The Paediatric Group of the BDA Paediatric Dietetics A modular course for dietitians & MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Paediatric Dietetics) Course Brochure 2014-15 Contents Introduction Page 1-2 3 BDA Modular Course: o Structure & accreditation o Admission requirements and application o Aims and Learning outcomes of the 5 BDA modules 3 3 4 o o o o o Module content: ADV717: Nutrition and Dietetics in Infancy and Childhood ADV718: Nutrition and Dietetics in Common Paediatric Disorders ADV719: Clinical Dietetics for Infants and Children ADV720: Dietetic Management of Inherited Metabolic Disorders ADV721: Neonatal Nutrition o Cost per BDA module o Date of modules 2015 o BDA Contact Details MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Paediatric Dietetics) o Structure of the Masters pathway (as of Jan 2013) o BDA Masters modules o Upgrading BDA credits to M level credits (the APEL process) o Assessment of BDA Masters modules o Examples of module pathway for the award of PgCert, PgDip & the MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Paediatric Dietetics) o Plymouth Core modules and Research modules o Dates of Plymouth Modules 2015 o Admission requirements & application o Cost for UK/EU students (per module) o Cost for International Students (one-year Full-time) Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 Content (continued) Masters students 2009-2012 o Process for completion of Optional modules and Research Modules 10 Studying for a Master degree o Are you ready to study at Master’s level? o Suggested text, e-books and websites 11 Contact Details 13 Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) 12 Introduction The BDA Modular Course has been designed for qualified dietitians to allow them to build on their existing knowledge of paediatric nutrition and dietetics and to reflect the current healthcare and educational needs of dietitians working in the UK and beyond. The Course provides a progressive path through paediatric training with the modular format allowing flexibility for dietitians who have differing levels of experience whether in the acute or the community setting. For example a paediatric community dietitian may choose to attend modules 1 and 2 whereas a dietitian with an aspiration to work at a tertiary level may wish to attend all 5 modules. Experienced paediatric dietitians may take modules 3, 4 and 5 as a means of updating and enhancing their scientific knowledge base. Dietitians will be attending a course that is endorsed by the British Dietetic Association and that is recognised and valued by healthcare institutions. The modules are accredited at Masters level with Plymouth University and can be taken as stand-alone short courses, or dietitians can register for the MSc in Advanced Professional Practice (Paediatric Dietetics), hosted by Plymouth University, as outlined below. BDA Modular Course: Structure and accreditation The Course runs as five ‘stand-alone’ 4 day modules. Students may take a single module or may progress through all five modules depending on their learning needs. The Course is of a very practical nature and learning is achieved through lectures, workshops, case study presentations, problem solving and informal discussion groups. The course is endorsed by the BDA for 80 learning hours per module. Learning hours will only be awarded to students who complete the pre-course work (reading and self-assessment) and attend the full 4 day taught component. At Masters level each module is worth 20 credits. Masters students do the same pre-course work (reading and self-assessment) and 4 day taught component as BDA students and then must attain a satisfactory level in a rigorous post-course assessment (justified case study and a critical essay, see P7) within the allocated time frame. Further details are provided once students are allocated a place. Admission requirements and application Students must be Registered Dietitians with the Health and Care Professions Council. International applicants will be required to be Registered Dietitians in their own country. Modules will be advertised in ‘Dietetics Today’ and are shown on both the BDA Paediatric Group website and on the Plymouth University Post-Graduate website. Allocation of places for the modules will be on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Payment of fees must be made by the advertised date. Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) Aims and learning outcomes of the 5 BDA modules Aims: o To provide a planned programme which complements the skills of the Registered Dietitian, providing additional expertise necessary for advanced, evidence-based practice in the field of paediatric dietetics o To enable students to apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills to an increasingly complex caseload in order to provide the most appropriate advice for infants (including premature infants), children and adolescents o To develop students’ ability to analyse, interpret and synthesise new and emerging scientific knowledge in the field of paediatric nutrition and dietetics o To give students confidence in handling a variety of paediatric cases of increasing complexity as they progress through the five modules o To encourage effective communication of paediatric dietetics to patients, healthcare