Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly E-Newsletter | 21 October 2014 SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION Rotary Year 2014 -15 (VP Adenan Mohd Zain) For many years – and almost every year – the incumbent Vice President has been tasked with identifying and submitting to our club board a list of worthy schools to receive financial aid on behalf of some needy students. Last Wednesday, scholarships were handed out under our club’s programme called “RCKL DiRaja Education Aid Scholarships 2014". Royal Patron Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Selangor Darul Ehsan comprehensive report to RCKL DiRaja detailing how they have spent the money. The report is required to also contain a list of the recipients and signatures of the parents whose children received the aid. There will be a penalty for failing to submit the required report within the stipulated time and this will be automatic disqualification of the school(s) from being considered in future aid programme(s) of our club. These points were made clear to all school representatives by VP Adenan during the cheque presentation ceremony. Board of Directors President Mohd Nor Halim President-Elect Rtn Hardeep Singh Vice President Rtn Datuk Adenan Mohd Zain Imm. Past President PP Chan Kam Fatt Honorary Secretary PP Keow Hock Sneah Honorary Treasurer PP Francis Chan Club Administration Rtn Horst H Wippern Community Service Projects Rtn Suren Hendry Vocational Service Projects Rtn Dato’ Dr Prakash Rao These scholarships are in the form of a one-time monetary aid given to primary school children. The total amount handed out was RM36,000.00 and nine primary schools from around Kuala Lumpur were the recipients. Each school received RM4,000.00 and this amount is to be shared equally among needy 20 children (RM 200 each). The 20 children were selected by the headmaster / headmistress of each school. These children were considered as coming from poor families whose parents' income is less than RM 3000.00 per month. Hence, the objective of awarding the aid was to ease the parents' financial difficulties in preparing the children for the schooling year of 2015. The schools and the parents are allowed to use the money as deemed fit, but it must be spent in relation to getting the children ready for school in 2015. In order to avoid abuse or misuse, the headmasters / headmistresses are given two months from 15 October 2014 to submit a Youth Service Rtn Dato’ Wei Chuan Beng Membership Development Rtn Gerald Lee Fellowship Rtn Benny Soh All recipient schools were represented by students and teachers or headmaster / headmistress. During his short speech, President Mohd Nor Halim expressed the hope that the monetary assistance from our club will ease the 180 students’ preparation for the coming school year and asked them to tell their friends that “the uncles and grandpas in RC Kuala Lumpur DiRaja” want all to do their best in school and also in life. He also prompted them to grow up to be the persons their parents will be proud of. Rotary Foundation & International Service Rtn Uwe Ahrens Public Relations Rtn Mohd Ajmal Khan Special Projects / Functions PP Lim Eng Ho Rtn Wan Mohd Rasul Bulletin Editor Rtn Horst H. Wippern [email protected] The guests were also entertained to lunch as guests of our club which is customary at such an event. Before concluding the ceremony, one of the headmistresses was invited to address the audience. (Continued on page 4) Issue 15 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 1 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Announcements / Diary | 21 October 2014 SPEAKERS' CLUB DISTRICT ROSTER ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS RCKL and KLRCF Fees Are Due Now Please hand your cheques to Hon. Treasurer PP Francis Chan or Hon. Secretary PP Keow Hock Sneah. RI President's Visit - Gala Dinner Date: 20 November 2014 Venue: Sunway Convention Centre Cost: RM 150 / person More details will be announced 22 October 2014 Meeting Cancelled 29 October 2014 Rtn Suren Hendry Wheelchair Presentation 05 November 2014 PP Clement Wong (RC Shah Alam) Alzheimer Disease 12 November 2014 TBA PP Kulasegaran – Deepavali Fellowship Date: 01 November 2014 Time: 7:30 pm Venue: Royal Lake Club 19 November 2014 TBA Rotary Institute 2014 Date: 21 – 23 November 2014 Venue: Sutera Harbour Hotel, Kota Kinabalu Registration: Via District Website or Hon. Sec. Keow 80th District Conference Date: 05 – 07 December 2014 Venue: Vivatel Hotel, Jalan Loke Yew, Kuala Lumpur Host Club: RC Titiwangsa Registration: Via District Website or Hon. Sec. Keow RI ANNOUNCEMENTS Rotary International Convention 2015 Date: 06-09 June 2015 Venue: Pavilhao de Exposicoes do Anhembi Sao Paolo, Brazil Cost: US$ 325 / person (early bird) Issue 15 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 2 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly Proceedings | 21 October 2014 ATTENDANCE / DUTY Meeting Date: 15 October 2014 RCKL Rotarians: 23 RCKL Rotarian Make-ups: N/A Convener: Rtn Gerald Lee National Anthem and Loyal Toast: Rtn Gerald Lee Event Introduction: VP Adenan Mohd Zain Event : Rotary Scholarship Progamme Cheque Presentation Closing Remarks: Pres. Nor Halim VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS BIRTHDAYS & WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Visiting Rotarians 2 Rtn Yimnemi Makino – RC Kyoto Minami, Japan Rtn Judith Parslow – RC Southbank Melbourne Birthdays 26.10. – PP Keow Hock Sneah Wedding Anniversaries: 22.10. – Benny Soh & Claudia Invited Guests 29 Important Announcement Meetings on 22 October 2014 CANCELLED To all members and their families celebrating the Festival of Lights Happy Diwali From Pres. Mohd Nor Halim and Board of Directors THE FOUR-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do: 1) Is it the TRUTH? 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Issue 15 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 3 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly E-Newsletter | 21 October 2014 (Continued from page 1) For the record, the following schools received the aid under this programme: SK Setapak, SK Cochrane, SJK C Lai Chee, SJK C Chong Hwa, SJK C Kwong Hong, SJK T Sentul, SJK T Cheras, SJJK T Saraswathy and SK Sentul 2. OTHER PROCEEDINGS The club welcomed a Japanese visitor, Rtn Yimnemi Makino from RC Kyoto Minami, who prior to his visit had enquired whether our club has a Japanese-speaking member. So big, strong and friendly PE Hardeep Singh was called into action. And he went one step further by providing transport for Makino-san from the Shangri-La Hotel as our venue had to be changed (yet again). All in the name of Rotary friendship. Pres. Nor Halim exchanged banners with our Japanese visitor. Frankly speaking... As I write these lines, I am looking out of the window over the nature reserve behind our house, noticing the birds congregating in their preparation to migrate for the winter, the changing colour scheme of autumn and realizing that I need to get back to a place where one layer of clothes is more than enough. status, more young(er) “able bodies” are required to help keep our club active and to manage / execute our ongoing and new projects designed to help the disadvantaged, underprivileged and sidelined members of society. So, my fellow RCKLD Rotarians – look around your circle of friends and acquaintances for any We are now in the fourth month prospective member. Bring him of our Rotary year and have not (or her???) along to our yet inducted any new members. meetings and for all you know, Not only do we need to replace interest may be aroused and those members who have left or before you can say “Jack were terminated from our club, Robinson” we might have a new but we need to grow. As the member (or perhaps, not quite average age increases and more that fast). members apply for excused Rtn Horst H Wippern THE OBJECT OF ROTARY The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. Issue 15 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 4 Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja Berita Rotary | Weekly E-Newsletter | 21 October 2014 Issue 15 Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja | Chartered 15 January 1930 | District 3300 - Club No.16222 | | Page 5
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