TARGET $$$ TARGETYOUR YOURADVERTISING ADVERTING $$$ Advertise editionofof Advertisein inthe the next next edition The TheAdvocate. Advocate. Call CallNow! Now! Ask great Askabout aboutour our great package packagedeals deals Ph. (03) 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 Ph. (03)- [email protected] 5721 3484 Fax. (03) 5722 1427 Email Email - [email protected] Issue:026 MARCH 2014 2013 Small enough to care and big enough to make a difference DIVERSITY IN ALL WE DO by Jill Allen A NGLICARE VICTORIA HUME REGION IS COMMITTED TO building partnerships with organisations to build our collective capacity to respond to the needs of the communities we serve. To this end we strive to be more inclusive in the work that we do with individuals and groups of people of diverse backgrounds. We have diligently developed a sound working relationship with NEMA North East Multicultural Association: to build our capacity and embrace diversity within our service delivery and to improve our advocacy relating to multicultural issues. The North East Multicultural Association (NEMA) was established in 2005 to represent the interests of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities (CALD) in North East Victoria. It passionately advocates and promotes multiculturalism regionally. NEMA represents five municipalities - the Rural Cities of Wangaratta and Benalla and the Shires of Alpine, Indigo and Mansfield. It is a not-for-profit, communitybased organisation working closely with Local Government, Ethnic Communities’ Council HARMONY FROM THE BISHOP - Page 3 FEATURE PAGE - Page 5 of Victoria, Regional Ethnic Communities’ Councils and holds a membership with the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia. Through its programs, projects and activities NEMA is recognised as “The Voice of Multiculturalism in North East Victoria”. NEMA’s activities and services encompass advocacy; community development initiatives; aged care programs; support groups; cross cultural training; celebrations, multicultural plan development and welcome kits for migrants. Continued page 5 EASTER SERVICE TIMES - Page 10 THE ADVOCATE The Diocesan Ministry Conference CONTENTS GAINS ENRICHMENT AT TRINITY SUMMER SCHOOL Diocesan Calendar......................................3 From the Bishop..........................................3 BY Fiona tinney Grace Sharon Column.................................4 This year the annual Diocesan Conference held in early February was moved into the welcoming embrace of Trinity College who were hosting the Anglican Summer School. This provided a unique opportunity to take advantage of a great program that had been themed around “The place of Theology in Ministry”. The lectures offered a good variety of content and the quality of the FEATURE- Harmony Day..............................5 History Column...........................................6 Reflections Column.....................................7 Mothers Union Column...............................8 Leisure........................................................9 Movie Review.............................................9 Parish Easter Times....................................10 Diocesan Parish Times...............................11 People & Parishes......................................12 Details The Advocate Newspaper is published by the Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta and is distributed across the Diocese on the 1st week of every month (excluding January). Editorial & Advertising Contributions Diocese of Wangaratta PO Box 457 Wangaratta, VIC 3677 [email protected] Tel: (03) 5721 3484 Fax: (03) 5722 1427 The Diocese is not responsible for the opinions expressed by its contributors. Their views do not necessarily reflect the policy of the paper or of the Diocese. Acceptance of advertisements does not necessarily mean endorsement of the product or service. Editorial deadline is the 16th of each month (excluding December). Contributions and photos are welcome (please limit to approximately 300 words) for consideration for publication dependant on space and content with the understanding that they may be edited. Pictures should be provided as a high resolution JPEG (300dpi) or Tiff if possible. Design & Production Kate Everett- Graphic Designer Mobile: 0429 951 711 [email protected] Communications Consultant Fiona Tinney Mobile: 0451 677 702 [email protected] speakers provided us with a week of education, discussion and ministry development. Keynote speakers included - the Revd Professor Andrew McGowan, Professor Stanley Hauerwas, the Revd Canon Dr Ray Cleary, Professor Peter Sherlock, Revd Professor Dorothy Lee, Dr Felicity Harley-McGowan. In addition to the wonderful educational opportunity that this conference provided we also benefited from being a part of the Summer School and the diversity of clergy and lay people who were attending from all over Australia and New Zealand. This was a residential conference with accommodation being provided within the grounds of Trinity College and the logistics of that for all attendees at the summer school was quietly and professionally managed by Judi Cleary. This year’s conference was enjoyed by all, creating opportunities to extend our faith, our knowledge and build a broader community in Christ. Bob Currie participating in the Half Marathon for the Run Melbourne Fundraiser in July last year. Hume Hornets – A win for the Hume Region BY Bob Currie You may remember the short article in the Advocate mid 2013 or the request at Synod for anyone interested to become part of the Hume Hornets Team. The team was part of the overall Anglicare effort to raise funds through the Run Melbourne Fundraiser in July. Kasey Holyman and Bob Currie took part in the 10km and Half Marathon events respectively. Bob raised over $1,200 and was the highest fundraiser within the Anglicare Victoria effort. “People were extremely generous and you realise just how valuable everyone’s effort is in getting to such a large total. I was also grateful for having the health, motivation & resources to be able to get to the starting line and then to finish”. Bob said CONTACTS Advertising & General Enquiries Fiona Van Bree Tel: (03) 5721 3484 Fax: (03) 5722 1427 [email protected] MARCH 2014 NEWS Anglican Diocese of River i na So what’s happened to the money? We asked if the money that was raised by the team could be used within the Hume Region & Paul McDonald (Anglicare Victoria’s CEO) agreed that this would happen. To date, $600 has gone to the Central Goulburn Parish to help fund the School Breakfast Program in Seymour. We will hear more about this from Maryann & John Leonard in later edition of the Advocate. The 2014 Run Melbourne Event. At this stage donations have already been received for this year’s event. So all is looking good for another outstanding effort ending with the Run Melbourne Event at Federation Square on 27th July. Let’s get Buzzy an help the Hume Hornets fly round the course again in 2014. FOUR RIVERS P BO OKSHO Specialising in Anglican Theology 238 Banna Avenue, Griffith NSW 2680 Ph: 02 6964 0304 Fax: 02 6964 2257 Email: [email protected] Mail Orders Welcome April submissions close 16th March Fr Glynn Rees, Bishop John Parkes & Fr Arthur Martin Bush Fires hit Kilmore BY Caroline Burge on how the parish can help those affected. Bishop John wasted no time in offering his own support to the southern most parish in the Diocese and on the first Sunday following the fires, he came down to the parish to be with the local community bringing the prayers and concerns from the whole Diocese. He offered the Eucharist in a special “Service of Comfort and Support" at both Christ Church Kilmore and also St Matthew’s Broadford. Fr Kim also offered the same service for the people at St Stephen’s Tallarook. Prayers have been flowing in from around the country, in particular from past parish clergy and their families - from Fr Steven and Sandra Salmon in Dee Why NSW; Fr Martin and Susan Johnson from Kapooka NSW; and also Fr Trevor and Lyndell Smith from Triabunna in Tasmania. Sunday February 9th was the start of a torrid week in the Parish of Kilmore (and other areas in the state). With temperatures reaching over 40’s for a number of days, and with the wind springing up, it was only a matter of time before the tinder dry land ignited. The media on radio, television and newspapers reported on it extensively. Behind the scenes the local communities rallied to help those who had lost stock, fencing, housing and farm buildings. It was an absolute blessing that no one lost their lives in the worst fires since Black Saturday, and we thank God for this. In the days following the first outbreak of the fires, Fr Kim rang everyone on the Parish roll to make sure all was well and to offer any assistance if required. The Wardens Bishop John offering the Eucharist at the 'Service of also met to draw up a plan Comfort in Kilmore FROM THE BISHOP MARCH 2014 Induction in Yea Parish BY revd thomas leslie In sweltering 40 degree heat, within a packed St Luke’s Church, Yea, Bishop John bravely donned vestments to induct Fr Thomas Leslie into the Parish of Yea on Friday the 7th of February. So stifling was the temperature that the organ gave out during the first hymn and had to be carefully revived by Parish Organists Russell Hogg and Jenny Kindred, just in time for the Psalm! Representatives from across the Diocese, and from the Dioceses of Riverina and Melbourne gathered for this festive occasion, with all the hopes and joys of new beginnings which a change of minister entails. It was particularly wonderful to have, amongst the congregation, members of the Staff and Students of Cathedral College, where Fr Thomas was Chaplain for four years (2010-13). Bishop John preached on the importance of being a part of community, and the role of all members of the Church as witnesses to the Gospel, before a beautiful Induction Liturgy which culminated with the presentation of a vast basket of pantry items representing the generosity and diversity of the parish: a generosity equally expressed in the sumptuous celebratory supper laid out in the hall after the service. One of the truly wonderful aspects of this Induction was the in- volvement of the whole community of Yea. Members of Sacred Heart Catholic Parish and Scots Presbyterian Church helped with the Catering and organisation for this event, and representatives from a wide diversity of community groups were involved in speeches of Welcome. The gathering of the community, and the breadth of representation involved in this service spoke so clearly of Fr Thomas’s induction not only into St Luke’s Yea, but into the whole community of Yea, Molesworth, and the surrounding region: a perfect illustration of the importance of the Church to rural communities, even in this 21st century. THE ADVOCATE From the Bishop Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ I write this on the last day of summer. Again we have had experience in our Diocese of the power of nature. Dorothea McKellar famously wrote: I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. I love her far horizons, I love her jewel-sea, Her beauty and her terror The wide brown land for me! The Right Reverend John Parkes AM Bishop of Wangaratta Here in the Diocese of Wangaratta we know much about the beauty of this great southland. But we also know its terror. On the fifth anniversary of Black Saturday we have again experienced the ravages of fire; in Kilmore, which was so badly affected five years ago, and in the northwest back of Numurka and Nathalia and down towards Shepparton. And two years ago we knew flood. I thank God that on this occasion there were no deaths in the Diocese. But out heart goes out to those who have suffered loss, and to those for whom the present events have caused them to revisit the horror of 2009. It breaks my heart that this sunburned country still demonises those who come seeking refuge from intolerable situations. The recent events at Manus Island evidence that we have got this wrong as a nation. Please pray for justice for the oppressed. From a personal point of view I want to thank retiring Diocesan Archdeacon John Davis, as well as my chaplain Rob Whalley for the significant ministry they have offered to the Diocese and to me in their respective roles. Their vacating their respective offices reflects the extremely tight financial constraints under which the Diocese operates. The good news is that John will remain as Vicar-General, and Rob will continue to offer educational and spiritual resources to us. Photo by: Joy and John Clayton. Fr Thomas Leslie pictured with Bishop John after the induction into the Yea Parish. Your friend Sexual Harassment The Diocese of Wangaratta has policies and procedures for dealing with allegation of sexual harassment. These may be obtained either from your parish office or from the Bishop’s Registrar on (03) 5721 3484. DIOCESAN CALENDAR 2014 If you wish to obtain information or advise in confidence, please ring 1800 135 246 Please send in events for the Diocesan Calendar [email protected] MARCH 8th St Matthews Garage & Car Boot Sale 9th Bishop conducting service at All Saint's, Bright 15th Christ Church Beechworth - St Patricks Day Garden Party 23rd Bishop conducting service at St Cuthbert's, Yarrawonga. 