The Quadricuspid Aortic Valve

Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 62 • published on 1st of every month 1st july, 2014
The Quadricuspid Aortic Valve
Ankush Sachdeva*, Biswajit Paul**, AK Omar***
Fig. 1 : Transesophageal echo showing zoomed color compare image of quadricuspid aortic valve (type G-star marks
showing four unequal cusps) and aortic regurgitation jet arising from central area of non-coaptation.
Attending Cardiologist,
Consultant Cardiologist,
Director Non-invasive
Cardiology and H.O.D. Heart
Command and Emergency,
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute,
Okhla, New Delhi
Received: 01.11.2012;
Accepted: 19.11.2012
© JAPI • july 2014 • VOL. 62
47 year old female was diagnosed
to have moderate to severe
aortic regurgitation on transthoracic
echocardiogram and referred
to our institute for an aortic valve
replacement. She had no previous
history of cardiovascular disease and
had complaints of recent progressive
dyspnea. There was no history of angina
or syncope. Her blood pressure was
150/60 mmHg and auscultation revealed
a diastolic murmur at aortic area. Her
transthoracic echocardiography was
repeated which confirmed the presence
of significant aortic regurgitation
and left ventricular dilatation with a
mild left ventricular dysfunction.A
transesophageal echo was done to look
into the morphology of aortic valve
w h i c h s h o we d q u a d r i c u s p i d a o r t i c
valve(QAV) with four unequal sized
cusps(type G) and a central area of
non-coaptation leading to moderate
to severe aortic regurgitation (Figure
1).The coronary angiogram was normal
and no associated cardiac anomaly was
found. Patient underwent a successful
aortic valve replacement using a bileaflet
mechanical valve prosthesis.
Quadricuspid aortic valve is a rare
entity and warrants a serious evaluation
rather than academic interest. The
estimated incidence is 0.008 to 1.0%
of all congenital heart disease. 1 Aortic
regurgitation is the commonest
hemodynamic abnormality associated
with QAV due to non-coaptation of the
cusps and aortic stenosis is rare. Hurwitz
and Roberts in 1973 classified the QAV
according to their anatomical variation. 2
Seven variations were described by them;
A=four equal cusps, B=three equal cusps
and one smaller cusp, C=two equal larger
and two equal smaller cusp, D=one large,
two intermediate and one small cusp,
E=three equal cusps and one larger cusp,
F=two equal larger and two unequal
smaller cusps and G= four unequal cusps.
Most common type is type A, unlike our
patient which showed a type G variant
which is rare. Coronary anomalies are
most frequently associated with a QAV
and sometimes atrial and ventricular
defects, patent ductus arteriosus and
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Journal of the association of physicians of india • vol 62 • published on 1st of every month 1st july, 2014
other anomalies have been reported. QAV is most
often functionally abnormal and requires surgery.
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Feldman BJ, Khanderia BK, Warner CA, Serward JB, Taylor CL, Tajik
Aj : Incidence,description and functional assessment of isolated
quadricuspid aortic valve. AMJ Cardiol 1990;54:937-938
2. Hurwitz LE, Roberts WC. Quadricuspid semilunar valve. Am J Cardiol
© JAPI • july 2014 • VOL. 62