professionals and other groups o To support students to critically analyse and interpret their own work in order to advance their practice Learning outcomes: On successful completion of the 5 modules, students will be able to: o Demonstrate an extended knowledge of nutritional principles, feeding, nutrient requirements and nutritional assessment in the field of paediatric dietetics o Demonstrate an appreciation of how psychosocial, financial and cultural factors affect families and children, and the importance of the multidisciplinary team in their management o Apply and synthesise theoretical knowledge in order to recommend the most appropriate and current dietary regimens for normal infants, children and adolescents, and those with particular needs, such as over and under nutrition and clinical conditions requiring a dietetic input o Communicate their nutritional knowledge to groups or individuals and evaluate outcomes o Critically evaluate new scientific and other evidence which may impact on dietetic practice Module content ADV717: Nutrition and Dietetics in Infancy and Childhood (Module 1) Growth and nutritional requirements Infant feeding – breast, formula, weaning Faltering growth; anaemia; rickets; colic; constipation; obesity Government policies relevant to child and adolescent nutrition ADV718: Nutrition and Dietetics in Common Paediatric Disorders (Module 2) Nutritional support and enteral feeding Special needs, feeding difficulties and eating disorders Gastroenterology and specialised formulas Food allergy and intolerance; cystic fibrosis; diabetes mellitus; pre-term infants Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) ADV719: Clinical Dietetics for Infants and Children (Module 3) Neonatal surgery; gastroenterology; parenteral nutrition Trauma; thermal injury; critical care Renal disease; liver disease; ketogenic diets; oncology; HIV; cardiology ADV720: Dietetic Management of Inherited Metabolic Disorders (Module 4) Protein metabolism e.g. PKU, MSUD, homocystinuria; disorders of carbohydrate metabolism e.g. galactosaemia, glycogen storage diseases; Fatty acid oxidation disorders and disorders of ketogenesis ADV721: Neonatal Nutrition (Module 5) Management of complex neonatal nutritional problems e.g. necrotising enterocolitis and gastrointestinal surgery Catch-up growth and the effect of early nutrition on later health Post discharge nutrition for preterm infants; weaning preterm infants; practical issues relating to breastfeeding and human milk banking Cost per BDA module Approximately £670 for BDA endorsed course (£790 for Master module), depending on location, inclusive of tuition fees, refreshments, lunch and VAT over the 4 days. Dates of Modules 2015 Module 1 ADV717 3-6 February Module 2 ADV718 14-17 April Module 1 ADV717 9-12 June Module 3 ADV719 15-18 September Module 4 ADV720 3 – 6 November Module 5 ADV721 17-20 November Bristol Manchester London London Birmingham London BDA Contact details Modules will be advertised in ‘Dietetics Today’ 6 months before they run. For further details regarding the application process e-mail: [email protected] Application forms are available to download from For further information regarding BDA module content, contact: Vanessa Shaw, Education Officer, Paediatric Group: [email protected] Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Paediatric Dietetics) Structure of the Masters pathway (as of Jan 2013) The Masters pathway can be studied as a full-time course (1 year) or as a flexible part-time pathway, taken over 2-5 years. Students can choose to ‘step-off’ with: Stage 1 2 3 Total M Credit needed 60 M credit 120 M credit 180 M credit Award BDA clinical M modules Post-graduate Certificate Post-graduate Diploma 2 x 20 credit MSc degree Plymouth core modules 1 x 20 credit Plymouth research modules nil e.g. ADV702 3 x 20 credit 2 x 20 credit 1 x 20 credit ADV702 & LDR503 ADV715 3 x 20 credit 2 x 20 credit 1 x 20 credit (as above) (as above) (ADV715 as above) (above 2 plus a 3 choice) rd & 1 x 60 credit ADV716 BDA Modules (pathway specific/20 M credit each) Any choice of the BDA clinical modules can be studied, in any order, though students with limited experience of Paediatric Dietetics are advised to do ADV717 and/or ADV718 first: o ADV717 Nutrition and Dietetics in Infancy and Childhood o ADV718 Nutrition and Dietetics in Common Paediatric Disorders o ADV719 Clinical Dietetics for Infants and Children o ADV720 Dietetic Management of Inherited Metabolic Disorders o ADV721 Neonatal Nutrition Upgrading BDA Credits to M level Credits (the APEL process) Paediatric Dietitians who previously attended BDA Paediatric Group validated courses can apply to convert their award to Masters learning credits through the university APEL process. There is no retrospective time limit. However, this will necessitate: o o o o submission of a completed APEL form a certificate of BDA award CV and evidence of relevant work in the field Successful achievement of the same Masters level summative assessment as those completing the equivalent taught module. A named personal tutor will be assigned for guidance and you will agree a realistic hand-in deadline. This is usually set as the same hand-in date as the next taught version of the module. A maximum of 2 BDA modules can be completed by APEL, one for the PG Certificate and another for the PG Diploma/Masters. The cost of this APEL option is £225 per module. For further information contact Jane Campbell-Baigrie (Senior Administrator), e-mail: [email protected] Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) Assessment of BDA Masters modules All modules will be assessed using standard M level criteria Formative Assessment (not marked) o Self-assessment questions. o A portfolio of learning experience, including competencies acquired during this module, will be prepared by the student. Summative Assessment (marked) 1) Case Study (50%) The student will submit a 2000 word justified care plan chosen from three given paediatric case studies. 