25th Lady Day , Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta 25th Bishop in Council. 28th Bishop will Officially Open St Stephens Rutherglen Flower Festival APRIL 6th St Johns Mansfield Open Gardens 13th Bishop conducting service at St Cuthbert's, Yarrawonga 27th 115th Aniversary Christ Church Molesworth Call now for immediate service or for an appointment to discuss your funeral needs Darren Eddy & Andrew Harbick 102 Hume Street, Wodonga 02 6059 4567 Accredited Members Australian Funeral Directors Association • All Hours, All Areas • Pre-planned Funerals Available Page 3 NEWS THE ADVOCATE MARCH 2014 Teaching on the Thai-Burma Border -With G race As I am still in Australia recovering from the accident, I thought I would take the time to reflect with you what refugees can of fer Australia and the harmony that we can all live in when refugee’s gifts and talents are recognised and they are treated as people of wor th. The following story was published in the AMES Newsletter which is an organisation that looks after newly arrived refugees. It can be viewed at “The Karen Of Nhill: An Experiment In Regional Settlement A program to settle KarenBurmese refugees at Nhill, in western Victoria, is emerging as a model not only for refugee settlement but also for the revival of struggling rural towns. About 150 Karen refugees have been settled in Nhill, attracted by jobs being offered by local poultry producer Luv-a-Duck. Local leaders say the arrival of the Karen has breathed new life into the town, bringing economic benefits and enriching its cultural life. Hal Loo is emblematic of the Karen experience in Nhill. The 25-year-old apprentice mechanic at the local Halfway Motors loves his job and his community. “I love coming to work and I love to go fishing,” he says. “Nhill is a good place for us Karen.” Hal, his parents, two brothers and three sisters spent years living in a tent in a United Nations refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border after the Burmese government burnt his village. The Burmese Government has persecuted the Karen hill-tribe people since 1949 and there are an estimated 150,000 Karen living in camps. Hal came to the town, about 350km west of Melbourne, when his parents moved to the area to work for Luv-a-Duck. “Coming here gave me the opportunity to see my dream of working with cars and machines come true,” Hal said. For all of the Karen of Nhill, it has been an incredible and unlikely journey from the rain-drenched jungles of SouthEast Asia to the broad wheat fields and silos of the Wimmera. Local heroes The settlement program was effectively begun by John Millington OAM, who in 2009 was General Manager of Luv-a-Duck. With a lack of local labour to facilitate the company’s expansion, Mr Millington turned to settlement agency AMES to see whether there were any refugees willing to relocate to Nhill. After arranging for a group of Karen to visit the Luv-a-Duck plant and Nhill, four workers were hired. Now there are more than 50 Karen working at the plant and on local farms ser vicing it. “We learnt ver y quickly that it was important that the partners and kids of the workers were involved. We knew that they had to be looked after, engaged and connected to the community or the whole thing would fall over,” Mr Millington said. “You can’t have the wife sitting at home not knowing anyone and it’s the same with the kids. You just have to put them in touch with people and away they go,” he said. As Mr Millington learned more about the Karen and their plight, bringing them to Nhill became more than just a business initiative. “For me learning about the Karen was a light bulb moment. I thought I must find out more about these people. I googled them and put together their stor y,” he said. “The Karen needed some help and given their nature and the terrible experiences they had endured, I thought they might be a good fit for the community at Nhill.” There were, however, cultural obstacles to overcome, including a fear of persecution by the authorities. “I had showed them a map of where Nhill was and I told them it was ‘near the border’ – meaning the border with South Australia. They were worried because they thought I meant the Thai border,” Mr Millington said. “We took them on a bus tour around town. We stopped at the police station and on gets the local rural cop. There was silence and then the police sergeant smiled and said ‘hello’ and you could hear the sighs of relief,” he said. “We were worried about what the locals would think about us bringing a group of Asians to town so we brought all the community leaders together as well as the police, the mayor and the local priests. “Initially, we took on four workers at Luv-a-Duck and we made sure they were good representatives of their community. Then they asked ‘can we bring another friend’ and it went from there.” Mr Millington said that having local people champion the Karen was vital to the program’s success. “One of the key things DONATIONS experience, coming to live here (in Nhill). Melbourne was ver y expensive and here we had work,” he said. “Since the Karen settled here eight families, including me, have bought houses. “In Burma you can just build a house for yourself – ever y day is free, there is no rent and no insurance. You just build a house on communal land using bamboo and timber from the jungle. “I miss my home I miss the jungle and the rivers. But life here is good, I like living in Nhill and it’s a good place for my family,” said Kaw Doh, who works on duck farms in the area. The economic benefit Hindmarsh Shire Chief Executive Tony Doyle says Nhill has been enriched economically and culturally by the Karen. “The social impact has been extraordinar y but to see the way the community had embraced and open their hearts and minds has broadened ever yone’s thinking,” he said. “We are all enriched because of the exposure to another culture and it has made Nhill a better place to live,” Mr Doyle said. He said the challenge for his and other rural shires is population decline which can decimate local economies. “In retail, shops close affecting the viability of the whole town. If you’ve got to go to Horsham to shop for something, you might as well do it all there,” Mr Doyle said. “There is an impact on the ability of schools and hospitals to be funded and provide ser vices. It affects business at all levels. The shire’s funding is based on population levels and a decline has significant ramifications for us. “The Karen community has provided an unskilled workforce which has allowed employment participation to grow enormously and feed back into ser vices and shops in the community in a flow on effect. “The Karen settlement has been really good for us. By allowing Luv-a-Duck to grow, it has increased the company’s demand for more labour and essentially protected us from population decline.” Mr Doyle said the council was preparing a community plan for the Karen and overall economic development strategy for the town. “We could double the number of Karen if we had housing and jobs,” he said. Mr Doyle said the council planned to lead by example by ensuring it employed Karen. “Nhill people are special and ver y community focused and they seem to embrace anyone who comes here,” he said. “The Karen have had an extraordinar y impact on transforming the lives of the people in the community they’ve joined. It’s just an incredible stor y.” ‘Win-win’ is how the people of Nhill talk about the settlement of the Karen. The Karen have won jobs and a refuge; and the town has been given an economic and cultural transfusion. Hal’s employer Kim Moyle, owner of Halfway Motors, says the town has been given a new lease of life with the arrival of the Karen. “We’ve noticed a big income difference since Hal began working here. The Karen bring their cars in because he works here and because we’re the RACV agent and also because Hal can translate,” Ms Moyle said. “Hal’s a clever boy, he’s keen to learn and now he’s approaching his second year of an automotive Cert III qualification,” she said. “He goes out on RACV call outs when rostered on and never complains. “It is difficult to find skilled labour and Hal has been great for us. He’s become part of the family and we take him ever ywhere. “He loves Nhill and the space here and he loves his job. It was Hal’s persistence that got him the job. He was a special kid.” Ms Moyle said. She said the settlement of the Karen had a positive impact on Nhill. “It’s important for Nhill’s future economically but Aussies can also learn a lot from them and their values of community and family. “They’re conscientious, kind and polite, they work hard and they’re happy,” Ms Moyle said. I wonder if there is an opportunity for our Diocese to offer the hospitality of God in the same way? The Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta - Phone - 03 5721 3484 or Post to - PO Box 457 Wangaratta, VIC 3676 Or directly to The Australian Karen Foundation if people would like tax deductibility: Mc CORMACK FUNERALS incorporating BAMFORD’S Murrindindi A.F.D.A. Working with families within the Diocese of Wangaratta, from Wodonga to Melbourne. Upholding the high standards of the A.F.D.A. Caring friendly service at an affordable price. Mick McCormack 1800 080 909 Page 4 that made the whole thing work was that the woman who lived directly opposite the house where we initially house the Karen was incredibly welcoming – she is a wonderfully caring person,” he said. “I went to see her and told her I needed a grandma for the Karen and she responded. It was important because she is a person who knows ever yone and ever ything that goes on in town. “She was just wonderful and one of the main reasons the thing succeeded in the early days – she was someone looking out for the Karen on a daily basis,” Mr Millington said. He also spoke to Luva-Duck staff, explaining who the Karen were and when they had come from while giving assurances that the Karen would only get jobs that could not be filled by locals. “We had no problems, no bad blood. It was quite the opposite. The Karen were accepted and ever yone was ver y welcoming,” Mr Millington said. A mentoring program was set up through the local neighbourhood house. “People bent over backwards to help and we had 15 or 20 volunteers in no time. We were ver y fortunate that this community was prepared to help them,” he said. Mr Millington’s relationship with the Karen became such that he and his wife and daughters visited Thailand to attend the wedding of community leader Plaw Ganemy-Kunoo in the Mysot refugee camp on the ThaiBurma border. They were smuggled into the camp at night and experienced first-hand the life of a displaced refugee. “It was an incredible experience and it gives us credibility with the Karen and credibility to speak on their behalf,” Mr Millington said. A welcoming community One of the first Karen brought to settle in Nhill was Kaw Doh. He lived in a refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border for seven years and came to Australia as a refugee seven years ago. He and several other Karen moved from their community in Werribee to take up work in Nhill. “I found it ver y different at first, I lived in a big house with ten to twenty people,” Kaw Doh said. “Looking back it was a good BY Rev'd Grace Sharon MU AUSTRALIA DIOCESE OF WANGARATTA Lady Day Guest speaker- Dr Pauline Glover Associate Professor of Nursing and Midwifery Flinders University, Adelaide. TUESDAY 25th MARCH 2014 Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta Celebrant - Bishop John Parkes Please bring MU, Caritas & Parish Banners 10.15 am Morning tea 11 am Eucharist Cost - $5 Proceeds go to ABM Australia Catering- Please Bring Your Own Lunch OCTOBER FEBRUARY 2014 MARCH2013 THEADVOCATE ADVOCATE THE PARISH SERVICE TIMES FEATURE PAGE CELEBRATING DIVERSITY DIOCESAN PARISH TIMES Sunday St Matthew’s 1st Sunday 3rd Sunday Albury Last Sunday ALBURY 9 am Sung Eucharist 5.00 pm Evensong 10.30 am Children’s Church 9 am Matins with Holy Communion Christ Church Murchison ALEXANDRA St John’s Alexandra All Saints Bright St Paul’s, Myrtleford Sunday Sunday Wednesday Sunday Wednesday Sunday Christ Church, 1st Sunday Beechworth 5th Sunday Wednesday 9:30 am Eucharist ALPINE 11.00 am Eucharist St John’s, 9.30 am Eucharist Whorouly St Etheldreda’s, 9.15 am Eucharist Harrietville 11.00 am Eucharist BEECHWORTH 10 am Sung Mass 10 am One service for the Parish 10 am Sung Mass Healing Service. 