University Malaya Medical Centre / NOCERAL Paediatric Orthopaedics Update 1st and 2nd November 2014 Dewan Sekapur Sirih Trauma Centre, UM Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MESSAGE FROM THE ORGANIZING CHAIRMAN Dear sir / madam, This symposium is organised to provide updates for clinicians and trainees on selected fields of Paediatric Orthopaedics. With better understanding of growth and bone remodelling in children, treatment options and indications for various hip conditions have changed over the years. New surgical procedures may be able to offer better treatment outcome in carefully selected patients. In addition, increasing number of diseases and syndromes involving musculoskeletal system are being reported in medical literature. Modification in the classification of more common conditions may help doctors and patients to better understand the disease process and help them to plan for more effective treatment and rehabilitation. We are fortunate to have 3 experts from Hong Kong and Korea to share their experience with our participants. We also hope to establish better collaboration between various local and regional institutions in the management of difficult and rare musculoskeletal conditions for our children. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Dr Saw Aik Organising Chairman Paediatric Orthopaedics Update 2014 UM Medical Centre / NOCERAL INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS Dr. Cho Tae-Joon Professor Seoul National University College of Medicine Seoul National University Children’s Hospital Seoul, Korea Dr. Michael To Kai-Tsu Clinical Assistant Professor University of Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital Hong Kong Dr. Chow Wang Honorary Clinical Associate Professor University of Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital Hong Kong NATIONAL SPEAKERS Dr. Abdul Razak Sulaiman Associate Professor Paediatric Orthopaedics USM Kelantan Dato’ Dr. Zulkiflee Osman Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Paediatric Orthopaedics Penang Hospital Penang Dr. Goh Khean Jin Professor Neurologist UM Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur Dr. Mohd Shukrimi Awang Associate Professor Paediatric Orthopaedics IIUM Pahang Dr. Saw Aik Professor Paediatric Orthopaedics UM Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur Dr. Abdul Razak Muhamad Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Paediatric Orthopaedics Hospital Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Dr. Sharaf Ibrahim Professor Paediatric Orthopaedics UKM Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur Dr. Abdul Halim Abd. Rashid Associate Professor Paediatric Orthopaedics PPUKM Kuala Lumpur Dr. Thong Meow Keong Professor Paediatric Genetics UM Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur Dr. Roshan Gunalan Clinical Specialist Paediatric Orthopaedics UM Medical Centre Kuala Lumpur 1ST NOVEMBER 2014 8.30 10.00 10.30 Session 1 : DDH (Chair : Abdul H) 1. Closed reduction hip spica for DDH 2. Redirectional osteotomy (young children) 3. Reshaping acetabuloplasty in young children 4. Chiari osteotomy 5. Case discussion (Abdul H) Tea break Session 2 : Perthes / SCFE (Chair : Roshan) 1. Indication for containment for Perthes 2. Femoral vs pelvis containment osteotomy 3. In situ screw fixation for SCFE 4. Acute correction for SCFE (Modified Dunn) 5. Case discussion (Roshan) 12.00 Interactive session 1 1. Indications and Tips for Surgical hip dislocation 2. Triple pelvic osteotomy 1.00 Lunch Break Session 3 : Other pathology (Chair : Abdul RM) 1. Septic arthritis of hip 2. Coxa Vara 3. Femoral neck fracture 4. Discussion (Abdul RM) 2.00 3.30 4.00 5.00 Roshan G Michael T Chow W Saw A Cho TJ Michael T Abdul H Chow W Chow W Chow W Shukrimi A Zulkiflee O Abdul RM Tea Break Interactive session 2 1. Hip spica application 2. Paediatric Hip Plate End of the day Roshan G Michael T 2ND NOVEMBER 2014 9.00 10.30 11.00 1.00 1.30 2.30 3.00 4.30 Session 1 : Skeletal dysplasia (1) (Chair : Roshan) 1. Classification system 2. Diagnostic approach 3. Radiographic findings 4. Genetic analysis 5. General orthopaedic management 6. Question and answer Tea Break Session 2 : Skeletal Dysplasia (2) (Chair : Shukrimi) 1. Achondroplasia 2. OsteogenesisImperfecta (OI) 3. Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) 4. Fibrous dysplasia 5. Case discussions (Shukrimi) Lunch Break Session 3 : Neuromuscular disorder (Chair : Abdul RS) 1. Approach to Arthrogryposis 2. Hereditary Neuropathy and muscular Dystrophy 3. Case discussions (Abdul RS) Tea Break Session 4 : Other rare disorders (Chair : Abdul H) 1. Hypophosphatemic rickets 2. Sclerosing bone diseases 3. Ectopic / Heterotopic ossification 4. Case Discussions (Abdul H) End of the day Michael T Cho TJ Michael T Thong MK Saw A Michael T Cho TJ Cho TJ Sharaf I Thong MK Goh KJ Cho TJ Cho TJ Abdul RS I would like to register for the “Paediatric Orthopaedics Update 2014". Payment can also be made by cheque or through telegram transfer* Enclosed is the registration form and cheque to be made payable to "Yayasan Ortopedik“ / proof of payment by telegraphic transfer. Name :…………………………………………………………………………… Hospital : ……….………………………………………………………………. Position : …………………………….…………………………………………. E-mail : …………………………………………………………………………. Clinical specialist / Clinical fellows: Day 1 : RM 200 Day 2 : RM 200 Both Days : RM 300 (USD 100)* Residents / Masters: Day 1 : RM 100 Day 2 : RM 100 Both Days : RM 150 (USD 50)* * Doctors not practising in Malaysia * Telegram transfer : Bank : Maybank Islamic Account Name : Yayasan Ortopedik Account Number : 5643 5150 4180 Swift Code : MBBEMYKL Bank address : Maybank, Ground & Mezzanine Floor, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Wisma Genting, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Please send registration form and payment/proof of payment to: Paediatric Orthopaedics Update 2014 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Malaya Medical Centre, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 7949 3141 / Fax: +603 7949 3141 E-mal: [email protected] ACCOMODATION Anjung Penyayang Hotel Pullman (UM Medical Centre) Rate : RM 70 onwards Contact : 03-7949 4611 03-7958 2649 Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur (Taxi to UM Medical Centre) Rate : RM 260 onwards Contact : 03-2240 0888 Council of Churches of Malaysia Hilton Hotel (Within walking distance) Rate : RM 75 onwards Contact : 03-7956 7092 Email: [email protected] Petaling Jaya (Taxi to UM Medical Centre) Rate: RM 343.00 onwards Contact: 03-7955 9122
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