September - Peach Bottom Township

The Peach Bottom Township Board of Supervisors met on September 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Municipal Office Building. Members present D. Stewart, D. Gemmill and J. Wiley.
 Motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by J. Wiley and 2nd by D. Gemmill, vote
Public Comment
Ann Spencer, who owns 100 Magnolia Trail, reported on a continual problem with a rental
property located at 86 Magnolia Trail. They ride dirt bikes and 4 wheelers around the back yard
and repair vehicles on a daily basis.
The manager informed that a violation letter was sent to the property owner 2 weeks ago. The
attorney inserted that the Township can pursue a civil action against the property owners. The
Supervisors will look into this violation of the Off Road Vehicle Ordinance.
On behalf of the Delta Borough Council, Cindy Siebel has been directed to ask the Supervisors if
they would like to join in a drug fighting initiative. The Borough Council, concerned that the
borough is in a drug activity crisis formed a Safety Committee. Harford County is experiencing
the same problem and the County Coroner calls it a heroine epidemic. Unfortunately, Sergeant
Devilbliss, informed that when they clean one area it moves to another area. This committee is
having a meeting on Monday night in the Borough Office starting at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Siebel also
informed of a meeting to be held in the Recreation Center on October 14th, concerning the same
Supervisor Wiley stated that she is interested in the goal of the committee and requested the
Supervisors be kept informed.
New Business
Diesel Fuel Bids
One bid was received from M&G Fuel Service Inc., Fawn Grove, PA.
M&G Fuel – price shall be cost plus $0.195 per gallon at time of delivery.
 Motion to accept the B2 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel bid was made by J. Wiley and 2nd by
D. Gemmill, vote 3/0.
Old Business
David Thompson, the newly appointed Emergency Management Coordinator, requested Mr.
Michael Kahl be appointed his Deputy.
 Motion to appoint Michael Kahl as Deputy to the Emergency Management Coordinator
David Thompson was made by J. Wiley and 2nd by D. Stewart, vote 3/0.
Peach Bottom Township Recreation Center – Generator Project
To allow for review by the Supervisors, awarding of the bid to install a whole building
generator was table at last month’s Supervisors Meeting.
Supervisor Gemmill is concerned with any additional cost once the engineer completes the
commercial application permit requirements. Supervisor Wiley noted that if any changes are
made in the requirements the Township will have to pay the difference.
 Motion to award the Recreation Center Generator bid to McCleary Electrical Services
LLC in the amount of $54,766.00, was made by J. Wiley and 2nd by D. Gemmill, vote 3/0.
Recreation Center Parking Lot –
The York County Planning Commission awarded Peach Bottom Township $45,000.00 for the
original work proposed and has now approved the additional work requested. They are also
looking for more funding to assist with the project.
 Motion to move ahead with the Peach Bottom Township Recreation Center Parking Lot
Improvement Program was made by J. Wiley and 2nd by D. Gemmill, vote 3/0.
Subdivisions and Land Development Plans
Delta-Cardiff Volunteer Fire Company – Map AP Parcel 7 - Map AP Parcel 15A
The Supervisors are working with Delta-Cardiff Volunteer Fire Company to acquire an
additional 4 acres to help with tractor trailer turning radius at the new municipal building. The
plan has been submitted to YCPC for review.
Delta Ridge Phase 3C – Map 9
Robert Holweck, representing the Delta Ridge Subdivision Project, was in attendance to discuss
and request final approval for Phase 3C. The Development Agreement has been finalized. The
current bonding amount has been approved and the bond presented to the Township.
 Motion to sign the Development Agreement and Plans contingent on all fees paid was made
by D. Gemmill and 2nd by J. Wiley vote 3/0.
EMS Services - Reported by Supervisor Wiley
A committee was formed to look at combining ambulance services for the local areas of Fawn
Township, Fawn Grove Borough, Delta Borough, Peach Bottom Township, Lower Chanceford
Twp and possibly Chanceford Township with Brogue ambulance contributing. It started with
Well Span pulling their Medics and EMT’s out of Delta Borough and dwindling volunteers.
They started by combining Delta Ambulance with Fawn Grove (Citizens) Ambulance and
providing a Medic Unit to get things going and then invited the other areas to join. In order to
fund this service, they are asking all municipalities to contribute; it is a hefty price tag. Medic 95
is now in service, housed at the Airville Fire Hall with a paramedic. Currently Delta has 1 paid
Emergency Medical Technician, Brogue has 2 paid EMT’s, and Fawn is currently all volunteer.
They are looking at population as a way to level the playing field when it comes to funding.
Peach Bottom Township may need to add $147,000.00 to $200,000.00 per year. We are required
to supply emergency services to the community. The committee is looking at scheduling and
logistics of the entire area, a lot of research and thought is going into this project.
