FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ι FEBRUARY 8, 2015 SAINTS JOSEPH, PETER, BONIFACE9 ASSUMPTION of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY P A B A R RO N, R I S H C A M E RO N, C L C H E T E K U & S T E R S T R I C K L A N D, W I SATURDAY 4:00pm ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, STRICKLAND 6:00pm CLUSTER MASS ST. PETER,CAMERON SUNDAY 8:00am ST. PETER, CAMERON 9:30am ST. JOSEPH, BARRON 11:00am ST. BONIFACE, CHETEK S A I N T J O S E P H Meetings This Week at St. Joseph Tuesday 6:30 pm Barron KC’s Meeting St. Joseph Ladies Guild Interim Chairperson: Sandy Eiden Secretary: Mary Burmeister Treasurer: Kelli Rasmussen Next Ladies Guild Meeting is Sunday, March 1st, after 9:30 Mass. SAVE THE DATE: Ladies Guild Chicken Soup/ Chili Luncheon, Wednesday, March 11th. This will replace the annual Spring Salad Luncheon. Look for the "soup bowls" on the wall in the foyer of the church to see how you can help with this. Thanks! S A I N T P E T E R Meetings This Week at St. Peter Thursday 9:30am St. Peter Altar & Rosary Society Meeting WITH LENT BEGINNING ON FEBRUARY 18, POINSETTIAS WILL BE REMOVED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE ONE OR MORE, PLEASE PICK UP IT/THEM AFTER THE 8AM MASS ON FEBRUARY 15. Please join us!! Breakfast social this Sunday, following the 8am Mass at St. Peter! Hosted by the 1st and 6th grade classes of the cluster. Proceeds from this breakfast will be donated to help with a fund for Kyle Pokkalus. Kyle was confirmed in our cluster in 2010. Two days before Christmas, Kyle suffered brain injuries from a skiing accident and has been hospitalized since. "Pray for Kyle - Our Brother in Arms" bracelets will also be for sale for $5. Your support is greatly appreciated! Weekly Sacrificial Giving Adult $1629.00 Loose $89.00 Building Maintenance Fund $110.00 CSA (DSA) Envelopes $10.00 Catholic Herald $297.00 Weekly Total $2135.00 Needed Weekly $2403.13 Short ($268.13) DIOCESAN COLLECTION Catholic Schools .......................................... $20.00 Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. Weekly Sacrificial Giving Adult $2015.00 Loose $259.00 Building Maintenance Fund $100.00 Catholic Herald $220.00 Weekly Total $2594.00 Needed Weekly $2603.80 Short ($9.80) DIOCESAN COLLECTION Catholic Schools .......................................... $35.00 Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes ~ February 11th Blessed, Immaculate Virgin, by your appearance in the Grotto of Lourdes, many have been cured of their infirmities, both spiritual and physical. Mother of Mercy, Healer of the Sick, Comforter of the Afflicted, you know my needs and my sufferings. Look upon me with mercy. I come, therefore, with confidence in your maternal intercession. Obtain for me, from your Divine Son, O loving Mother, this special request ..(mention need here). Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for me. Amen. S T . B O N I F A C E Liturgical Roles Sunday, February 15, 11:00 am Please check in at Sacristy prior to Mass. Reader .............................................. Donna Jasicki Eucharistic Ministers .................. John & Nancy Matisko ............................................ Tom & Penny Schwab ƚƚĞŶƚŝŽŶ tĂƌŵ tĞĂƚŚĞƌ >ŽǀĞƌƐ͗ Living in the deep freeze got you down? Thoughts of warm sunshine and hot, lazy July afternoons seem like a distant memory? No worries – turn those thoughts and ideas to a balmy July favorite Bonifeast! The New Evangelization Committee will be meeting on Monday, February 9, at 6:00 pm, in the St. Boniface Church basement. Topic of discussion – Bonifeast! All are invited and encouraged to attend. Hope to see you then! Meetings This Week at St. Boniface Monday 1:00 pm 6:00 pm Thursday 7:00 pm 7:00 pm CCW Meeting in the church basement “BONIFEAST” Meeting Knights of Columbus Meeting K of C Ladies Auxiliary Meeting LADIES: All Are Welcome! Join us for our CCW Valentine meeting 1pm this Monday, February 9th, in the Church basement. Bring a treat (appetizer or beverage) of your choice to pass. Hope to see you there. & Sacrificial Giving ANDREW & DAGMAR BECKEL THEIR DAUGHTERS DAGMAR & BLANKA Adult .................................................... $1340.00 Loose .....................................................$159.25 Building Maintenance Fund ...........................