1stState of the art and Challenges of Research

1stState of the art and Challenges of Research Efforts (S.C.O.R.E.) at(@) POLIBA
3rd- 5th December 2014
Scheda dei gruppi di ricerca
Professori (3): Pietro De Palma, PO, IND-IND/08; Michele Napolitano, PO, IND-IND/08; Giuseppe
Pascazio, PO, IND-IND/06 (responsabile scientifico).
Ricercatori (1): Marco D. de Tullio, ING-IND/06.
Dottorandi (3):Dott. Ing. Giovanni Caramia, 27°,ING-IND/08;Dott. Alessandro Coclite, 27°, ING-IND/06;
Dott. Ing. DarioDe Marinis, 28°, ING-IND/08.
SETTORI ERC (European Research Council)
ING-IND/06, Fluidodinamica
ING-IND/08, Macchine a Fluido
PE8_1 - Aerospace engineering
PE8_4 - Computational engineering
PE8_5 - Fluid mechanics, hydraulic-, turbo-, and piston engines
PE8_13 - Industrial bioengineering
Simulazione fluidodinamica di flussi complessi
Modellistica di gas reali reagenti e non reagenti.
Interazione fluido-struttura e applicazioni biomediche.
Stabilità dei flussi e transizione al regime turbolento.
RISULTATI DELLA RICERCA 2013 (co–autori in corsivo)
• Contributi in rivista: De Palma, 4; de Tullio, 4; Pascazio, 4.
• Contributi in volume:
• Monografie:
• Proceedings:Caramia, 1; Coclite, 2; De Palma, 2; de Tullio, 2; Pascazio, 1.
• Brevetti:
• Curatele:
• Altra tipologia: De Palma, 1.
PUBBLICAZIONI CON CO–AUTORI STRANIERI: De Palma, 4; de Tullio, 3; Pascazio, 3.
Multiscale Modelling of Cardiovascular
Hemodynamics and Blood Damage
Marco D. de Tullio and Giuseppe Pascazio
Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento di Meccanica, Matematica e Management
Via Re David 200, 70125 Bari, Italy
Abstract. The main objective of this research project is to develop a
computational model to study cardiovascular hemodynamics in realistic
configurations, evaluating blood damage induced by non-physiological
conditions. The model would serve as an inexpensive tool for scientific
and medical research, providing unlimited access to blood flow data as
well as fundamental information for the improvement in patient care.
The problem is very challenging, with a wide disparity in length scales,
from the large vessels to the cellular blood components, requiring a multiscale approach. The analysis includes very complex phenomena: at the
blood flow level, one has complex moving geometries, intrinsic flow unsteadiness and very intense velocity gradients both in space and time; at
the cellular level (e.g. red blood cells), a high-fidelity representation of
the cell membrane is necessary in order to evaluate the response of the
cells to the imposed hydrodynamic loading and then evaluate the blood
damage (e.g. hemolysis).
Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics; fluid-structure-interaction;
Cardiovascular disorders are nowadays the leading cause of death in developed
countries and the related health and economic issues have lead to a number of
devices and surgical techniques for their treatment. The replacement of heart
valves, for example, is necessary whenever the natural valve cannot be restored
to its normal function. Despite their widespread clinical use and continuous
improvements, however, prosthetic heart valves (PHVs), and in particular the
mechanical devices, still carry significant risks, related to the non-physiological
blood flow through them. Hemolysis is the breakdown of red blood cells (RBCs)
leading to loss of hemoglobin, which is the oxygen-carrier protein. Among various pathological conditions, the dominant mechanism of hemolysis observed in
patients with mechanical prostheses is mechanical hemolysis [1], caused by the
higher hydrodynamic loading as RBCs move through the devices.
M.D. de Tullio and G. Pascazio
In this work, a numerical approach is presented to accurately investigate
the flowfield through aortic prostheses, evaluate the response of the cells to the
imposed hydrodynamic loading and then evaluate the blood damage.
Modeling of mechanical hemolysis is very complex because it involves phenomena taking place over a wide range of spatio/temporal scales, from the large
structures with a spatial scale comparable to the valve orifice (order of centimeters) down to the Kolmogorov scale, and even further down to the single RBC
scale (about 8µm), and with a broad range of temporal scales associated. For
this reason, the work requires a multiscale approach.