10 am Mass St Jude’s Eldorado 1st & 3rd Sundays 10 am Morning Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays 5:30 pm Mass. Holy Trinity, Benalla Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday BENALLA 8 am Eucharist 10 am Eucharist (Cooinda Nursing Home) 7 pm Eucharist (2nd Tuesday Only) 9.30 am Eucharist Sunday 8.00 am Eucharist 3rd Thursday 10.30 am Eucharist 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Pictured:Tri Nguyen and the boat he will be pulling to Canberra St Aidan’s 2nd & 4th 1st Sunday 5 pm Eucharist 11:15 am Eucharist Swanpool Sunday CENTRAL GOULBURN Christ Church Sunday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist (with Kids Church) Seymour Wednesday 10.30 am Mass At Christ Church Kilmore, there will BY CAROLINE BURGE St Paul’s St John’s Sunday am Eucharist be an opportunity to join11 with Tri and 1st & 3rd Sunday 8 am (with Kids Church) Avenel Nagambie & 4th Sunday 11 am Sunday School On March 19th and 20th, the Parish of his support2ndteam in worship at 6.00pm COBRAM Kilmore will be the first of a number on the 19th March, followed by a bring Sunday 9- 9:15 reflection time and share dinner in the Church. The parishes in the Diocese hosting a small am Eucharist & 3rd St Margaret’s St George’s, group of people who will be9:30 walking from following day,1stTri will 11:315 be giving a talk am Eucharist 5th Sunday Parish Eucharist Cobram Katamatite Sunday Brunswick toWednesday Canberra to deliver a gift to and answering questions at a fundraising 10 am St Paul’s Goorambat Pilgrimage from Brunswick to Canberra MURCHISON/ RUSHWORTH St Paul’s Rushworth 1st & 3rd Sunday H.C 9 am 2nd & 4th Sunday M.P. 9 am 1st & 3rd Sunday H.C 2nd & 4th Sunday M.P. 11 am 11 am Fifth Sunday 10:30 am H.C. at the church hosting the fund raising luncheon (alternate) St. James’ Lavington 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday Thursday 8.30 am 10 am St. Mark’s North Albury 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday Wednesday NORTHERN ALBURY St. John’s Thurgoona St. Paul’s Jindera 10 am 9.30 am 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 9 am 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 10:30 am Sunday Tuesday 9 am Sung Eucharist 10 am Holy Eucharist NUMURKAH & NATHALIA St George’s Numurkah Sunday St Paul’s, Wakiti Creek 1st & 3rd Sunday 3 pm Holy Eucharist All Souls’ Barnawartha 2nd & 4th Sunday 10:45 am Eucharist Browns Plains 5th Sunday only 10:45 am Eucharist 10.30 am Sung Eucharist Harmony Day Holy Trinity Nathalia 21 March is a day 2nd of& cultural respect for All Saints 4th Sunday 7.30 am Holy Eucharist Barmah 5th Sunday Parish Eucharist everyone who calls Australia home – from the traditional owners of RUTHERGLEN & CHILTERN this landSunday to those who8:45have come from many countries around the am Eucharist 1st & 3rd 10:45 am Eucharist Eucharist world. ByThursday participating9:30 inamHarmony Day activities, Sunday we can learn and St Stephen’s St Paul’s (Mothers’ Union on 2nd) Wednesday 9:30 am Eucharist Rutherglen Chiltern understand 9:30 am Eucharist from diverse backgrounds equally Friday how all Australians (Glenview Home) belong to this nation and enrich it. Christ the King Wahgunyah Important day for NEMA Sunday BY ANTONELLA SMITH Saturday St Augustine’s Harmony day is a very Shepparton Weekday important dayMon, inTue, the NEMA Thurs, Fri calendar. 2nd & 4th Saturday 6 pm Eucharist SHEPPARTON with music, dance, children 8:30 am Sung Eucharist 10:30 am Family Eucharist activities and food. will be 7:45 am Mattins 8 amItEucharist (Traditional rite) a celebration (Traditional rite) 5:30 pm Evening Prayer 6 pm Vigil Eucharist of relationships 7:45 am Mattins daily between the older established 8 diverse am Eucharist community with It is a special 2nd & 4th 10:45 am Eucharist St Mary’s theam Eucharist new emerging diverse to Sunday embrace and 8.45 Sundays Katandra West celebrate multiculturalism, it communities. TALLANGATTA accounts of life in the North is an Church opportunity to Church bring East of Victoria. Christ 1st & to 3rdinform Sunday the 9 Families am Morning will Prayer be able Uniting 4th Sunday 11 am Eucharist community about theSunday positive 9 their Tallangatta 2nd & 4th am Eucharist Mitta own picnic, Mitta or buy some impact multiculturalism has authenticWANGARATTA multicultural food, The Event start on Friday March, 2014 6.00pm 8 am and Holy Eucharist withrelaxing hymns 10 amlistening Sung Eucharist 21st 5 pmofEvensong made to theSunday economic while and Parliament - a boat! This is a large model evening at Gavan Hall at 7.00pm. Tuesday 8:30 East am to 9.0ppm at King George V social fabric of North to music and performances, Holy Trinity St Aiden’s, Morning Prayer Wednesday 10:00 am & 4th Sunday 11:15 am(leading Eucharist of the boat in2nd which Tri Nguyen Victoria. Cathedral gardens. Strathmerton sprinkled in the Twilight 30 mins before Eucharist Thursday 8:30 am Tri and his friends will be walking Wangaratta the walk) fled Vietnam with his father Picnic, will be video stories of CORRYONG Friday 8:30 am through the Diocese of Wangaratta and This year our focus is family, Evening Prayer - 5 pm Daily and sister in 1982. The boat has been Saturday 6 pm Sat @ 6 All Saints Tennis Club at 14 different towns/parishes NEMA wants stopping to celebrate post war migrants sharing their 1st and & 3rd Sunday 10 am Eucharist 1st Sunday 2 pm Eucharist put on wheels will be pulled behind Corryong Biggara All Saints’ Christ Church 1st Sunday 10:30 am Eucharist 1st & 3rd 9 am Eucharist along the way before crossing the border Moyhu the Greta Holy team Trinity of walkers and runners as they into NSW. Their itinerary is below. If 3rd Sunday 2 pm Eucharist make their way on foot to Canberra. Holy Trinity 3rd Sunday 11 am Eucharist Cudgewa there are any parishes in the Diocese who Whitfield 1st Wednesday 1 pm Eucharist EUROA Tri and his family are using this can assist with hospitality and hosting WANGARATTA WEST & THE WARBYS St Paul’s Sunday 9.30 am Eucharist Euroaville 2nd and opportunity to thank Australia for the on am the dates Tri his11group will be in St Michael’s Sunday 9:30 am St George’s 1st and 3rd Euroa Wednesday 10 am Hostel 4thand Tuesday 8 am gift of refuge, hospitality and care that the area, please email Tri direct at tri@ Wangaratta West Tuesday 10 am Taminick Sunday St Andrew’s St Dunstan’s 2nd and Since focusing on our goal to develop living applications for funding such as the Unity 11.30 am Sunday 8 amand using they received as refugees St Paul’s St Johns Village Longwood Violet Town 4th Sunday Tuesday 10 am joint work Sunday cultural diversity 11 am we have: partnerships around through Partnerships Grant and Chapel Glenrowan the time to express solidarity with the KILMORE Participated in The Victorian Equal Opportunity with migrant and refugee communities through WODONGA millions of refugees in the world, and March 16th - April 20th 2014 1st & 3rd Brunswick to Dallas 16/03; to Craigieburn and Human Rights Commission Rural participation in a number of working groups 9 am Sung Eucharist 11 am Morning Prayer Saturday 6 pm Vigil Eucharist with friendsSunday who are seeking asylum Christ Church St Stephen’s Sunday 10 am Eucharist with 17/03; to Wallan 18/03; to 11 am Eucharist19/03; with Kilmore Consultation, to ensure discussion relating to such as the Peace and NEMACC Projects Sunday 7.30 am Eucharist 9:30Pole am Sung in Australia.Wednesday The walk will raise funds Kilmore Tallarook 2nd & 4th Bach hymns 1st & 3rd Sundays 9.00 am Sung with Eucharist Emmanuel Eucharist St John’s to Broadford 20/03; to Seymour 21/03; Anglicare’s vision for development work Participated in a meeting of the Victorian Sunday for Baptcare’s Sanctuary facilities in 5th Sunday 7Help pmthe Choral Evensong Wodonga alien find his way backMulticultural to the spaceship. to Avenel 22/03; to Longwood 23/03; to migrant and refugee communities within our Commission (VMC) held in 1st & 3rd Sunday 11 am Eucharist with Brunswick and Preston, which provides Mon & Tue 8:30 am Meditation 9 am Morning Prayer 2nd & 4th Sunday hymns Church of The to Violet Town 25/03; to region Euroa 24/03; Wangaratta which provides independent Wednesday 9 am Meditation 10 am Eucharist 5 pm Evensong supported St Matthew’s accommodation for over 70 1st & 3rd Thursdays 11 am Morning Prayer Baddaginnie Transfiguration 26/03; to 5Benalla pm Eucharist 27/03; to Supported the governance of NEMA through advice to the Victorian Government to inform Broadford Sunday Holy Trinity asylum seekers. 10 am Eucharist with Pyalong 2nd &of4th Sunday 9.30 am Eucharist Glenrowan 28/03; to Wangaratta 29/03; the participation our Anglicare Hume Region the development of legislative and policy Bethanga Bach Tri and his support group will be leaving to Springhurst 30/03; to Chiltern 31/03; Manager, Jill Allen on the NEMA Executive frameworks, as well as the delivery of services YACKANDANDAH MANSFIELD Brunswick on the 16th March and they to Wodonga 1/04; to Thurgoona 2/04; Holy Board toSt.our and religiously Trinity 1st 2nd & 3rd Sundays 10:30 am Eucharist. Paul’sculturally, 1st & 3rdlinguistically Sunday 9 am - Eucharist St John’s Sunday 9 am Holy Communion St Peter’s aim to walk 1st through Lent and arrive inJamieson 1st Sunday 3/04; 11.30 am Communion 4th SundayStaff and Service Morning Prayer Allan’s Flat 4th Sunday Morning Prayer to Gerogery toHoly Morven 4/04; to Yackandandah Hosted a Volunteer, Partners diverse society Mansfield Saturday 6 pm Canberra in time for Easter Day. Their Cookardinia 5/04; to Mangoplah 6/04; St. Mark’s 1st & 3rd Sunday 8:45 am Morning Prayer. On St. social Andrew’s 1stwe & 3rd Sundays a group 7:30 pm lunch during Harmony Week to profile the work level organised of volunteers Christ Church 2nd Sunday 11:30 am Tangambalanga 2nd & 4th Sunday Eucharist Dederang 4th Sunday 10:30 amin Eucharist first night in our Diocese will be at Christ to Wagga Wagga 7/04; to Oura 8/04; to of NEMA and encourage the team to consider from each organisation to participate and get Bonnie Doon YARRAWONGA Church Kilmore on the 19th March, Wantabadgery 9/04; to Nangus 10/04; the issues relating to service provision for people to know each other at a social event hosted by MARYSVILLE 10 am Sunday 7 am Eucharist followed by 1st St Sunday Matthew’s Broadford onam toSt Gundagai 11/04; to Brungle 12/04; the DaEucharist Vinci Club. A well known Australian/ 10:30 Thomas 2nd Sunday 9 am to of diverse cultural backgrounds. Marysville Monday 11 am (off-site) the 20th March where there will 10:30 be aam Red 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday Buxton 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday 9 am Cuthbert’s St Thomas’ 2nd and 3rd Hill State Forest 13/04; to Wee Jasper StParticipated in Harmony Day celebrations Italian Comedian Joe 1st, Avati entertained us Wednesday 10.00 am (chapel) 8.30 am St James Sundays fundraising evening and an opportunity MILAWA State Forest 14/04; to Wee Jasper 15/04; to Yarrawonga in partnership with other organisations Morning Office weekday 8.45 am ( Mon and provided lots of material for lighthearted to hear Tri’s story. From there they Mullion16/04; to Hall17/04; to Canberra organizing a collection of performances, St Paul’s & Sat) food discussion in the days after the concert. 2nd & last Sunday 9 am Eucharist Milawa will walk through our Diocese on their April 18th. stalls and information booths celebrating ourYEAWe look forward to our work together this year MT BEAUTY/TAWONGA journey to Canberra. region’s ethnic diversity as NEMA works towards reaching its potential St Luke’s Sunday 9.15 am Holy Eucharist Holy Cross, St Aiden’s Provided support a number 1st Sunday 5 pm 3rd Sunday Yea Thursday letters for 9.00 am Morning of Prayer in implementing a number of new initiatives. St Luke’s occasion Dookie DIVERSITY IN OUR WORK Continued from page 1 ........ Kids Maze PULNISSI TO POLINESS Tawonga CLASSIFIEDS BY FR GEOFF POLINESS I don’t think he realised that one day he would have a grand-son in Holy Orders My forebears come from Sicily, good Italian who would fall victim to the wags that Classified advertising works, so why not Classified advertising works, so why advertise stock. My grandfather went to England tonot advertise play with within the diocese. Please see below a number of within the diocese. Please see below a numberthe of family name by replacing the do his degree in Engineering. The family “P” with an “H”. ways to place your classified. ways tosoplace your classified. name was Pulnissi he anglicised the name to PLACE Poliness because HOW YOUR AD: HOW TO TO PLACE YOUR AD: he married an English- (03) Lady,5721 my grandmother. 