$292.00 CSA (DSA) Envelopes ..................................... 30.00 Catholic Herald..........................................$228.00 Weekly Total ............................................. $2049.25 Needed Weekly ......................................... $2505.59 Short ......................................................... ($456.34) DIOCESAN COLLECTION Catholic Schools .........................................$107.00 Thank You for your sacrificial offerings. A S S U M P T I O N O F T H E B L E S S E D V I R G I N M A R Y ABVM Prayer Chain Please call Joan Krug at 715-859-6123,if you have a prayer request for any situation or need. PCCW Officers President Vice-president Secretary Treasurer Rosary Society Secretary/Treasurer Joan Krug Mary Mujwid Florence Gronski Marge Mujwid Florence Gronski Meetings This Week at ABVM Wednesday 1:30 pm PCCW Meeting Sacrificial Giving Adult ..................................................... $390.00 Loose ..................................................... $100.00 Catholic Herald........................................... $48.00 Weekly Total .............................................. $538.00 Needed Weekly .......................................... $817.01 Short ........................................................ ($279.01) Thank You for your sacrificial offerings. "It is Jesus in fact that you seek when you dream of happiness; he is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; he is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is he who provokes you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise; it is he who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; it is he who reads in your hearts your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle. It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives, the will to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be grounded down by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world more human and more fraternal." --St. John Paul II, August 19, 2000, World Youth Day CLUSTER NEWS Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Day Breakfast Six Lakes Council of the Knights of Columbus will host their annual Valentine's Day breakfast from 8:00am to 12:30pm next Sunday, February 15th, in the St. Boniface Church Hall. The menu will be pancakes, sausages, juice and coffee or milk. The breakfast is free, but a free-will donation is requested. Money raised will be used to support the Council's service programs. Come out, treat your sweetie to a tasty breakfast, and help support the Council's service to the community. Cluster Choir Practice Cluster choir practice for the Easter Vigil will begin Wednesday, February 11th at 7:00 pm at St. Peter. We encourage anyone interested in singing for Easter to join us. Please come and praise our Lord with joy and song! Religious Education Classes This Week Wednesday 5:45-6:45pm Religious Education Grades PK-6 at St. Peter 6-7 pm Religious Education Grades PK-7th at St. Boniface 6-7 pm Religious Education Classes Grades 7-10 at St. Joseph CONGRATULATIONS to our second graders who just received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their journey of faith and prepare for the sacrament of First Communion. ALSO: Need some Valentine's Sweets for your Sweetie? Or how about just making someone's day!? High school students planning on attending the National Catholic Youth Conference will be selling candy bars after Masses and throughout the community to help them raise funds for this trip. The students and your sweet tooth will appreciate your support!! Cluster Ash Wednesday Masses 7:15am at St. Joseph Noon at St. Boniface 6:00pm at St. Peter Contribution Statements from the Diocese PLEASE NOTE: If you have not received your statement from the Faith in our Future campaign or the Catholic Services Appeal, please contact Cathy at the Diocese 715-394-0226. Thank you! Cluster Meetings This Week Tuesday 6-7:30 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm Brother Cadfael Mysteries w/Fr. Jim ~ St. Boniface Church Basement This week ~ The Devil’s Novice Cluster Choir Practice for Easter at St. Peter Catholic Herald The suggested donation for our Catholic newspaper is $20 per year. If you are not receiving the paper and would like to, or, if you do not wish to receive the Catholic Herald