. Various^ dishes sho* hsd pren^rbd fp v my. rhea). - Shp also 'a.!sco*verel that t looked careworn andjforlorn, blue circles' wfere ga^h'er^pc under \riiy eyes.. Tfhile a deathly'pallbr overspread my - fVi ace. ' *'•.'• - , * - - . .: ' My Wife hurried to the cupboard to ,! f?et'-some Kh1^lf^ hi}t> r 'ik* 2 'old'Mother i Hubbard. •|he Tphnd'th ' cupbbsrd bafe, 4nd aiae fbr'VneV'pbor dog, I had to do : without-itr' ^''i.v: '..r>'•••:• VV.;-:.;";;" 1 Jj-OttrMJM tegi of k hat is thW it ;' "After a' wakef^J nigh', dawn a t l w \f: --•'^•'. : '.-.-'«> -.; m tensely: per80ift?|l and individual Wt have for gal^ selected Baldwin *ippie8:at SS.SO pe'f barrbl. Alsb hampers containing li3 barrel at S2.20. ' : 'Selepffo: Wipje'r': Greerilnll,' $5.50 per barrel; hampers, S2.2tf,' n \nu be deljvbred to your hftrrif': bh. receipt bf prjce;.v *^'~;' I H ttiis, city an^ if| i|f||U^p^||i -"^n-: | drop i p | $ | ! | | p pn^ <3| t0|>,' nyen|y, perjiap$ fifty Stiets^ ti^|:er^ ( • :•'•• • •"•••'. -'•, •./ J; LYQNS,: m Xafayetle: Ave, ! ; , t :y - Srpo.||ygr;^- Y.:. \ r; 7. ,' Stetson Style ; •;• StefaQg^ltty?} Stitsoh fyojt&sHbtth •-.The Same today hs for All the eolfbti^ffiiS^Mil^^^tlft '3& year* Vj'iured by jhjs in Every Hut As Announced by the * ofJustice 30,000 PairB Men's Army Munsbn t^asf, Style^ •.-; any one of tHes^1 tti^n^ you c ^ pick the pi\e hat that fTUghrj nave been rnacie to your pe^sQtuxl #$&:• -'.".:.-.... • I Derby, §c}ft • H|t, \^l0uf ^-blqe|$ t^f sjiit every .cyp0; :p& Iftlf^- atid, r>l))?sigu^^ ?*& \ :.:/; .; John R, Stetson Company ' •' ':'';/i^{ucUifaM>"'' §e^$qi>>" Eyeyy•'; y|rjt^t4<oh^ aria nicety pf finish apprpyejd By t£i§ y^^|lr<iress0d rnian. . A vyelcprTie service, indeed, for the rnan whp \s t^ally critical about the \yay hjs hat looks. ' j now on Sale below v Cp,tt of manufacture. Per Pair \t the Kollowlhjr Shoe Stores Only: Beftder'i, ?45 Grand St. . Btdomberg'*, 600 5th Ave. dlark'i, 1567 Broadway Harry'*, 141 Myrtle Ave. Waukeaie Shoe, 146 Flatbmh Ave. Krucnkow Broi., 4914 5U> Kii. Jrlcadc't, 104 Myrtle Ave. «H-i li»l n.i'ttn i itij,|iii, l n n . • n,i,i, ,.,,) i ' «M-nlil»Mte» „ Q«r Shops Shfliy the Most Gpmi»Iete line in 8r«ol«|yn of the Famous ftp to the Nearest One SALE NOW ON tM fifth Avfe. at 12th St. *11?3 B)fr>adway *t Koesufh V 106 FlafWi XVc^ Nr. SUt< 44| Fution St., Nr. Jay Bt &teimn Hau at Storrii Marrf; 5 F/H, NEWCOMB, "Stetson Hm 136 Flatbush Aven,i|e, Opposite Depot Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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