I GOVF:RNMRNT OF KARN..\T~ l'~mataka Govem.'nentSecretariat, Multistoried Bu~dings, Ban-0('(:1}('!r~ ' D ~ted.1 h-O~~J ~4-. No:P\X!D 91 CP,..J.\f2003 CIRCT )1,AR Sub: -Use of imp9rteg bittlmen in the road \vorlc..s -,.,0- WS SRI vT£~~""KATESHWAR E~.;:;TERPRISES, :t..:jO.334, 1STfloor, 1st malll, 41 cross, 81h block, Jayatlagar Ba!lgalore-82, 'Ilave a:-pproa.c}ledtlus depa.titIletlt reg~rding the use of 60/70 grade imp~)rted bitumen packed in df1..I!IlSfrom ~Jfganizationof petroleum exporting cotmLries, (OPEC) as the state & Central Goverp.ment has under ta¥,;:enexte!'sive Con.~..lction and repair of road works ~~ough out the F,..amatakas.tate.The use of appropriate and good qllality bitumen is Vef'j essential. It gives longer life to t.1}eroads. Therefore, it is, but essential that the road \vorks be closely moI1itored both for cost and quality. L1lspite of the earlier LiJstf'~lctionon similar lines in relation to the use of good quality bip~lmen"Govefr1.mentcontinued to receive complaints \vith regards to L'Ie ir£erior quality of bulk bitt~Ime!lbei11gused hl some of the road works. It has been brought to L~e notice of the GoverI1.Jnentthat in bulk bitumen adulteration \vith other sub sta..1ld'C.rd material conth~ues.It is time that officer of PlTBLIC WOR..T(S DEP .l\...1?.T~AENTand other concerned GO VER-NMENT DEP ART~1ENTS and Govem.ment Corporatiol1S realize that they have to use qtlality material. Lfl the present day ~'orld, latest technologies are being adopted to handle the high quality bi~..lmenand this ~jgh quality bitllmen are easily available on a very competitive rate and price. The bitumen grade 60/70, which. is already in use, is available in poly bags and drums and it is pjghly, competitive in price and cheaper than domestic products L11quali1"j, price and availability. The dep~.rtment must avoid use ofbitl..lmensupplied in bl-11k. Contd. 2 ., the above enterprises are as below: 1. Bi11~lmenis availabl ebQth L?}poly bags and stee1 dnlms2, Packed in poly bags and drum as opposed to bulkDegatmg any possibility of adulteration. ~ -~~~-'c~ 1k bulk. '1 to tA b .~. red m -" compared "i-'a {'A ~~ " ..,~- e ,x..n r T"~ ap p and '" 1 er ~ 8 1. eas melting~$tage-ishigherwhen at riAST tO -il~O S and -"' ~ :fro~tariks ""0 ~'-,..,. Recov-ery ."" , 5, 1.n(7 ways for tankers that convey buik, .1 H ~riifl hp 1'RO c ~W~y-;~~portation ",,'"- 3~-~~ --.::f h . r pdt. h ere.C()r p r ~.J,1cttAn 1 h pat1n(7 co'.'+ ' (7 c:~ d w hen ref1111 0.."."".~eatm 0 a,",aJ.~ -'1-. , ~ '- 3.'- " \:"J... ".-""'Ui. ,,'" ~"o ;'CL. 7. Binlmen need not be stored in heated tanks round the Glock. 8. Subject to proper documentation" no import dut"j for WB/,.A..DB aided projects and therefore, a substantial reduction in price. 9. Tec~jcal parameters anal)'Zed by ,.A..ST~A method" ,;v}1jch is an internationailyaccepted procedure. lO.Q1-1ality control is mf;)fe st.ringent since t.qe prodtlct is being sold allover the world. 11.Price competitive compared to dome-stic product. 12.hnmediate deliv~ agaiI.ISt confinned orders. Further it is n1formed that- test are conducted in the laboratory of DEP~A:RTMENT OF Clv1L ENGINEERING, N~A",TION~~ INSTITl1TE OF ST:-TR,.t\ TH".\...T(.AL K..\...~"N" "A.. T "A$ ~ a...11dthe results -"'"-' CHN()T '-0:'..-OGY , TV are as under: I n'PES OF T~T l RESUL f gravity at 27 C I .I I Softening point C I 0.99 I Ductilityat I i S pecific 21 ! METIIODS OF TEST REF. IS 1202-1978 I. 78 IS1208.-1978 I Flaghpoint iJc I Fire point °c 325,. t 1. IS 1209-1978 I ~cnctration at 25° C, 100 gms, 60- 70 i Is 1203-1978 I) sec., 1/10mm ~~ Cootd.3 3 C(tl1S~tder1,.ng t~e above points, while pl.lrchasing the bitllmen of grade 60/70 special consideration may be given t~ the products offered by WS \TEm:...A~TEsHWfk~A~ ENTEP-PR-ISES" ~T -- 1" 1 J.~O.334.,11st fl vU iVliilll, 15t,r..7a..'1d Regq. office AdmLrristrative 4'C Oth B Ivl;,;K I--1Jwlyiiiiagw 1. ross, o .;7 . at No.147jl.-S5)~lZ;;L C',-omplex near katipalla, Mangalore .30. sllbjeato-thecoStbeing :z.. office SPJ located . n---~D"d,Ilgii.'-iv l .e56(\08 -v ~.1P~L cargo at "" "', gate" !lot bigher tP.anL~at supplied by refineries, satisPj the laboratory tests for grade &. quality i.11tqe dep~rtment and to be used whe,rever8ituation warrants.. \X/nil e purchasing the bitumen t he provIsIons of ¥,.amataka Tr~~n~r ---J.j,:!r-- e ~c"\1 J.J.-J i~ ~l n.1 r t. b 1,,~ '"..~ pr n ~'-'Cll~ ~-m ~. '-'il t ./1..ctto be followed scrupulously. (Shail-.:.,,-:\bdulW ~jid) Under Secretary to Govermn~ ( COfi1,-,"~uP..ication ) Pubiic Works Department To I. The Chief Engitleer7 C&.B (SOtTTH)(NORlli) Na1ional Highwa)'S1 KShl~/RD&PR . 2. Managing Director/GM (works )/D D/¥~a1aka Land ...!\rmyCorp Ltd. , 3. Managing Director Kamataka Road Development Corporation Limited., 4. Chiefproject Off1cer,KSHIP. 5. Executi:veEngineers, Pw'.D of all divisions. 6. The Chief Executive Officers of Zilla Panchaya1s.
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