Considering the blood flow level, the aortic flow is pulsatile, neither laminar
nor turbulent, but rather transitional. In this intermediate range, turbulence
models do not perform properly, therefore direct numerical simulation is utilized
to correctly capture the physics of the transitional flow without introducing
artificial dissipation mechanisms. Moreover, the aortic valve has a complex geometry: rigid semi–circular leaflets can rotate about their pivots for mechanical
valves, while highly deformable leaflets open and close for the native or biological
ones (see figure 1). In order to efficiently describe the motion of the structures,
Fig. 1: Left: aortic root and mechanical/biological valve geometries. Right: sketch of
the multi-scale approach to evaluate blood damage.
a suitable version of the immersed boundary method [2] is employed, able of
handling arbitrary moving and/or deforming bodies on a fixed structured grid,
avoiding the time-consuming regeneration or deformation of the grid and the
successive interpolation of the flow field. The problem is further complicated
by the interconnected evolution of fluid and structure; in fact the latter moves
under the loads exerted by the flow while the former, in turn, evolves in a domain whose instantaneous geometrical configuration depends on the structure
Modelling of Cardiovascular Hemodynamics
dynamics. This fluid/structure interaction problem requires the coupled solution
of the structure and flow problems [3]. A finite-element solver for the deforming
structures is coupled with the fluid solver in a segregated approach, in order to
reduce the computational cost and to use optimized solvers for both the fluid
and structural problems.
On the other hand, in order to model blood damage, a high-fidelity model of
the RBC, which is based on coarse-grained molecular models of the erythrocyte
membrane, spectrin cytoskeleton [4] is adopted. A large number of Lagrangian
tracer particles are released at the inlet of the computational domain (upstream
of the valve). The instantaneous shape distortion is then evaluated in time for
each single tracer and then related to the blood damage [5], as shown in figure 1.
The results obtained for two different configurations are summarized, reproducing a biological and a bileaflet mechanical valve, mounted inside a realistic
geometry of the aortic root and initial tract of ascending aorta with three sinuses
of Valsalva, under physiological conditions. Simulations provide unlimited access
to blood flow data that can be used to obtain fundamental information for the
improvement in patient care. As an example, the backward Finite Time Lya-
Fig. 2: Backward FTLE in the symmetry plane for biological and mechanical valves, at
peak of flowrate (left)and during the deceleration phase (right).
punov Exponent (FTLE) fields in the symmetry plane are presented in figure 2,
at peak of flowrate and during the deceleration phase, enlightening Lagrangian
coherent structures for such complicated flows. Results show that during the forward phase, a three-jet configuration is distinctive of bileaflet mechanical valves,
with high turbulent shear stresses immediately distal to the valve leaflets, while
a jet-like flow emerges from the central orifice of bio-prosthetic valves, with high
turbulent shear stresses occurring at the edge of the jet. Moreover, mechanical
stresses are evaluated for a large set of tracers flowing through the devices during the cardiac cycle, obtaining the Hemolysis Index (HI) as an indication of
propensity of the prostheses to induce blood damage. The results indicate that
the flow features and hemolysis level depend strongly on the valve type. Higher
M.D. de Tullio and G. Pascazio
level of blood damage is observed in the case of mechanical valve: the three highspeed jets due to the leaflets configuration, the vortex shedding downstream of
the leaflets, the dynamics of the occluder are all factors that affect hemolysis,
giving levels of shear stress higher than that obtained in the biological valve case
(see figure 3).
Fig. 3: Left: probability density function of mechanical stress acting on the cells flowing
through the valve. Right: averaged HI in a cardiac cycle (the dashed flowrate curve is
reported for reference).
A computational model to study cardiovascular hemodynamics in realistic configurations is presented, with the aim of evaluating blood damage induced by
prosthetic devices. This accurate and inexpensive tool for scientific and medical
research provides unlimited access to blood flow data that can be used to obtain
fundamental information for the improvement in patient care.
1. Ismeno, G., Renzulli, A., Carozza, A., De Feo, M., Iannuzzi, M., Sante, P., Cotrufo,
M.: Intravascular hemolysis after mitral and aortic valve replacement with different
types of mechanical prostheses. Int. J. Cardiol. 69(2), 179–183 (1999)
2. Vanella, M., Balaras, E.: A moving-least-squares reconstruction for embeddedboundary formulations. J. Comput. Phys., 228, 6617–6628 (2009)
3. de Tullio, M.D., Cristallo, A., Balaras, E., Verzicco, R.: Direct numerical simulation
of the pulsatile ow through an aortic bileaïňĆet mechanical heart valve. J. Fluid
Mech., 622, 259–290 (2009)
4. Fedosov, D.A., Caswell, B., Karniadakis, G.E.: A multiscale red blood cell model
with accurate mechanics, rheology, and dynamics. Biophys. J., 98(10), 2215–2225
5. de Tullio, M.D., Nam, J., Pascazio, G., Balaras, E., Verzicco, R.: Computational
prediction of mechanical hemolysis in aortic valved prostheses. Eur. J. Mech. BFluid., 35, 47–53 (2012)