3484 - (03) 5721 3484 (03) 5722 1427 - (03) 5722 1427page will be all about Easter. If you would like to contribute Next months feature [email protected] to our feature page with an article or photograph then please send them into us at [email protected] [email protected] ☎ sEPTEMBEr PuZZlE soluTions Crossword © Lovatts Puzzles Issue No. 079 MAZE Mt Beauty Y O K E O K U P H © Lovatts Puzzles I N D T T I E M I C O B A A R C D H C A M P E L T I N E C L E T E U L E O A R D Y N N E O N S X H I N S A U D E I O T N I S S S E A S T R T H T I R E P A E L V I L B R P I T Y O A G O I M N D I I E S L I A E S K KM009_Aliens_PUZSOL.eps © Lovatts Puzzles S T S S Pictured: Not so blue’s brothers and sisters on harmony day. 5 Page 11 11 Page NEWS THE ADVOCATE Wangaratta music foundation History column The First Church of The Holy Trinity Wangaratta. - St Matthew's Albury reaps early success. Good music has always been the hallmark of St Matthew’s Albury and musicians continue to enhance our worship. It is our responsibility to ensure that this tradition not only continues but flourishes and expands. Comments from many visitors make us realise that such fine music tradition is not evident everywhere else and we are truly blessed that not only our current musicians but those past have had a hand in todays joys. The Foundation supports the youth of the parish in disciplines of organ, voice and guitar. Tuition is provided by external professionals from the Murray Conservatorium and a visiting organ master from Sydney. The most notable early success has been the development of Oliver Hendriks under the tuition of Dr Allan Beavis from Sydney. Not only has Oliver developed his liturgical knowledge and playing over the past 12 months but he most recently won a scholarship to Scotch College Melbourne where he will be further developed under their organ program. Fr Peter MacLeod-Miller on hearing the news of the scholarship said “It is difficult when setting in a long term plan of musical development for youth to chart a path of success. But when I heard of Oliver’s success and the part played by his musical development at St Matthews, it was truly beyond my wildest dreams. I wish Oliver all the very best in Melbourne, I know he will go from strength to strength and he leaves with God’s blessings and the best wishes of us all”. Oliver’s parents, Martin and Patricia commented “We were so excited that our son had won such a prestigious scholarship. It is something parents only dream of for their child. Oliver has concentrated on his school lessons but has also committed a lot of time to his organ lessons under Dr Beavis and John Ross at St Matthews. We will be forever be grateful to the supporters of St Matthews Music Foundation and to Fr Peter for his vision to develop the local youth.” If you would like to support this grogram with a tax deductible donation please chat to Fr Peter or a Warden. This column provides information on the history of the Diocese & is continued from the previous edition of The Advocate Oliver Hendriks and John Ross The Wangaratta Music Foundation is open to the participation of all Parishes and Organisations in the Diocese. The aims of the foundation are; (1) promoting public musical performances of parish choirs and musicians in both parish churches and other public venues throughout the Diocese. (2) promoting performances of music and performing arts in churches and other public venues throughout the Diocese together with all matters related to music and the performing arts throughout the Diocese. Contact the registrar at the Diocesan office for more information. (03) 5721 3484 FAITH, FLOWERS & THE WONDER OF CHILDREN Enjoy the beauty of the 2014 St. Stephens Flower Festival BY FIONA TINNEY St Johns Anglican Church Mansfield cnr Highett & Victoria Streets Open Gardens Sunday 6th April 2014 10.00am – 4.00pm four delightful & different gardens to visit morning & afternoon tea available plant & garden stall & raffles Tickets $10.00pp & maps from the church hall (03) 5775-2036 If you would like to advertise your business in The Advocate please contact the Diocese of Wangaratta on (03) 5721 34 84 Page 6 MARCH 2014 Each year the Parish of Rutherglen Chiltern presents a wonderful exhibition of floral displays that are presented within St Stephens church. The beauty of the flowers are entwined around a faith based theme and this year it is focused on the simplicity of the things that children say. The opening event will be held at 7pm on Friday the 28th March and will be officially opened by Bishop John Parkes. Everyone is welcome to join us for a lovely evening of fun & laughter. Enjoy some tasty nibbles, a drink and view the delightful display, the entry contribution for the evening is only $5.00 per person The display will then be open for viewing on Saturday 11am – 4pm & Sunday 10am – 4pm. Light Refreshments will be available in the Parish Hall on Saturday and Sunday for a small charge. Take the opportunity to see the wonderful wall hanging in the hall that was created to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Parish. There will also be a special Mothering Sunday Eucharist set within the beautiful floral display, this service will be held at 8.45am on Sunday 30th March and we encourage you to attend. BY Sylvia Noon I n little more than a year the people possessed their own Church building.‘The Holy Trinity Church’. And also a Rectory or Parsonage as it was then called. Both were built of brick, cement rendered and line marked to give the appearance of sandstone. The Church was opened for use in 1856, on or near Trinity Sunday. The exact cost of the Church and Parsonage, built simultaneously is not known. However, in 1856 the Diocesan Report includes …‘Wangaratta, cost to date’. ,993 pound; Subscriptions, 707 pound. Grant, 402 pound, Debt, about 830 pound: Number of free sittings, about 70; Total number of sittings, about 120. I assume this means that about 50 people paid rent for their pews! Unfortunately, many Vestry books and other Church records seem to have been either lost or destroyed so we know very little of the history of the Church in the interesting and stirring days of the pioneers. From various sources a few scraps of information have been gathered, but many links are missing from the chain. Though the population of the bush town and district was very small, the contributions towards the building fund were many and liberal. In the list of donors appeared the names of the Rev. Joseph Docker, Dr. Mackay, George Faithful, Reid Brothers W. Clark, F. Ryley, T. Clark, M. Cusack, Broadribb, Macartney, Shadforth, Ely, Bayliss, Chisholm, Ford, and other well known names of the early settlers. A large block of about seven acres in the centre of the town was purchased. In part, given by Mr. W. H. Clark. [1810-71]. Four blocks, each 66 feet long, including the site of Bishop's Lodge and many of the houses in the Cathedral Close, and two other blocks. Through Dr. George Mackay [181167], C.H. Hughes [an Uncle of Canon E.S. Hughes] also gave three allotments covering almost 2 acres, including the present gardens of Bishop’s Lodge and the site of the former Trinity Hostel. Dr. Dobbyn, for many years Surgeon at the Beechworth Hospital, acted as Treasurer, and Mr. F. G. Docker carried out the duties of Secretary. The Architect was Mr. J. Dobbyn; and though the monument he left behind him does not possess great architectural beauty, perhaps owing in measure to the original design not being completed, it has been hallowed by the memories of nearly sixty years. The contractor for the building was George Elwood, and Messers. S. Ashworth and J. Ellis carried out the carpentry work. This district was then part of the huge Diocese of Melbourne. [The state of Victoria] Bishop Charles Perry, was a man of tireless energy and keen intellect, and it is possible that he performed the opening ceremony. From an old Register it will be seen that the first Baptism in the Church, on the 1st. June 1856, is that of Agnes Elizabeth Vincent, who became the mother of the Reverend Mr. Cecil. The second Incumbent was the Revd. Anderson J. McCausland. [1856-59] He was followed by the Revd. Caleb Booth, [1859-69] who had charge of the Parish. Archdeacon Joseph K. Tucker was appointed in 1869. [1869-77] His Archdeaconry included part of Gippsland, and in the parish under his immediate control were Wangaratta, North Wangaratta, Eldorado, Tarrawingee, Milawa, Whorouly and Moyhu. To assist in his work he had the services of curates at different periods, among them being the, Revd. W. Ford, the Revd. George F. Cross [whose wife is the well-known authoress ‘Ada Cambridge’], the Revd. E. Rodda, and a future Bishop of Ballarat, the Revd. Arthur Green. [In fact it was as the Bishop of Ballarat that he laid the Foundation stone, to the Cathedral, in 1908.] TO BE CONTINUED NEXT EDITION NEWS MARCH 2014 Reflections BY FR PETER MACLEOD-MILLER Forty days and forty nights Thou wast fasting in the wild; Forty days and forty nights Tempted, and yet undefiled. So shall we have peace divine: Holier gladness ours shall be; Round us, too, shall angels shine, Such as ministered to Thee. Keep, O keep us, Savior dear, Ever constant by Thy side; That with Thee we may appear At the eternal Eastertide “Lent” coming from an Anglo Saxon word for “spring” is a time of renewal and spiritual exercise akin to a spiritual gym programme, our lent lectures of Sundays and Tuesday are intended to stretch and challenge. The inner revolution is matched by continuing changes in the St Matthews garden, pastoral care, music ministry, youth and outreach providing more opportunities for engagement and ministry to the people of Albury. Big love big changes! Shrove Tuesday pancakes in St Matthews’s garden at 6pm joining with St Davids Uniting congregation with Gold coin donation Ash Wednesday – 5th March, with services at 10.30am and 6.00pm. The Sundays of lent at 9am will look at practical applications locally and globally of “Love without borders” and the first Sunday of lent St Matthews welcomes the Wiradjuri Council of Elders. Lent: love without Borders I am pleased to say that lent is an opportunity to make big changes for the better and grateful to St David’s Uniting church and Rev'd Christine Moimoi and her congregation for a growing partnership in ministry. We all remember the bad old days when different denominations hid from each other behind different prayer books and in different buildings and all suspecting each others buildings to fall down if we entered. I have been stunned at the way we have been able to sing from the same sheet in important areas of homeless and mental health and recently over women’s health and privacy making a very effective contribution to a community conversation. “Film and Food for thought”. This lent will share Tuesday nights “lite Lenten bite” at 6pm (fishcake or quiche and salad with gluten free options) followed by a classic film on a Christian theme at 6.30 pm in the Ballroom at Adamshurst and a short sheet to get some Lenten thinking started. Bringing the Harvest Home The last Sunday before Lent sees a something more than a traditional harvest festival with a happy marriage of tradition and children’s family service that combines choral high mass with children’s action songs. The corporate making of a harvest loaf, and animals during the service, Chickens were perched on hay bales next to the pulpit “thankfulness” theme bringing up food to the altar and distributed to needy individuals and families through “St Matthews Anglicare food room”. What a great way to begin Holy week “Stainers Crucifixion” – 12th April, Saturday night before Palm Sunday with special soloists and a “come and sing congregation”. Pews, incense and Pastoral care, God deals with us as whole people, and sometimes we have real bodily concerns that effect our life together, thanks to all those who take the time to mention ways on which we can care in practical ways .we are responding by trialling padded additions to our pews for greater comfort, please try one out and let us know what you think, Incense causes a problem for some so once a month, on the 3rd Sunday we are a “smoke free zone” there are also other concerns that might be raised and we will do our best to respond in a way that helps all of us. Another monster car boot and garage sale – 8th March to help us help the homeless, starting at 8am to 12noon. Upcoming Concerts and music – 22nd March is the Invenio Singers, and 29th March there will be a Gospel Choirs concert. Get it together –fellowship opportunities, men’s breakfast - 1st March (St Marks), 5th April (St Matthews). Lent donations for 2014 will be to the wellness centre for local cancer relief and youth opportunity, there might be an opportunity during morning teas to give a small donation, there is a little band of people producing Sunday morning scones, you might like to donate SR flour or sugar, jam or anything else. You might even like to help at the Rectory before church 8am, give Essie a call and she will give you clear directions. THE ADVOCATE Stainer’s “The Crucifixion” by the 'Peoples Choir' What's happening over the next few months in Singers required for Albury & Wangaratta show BY John Scott In April a ‘people’s choir’ and soloists will present a performance of Sir John Stainer’s “The Crucifixion” in both St Matthew’s Church Albury and Holy Trinity Cathedral Wangaratta. Just over two years ago a ‘people’s choir’ plus soloists presented Handel’s “Messiah” at St Matthew’s and it was a huge success with nearly 400 people cramming every available sitting and standing position. A ‘people’s choir’ gives anyone who enjoys singing the opportunity to be part of a large choir which can present the chorus of a major work with minimum rehearsal time. “The Crucifixion” chorus is hoping to draw singers from southern New South Wales and north east Victoria. Soloists will be Gregory Brown (tenor) from Opera Australia who sang in “The Messiah”, Malcolm Halford (bass) who is the Organist and Director of Music at Holy Trinity Cathedral, Heather Moen-Boyd (organist) well known Sydney recitalist who played for “The Messiah”, and Margaret Phillips (conductor) from Beechworth, well known as