anymore, please contact your parish office and we will take care of this for you. Thank you and God bless! Please pray for the health of: All of our cluster parishioners in hospitals, at home and in the nursing homes & for those serving in the Armed Forces. Especially for: Will Simon, Joan Tabernacki, Kevin Mikyska, Brodie Tabernacki, Christopher Link, Doris Schlosser, Adeline Tadel, Judy Lentz, Mary Olsen, Earl Marion, Deb Langman, Robert Ryan, Don Drost, Jack Weber, Janice Ebner, Bev Ebner, Gayle Hoffman, Steve Langman, Anna Becker, Marvin Kraczek, Lynette Podritz, Mason Ward, Joe Scheynost, Mike, Laura (Marc) Johanson, Pat Tabernacki, Bev Kramer, Alfred Grimme, Geri Schoenecker, Pat Sztuba & Kyle Pokkalus. 5 Cluster Administrative Office Ss. Joseph/Peter/Boniface/ABVM Saturday 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am † Dcn. Jim Roberge by Gene & Bernice † Julia Snively by Sharon & Bob ABVM SP † Josephine Richter by Mark & JoAnn Pray the Rosary before Mass All the People of our Parish Cluster Pray the Rosary before Mass † Vic & Cleo Myers by Ken & Ruth SP SJ SJ SB SB Wednesday 7:15 am † Gloria Strzyzewski by Diane Mulheron 8:00 am Eucharistic Adoration (until 3:00 pm) 10:15 am Monroe Manor Mass for the Residents Thursday 8:30 am † Dorothy & Ray Kramer by Family 9:30 am Eucharistic Adoration (until 4:00 pm) Friday 8:00 am † Carolyn Harvey by Ed & Beverly Kramer Saturday 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am † Dcn. Jim Roberge by Family All the People of our Parish Cluster SJ SJ SB SB SP ABVM SP † Pat Gehan by John & Jane Pray the Rosary before Mass In loving Memory of Donald E. Fischer by Nan & Don Dew Pray the Rosary before Mass † George & Hazel Mullis by Ken & Ruth SP SJ SJ SB SB SB-St. Boniface • SJ-St. Joseph • SP-St. Peter ABVM-Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday Scripture Readings This Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Next Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1 Mark 1:40-45 Thank you: Cameron Apartments 1116 W. Main Street 827 E. LaSalle Avenue • Barron, WI 54812 Phone ................................................... 715-637-3255 Fax....................................................... 715-637-3252 E-mail .............................. [email protected] Website …………………………………… Chetek Office 419 Third Street • Chetek, WI 54728 Phone/Fax ............................................. 715-924-3514 Email ............................. [email protected] Cluster Staff Deacon Michael Cullen Cluster PLC......................637-3255 Fr. Jim Bartelme—Cluster Sacramental Minister ......924-3514 Mary Bell, Administrative Assistant/Office Manager Marsha Rheingans, Cluster Secretary/Bookkeeper Annette B. Cullen, RN—Parish Nurse ...................637-7327 Parish Nurse Office Hours in Barron............ Tuesday’s 1-4pm Very Reverend John A. Drummy .............. Supervising Pastor Religious Education/Faith Formation Patty Gerber, Cluster DRE ...............................642-2560 Anne Stephens, CRE (St. Joseph) ........................637-3255 Morning Prayer Wednesday 7:00 am (SJ); Thursday 8:15 am (SB) & Friday 7:45 am (SP) Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday 8am-3pm (SJ) & Thursday: 9am-4pm (SB) Divine Mercy Chaplet : Wednesday 2:45pm (SJ) Sacraments Cluster Sacrament of Penance Saturday 5:30pm at St. Peter Anointing of the Sick: Call either parish office. Baptism Preparation: This class is required for first time parents. Please call 715-637-3255 for information. Marriage Preparation: Book one year ahead. Preparation 6 months in advance. Marriages at 1:00 pm. Homebound Communion Communion is given weekly to our cluster homebound parishioners. If you would like to be added to the list, please call either office to set up visitation and communion. Membership in the Parish All Catholic adults living within the parish community, regularly participating in the Liturgy, please register in the parish. Birthday Sunday at St. Joseph First Sunday of the month after 9:30am Mass. All are welcome. Library at St. Joseph Open when the church is open. Located behind the Altar. St. Boniface (SB) • St. Joseph (SJ) • St. Peter (SP) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ABVM) JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH
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