Report To: Operations Committee From: District Engineer and Roading Manager Date: 7 October 2014 File reference: Document: Meeting date: 15 October 2014 Subject: Tender report: Contract HDC 427 : Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki Districts Annual Resurfacing 2014/15 1274797 RECOMMENDATION THAT the report be received, and THAT the tender of Downer New Zealand for $1,872,170.73 be accepted, and THAT the scope of work defined in the Hauraki District Council portion of the Contract works is carried out at a tendered cost of $460,138.62 inclusive of a $25,000 contingency sum, and THAT it be noted that the 2014/15 budget provision of $750,000 for reseals will not be fully utilised. Purpose This report summarises the outcome of the tender process, describes the tender evaluation and makes a recommendation for the award of the 2014/15 resurfacing contract. This contract is for resealing and thin asphaltic surfacing on the Hauraki and Thames-Coromandel District Council’s road networks. Background Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki Districts have continued the agreement to tender their annual resurfacing work as a combined contract for the ninth year running. This approach has been taken to provide economies of scale and a more attractive tender package. Contract HDC 427 was uploaded into the online tendering system “Tenderlink”. Tenders closed at 4.00pm on Tuesday 10 October 2014 at the Hauraki District Council offices. 1 Four conforming tenders were received, from: Downer New Zealand Fulton Hogan Ltd HEB Construction Ltd Higgins Contractors Ltd Attributes were evaluated in accordance with the RFT and the Price Quality Method Simple (PQM Simple) as per Council’s Procurement Manual. Tenders were evaluated by a tender evaluation team (TET), comprising of: John Kaczon Ross Bayer Carl Staples Opus – TET Chairman Opus – Team Leader HDC-TCDC NMC Opus – Area Engineer CONTRACT DATA Contract No: Contract Name: Contract Estimate: Number of Tenders Received: Tenders Ranged in Price from: Recommended Tenderer: Value of Recommended Tender: Submitted Tender Price: HDC 427 Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki Districts Annual Resurfacing 2014/15 $1,994,823.23 4 $1,872,170.73 to $ 2,028,084.58 DOWNER New Zealand $1,872,170.73 $1,872,170.73 94% of estimate Error in non -Price Attributes: Errors in Schedule of Prices: Tender Tags: Total Value of Tags: Adjusted Value of Tender: Alternative Tender Submitted: No No No N/A N/A No Engineer to the Contract: Alex Mackenzie – Opus Consultants Hamilton Issues and options Price Quality Method matrix analysis was completed on Tenderer’s non-price attributes, to determine the Tenderers’ relative Supplier Quality Premiums (SQPs). The SQP represents an amount the Principal would theoretically be willing to pay, for the added value provided by the superior tender, based on the Non-Price Attributes (NPAs). NPA scores on which the SQPs were based varied from 21.61 to 22.90. Following approval from the HDC District Engineer, the tenderers’ price envelopes were opened. The Provisional Sums and SQP values were then subtracted from the tender prices. The analysis identified the tender of Downer as the preferred tender under the tender evaluation criteria. Downer is a large ISO 9001 certified contractor, has the necessary resources for a contract such as this including, own bitumen blending, emulsion and asphalt plants. Downer has undertaken numerous similar projects in the region and in this district. Downer therefore has the necessary skills, experience and resources to successfully complete the contract. 2 Budget Implications / Decision Making Process The tendered prices detailed above are the combined prices for the Hauraki and ThamesCoromandel District Council contract works. The price tendered by Downers for Hauraki District Council’s component of this project is $460,138.62, inclusive of a $25,000 contingency sum. Council has budgeted $750,000 for resurfacing physical work in the 2014/15 year. Cost fluctuations will be applied to the tendered rates for work completed as part of this resurfacing contract. Due to the bitumen price volatility it is likely that the final contract price may vary from the tendered price by a relatively small amount. Council has budgeted $750,000 for resurfacing physical work in the 2014/15 year. The scope of work in the contract is considerably less than this year’s budget. The scope of work has been determined by staffs’ detailed inspection of the lengths of road which were put forward as candidates for resealing. Awarding the Contract: In addition to the contract documents, a Joint Principals Agreement (between HDC and TCDC) has been signed allowing either Principal to withdraw from this combined contract during the tendering period for any reason. If this occurs, the contract will need to be re-tendered. The Joint Principals Agreement, between HDC and TCDC, requires the award of Contract HDC 427 to be approved by both principals. The recommendations below provide for the necessary approvals. Conclusion It is recommended: 1. That the tender of Downer for $1,872,170.73 be accepted, subject to acceptance also by Thames Coromandel District Council. 2. That the scope of work defined in the Hauraki District Council portion of the Contract works is carried out at a tendered cost of $460,138.62 inclusive of a $25,000 contingency sum. Gene Thomsen Roading Manager 3 Ken Thompson District Engineer
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