a conductor and singer. “The Crucifixion” is described by Sir John Stainer as a “Meditation on the Passion of the Holy Redeemer”. Stainer, an organist at St Paul’s Cathedral London and an Oxford Professor of Music composed this music to accompany a setting of text selected from the New Testament by Rev. J. Sparrow-Simpson. The work is interspersed with five hymns in which the congregation is invited to join. It commences with a recitative “And they came to a place named Gethsemane” and finishes with “And He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost.” The performances will be at St Matthew’s Church Albury on Saturday 12 April at 7.30pm, and at Holy Trinity Cathedral on Palm Sunday, 13 April at 2.30pm. Tickets are available at the door of each venue and are $20.00 with 18 years and under free. Interested singers should contact John Scott by email [email protected] or phone 0412 828 923 to register their interest and obtain an Information Sheet which will give details about rehearsals, music etc. ©jesus purple cross kathy grimm EASTER APRIL EDITION Send in Easter Stories & Information as well as what Lent & Easter means to you.... Mothers Day ©magnolia by kathy grimm May edition will focus on the Wonderful Ladies of our Diocese. Send in stories, reflections & photos [email protected] NOW OPEN • • • • • • Adult & Child diagnostic hearing assessment Hearing aid fittings of all major brands Hearing aid adjustments & repairs Employment audiograms Home visits available Custom moulds for swimming, music & noise Mention this advertisement for a year’s supply of batteries FREE with every Hearing aid purchased during March *conditions apply Phone 0260 217 500 549 Macauley Street, Albury [email protected] Also Visiting Wodonga & Cobram Liz Lockett Emma Burdziejko Audiologist Audiometrist April submissions close 16th March BSp&HgSc BECEd MClinAud CCP MAcAud Accredited by the Office of Hearing Services to provide FREE Hearing Services To Eligible Pensioners and Veterans. Page 7 NEWS THE ADVOCATE MARCH 2014 Introduce Us national MU presidents prattle BY Reverend Libbie Crossman W elcome to a new triennium for MU Australia and welcome to all who are new recipients of “President’s Prattle”, my monthly (or almost monthly newsletter) to members of MU Australia Council which comprises the MU Australian Executive and all Diocesan Presidents. MU’s worldwide spread is one of the reasons I joined, we look outside our own parish boundaries and can learn, if we want to, the nature of being part of a family of Christians who will gather us into the fold wherever we happen to be. Urgent Prayer for South Sudan and at home As we all pray for communities in our own land affected at this time by bushfires and excessively high temperatures we have also been asked to pray in particular for the people of South Sudan many of whom have family members in Australia, some who are MU members. I include just a portion of the letter received from Mary Sumner House: Catherine Kyte, Faith Support Officer for Mothers’ Union has drawn together some prayer points to lead your prayers. Pray for.... •An end to the in- tense fighting which has overtaken large regions of South Sudan and the pursuit of peaceful means to resolve problems • Mothers’ Union involvement in Emergency Crisis Committee • The challenges facing the tens of thousands trying to leave the country particularly those sheltering out in the open with little security and scant supplies • Neighbouring countries to cope with the new influx of refugees • A way to be found to provide medical supplies and help to the vulnerable • The provision of food and clean water; sanitation • Mothers’ Union members in affected areas as they bring support to their communities • Sudanese families in other countries concerned for the welfare of family and friends caught up in the conflict • The short and long term future of Mothers’ Union Literacy and Financial Education groups • The protection of resources amassed by Savings Groups • Long-term dialogue and reconciliation work to resolve the complex political and ethnic divisions at the heart of the conflict • The work of Mothers’ Union trainers in peace and reconciliation Loving Lord, who wept at the sufferings of Jerusalem, have compassion on your people in this day. Send your Spirit of justice and mercy that lives would be rescued and peace prevail. Amen DIOCESE OF WANGARATTA – MU NEWS Some of our MU members across the Diocese had the pleasure of meeting Libbie Crossman at the state conference late last year so I thought it would be good to include some of her newsletter from January. . On February 4, MU representatives from across the Diocese attended the executive meeting at Purbrick Hall, Wangaratta. Reports were given by branch members and many told of their plans for 2014. Coming up on March 25, is our annual Lady Day at Holy Trinity Cathedral . Please bring along your church or MU Banners. Morning tea is from 10.15am, and the Holy Eucharist is at 11am. Celebrant Bishop John Parkes, and Guest speaker in the afternoon is Dr Pauline Glover, Associate professor of Nursing and Midwifery, Flinders University, Adelaide. Cost $5.00. Proceeds go to A.B.M Australia. Catering- Please bring your own lunch. Rev'd Maryann Leonard This month we feature an interview with The Reverend Maryann Leonard. Maryann is married to John and they live in the rectory at Nagambie. Maryann and John have four children aged 35 down to 18, a son-in-law, daughter in-law and one 8 year old grand-daughter. Maryann was born in Wollongong NSW, and enjoyed the idyllic lifestyle that comes by living close to the beach. A little known fact is that Maryann I was the first female surf lifesaver in the Gong (Wollongong), and was Sub Junior Champion of NSW in golf. She attended St Stephen’s Anglican church Port Kembla. Maryann began her working life as a computer punch card operator at BHP and when she moved to Victoria she worked as a cook at Puckapunyal. While a single mother of two, she met John at Puckapunyal. Later, she became a head cook at a hotel. After getting married, Maryann completed her Bachelor of Education Degree (Hons) and teaches full time. 1. When did you first sense a call to ordained ministry and how was it revealed to you? The first realisation of an inkling of a ‘call’ was just on twenty years ago. The need to study the scriptures and just somehow become more involved not only in church life, but in the wider community, was my first taste of ministry. It was eighteen years ago that I first began to obey the ‘call’. There were no lightning flashes or one single revelation. The sense of being willingly pulled into service, was on reflection, began in my childhood. I then just began to go with the flow and allowed the Holy Spirit to lead me. 2. Would you give us a brief outline of your journey to date? My journey to ordained ministry has not been an easy one at times. Many challenges were placed before me. But I came to realise that everything is in God’s time not mine. I am currently about to complete a Graduate Diploma in Theology, then proceed to Master of Divinity online through UFT and Trinity Melbourne. Therefore, juggling family, working full time, studying and serving my parish has been a challenge. However I would not have it any other way. 3. Tell us about your current ministry placement and your major roles in that placement? Currently I am the Deacon of the Parish of Central Goulburn, with Fr. David Valentin as my mentor and counsellor. I must also say at this point it was through the prayerful discernment of Fr. Norman Hart who encouraged me on this wonderful journey as well. We have three centres Avenel, Nagambie and Seymour. Fr. David is part time. My roles are varied. I conduct Morning Prayer on weekdays and on Sundays (we alternate services so all three centres have an equal opportunity for celebrating the Eucharist), deliver sermons, compile intercessions, home visits and giving communion to the ill and aged. It is also a privilege to conduct services at the three nursing homes in the area. I am also honoured to conduct funerals and Baptisms and hopefully soon preside at Holy Matrimony. During the week I am also on call. I am also the Co Ordinator for the Shire of Mitchell for Victorian Council of Churches Emergency Ministries. It was a’full on’ few days in the latest fires in February. Deploying volunteers and actually being a Chaplain at the Seymour Relief Centre, has been a humbling experience, where the meeting of those who have evacuated has had a reciprocal effect on myself as well. I also organise and liaise with our Parish Partners in the varied ministries in the wider community. The largest of these is the Seymour Schools Breakfast Program, where we are feeding up to 600 children each week. We are in the planning stages of working the Bridge Youth Services, to begin a Community Learning Kitchen. Fr. David and I have a staff meeting each week, where together as a team we discuss the following week and reflect on what we have done in the week before. The weekly bulletin is also on my to-do list each week, as well as operating the most techno-photocopier in the southern hemisphere. It is fraught with being able to keep up with the wireless magic that seems to just print things from a thought process. 4. What is the major challenge for you in your ministry? The most obvious challenge for me is effective use of time! The fact is also I also work full time teaching at St Mary’s College Seymour is a factor I need to consider. There appears to be very little welfare available after 5pm weekdays and on weekends. Well, there needs to be! Watch this space. 5. What are you most looking forward to now that you are ordained as a deacon? To be able to help in the building up the God’s Holy Church through loving and caring ministry serving in the name of Jesus, proclaiming the faith in both worship and public office. Being accountable to being an ambassador of Christ, and loving and serving the Lord by loving and serving the people and working in the community. I am also looking forward to learning so much more about my vocation and where it may lead and how best it will equip me to promote, proclaim and deliver the Lord’s compassion and care. It is also about being able to make decisions, hopefully wise. 6. What is at the heart of ministry for you? 7. A final statement or anything you wish to add. Being of service to the Lord and to people, conveying the message of love and forgiveness. To be a voice that proclaims loud and clear that the Anglican Church and Christianity is not dead or even dying. There is profound joy in my heart when I am asked to speak about our faith and how things work. Being welcoming wherever people come from. Availing yourself to walk with someone on what ever journey they may be undertaking. To be a sounding board and be able to help in mediation and reconciliation. Also to be a visible sign of my faith by being a true disciple of Jesus. Australian National MU President Reverend Libbie Crossman, Pat Breakwell MU member from Mitcham, and State MU President, Shirley Steele. "Sharing Christ's love by encouraging, strengthening, and supporting marriage and family life." Page 8 I would like to thank my family first of all who have travelled with me on my journey (which I believe has not finished yet). I would also like to thank the Parish of Central Goulburn who have accepted first as Maryann, and now as Deacon. Their support and love and graciousness towards my transition to Ordained Ministry, has indeed been humbling. To Bishop John, Archdeacon John Davis, Fr. Lyall Turley, Archdeacon Eden-Elizabeth Nicholls and my Spiritual Director and the discernment team. It is with great humility and love that I offer you my sincere thank you, and have appreciated all the encouragement, advice and unconditional support and prayers. My ordination to Deacon on St Andrew’s Day will remain the day I began the rest of my life. The journey continues........ LEISURE MARCH 2014 CROSSWORD 1 2 3 7 9 Issue No. 086 4 6 8 10 11 12 15 5 16 13 14 17 18 19 21 20 23 Calvary Church ACROSS 1. Tending to squander 5. Water-dripping sound 7. Twist 8. Sword sheath 9. Lasso loops 12. Accept 15. Floating debris 19. Most peculiar 21. Delivers sermon 22. Male monarch 23. Starchy tubers 24. Struggled against DOWN 1. Stirring from sleep Calvary Chapels 2. Removes 3. Goes without food 4. Accountable 5. Tiny rock 6. Pool of rainwater 10. Greek liquor 11. Heads of corn 12. Brink 13. Lacking warmth 14. Indolent 15. Not rigid 16. Ordeals 17. Mooring weight 18. Put on (event) 19. Desert resting place 20. ... & duchesses 22 Print This Page Calvary Chapel THE ADVOCATE Calvary Dove Maze 24 Print this page in separate browser window Calvary Kids Pages Dove Maze Solutions Crossword Issue No. 085 O U T C U E D V I D A I N A R R C S O V L May my teaching drop like the rain, my speech condense like the dew; like gentle rain on grass, like showers on new growth. Church Mice Y T A E S A R S O Y P I N E R R E E A I I G I N G A L E A U G E D G I B E N A S T L Y Movie Review Review by Fr Kim Benton 12 years a Slave (2013) This film has just won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture amidst many other award and tributes and is up for a bevy of Oscars. I watched this spellbound - this is a very, very good movie, revealing and shocking in the literalism of the precivil war period in the United States. Slavery of the Afro-Americans has been featured in other movie epics such as Mandingo (1975), Amistad (1997), Django Unchained (2012), but none of them are as confronting and raw as this true story. This film, directed by Steve McQueen, is stunningly beautiful with each frame evoking powerful visceral reactions, supported by a superb musical score. Hard to watch, but mesmerising, the story (adapted by John Ridley) is based on the 19thcentury memoir of Solomon Northup, a free educated carpenter and musician from New York who happens to be black. In 1841, he was kidnapped and sold into slavery, to become the chattel of a Southern plantation owner. He then gets sold down the river to a sadistic and vengeful white owner who has no compulsion in inflicting brutal punishment on his slaves for even the slightest misdemeanour. This is the story of a man stripped back physically and psychologically to his core so that he is no more than a beast. For Solomon to survive he must suppress his rage, feign illiteracy and learn subservience and his place. A chance encounter with a Canadian abolitionist brings hope but I will not spoil the movie. Chiwetel Ejiofor as Solomon Northup is magnificent; ably supported by Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Giamatti, Sarah Paulson. 12 Years a Slave is an important story, gritty and truthful, told with passion, conviction and grace. One of the must see movies this year. Rated MA in cinemas now. L C N S L L B O L H Y E Y P Y G R A I E S N U S T R Y O I O U V Copyright- © Calvary Kids Pages. All rights reserved. © Calvary Kids Pages" L E H E R M L A P E N S D I E H D I I R A B Monthly Make sure you take a look at our Website • View Events in the Diocese • Find a church • Download the latest edition of The Advocate. e t i s b e w Deuteronomy 32.2: “the Diocese is only a click away...” by Karl Zorowski Copyright Karl A. Zorowski. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Page 9 PARISH SERVICE TIMES THE ADVOCATE THEADVOCATE FEBRUARY 2014 MARCH 2014 THE ADVOCATE EASTER SERVICE TIMES BEECHWORTH EUROA April 14th, Monday of Holy Week - 6.00pm Mass, Beechworth April 15th, Tuesday of Holy Week - 6.00pm Mass, Beechworth April 16th,Wednesday of Holy Week 6.00pm Mass, Beechworth April 17th, Maundy Thursday -Washing of the feet and Watch 9.00pm, Beechworth Aptil 18th, Good Friday - Mass of the PreSanctified and Veneration 9.00am, Beechworth. - Mass of the Pre-Sanctified and Venration 12 midday, Eldorado. April 19th, Holy Saturday - Lighting of New Flame & Easter Vigil 10.00pm, Beechworth April 20th, Easter Day - Easter Mass 10.00am, Beechworth - Easter Mass 5.30pm, Eldorado Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist with Footwashing 6pm St Dunstan’s, Violet Town 7:30pm St Paul’s, Euroa Good Friday 9am Good Friday Liturgy, St Paul’s, Euroa 10:30am Stations of the Cross in the Pub Paddock, Longwood 6pm Stations of the Cross (Ecumenical Service), St Dunstan’s, Violet Town Easter Sunday 8am St Andrew’s, Longwood 9:30am St Paul’s, Euroa 11:30am St Dunstan’s, Violet Town KILMORE Palm Sunday 13th April 9am Christ Church, Kilmore - Procession of ALPINE the Palms & Sung Eucharist 11am St Stephen’s, Tallarook - Distribution Sunday of the Passion (Palm Sunday) 13 of Palms & Holy Eucharist combined with April: St Paul’s, Myrtleford - 8:30am Sung congregation of St Matthew’s, Broadford Eucharist with blessing of palms. All Saints’, Bright – 11:00am Eucharist with Monday of Holy Week 14th April 7.30am Christ Church, Kilmore Holy Euchablessing of palms Wednesday in Holy Week 16 April: All Saints’, rist. 7.30pm St Stephen’ Tallarook - Service of Tenebrae Bright – 9:30am Eucharist Tuesday of Holy Week 15th April St Paul’s, Myrtleford – 11:00am Eucharist Maundy Thursday 17 April: All Saints’, Bright 7.30am Christ Church, Kilmore Holy Eucharist. 7.30pm St Matthew’s Broadford - Ser– 10:00am Morning Prayer and reflection St Paul’s, Myrtleford – 7:30pm Sung Eucha- vice of Tenebrae rist with footwashing, stripping of the altar Wednesday of Holy Week 16th April – followed by the Watch until 10:00pm Good 7.30am Christ Church, Kilmore Holy EuchaFriday 18 April: All Saints’, Bright – 8:00am rist 7.30pm Christ Church, Kilmore - Service of Tenebrae Liturgy Maundy Thursday 17th April Myrtleford – Ecumenical Walk of Christian Witness 10:00am (starting at St Mary’s 7.30am Christ Church, Kilmore - Holy Eucharist. 7.30pm St Matthew’s Broadford Catholic Church). 11:00am Liturgy in the Maundy Thursday liturgy & foot washing. Piazza (next to St Paul’s) St John’s, Whorouly– 3:00pm Liturgy Holy Good Friday 18th April 9am Christ Church, Kilmore - Good Friday Saturday 19 April: St Paul’s, Myrtleford – Liturgy. 11am St Matthew’s, Broadford 7:30pm Easter Vigil with lighting of new fire, renewal of Baptismal vows and the first Good Friday Liturgy. 11am St Stephen’s Tallarook - Good Friday Liturgy. 4pm TransEucharist of Easter figuration - Pyalong - Good Friday Liturgy Easter Day 20 April: St John’s, Whorouly – Easter Day 20th April 8:00am Eucharist. St Paul’s, Myrtleford – 9:15am Sung Eucha- 7am Christ Church, Kilmore - Easter Vigil - Lighting of New Fire. 8am Christ Church, rist Kilmore - Parish Breakfast. 9am Christ All Saints’, Bright – 11:00am Eucharist Church, Kilmore - First Mass of Easter. 11am St Matthew’s, Broadford - Mass of Easter combined with congregation of St Stephen’s Tallarook. 4pm Transfiguration, Pyalong - Mass of Easter. MANSFIELD CORRYONG Maundy Thursday Eucharist washing of feet 7pm Good Friday adoration of the cross 3pm Easter Sunday Sung Eucharist 11am Maundy Thursday (St.John’s Mansfield) 6.30pm meal and service followed by vigil till midnight Good Friday (St.John’s Mansfield) 10.00am Good Friday (St.Peter’s Jamieson) 3.00pm Easter Day (St.Peter’s Jamieson) 7.30am Easter Day (St.John’s Mansfield) 9.30am Easter Day (Christ Church Bonnie Doon) 11.30am RUTHERGLEN & CHILTERN Palm Sunday Celebrations 12th April - 6pm Christ the King Wahgunyah Blessing and distribution of Palms. 13th April - 8.45am St Stephens Rutherglen Palm Procession -10.45am All Souls Barnawartha Blessing & Distribution of Palms Wednesday in Holy Week 16th April - 9.30am St Paul’s Chiltern Holy Eucharist Maundy Thursday 17th April - 9.30am St Stephen’s Rutherglen Holy Eucharist.- 7.00pm MILAWA St Stephen’s R/glen Maundy Thursday Liturgy & Footwashing followed by Watch Good Friday 9 am Good Friday 18th April - 9.00am St Stephen’s Easter Day 9 am R/glen Good Friday Liturgy -11.00am St Paul’s Chiltern Good Friday Liturgy NUMURKAH & NATHALIA Holy Saturday 19th April - 11.00pm St StePalm Sunday - 13 April, 8.40 am Ecumenical phen’s R/glen Midnight Mass Lighting the service at Nathalia water tower New Fire 9.00 am Ecumenical service of Holy ComEaster Day 20th April - 7.30am All Souls munion at Holy Trinity Anglican Church - Barnawartha Easter Eucharist Rev Jean Mayers to preach - 8.45am St Stephen’s R/glen Easter Eucharist 10.30 am Sung Eucharist at St George’s - 10.45am St Paul’s Chiltern Easter Eucharist Numurkah WODONGA Maundy Thursday- 17 April, 8.00 pm Service St John’s: Sunday 13th - 7.30 and 9.30, Palm of Footwashing and Holy Communion Sunday, Eucharist. Monday 14th - 7.00pm, at St George’s Numurkah Eucharist. Tuesday 15th - 7.00pm, Passover Good Friday - 18 April, 11.00 am Combined Dinner. Wednesday 16th - 7.00pm, Stations of Anglican and UCA service at Nathalia Unit- the Cross. Thursday 17th - 7.00pm - Maundy ing Church -Rev Jean Mayers to preach Thursday Liturgy with all night Vigil (No service at Holy Trinity) Friday 18th - 9.00am, Good Friday Liturgy, 10.30 am Service of Proclamation of the 11.00am - Ecumenical Stations of the Cross Cross and Holy Communion at Saturday 19th - 7.00pm, Easter Vigil EuchaSt George’s Numurkah rist. Sunday 20th - 7.30 and 9.30, Holy Easter Day - 20 April, 6.30 am EcumeniEucharist cal Dawn Service at Numurkah in the Rose Emmanuel Church: Thursday 17 - 7.00pm Garden Maundy Thursday Liturgy (Anglican Tradi9.00 am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity tion) Friday 18 - 9.00am Good Friday Liturgy Nathalia (Uniting Tradition) Sunday 20 - 6.30am, 10.30 am Sung Eucharist at St George’s Easter Sunrise Communion (Uniting TradiNumurkah tion), 9.00am, Eucharist (Anglican Tradition) NORTHERN ALBURY YARRAWONGA Maundy Thursday St. James Lavington, 10.00am Eucharist St. Mark’s North Albury, 6.00pm Eucharist & Foot Washing Good Friday St. Mark’s North Albury, 9.00am Prayer & Contemplation St. Mark’s North Albury, 10.30am Ecumenical Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday St. John’s Thurgoona, 7.30pm Easter Vigil Easter Sunday St. Paul’s Jindera, 8.00am Eucharist St. James Lavington, 8.30am Eucharist St. John’s Thurgoona, 9.00am Eucharist St. Mark’s North Albury, 10.00am Eucharist St Cuthbert’s, Yarrawonga: Palm Sunday - 9.30am Blessing of the Palms in Kennedy Park with Sacred Heart 10.00am Parish Eucharist {** Bishop’s Visit} Monday – Wednesday - 7.30pm Eucharist Maunday Thursday- 7.30pm Eucharist and Ceremonies Good Friday- 9.30am Family Devotional Service. 7.30pm Stations of the Cross Easter Day- 6.15am Service of Light 7.00am Eucharist, 10.00am Sung Eucharist St Thomas @ St James: Good Friday - 11.30am Devotional Service Easter Day- 8.30am Eucharist TALLANGATTA Ash Wednesday - March 5th - 8am Palm Sunday - April 13th - 9am Eucharist Maundy Thursday - April 17th - 7.00pm Good Friday - April 18th - 8.00am Easter Day - April 20th - 9.00am YEA Palm Sunday - 9.15am Sung Eucharist with Palms Liturgy and Reading of the Passion Wednesday - 6.00pm Eucharist Maundy Thursday - 6.30pm – 8.00pmLiturgy/ Feet washing Good Friday - 9.00am Good Friday Liturgy (Ecumenical) Holy Saturday -11.00pm Midnight Mass – Lighting of the New Fire, Renewal of Baptismal vows Easter Day - 9.15am Easter Eucharist Wangaratta CLASSIFIEDS Diocesan Classified advertising works, so why not advertise Silent Retreat within the diocese. Please see below a number of ways to place your classified. HOW TO PLACE YOUR AD: 5721 3484 ☎ -- (03) (03) 5722 1427 Friday 30th May to Sunday 1st June More information to follow in [email protected] next edition of the Advocate or contact the registry on (03) 57213484 Harrietville Page 10 Bishop John and Fr Peter Macleod-Miller Easter Sunday 2012, St Matthew’s Albrury. Page 11 OCTOBER OCTOBER 2013 FEBRUARY 2014 MARCH2013 013 PARISH SERVICE TIMES THE ADVOCATE THE ADVOCATE THE ADVOCATE THE ADVOCATE DIOCESAN PARISH TIMES TIMES DIOCESAN PARISH dIoceSan ParISHSERVICE tImeS PARISH TIMES ALBURY MURCHISON/ RUSHWORTH MURCHISON/ RUSHWORTH ALBURY MURCHISON/ RUSHWORTH Paul’s 1st1st & 3rd Sunday 9 am Sunday 99 am Sung Eucharist ChristChurch Church 1st 1st&&3rd 3rdSunday SundayH.C H.C 1111 am St St Paul’s & 3rd Sunday H.CH.C9 am Sunday Christ am St Paul’s 1st & 3rd H.C 9 am nday 8.30 am Sung Eucharist 10.00 am Eucharist 5.00COBRAM pm Evensong Christ Church 1st & 3rdMARYSVILLE Sunday H.C 11 am ALBURY RUTHERGLEN & Sunday CHILTERN Rushworth 2nd2nd & 4th Sunday 9 am WEST & 1st Sunday 5.00 StStMatthew’s Murchison 2nd&&4th 4thSunday SundayM.P. M.P. 1111 am Rushworth & WANGARATTA 4th Sunday M.P.M.P. 9 am 1st Sunday 5.00 pm Evensong Matthew’s Murchison 2nd am Rushworth 2nd & 4th Sunday M.P. 9 am unday 8.30 am Sung Eucharist 10.00 am Eucharist Murchison 2nd & 4th Sunday M.P. 11 am 3rd Sunday 10.30 Albury 3rd Sunday 10.30 am Children’s Church St Matthew’s Albury Albury St Stephen’s Rutherglen Marysville WARBYS St Margaret’s Cobram FifthSunday Sunday 10:30 H.C. church hosting fund raising luncheon (alternate) nday 8.30 am Sung Eucharist 10.00 am Children’s Church Fifth 10:30 amam H.C. at at thethe church hosting thethe fund raising luncheon (alternate) Last 99 am Matins with Holy Communion Communion 10:30 am H.C. at the Sunday church hosting the fund raising luncheon (alternate) St Michael’s Wangaratta West LastSunday Sunday Sunday 9am Eucharist 8.45am Eucharist 1st, Fifth 3rd Sunday & 5th Sunday 10.30am nday 8.30 amSung Sung Eucharist 10.00 am EucharistSunday 9-9.15am reflection time NORTHERN ALBURY NORTHERN ALBURY NORTHERN ALBURY 9.30am Eucharist (Moth- Sunday 9.30am nday 9 am5pm MatinsEvensong with Holy Communion 1st Sunday Thursday St Thomas St. Buxton 9.30am Eucharist St.James’ James’ 1st,3rd 3rd& &4th 4thSunday Sunday 8.30 John’s 1st,1st, & 4th 9 am 1st, 8.30 amam St.St. John’s 3rd3rd & 4th 9 am ALEXANDRA St. James’ 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 8.30 am St. John’son 2nd) 1st, 3rd & 4th 9 am Tuesday 10am ALEXANDRA 3rd Sunday 10.30am Children’s ers Union 2nd & 4thLavington Sunday 5th Sunday Parish Eucharist Lavington9am Thursday Thursday 10 am Thurgoona Sunday Sunday 10 am Thurgoona St John’s St John’s Lavington Thursday 10 am Thurgoona Sunday Sunday 9:30 Sunday 9:30 am Eucharist Church Friday (Glenview St Paul’s Glenrowan Wednesday 10am. St.Mark’s Mark’s 1st,2nd, 2nd,3rd 3rd& &4th 4th Sunday9.30am Eucharist St. Paul’s 1st, 1st, 3rd & 4th 10:30 St. 1st, Sunday 1010 amam St. Paul’s 3rd & 4th 10:30 am am y Alexandra