Selenizza SLN ® - Technical Data Sheet - November 2013 – V07 Physical Properties Type of material Asphaltite Origin natural bitumen (asphalt), mine of Selenice – Albania Penetration @ 25°C (dmm) Softening point (°C) Penetration index (PI) Density (g/cm3) Flash point (°C, minimum) Solubility (% in CS2) Insoluble siliceous fines particules (%) EN 1426 EN 1427 EN ISO 3838 EN 22592 Loss of mass @ 163°C , 5 hours (%) Acide index (mg KOH/g) Asphaltenes content (%) Sulphur content (%) Total BTEX (mg/kg) Total HAP (mg/kg) 1< 2 120 >3 1.16 296 82 to 86 14 to 18% 0.08 NFT 66 013 3.5 40 to 50 3.5 to 7.0 6.18 < 10 Packaging Description The finished Selenizza SLN ® is delivered solid and cold in various forms: - pellets (4-12 mm) or powder (0-5 mm), treated with an anti-caking agent to prevent aggregation in mass, conditioned in big-bags from 0.8 to 1.4 tons or in fusible plastic bags of 15 kg or of a tailored weight for a dedicated customer. Other packaging could be produced on demand depending on quantity. The Selenizza SLN® is introduced either directly in the hot bitumen storage tanks or in preference in the asphalt mixer during batch preparation or through the recycling ring or the filler introduction tube in continuous asphalt plants. Usual increase of asphalt mixing temperature is required for appropriate compaction according the targeted grade. November 2013 – V07 Modification of pure bitumen The Selenizza SLN® is used to modify the rheological properties of the base bitumen. Depending on initial base bitumen grade and percentage of Selenizza SLN ® added in the base bitumen, the all range of hard bitumen from 35/50 to 10/20 could be obtained. The addition of the natural bitumen from Selenice in penetration grade bitumen like 50/70 or 35/50 leads to the production of 35/50, 20/30 or 10/20, without significant influence on binder ageing properties. 35/50 Before RTFOT Penetration @ 25°C, dmm Softening Point, °C 35/50 After RTFOT 35/50 + 35/50 + 35/50 20/30 15% SLN 15% SLN (EN 12591 (EN 12591 Before RTFOT After RTFOT specifications) specifications) 43 31 35 – 50 20 – 30 53,2 56,4 50 – 58 55 – 63 Resistance to hardening : Retained penetration, % Softening Point, °C 64,2 63 53 mini 55 mini 59 63,4 52 mini 57 mini November 2013 – V07 Modification of asphalt mix The Selenizza SLN® is mainly used as additive to improve the asphalt mix design performances on modulus, puncturing and rutting and so to produce BBME béton bitumineux à module élevé and EME - enrobes à module élevé (according the EU standard EN 13108-1 "Bituminous mixtures, Material specifications, Asphalt concrete"). For information purpose, some mix design studies at laboratory level are listed here below. BBME examples PCG : vides à 10 girations PCG : vides à 60 girations PCG : vides à 100 girations Duriez Orniérage à 30.000 cycles, 60°C Module à 15°C, 0.02s Fatigue à 10°C, 25Hz BBME cl 3 BBHR 0/10 BBME 0/14 (NF P 98-141) (1) (2) (3) > 11 % 5 ≤ ≤ 10 % (*) 4 ≤ ≤ 9 % (**) ≥ 0.80 ≤5% ≥ 12.000 MPa ≥ 100 µdéf 14.3 % 6.1 % 4.1 % 0.91 2.12 % 19.250 MPa 124 µdéf 15.4 % 7.8 % 5.5 % 0.88 1.40 % - 17.1 % 9.9 % 8.1 % 0.90 3.71 % - BBME 0/10 (*) for BBME 0/10 (**) for BBME 0/14 (1) Béton Bitumineux Haute Résistance; 4.9ppc 35/50 + 0.8ppc SLN ; agrégats Ceyrat (cornéenne, métamorphique) (2) Béton Bitumineux à Module Elevé ; 5.7ppc 35/50 + 0.8ppc SLN ; agrégats Gravillonord (andésite, éruptif) (3) Béton Bitumineux à Module Elevé ; 5ppc 35/50 + 1ppc SLN ; 0/2 Boulonnais (calcaire) + agrégats Le Havre (silex) EME examples PCG : vides à 10 girations PCG : vides à 60 girations PCG : vides à 100 girations Duriez Orniérage à 30.000 cycles, 60°C Module à 15°C, 0.02s Fatigue à 10°C, 25Hz EME cl 2 EME 0/14 EME 0/14 EHP 0/14 (NF P 98-140) (1) (2) (3) (4) ≤6% ≥ 0.75 ≤ 7.5 % 11.1 % 4.1 % 2.8 % 0.99 2.80 % - 13.7 % 6.60 % 4.70 % 0.98 0.95 % 19.460 MPa - 15.0 % 7.6 % 5.7 % 0.90 3.30 % 18.400 MPa 110 µdéf 12.6 % 5.0 % 3.3 % 0.92 3.56 % 21.000 MPa - ≥ 14.000 MPa ≥ 130 µdéf EHP 0/14 (1) Enrobé à Module Elevé; recyclés + 4.1ppc 35/50 + 0.8ppc SLN ; agrégats Baglionne (rhyolite, éruptif) (2) Enrobé à Module Elevé; ppc 35/50 + 1ppc SLN ; agrégats Gravillonord (andésite, éruptif) (3) Enrobé Haute Performance; 4.85ppc 35/50 + 0.85ppc SLN ; agrégats Ceyrat (cornéenne, métamorphique) (4) Enrobé Haute Performance ; 4.9ppc 35/50 + 0.8ppc SLN; agrégats St Martin (diorite, éruptif) Depending on mix design, targeted performances and mix optimization, it is possible to reach the BBME and EME specifications on a tailored mode by using conventional penetration grade 35/50 with the appropriate addition of Selenizza SLN® during the preparation of the bituminous mixture in the in the mix design leads plant. November 2013 – V07 Gains from the use of Selenizza SLN® The addition of Selenizza SLN® in mix design leads to: - Reduction of the penetration of the bituminous binder - Increase in the softening point and the viscosity of the binder - Increase of the modulus of asphalt mixes - Improvement of the resistance of asphalt mixes to the permanent deformation, puncturing and rutting - Reduction of the sensitivity of the asphalt mix to hot temperature - Increase in asphalt mixes lifetime possible decrease of asphalt layers thickness Applications of Selenizza SLN® - Production of high modulus asphalt mixes for heavily loaded pavements such as highways, bus lanes, roundabouts, harbour and industrial platforms, airports … - Production of high resistance mastic asphalt mixes for stressed bituminous layers such as waterproofing layers on bridges, footpath in cities … Selenice Bitumi Sha Po box 8202 – Tirana – ALBANIA Tel: +355 (0) 44 50 25 54 Fax: +355 (0) 44 50 25 53 E-mail: [email protected]
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