RDH ED CLINICAL PASSPORT Paediatric Area Procedures and Flow

Paediatric Area Procedures and Flow
Can I?
Locate equipment and forms in the paediatric area?
Explain ED RN’s role in managing flow to the paediatric wards?
Self -Orientation Tool:
In conjunction with the nurse currently working in the ED paediatric area.
Locate and familiarise yourself with each of these items in the paediatric area
 Checklist and restocking
 Kangaroo Pumps
 Alaris Pumps (with burette) & Syringe Drivers
 clinical care sets
 Portable saturation monitors and probes
 Buzzy Bee (see Power point on computer)
 Distraction box
 Oxygen:
 low flow meters
 Nasal Cannula’s and taping
 Back wall suction, as in Majors
 Toys
 TV – ABC 2 (0600 to 1800hrs) and video afterhours
Policy, procedure and flow
Discuss these points with a nurse working in paediatric area
 Admission & ward specific Protocols
 5B – general paeds up to 12yrs (as appropriate)
 7B – isolation paeds up to 12yrs (as appropriate)
 When admitted discuss with FEC/TL
 Transport Nurses role & responsibilities
 Transfer Equipment, location and operation
 Paediatric transport bag
 Oxygen
 Portable Suction - if not competent with care of spinal pt cannot TF spinal pt to
radiography/ward etc.
 Monitoring Equip
 Parents
 To accompany all paeds patients up to 16yr of age (at all times)
 NO HOT DRINKS (parents & staff)
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Paediatric Area Procedures and Flow
 Documentation
 Nursing Assessment Sheet
 All paeds to be weighed, under 12mths “Bare Weight”
 BP x 1, on all presentations
 Paediatric MAD Tool (Part A) / Orange Afterhours Referral Book
 Paediatric Falls Risk Management Tool)
 Paediatric Respiratory Obs Chart
 ED Paediatric Oral Rehydration Chart
 Injury Risk Assessment Sticker
 Paediatric Intravenous Fluids
 Reference guide on common fluids and how to prepare )
 Prompt reference
 RDH Ward Guidelines: Observations (corrected age)
 Age: 0-3 months
 Age: 3-12 months
 Age: 1-5 years
 Age: 5-12 years
 Age:12-17 years
Nurse’s Name: __________________________________________________
□ Complete
□ Incomplete
□ RPL (source):__________________
Assessor Signature:_______________________
Print Name: ______________________________
Now please place in CNE tray
F:\Emergency\Nursing_Passports\Passport Development\Paediatric Care in Emergency\P199 - Paediatric Area Orientation (1.0).docx
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