Alexandra9:30am Eucharist MILAWA St. Mark’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday 10 am St. Paul’s 1st, 3rd & 4th 10:30 am 9am Matin’s with Holy Commun- StALPINE NorthAlbury Albury Wednesday Wednesday 9.30 Jindera Sunday 11am Home) Sunday North 9.30 amam Jindera Sunday Aiden’s Strathmerton North Albury Wednesday 9.30 am Jindera Sunday ALPINE St Paul’s Milawa ion All Soul’s Barnawartha NUMURKAH NATHALIA St George’s Taminick 2nd & St 4th Sunday 11.15am NUMURKAH && NATHALIA All Sunday 11.00 John’s, AllSaints Saints Sunday 11.00 am Eucharist John’s, NUMURKAH & NATHALIA Sunday 8.00am amEucharist Eucharist ay 11.00 am Eucharist St John’s, Sunday 8.00 2nd & last Sunday 9am Eucharist 2nd & 4th Sunday 10.45am EuchaBright Wednesday 9.30 Whorouly 1st & 3rd Sunday9 am 8am Sunday Whorouly 8.00 am Eucharist Eucharist. Bright Wednesday 9.30 am Eucharist St George’s Holy Trinity Sunday Sunday 9 am Sung Eucharist Sung Eucharist St George’s esday 9.30 am Eucharist Whorouly ALEXANDRA Sunday 10.30 Sung EucharistHoly Trinity St George’s Holy Trinity Sunday 9 am Sung Eucharist Sunday 10.30 amam Sung Eucharist Numurkah 10.30 Nathalia Tuesday Tuesday Eucharist Sunday Numurkah am Sung Eucharist rist Etheldreda’s, StStPaul’s, Sunday 9.15 Nathalia 10 10 am am HolyHoly Eucharist St Johns Village Chapel St George’s Katamatite St Etheldreda’s, Paul’s, Sunday 9.15 am Eucharist Numurkah Nathalia Tuesday 10 am Holy Eucharist 3rdThursday Thursday 10.30am amEucharist Eucharist St Etheldreda’s, 2nd y St John’s Alexandra 9.15 am Eucharist 3rd 10.30 MT BEAUTY/TAWONGA Harrietville Myrtleford Wednesday 11.00 10.30 am Eucharist Harrietville Myrtleford Wednesday 11.00 am Eucharist Browns Plains St Paul’s, All Saints 2nd & 4th Sunday 7.30 am Holy Eucharist Tuesday 10am St Paul’s, All Saints 2nd & 4th Sunday 7.30 am Holy Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sunday 11.15am Thursday esday 11.00 am Eucharist 1st&&3rd 3rdSunday Sunday All3Saints 3 pm Holy Eucharist St Paul’s, 2nd & 4th Sunday 7.30 am Holy Eucharist 1st pm Holy Eucharist Sunday 9.30am Eucharist Harrietville BEECHWORTH Wakiti Creek 3 pm Barmah 5th Sunday 6pm Parish Parish Eucharist 1st & 3rdWakiti Sunday Holy Eucharist 5th Sunday only 10.45amBarmah Holy Cross, Mt Beauty 5thSaturday Sunday Eucharist Creek Eucharist Eucharist Wakiti Creek Barmah 5th Sunday Parish Eucharist BEECHWORTH Sunday 10 RUTHERGLEN CHILTERN Sunday 10 am Sung Mass 1st Sunday 5pm RUTHERGLEN && CHILTERN St&Paul’s Chiltern ALPINE CORRYONG yChrist 10 am Sung Mass RUTHERGLEN CHILTERN WODONGA Church, 1st Sunday 10 am One service for the Parish Christ Church, 1st Sunday 10 Sunday 8:45 am Eucharist & 3rd 10:45 10:45 Eucharist St Aiden’s Tawonga Sunday 8:45 am Eucharist 1st1st & 3rd am am Eucharist nday 10 am5th OneSunday service for the Parish 1st & 3rd Sunday 10.45am Eucha10 Service. Beechworth 5th Sunday 10 am Sung Mass Healing Service. Sunday 8:45 am Eucharist 1st & 3rd 10:45 am Eucharist Beechworth All Saints Bright St John’s Wodonga unday 10 amWednesday Sung Mass Healing Service. Thursday 9:30 Eucharist Sunday Sunday Thursday 9:30 amam Eucharist 10 Wednesday 10 am Mass All Saints Corryong 3rd Sunday rist St Stephen’s St Paul’s Thursday 9:30 am Eucharist Sunday St Paul’s St Stephen’s esday 10 am Mass Sunday 11am Eucharist (Mothers’ Union 2nd) Wednesday Eucharist St Stephen’s St Paul’s Wednesday 9:309:30 am am Eucharist (Mothers’ Union onon 2nd) Saturday 6pm Vigil Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sunday 10am Eucharist Rutherglen (Mothers’ Union on 2nd) Chiltern Wednesday 9:30am Eucharist StStJude’s 1st Rutherglen Chiltern Jude’s 1st&&3rd 3rdSundays Sundays 10 10 am Morning Prayer Wednesday 9.30am 9:30 am EucharistEucharist Friday MURCHISON/ Rutherglen Chiltern Friday 9:30 am Eucharist 3rdStSundays 10am Morning Prayer Paul’s Myrtleford Sunday 7.30am Eucharist 9.30 9:30 am Eucharist Friday Eldorado 2nd Eldorado 2nd&&4th 4thSundays Sundays 5:30 5:30 pm Mass. Holy Trinity Cudgewa Christ(Glenview the KingHome) Wahgunyah (Glenview Home) 4th Sundays 9.15am 5:30pm Mass. RUSHWORTH Sunday Eucharist (Glenview Home) Sung Eucharist 3rd Sunday 2pm Eucahrist BENALLA 2nd & 4th Saturday 6pm Christ Eucharist AllSouls’ Souls’ Christ the King 2nd & 4th All & 4th BENALLA Wednesday Sunday 11am Eucharist Christ Church Murchison 2nd&&4th 4thSunday Sunday Christ 10:45 am Eucharist2nd & 4th the King 1st & 2nd 69am pm Eucharist All Souls’ theamKing 2nd 10:45 Eucharist 6 pm Eucharist 3rd Sundays Sung Tennis Club Biggara 8 am Eucharist 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Barnawartha Wahgunyah Saturday Sunday 8 9.30 am Sung Eucharist 2nd & 4th Sunday 10:45 am Eucharist 6 pm Eucharist Barnawartha Wahgunyah Saturday y St John’s 8Whorouly am Eucharist 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Barnawartha Wahgunyah Saturday 1st & 3rd Sunday H.C 11am Eucharist Emmanual Monday 10 (Cooinda Home)Eucharist Sunday Holy Trinity, Monday 10 am Eucharist 1st Nursing2pm Home) Holy Trinity, SHEPPARTON BrownsPlains Plains 5th 5thSunday Sundayonly only 10:45 Eucharist ay 10 am Eucharist (Cooinda Nursing Home) 10:45 amam Eucharist Sunday 8am Eucharist Tuesday 77 pm Eucharist (2nd Tuesday Only) 2nd 5th & Sunday 4thBrowns Sunday M.P10:45 11am Benalla Tuesday Browns Plains only am Eucharist 5th Sunday 7pm Choral Evensong EUROA ay Benalla 7 pm Eucharist (2nd Tuesday Only) St Augustine’s Sheparton SHEPPARTON Thursday SHEPPARTON Thursday 9.30 am Eucharist Harrietville 9.30 5th Sunday 10.30am H.C at the SHEPPARTON Mon & Tue 8.30am meditation daySt Etheldreda’s 9.30 am Eucharist Sunday 8.30am Sung Eucharist Sunday 8:30 Sung Eucharist 10:30 Family Eucharist Evening Prayer St Paul’s Euroa Sunday 8:30 amam Sung Eucharist 10:30 amam Family Eucharist 5:305:30 pm pm Evening Prayer Aidan’s 2nd&&4th 4th St 3rd Thursday 10.30am Eucharist 2nd StPaul’s Paul’s church hosting the fund prayer Sunday 8:30raising am Sung Eucharist 10:30 am Family Eucharist 5:30 pm 9am EveningMorning Prayer 1st Sunday pm Eucharist 2nd & 4thSt Aidan’s 11:15am amEucharist Eucharist St55Aiden’s 1st Sunday 11:15 Saturday 7:45 am Mattins 8 am Eucharist (Traditional rite) 6 pm Vigil Eucharist Saturday 7:45 am Mattins (Traditional rite) 8 am Eucharist 6 pm Vigil Eucharist 10.30am Family Eucharist Goorambat Swanpool Sunday Sunday 9.30am 11:15 amEucharist Eucharist nday Goorambat5 pm Eucharist Swanpool Sunday Augustine’s7:45 am Mattins Saturday(alternate) 8 am Eucharist (Traditional rite) 6 pm Vigil Eucharist luncheon StStAugustine’s Wednesday 9am Meditation 10am Swanpool Sunday (Traditional rite)Prayer BEECHWORTH (Traditional rite) St Augustine’s 5.30pm Evening CENTRAL GOULBURN Wednesday 10am Shepparton (Traditional rite) GOULBURN Shepparton St Paul’s Rushworth Eucharist 5pm Evensong Weekday 7:45 Mattins daily CENTRAL GOULBURN Weekday 7:45 amam Mattins daily Shepparton Christ Church Beechworth Weekday 7:45 am Mattins dailySaturday 7.45am Mattins 8am Christ 9.00 (with KidsLongwood Church) St Andrew’s ChristChurch Church Sunday Sunday 9.00 am Holy Eucharist Church) Mon,Tue, Tue,Thurs, Thurs,FriFri 8 am Eucharist Mon, 8 am Eucharist 1st &Mon, 3rd Sunday H.C 89am Holy Trinity Bethanga ay Sunday 10am 9.00 am Sung Holy Eucharist Kids Church) Tue, Thurs, Fri am Eucharist Mass(with10.30 Seymour Wednesday Seymour Wednesday 10.30 am MassSunday 8am Eucharist 6pm Vigil Eucharist esday 10.30 am Mass 2nd & 4th 10:45 10:45 Eucharist StLuke’s Luke’s M.P 9am Mary’s 2nd & 4th Sunday & 4th am am Eucharist St St St Mary’s &2nd 4th Sunday 9.30am EuchaSunday 8.45 am Eucharist 1st Sunday 10am One service for 4th 10:45 am2nd Eucharist St Luke’s St Mary’s Sunday 8.45 am Eucharist 2nd & daily StStPaul’s John’s Sunday 11am amEucharist Eucharist Paul’s St John’s Sunday 11 St Dunstan’s Violet Town Sundays Dookie Katandra West Sunday Dookie 8.45 am Eucharist Weekday 7.45am MattinsKatandra Sundays West 1st &&3rd Sunday am (with Kids Church) St88 John’s Sunday 11 am Eucharist 1st 3rd Sunday rist Sundays Dookie Katandra West Avenel Nagambie 2nd 2nd&&4th 4thSunday Sunday 11am amSunday SundaySchool School 3rd Sunday 8 am (with Kids Church) Avenel Nagambie 11 the Parish NORTHERN ALBURY Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 8am Eucharist Nagambie 2nd2nd & 4th& Sunday 11am Sunday School 4th Sunday 11.30am TALLANGATTA TALLANGATTA TALLANGATTA 5th Sunday 10am Sung Mass Heal- COBRAM Wed 10am Eucharist St James’ Lavington COBRAM YACKANDANDAH ChristChurch Church 1st 1st&&3rd 3rdSunday Sunday 9 am Morning Prayer Uniting Uniting Church Christ 9 am Morning Prayer Church Sunday 11 11 Eucharist Christ Church 1st & 3rd Sunday 9 am Morning Prayer Uniting Church 4th4th Sunday am am Eucharist Sunday 9Sunday 9- 9:15 reflection time Tallangatta 2nd&&4th 4thSunday Sunday 9 Dookie am Eucharist Mitta Mitta 4th Sunday 11 am Eucharist St Luke’s 2nd 9 am Eucharist Mitta Mitta 1st, 2nd 3rd&&4thTallangatta 4th Sunday 98.30am y ing service 9- 9:15 reflection time Holy Trinity Yackandandah Tallangatta Sunday am Eucharist Mitta Mitta 9:30 am Eucharist 1st&&3rd 3rd St George’s, 9:30 StMargaret’s Margaret’s St George’s, 1st Wednesday 10am Mass 9:30 am Eucharist 11:315am amEucharist Eucharist WANGARATTA 1st & 3rd StParish George’s, 11:315 Sunday 8.45amWANGARATTA Eucharist Thursday 10am 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays 10.30am Cobram Katamatite Sunday 5thSunday Sunday Parish Eucharist 11:315 am Eucharist WANGARATTA Cobram Parish5th Katamatite Sunday KILMORE unday Eucharist Katamatite Sunday St Jude’s Eldorado Sunday 8 8amam Holy Eucharist with hymns Sung Eucharist 5 pm Evensong St Mary’s Katandra West Sunday Holy Eucharist with hymns 1010 amam Sung Eucharist 5 pm Evensong Wednesday 10 St Mark’s North Albury Eucharist Wednesday 10 am Sunday 8 am Holy Eucharist with hymns 10 am Sung Eucharist 5 pm Evensong esday am Tuesday 8:30 1st & 3rd10Sundays 10am Morning Christ Church Kilmore Tuesday 8:30 amam & 4th Sundays 10.45am Eucha- 4th Sunday Morning prayer 2nd 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday 10am Holy Trinity Tuesday Holy 8:30 am Trinity StStAiden’s, Aiden’s, Morning Prayer Wednesday10:00 10:00amam Sunday 9am Sung EucharistHoly Trinity Wednesday Morning Prayer 2nd 2nd&&4th 4thSunday Sunday 11:15 11:15 am Eucharist Prayer Cathedral Morning Prayer Wednesday 10:00 am rist Cathedral Strathmerton Wednesday 9.30am 4th Sunday 11:15 am Eucharist Strathmerton St Mark’s Tangambalanga mins before Eucharist Thursday 8:30 8:30 Cathedral amam 30 30 mins before Eucharist Thursday Wednesday 10am Eucharist with Wangaratta 2nd & 4th Sundays 5.30pm Mass 30 mins before Eucharist Thursday 8:30 am Wangaratta St John’s Thurgoona CORRYONG 1st & 3rd Sunday 8.45am Morning Friday 8:30amam Wangaratta 8:30 Friday CORRYONG Friday 8:30 am Bach Evening Prayer 5 pm Daily TALLANGATTA Evening Prayer - 5 -pm Daily Saturday 6 pm Sat @ 6 Saturday 6 pm Sat @ 6 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 9am Evening Prayer 5 pm Daily All Saints Tennis Club Prayer All Saints 6 pm Sat @ 6 1st 10 Eucharist St Matthew’sClub 1stSunday Sunday 22pm pmEucharist Eucharist Saturday Broadford 1st&&3rd 3rdSunday Sunday Tennis 10 amClub 1st Christ Church TallangattaChrist Corryong Biggara AllSaints’ Saints’ Christ Church2nd & 4th Sunday Eucharist 3rd Sunday 10 am Eucharist 1st Sunday 2 pm Eucharist Corryong Biggara All Church St Paul’s Jindera 1st Sunday 10:30 Eucharist 1st & 3rd 9 am 9 am Eucharist BENALLA Biggara All Saints’ Christ Church 1st Sunday 10:30 amam Eucharist Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sunday 11am Eucharist Greta 9 am Eucharist 1st & 3rd Moyhu 1st Sunday 10:30 am Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sunday 9am1stMorning &Greta 3rd Moyhu Holy 1st, 3rd & 4th Sunday 10.30am HolyTrinity Trinity St Paul’s Allan’s Flat Greta Moyhu 3rd Sunday 2 pm Eucharist Sunday 2 Holy Trinity, 3rd Benalla with hymns HolyTrinity Trinity 3rdSunday Sunday Eucharist Cudgewa Holy 3rd prayer1111amamEucharist nday Cudgewa 2 pm Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sunday 9am Eucharist Holy Trinity NUMURKAH 3rd Sunday 11 am Eucharist Sunday 8am Eucharist Whitfield& NATHALIA 1stWednesday Wednesday 2nd Sunday 1 pm Eucharist 2nd & 4th Sunday 11am Morning Whitfield 1st 1 pm Eucharist 9am Eucharist EUROA Whitfield 1st Wednesday 1 pm Eucharist 4th Sunday Morning prayer EUROA 9.30am SungSunday Eucharist WANGARATTA WEST THE WARBYS prayer Euroaville WANGARATTA WEST && THE WARBYS St George’s Numurkah WANGARATTA WEST 4th&Sunday 10.30am Family St 9.30 Euroaville 2nd and and StPaul’s Paul’s Sunday 9.30 am Eucharist 2nd THE WARBYS St Andrew’s Dederang 11am am y Monday 9.30 am Eucharist Euroaville 2nd and 11 10am Eucharist (Cooinda Michael’s Sunday 9:30 George’s Thursday 10am with 1st1st andand 3rd3rd 8 am StStMichael’s Sunday 9:30 amam St St George’s Euroa Wednesday 10 4thTuesday Tuesday 11 am Eucharist Euroa Wednesday 10 am Hostel 4th Sunday 10.30am Sung Eucharist Eucharist St Michael’s Sunday 9:30 am St George’s 1st and 3rd 3rd Sunday8 am 7.30pm esday 10 am Hostel 4th Tuesday WangarattaWest WestTuesday Tuesday Taminick Sunday 8 am 1st & Sunday Taminick Wangaratta 1010 amam Nursing Home) Bach St Andrew’s St Dunstan’s 2nd and Wangaratta West Tuesday 10 am Taminick