2) Critical Essay (50%) The student will submit a 2000 word critical essay on a key topic of the module, informed by current evidence base and best practice. The deadline date for submission of the Masters assessment is set 6 week after last taught day of each module. Students must pass both elements of the summative assessment with a pass mark of 50%. Example of module pathway in the awards of Pg Cert, Pg Dip and MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Paediatric Dietetics) ADV717 Nutrition and Dietetics in Infancy and Childhood PgCert ADV719 Clinical Dietetics for Infants and Children ADV702 Applying Evidence to Practice ADV720 Dietetic Management of Inherited Metabolic Disorders PgDip LDR503 Developing Self and Others ADV715 Project Design for Research MSc ADV716 Research Dissertation Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) Plymouth Core Modules and Research Modules Plymouth Core Modules o ADV702 Applying Evidence to Practice (20 M credit) o LDR503 Developing Self and Others (20 M credit) Plymouth Research Modules o ADV715 Project Design for Research (20 M credit) o ADV716 Research Dissertation (60 M credit) Date of Plymouth Modules (2015) Study Block 1 Induction study block (Optional) th Study Block2 Assignment due th 5 / 6 Jan th ADV 702 Applying evidence to practice LDR 503 Developing self and others 7 /8th Jan rd th 23 / 24 April ADV 715 Project design for research ADV 716 Research Dissertation 26 / 27 Jan th th 27 /28 April th th nd rd 5 March th 25 June th th 26 March th 7 Jan 2016 22 / 23 Jan th th 11 / 12 May 12 /13 Feb st nd 1 /2 October th th The core modules ADV702, LDR503 and ADV715 and ADV716 include 4 days of face-to-face teaching, in two study blocks of 2 days, as above. Part-time students can choose to complete the BDA Masters Modules before taking the Plymouth core modules, but must achieve the PG Cert (60 credits) before undertaking Project design for research (ADV715). However, it may be advantageous to take the Applying Evidence to Practice modules (ADV702) and also attend the optional Induction Study Block (no fee) before embarking on the clinical (pathway specific) BDA Modules, for support in writing and study at Masters level. Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) Admission requirements & application Applicants will normally have an in depth knowledge of nutrition and dietetics to honours degree level (or European first cycle equivalent) and evidence of relevant previous experience in nutrition and dietetics is required. Previous paediatric experience is preferred to support your application of learning and is required to ensure a successful outcome if you choose to follow the one-year full-time option. International students must provide evidence of competence in written and spoken English in accordance with Plymouth Universities Admissions Code of Practice, i.e. normally a minimum overall International English Language Testing System (IELTS) of 7.0 and 6.5 in each element. Cost for UK/EU students (per module) o Approximately £790 for a 20 credit BDA masters module, depending on the location. Inclusive of tuition fees, refreshments, lunch and VAT over the 4 days. o Approximately £610 per 20 credits for Plymouth University modules. o The Research Dissertation (ADV716) at 60 credits, costs £1830. Note: This does NOT include the cost of travel, meals and accommodation . Dietitians wishing to study Part-Time should contact the BDA Course Organiser to register for a BDA Masters module. When you register for your first BDA Masters module you will also complete the process for registration onto the part-time MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Paediatric Dietetics) pathway. To subsequently register for a Plymouth University (core) module, please contact Jane Campbell-Baigrie, Senior Administrator for the Professional Development Unit: e-mail: [email protected] Cost for International Students (One-year Full-time): £12,250 Note: This does NOT include the cost of travel, meals and accommodation . This Masters programme is jointly managed by the Paediatric Group of the BDA and Plymouth University. Those wishing to study the 1 year Full-Time option can download an electronic application from the Postgraduate section of the Plymouth University website. Return your full-time application to Jane Campbell-Baigrie, Senior Administrator for the Professional Development Unit: e-mail: [email protected] Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) Masters Students 2009 – 2012 Process for completion of master’s credit and research modules Masters credit: Students who enrolled before January 2013 need to complete: 