Sammy McConnell questioned self supporting ambulance companies versus none self
supporting. Donald Miller clarified that the Municipalities are required to provide “Advanced
Life Support” to the community. We don’t have the volunteers during the day time, it is a dying
breed, Fawn is the only volunteer service in the county. They relied on 2 people during the day
and now are down to 1 volunteer. The state mandates an ambulance crew contain 2 EMT’s
every time it goes out the door.
Zoning Ordinances
Close the Board of Supervisors Meeting and open a Public Hearing.
Proposed Amendments
Agricultural District Section 202.2(6) – Use by Special Exception.
Agricultural Operations Including CAO and CAFO Operations- Sections 336(a)(1),
336(a)(5), 336(b)(2), 336(b)(3), 336(c)(6), and 336(d)(3).
Section 501 Specific Words and Phrases.
The attorney summarized the ordinance changes to the attendees. The basis of this results
from the litigation that the Township has had with the Attorney General. The opinion of the
board is that the state regulates CAO’s and CAFO’s, that regulation is state law. Certain
items have been kept in the ordinance to provide information to citizens if a CAO or CAFO
is proposed to be constructed in the Township. The regulating of COA’s & CAFO’s will be
provided by the state.
Sammy McConnell asked, if the Township has a commitment from the Attorney General
that once this is done, they will back off and stop putting pressure on the Township.
The Township Attorney informed that we have a commitment from them that if this
ordinance is passed the litigation that is pending will be discontinued.
Close the Public Hearing and open the Board of Supervisors Meeting.
Supervisor Stewart commented that it seems like we are taking it away from the public of
having input, but the state holds a public meeting and the Township will make sure the
citizens will be notified.
Supervisor Wiley informed that her reason for looking at these amendments was not just to
pacify the States Attorney, but we are getting to where we are not regulating the same things
the state is regulating.
Motion to adopt the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Sections 202.2(6), 336(a)(1),
336(a)(5), 336(b)(2), 336(b)(3), 336(c)(6), 336(d)(3) and 501, was made by D. Stewart and
2nd by J. Wiley, vote 3/0.
Marlyn Flaharty is glad to see that after 10 years, the board has come to make the decision
that was suggested to them 10 years ago. A lot of money was spent on something that was
illegal from the start.
Reports –
He is working on the Employee Handbook for review by the Supervisors.
Matthews Agreement – Map AP Parcel 15A
The Board of Supervisors requested revisions to the agreement which could create deadline
issues. The attorney recommended the board extend all deadlines until a new agreement
can be agreed upon. In order to amend the agreement the Township needs to get a revised
copy of the plans and have a reappraisal completed.
 Motion to indefinitely extend any and all deadlines in the current agreement pending
approving a new/modified agreement incorporating the new plans and appraisal was
made by J. Wiley and 2nd by D. Gemmill, vote 3/0.
Manager/Secretary/Treasurer Report
 Motion to authorize the payment of bills was made by D. Stewart and 2nd by J. Wiley, vote
General Fund - $1,439,624.16
Liquid Fuels Fund - $218,526.95
Sewage Fund - $20,086.56
Traffic Impact Fund - $23,455.17
Recreation Fund - $19,190.18
Township Municipal Office Sign
The Supervisors were informed that many different styles of signs are available. Keeping in
mind the road bank at the entrance, they need to decide what they would like to see when
entering the driveway to the new Municipal Building.
Recreation Center Termite Damage
Ehrlich Pest Control has not provided a report on termite damage in the Mason Dixon
Community Services area of the Center.
A resident reported that a hornets’ nest has been built in utility wires at the intersection of Burns
and Nace Road, which also serves as a bus stop. All utility companies have been notified.
Large Item Drop-Off
Suggested dates for the event were provided to the Supervisors. They would prefer
November 22nd as the 1st choice and November 15th as the second choice. Supervisor Wiley
questioned if we have ever accepted paint, prescription drugs or any household items not
recommended to be placed with normal trash. The Manager will contact York County Solid
Waste Authority for information.
Calpine Buildout - Land Development Submittal / Presentation
Calpine has respectfully requested to be placed on the September 18th Planning Commission
Meeting agenda.
Supervisor Gemmil asked how the Recreation Fund monies can be used. He was informed that it
is to be used for new recreation. He questioned using the moneys to pay for the extended black
top at the Recreation Center since it adds more parking for Recreation. We will need to review
the Peach Bottom Township Recreation Plan.
Supervisor Wiley reported that PECO Energy (the wires and poles side of the company) donated
$2,000.00 towards the new Peach Bottom Township Recreation Center Generator.
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station is holding a silent auction to support the generator project
which could amount to $10,000.00.
Marlyn Flaharty stated that he will match any check Supervisor Stewart writes to support the
generator project.
Supervisor Gemmill inserted that the Township may also receive funding for the project from
Williams/Transco and Calpine/York Energy Center.
 Motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. was made by D. Gemmill and 2nd by J. Wiley, vote 3/0.