Sunday St Paul’s Wakiti Creek Dunstan’s 2nd and St Andrew’s Sunday WANGARATTA 4th Sunday 10.30am Eucharist 11.30am am St88 am Dunstan’s 2nd and Sunday 11.30 Johns Village Paul’s StStPaul’s St St Johns Village 2nd Tuesday Town 4th Sunday Sunday Tallarook 11.30 am ayLongwood 8 am 7pm Eucharist Thurs- St Stephen’s Longwood Violet Town 4th Tuesday 10 am Sunday St Paul’s 1st Sunday 7.30am HolySunday St Johns Village Eucharist 1111 amam Tuesday 10 am Violet Town 4th Sunday Chapel Glenrowan Sunday Glenrowan 11 am Chapel 10 am HolyChapel Trinity CathedralTuesday Wangaratta YARRAWONGA day 9.30am Eucharist Glenrowan Holy Trinity Nathalia 1st & 3rd Sunday 11am morning KILMORE KILMORE WODONGA WODONGA Sunday 8am Holy Eucharist with St Paul’s Goorambat WODONGA prayer 1st &&3rd 3rd St Cuthbert’s Yarrawonga Sunday 1st Sunday 99 am Sung Eucharist 11am amMorning Morning Prayer9am Sung Eucharist 1st & 3rd 11 Prayer Saturday 6 pm Vigil Eucharist Saturday pm Vigil Eucharist hymns6 10am Sung Eucharist 5pm Christ Church Sunday St Stephen’s Stephen’s Sunday 9am5pm Sung Eucharist 11 am Morning PrayerEucharist Christ Church Sunday Sunday 1st Sunday Eucharist 6 pm Vigil Eucharist Saturday 2nd & 4th Sunday 11am 7am Eucharist Tuesday 10am Holy Eucharist am Eucharist Sunday with 11 am Eucharist with ay St10 10Stephen’s Sunday 7.30 Eucharist 9:30 Sung 10am Eucharist Sunday 7.30 amam Eucharist 9:30 amam Sung Kilmore Tallarook 2nd 4th 11 am Eucharist with amWednesday Eucharist with 11 am Eucharist with Kilmore Wednesday Tallarook 2nd &&4th Sunday 7.30 am Eucharist Evensong 9:30 am Sung St Aiden’s10Swanpool with Bach hymns All Saints Monday 11am (off site) esday Tallarook 2nd &hymns 4th Bach hymns 1st & 3rd Sundays 9.00 am Sung Eucharist Emmanuel Eucharist St John’s 9.00 am Sung Eucharist Emmanuel Eucharist 1st & 3rd Sundays Barmah St John’s Sunday St John’s Bach hymns Sunday 1st & 3rd Sundays 9.00 am Sung Eucharist Emmanuel8.30am Eucharist Tuesday Sunday Church of The Transfiguration 2nd & 4th Sunday 11.15am Eucha- Christ 5th Sunday 7Help pm Choral Evensong Wodonga 5th Sunday 7Help pm Choral Evensong Wodonga Wednesday 10am (chapel) 2nd Sunday 7.30am Holy Eucharist alien back to the spaceship. thethe alien findfind hishis wayway back to the spaceship. 5th Sunday 7 pm Choral Evensong Wodonga 1st 1st&& 3rd 3rd Sunday Sunday 11 11 am Eucharist with Mon&&Tue Tue 8:30 Meditation 9 am Morning Prayer Wednesday 10am Morning prayer Morning Mon 8:30 amam Meditation 9 am Morning Prayer 3rd Sunday 11 am Eucharist with rist Pyalong Office weekday 8.45am Mon & Tue 8:30 am Meditation 9 am Morning Prayer 2nd Church of of The The 2nd&& 4th 4th Sunday Sunday hymns hymns Church Wednesday 9 am Meditation Eucharist 5 pm 5 pm Evensong Wednesday 9 am Meditation 10 10 amam Eucharist Evensong St 1st &3rd 3rd 4th Sunday hymns Church of The 1st & 3rd Sunday 5pm StMatthew’s Matthew’s Thursday 8.30am 9 am Meditation 10 am Eucharist 5 pm Evensong Eucharist Thursdays 11 am Morning Prayer Transfiguration 1st & 5pm pmEucharist Eucharist Wednesday (exclude. Mon & Sat) 1st & 3rdTransfiguration Thursdays 11 5 Broadford Sunday days 11 am Morning Prayer Transfiguration 5pm Eucharist Sunday Broadford HolyTrinity Trinity Holy CENTRAL GOULBURN Friday9.30 8.30am 10 with Pyalong Pyalong 10 am Eucharist Sunday 2nd&&4th 4thSunday Sunday 9.30 Eucharist 2nd amam Eucharist St Thomas’ St James MANSFIELD Holy Trinity 10 am Eucharist with Pyalong Bethanga 2nd & 4th Sunday 9.30 am Eucharist Bethanga Bach Bach Saturday 6pm Sat@6 Bethanga Christ Church 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday 8.30am Bach Seymour St John’s Mansfield YACKANDANDAH MANSFIELD Evening prayerYACKANDANDAH - 5pm daily YACKANDANDAH APRIL ADVOCATE Sunday 9am Holy Eucharist MANSFIELD(with Sunday 8 & 9.30am Holy CommunHolyTrinity Trinity 2nd& &3rd 3rdSundays Sundays 10:30 10:30 Eucharist. Paul’s 1st1st & 3rd Sunday YEA 9 am - Eucharist Holy 1st1st2nd amam Eucharist. St.St. Paul’s & 3rd Sunday 9 am - Eucharist St Sunday 99 am Moyhu StJohn’s John’s Church) Sunday am Holy Holy Communion St Peter’s 1st Sunday 11.30 am Holy Trinity 1st 2nd & 3rd Sundays 10:30 am Eucharist. All Saints St. Paul’s 1st & 3rd Sunday 9 am - Eucharist HolyCommunion Communion ay childrens 9 am Holy Communion St Peter’s Yackandandah 4thof Sunday Morning Prayer Allan’s Flat 4th4th Sunday Morning Prayer 1st Sunday 11.30 am Holy Yackandandah 4th Sunday Morning Prayer Allan’s Flat Sunday Morning Prayer ion Wanted!!! Photographs Lent, Mansfield 1st Saturday 6 pm Jamieson St Luke’s Yea 1st Sunday 11.30 am Holy Communion Mansfield 1st Saturday 6 pm Yackandandah 4th Sunday Morning Prayer Allan’s Flat 4th Sunday 1st Sunday 10.30am Eucharist Morning Prayer Wednesday 10.30am Mass turday 6pm Jamieson St. Mark’s 1st & 3rd Sunday 8:45 am Morning Prayer. St. Andrew’s 1st & 3rd Sundays 7:30 pm 1st Sunday 9.30am Sunday School St. Mark’s 1stTuesday, & 3rd Sunday 8:45 am Morning Prayer. St. Andrew’s 1stSunday & 3rd Sundays 7:30 pmEucharist 9.15am Holy Christ Church St. Mark’s Palm 1st &Sunday, 3rd Sunday Shrove 8:45 am Morning Prayer. St. Andrew’s 1st & 3rd Sundays 7:30 pm Christ Church Whitfield St Paul’s Avenel 2nd 11:30 Tangambalanga2nd 2nd&&4th 4thSunday SundayHoly Trinity Eucharist Dederang 4th4th Sunday 10:30 Eucharist 2ndSunday Sunday 11:30 am Tangambalanga Eucharist Dederang Sunday 10:30 am am Eucharist Christ Church Bonnie Doon Tangambalanga Bonnie unday 11:30 am 2nd & 4th Sunday Eucharist Dederang 4th Sunday 10:30 am Eucharist BonnieDoon Doon Easter morning for our April Thursday 9am Morning Prayer 3rd Sunday 11am Eucharist 1st 1st & 3rd Sunday 8am (with child- 2nd Sunday 11.30am Holy communYARRAWONGA YARRAWONGA MARYSVILLE edition of the Advocate. If YARRAWONGA you Wednesday 1pm Eucharist MARYSVILLE Eucharist Sunday 7 am Eucharist Sunday 7 am Eucharist 1010 amam Eucharist rens church)1st SERVICE TIMES ionam St Thomas Sunday 10:30 Thomas 2nd Sunday Sunday 9 am 1st Sunday 2nd 9 am Sunday 7 am Eucharist 10 am Eucharist have a photograph whether its Christ Church Greta Marysville Monday 11 am (off-site) unday 10:30 am St Thomas 2nd Sunday 9 am Marysville Monday 11 am (off-site) St John’s Nagambie 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday 10:30 am Buxton 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday 9 am 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday Buxton & 4th & 5th Sunday 9 am Cuthbert’s 11 am (off-site) Thomas’ Monday StStCuthbert’s 4th Sunday 11.30am -3rd Ecumenical St St Thomas’ 1st,1st, 2nd2nd andand 3rd3rd 8.30 Wednesday 10.00 (chapel) 4th & 5th Sunday 10:30 am Buxton 3rd & 4th & 5th Sunday 9 am 10.00 amam (chapel) St Cuthbert’sfrom this year or last Wednesday St Thomas’ 1st, 3rd and 5th Need to update your service 8.30 times? am am 9am Eucharist year then 1st & 3rd James Sundays Yarrawonga 10.00 Wednesday am (chapel) Sunday 11am Eucharist 8.30 am Sundays St St James Yarrawonga MILAWA service (Uniting Church, next door) Morning Office weekday 8.45 am (exclude. Mon 8.45 am (exclude. Mon Morning Office weekday Yarrawonga St James Sundays Send them in to us at MILAWA Lessons & Carol Service Thursday 7.15pm (chapel) please send them in to registry@ StStPaul’s Sat) Paul’s & &Sat) St Eucharist Peter’s Jamieson 2nd 9 am [email protected]. Morning Office weekday 8.30am (excld. Mon.) Sunday 22nd Dec at 7pm - Holy 2nd &&last lastSunday Sunday Milawa & last Sunday 9 am Eucharist Milawa YEA YEA 1st Sunday 11.30am Holy Communion au YEA Trinity Cathedral MT BEAUTY/TAWONGA BEAUTY/TAWONGA MT BEAUTY/TAWONGA StLuke’s Luke’s Sunday 9.15 am Holy Eucharist St Sunday 9.15 am Holy Eucharist Holy Aiden’s Sunday 9.15 am Holy Eucharist HolyCross, Cross, 1st Sunday St Aiden’s pm 3rd Sunday SundaySt Luke’s Yea Thursday 9.00 Morning Prayer St55 Aiden’s 1st Sunday 3rd Yea Thursday 9.00 amam Morning Prayer Mt Tawonga unday 3rd Sunday Yea Thursday 9.00 am Morning Prayer MtBeauty Beauty 5pm Tawonga Tawonga KidsMaze Maze Kids LOOK US UP WorK Wanted cleaner Classifiedadvertising advertising works, so why not advertise advertise hinClassified the diocese. Please see within see of withinthe thediocese. diocese. Please within diocese. Please seeCbelow below of A L OaUnumber N D R of A , Does your place need mber ofthe ways toto place you ways place your classified. ways to place ways to place your classified. Sunshine Coast, a good scrub? Why classified. HOW HOWTO TOPLACE PLACEYOUR YOURAD: AD: HOW TO PLACE YOUR AD: your ad: sEPTEMBErPuZZlE PuZZlEsoluTions soluTions sEPTEMBEr DON'T FORGET TO BOOK YOUR CLASSIFIEDS Would you like to Diocesan Mother’s Union see your Crossword Crossword Results of AGM Raffle photograph on the No. 079 IssueIssue No. 079 People and Parishes 1st Prize $200 Woolworth’s Voucher: page? Nalda Hard them in to Send [email protected] 2nd Prize $100 Woolworth’s Voucher: Heather Holloway Submissions close 16th of March © Lovatts Puzzles © Lovatts Puzzles beachside units, from not place an ad in $300/wk, phone The Advocate for only $11.00 including GST (03) 5721 3483 2 1427 0427 990 161. KM009_Aliens_PUZSOL.eps KM009_Aliens_PUZSOL.eps [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lovatts Puzzles ©© Lovatts Puzzles Ph. (03) 5721 3484 (03) 5721 3484 (03)5721 57213484 3484 ☎ ☎------(03) 1 3484 (03) 5722 1427 (03)5722 57221427 1427 (03) A I IO OG Y OY KO EK S E S A K I N I E N D E I D B I L BE L O K T I IN NI U PU SP ES T E T T O MAZE MAZE to rent laSSIFIedS CLASSIFIEDS vertising works, so whyworks, not so why HolIday unIt Classified advertising not advertise G E I E S ME I M C I O C L O O L N O S N S H A HB BA MX XH H M S CS AC RA CR E C L E Y L Y V I V S I A S A HO DH OR RO O D T L I K E L © Lovatts Puzzles © Lovatts Puzzles Y Page 11 T S AL MA PM P A P A T P I T T I U T D U E D E I I I C I C NS SI N T T I K N I DN L D I L N I E N S E S S S E T EU TE U E A E R A T RH T H P E EL OE TO A T R A D R S D S P YN NE NN E A S A T S I TR I E R Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 PEOPLE & PARISHES PeoPle & Parishes 2 ① 1 ② 3 ④ 4 5 ⑤ ③ PHOTO CAPTIONS 6 1. St John's Nagambie received the Community Group of the Year award at Nagambie's Australia day ceremony. 2. Diocesan clergy during ecumenical Stations of the Cross –walk starting at Northern Albury, Easter 2012 3. Fr Kim Benton helping the children bake pancakes for Shrove Tuesday 2013 4. Ven. Eden-Elizabeth Nicholls became a Grandmother with a difference when one of her donkeys Mindy, gave birth to a baby girl – Shikahr T’Pau, on the 20th December 2012. 5. June Brown (nee Ellis) greets Daryl Evans a life member of Christ Church Greta during the Guild members Service on 18th November 2012. 6. Rev'd Sally Boothey with Bishop John Parkes during her induction into the Numurkah/ Nathalia Parish. 7. Jenny Kindred celebrating the Chinese New Year with St Luke's Seniors . PHOTO CAPTIONS 1. Cheryl Chen and Julie Ling discussing music at St Matthew’s, Albury 2. Nancy Rooke and Robyne Slade and St Matthew’s Albury 3. Dr Pieter Mourik and Sandy Ignatius at a forum held at St Matthew’s, Albury 4. Fr Goeff Poliness with one of the Christmas trees which was on display at the Christmas tree festival in Alexandra 5. Some of the many Christmas tree’s that were on display in Alexandra 6. Russell Smith and Gillian Mallinder at the Diocesan ministry conference. If you would like to see your photo in the Advocate then please send them to us at [email protected] ⑥ ⑦ Lay Silent Retreat 2013 Bequests Anglican Development Fund Wangaratta 19-21 April, Feathertop Chalet, Harrietville Support your Parish by investing with the Anglican Development Fund Term Deposits - Minimum deposit $1,000 ONLY 3 months 6 months 12 months At call 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.0% Visit our website au to download an application form or contact the registry on (03) 57213484 for interest rates over $50,000.00 2.6% "The Still Point of the Turning World: No Fees Walking the Labyrinth and Centering Prayer" Led by Helen Malcolm and Rob Whalley For more information, call the Registry at 03-5721-3484 John has been enriched in life. He has been blessed by God with a wonderful family and good health. After full filling his dreams with a successful career he has now retired and spends his time volunteering within his parish as a church warden. During his time volunteering he learned that his fellow parishioners have been generous and supportive of the work of God through the church and he wanted to follow in their foot steps. So John went to visit his family lawyer to revise his will and to find a way he could help support the work of God. His lawyer suggested to him that he could name his parish as beneficiary in his will. So in addition to providing bequests for his grandchildren’s education, John decided to provide ten percent of his estate to his parish church. This way, what he practices every Sunday as a committed parishioner will continue on. John’s generosity will make a significant difference with in the life and work of his parish. For more information please contact; The Registrar - Mr Tim Williams Diocese of Wangaratta P.O. Box 457 Wangaratta VIC 3677 Phone (03) 5721 3484 Fax (03) 5722 1427 Bequests can really make a difference.
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