3 x 20 credit BDA Paediatric modules 2 x 20 credit additional modules 1 x 20 credit research module (ADV715) 60 credit dissertation (ADV716) (60 credit) (40 credit) (20 credit) (60 credit) Total 180 credits The 2 x 20 credit additional modules can either include a 4th BDA module plus one core module: ADV702 Applying Evidence to Practice (Evidence Based Practice) or LDR503 Developing Self and Others, or you may choose to take both core modules. Research modules: As previously advised, ‘distance’ research modules are no longer available. The School of Health Professions has introduced new research modules (1 research methods @ 20 credits and 1 dissertation @ 60 credits) and these will run for in 2015, as outlined below. ADV 715 Project design for research Study Block 1 26th/ 27th Jan Study Block2 12th /13th Feb Assignment due 26th March ADV 716 Research Dissertation 27th/28th April 1st/2nd October 7th Jan 2016 Each contains a 4-day day taught element, in block of 2 x 2-days as above. The assessment of ADV715 involves preparation of a research protocol and so is fundamental to ADV716. Please contact Jane Campbell-Baigrie, Senior Administrator for the Professional Development Unit: e-mail: [email protected] to register for a Plymouth University module at least 2 months before the scheduled module start date. Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) Studying for a Master degree: Are you ready to study at Masters level? All students who choose to study a BDA Paediatric Module as a stand-alone M module or as part of the Masters programme are advised to refresh their understanding, knowledge and skill in evidence based practice. The BDA Masters Modules are essentially assessing your ability to work as an advanced practitioner, by exploring and applying both best practice and current research evidence to the practice setting. If you are unsure of your ability in this field or would simply like to update your skills and gain confidence before you start, you will find suitable textbooks and websites listed under Study References below, for guidance. Induction material, including podcasts giving guidance on study at Masters level are available on the Plymouth University MSc Advanced Professional Practice web-page. These are available following registration onto the programme with Plymouth University log-in details. Follow the pathway below to assess whether you are ready to study at Masters level? Do you want to gain Masters level qualification? Yes No Study module at BDA credit level only Do you have adequate time to complete the Masters assessment? (1-2 days/wk for 6 wks) No Yes Are you comfortable with the terms ‘critical appraisal’ and ‘evidence based practice’? Study at BDA credit level and consider completion by the APEL route at a later date when you have more time for study No You should access a suitable text on ‘Evidence Based Practice’ and review on-line web tools on ‘critical appraisal’, before you register for Masters Study References: your first module (see Study References) Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) Yes Contact the BDA Course Organiser to register for your first BDA Paediatric Module & Plymouth University to attend ADV702 Applying Evidence to Practice (runs each January) Suggested text CRAIG, J. V. 2008. The evidence based practice manual for Nurses, London, Churchill Livingstone. GREENHALGH, T. 2010. How to read a paper: The basics of evidence based medicine., Chicester, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. NEWELL, R. & BURNARD, P. 2011. Research for Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare, Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell. ROSE, J. 2012. The Mature Student's Guide to Writing, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. e-books GARRETT, L. K., CLARKE, A. & SHIHAB, P. 2011. Skills for nursing and healthcare students: study skills, maths and science. Harlow: Pearson Education. GLASZIOU, P., DEL MAR, C. & SALISBURY, J. 2007. Evidence-based practice workbook: bridging the gap between health care research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. Suggested websites Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) International Centre for Allied Health Evidence (iCAHE) NHS Evidence National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) Wales Centre for Evidence-Base Care (WCEBC) NHS Choices (c.f. behind the headlines) The Cochrane Library Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014) CONTACT DETAILS Key contact: The BDA Course Organiser: Jacqui McAleer (JM Associates) 2 Cleevemount Close Pittville Cheltenham GL52 3HP Tel: +44 1242 226587 e-mail [email protected] Website: Professional Lead: Vanessa Shaw, Head of Dietetics, GOSH Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust London WC1N 3JH Tel: 020 7405 9200 ext. 5109 e-mail: [email protected] Professional Development Unit (PG Admissions) Jane Campbell-Baigrie (Senior Administrator) 4th Floor Rolle Building University of Plymouth Drake Circus PlymouthPL4 8AA e-mail: [email protected] Academic Lead: Dr Anne Payne, Associate Professor of Dietetics Peninsula Allied Health Centre Plymouth University Derriford Road Plymouth PL6 8BH Tel: 01752 588832 e-mail: [email protected] Website: Course Brochure (AP Sept 2014)
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