RCB - The Rotator 5

RCB meets every Monday at 7pm.
Issue 5
No More Falling Roofs
No More Cold Floors
New School At Yeshwanthpura, Malur
Sundays are usually days when I wake
up late, relax and laze around. However, on
3rd of August, I was up early and was eager
to drive out with a few Rotarians waiting at
the Rotary House of Friendship!
About 20 Rotarians and Anns huddled
together in 5 cars and drove out to Yeshwanthpura in Malur district, about 50 kms
from Bangalore. As we turned onto the single carriageway leading to Yeshwanthpura
from the highway, most of us rolled down
our car windows to enjoy the breath of fresh
unpoluted air.
We passed scores of lush green fields
cultivating roses, cabbages and many
other agriculture products apart from kilns
and a very few industries until we reached
our destination where we were greeted by
beaming Rtn.Subbu and Rtn.Sridhar Chari,
who are spearheading this project.
Yeshwanthpura is a small village of about
300 houses having population of about
1500 people, mostly daily wagers with a
meagre source of income. An obscure village where four enthusiastic teachers tried
their level best to impart education to about
sixty five small children in a now dilapidated building which they called Govt. Primary
School. The structure resembled a cow-
Old School At
Yeshwanthpura, Malur
shed. The roof threatened to collapse any
moment. The soggy walls were fungus ridden. Perhaps built about five decades ago
and never cared for thereafter.
But, on Sunday the 3rd of August, this
hamlet in Malur district woke up with a glee
of joy. The reason - they were getting a
brand new school building in their village.
Rotary Club of Bangalore in association
with OSAAT and ably assisted by the villagers have now put up this new school with 4
large airy class rooms, one Nali-Kalli room
and a clean kitchen. This new school can
accoomodate at least 120 students.
One of the major hurdles faced by the girl
students was the absence of a clean separate toilet. Due to this, they shied away
from going to school. Our new school has
provided them with a seperate toilet with
adequate water and proper sanitation.
The Menda foundation matched donations receieved from generous Rotarians to
provide desks and benches to this school.
At last no more sitting on the cold floor and
straining to read and write.
This school was our 19th milestone and
a baby step towards achieving our dream
target - PROJECT 100.
Rtn.Musten Jiruwala
August 4th, 2014
One School At A Time (OSAAT)
is a US based non-profit organization
dedicated to helping rebuild infrastructure
of underprivileged, rural schools in India. A
totally volunteer-run organization, OSAAT
has no administrative costs, and utilizes
100% of donation to build a strong, safe
and healthy learning environment for kids
in rural India, by adopting one school at
a time.
OSAAT, in collaboration with Rotary
Club of Bangalore has built Rotary OSAAT
Govt Higher Primary School in Yeshwanthpura village of Malur district.
The 1.5 acre land on which the school
is built is donated by the villagers. The
school includes a large playground as well
as enough space for any future expansion.
The school was inaugurated in presence of dignitaries from OSAAT, Mr.Vadiraj
Bhat who handles India operations, Mr.
GK Bhat, Mr HCS Srinivas, Mr.Srivathsa,
Mr.Raveesh, Ms.Padma and Rotarians
and anns from RCB, children & villagers.
RCB President, Rtn.Ramkumar Seshu
thanked OSAAT for their collaboration and
thanked the villagers for all the cooperation they extended.
Rtn.Musten Jiruwala
Planting Trees of
Knowldge and Wisdom
Continuing our commitment to the environment, Community Services Director Rtn.
Sukhen Padmanabha announced that on
15th August, 2014, 65 trees will be planted
in the school premises which will be looked
after by each child studying there.
Adding some fun to it, Rtn.Sridhar Chari
made it as a competition. He advised children to look after the tree and nurture it
and he will give away 3 prizes for the tallest trees after three months. At the end
of 3 months there should 65 trees for the
competition to be valid, he quipped to those
young innocent children.
Rtn.Musten Jiruwala
Today’s Reader, Tomorrow’s Leader!
Pride of Indian Workmanship
We award our
Countdown to
15th Aug, 2014
In today’s competitive era of globalization, society depends heavily on human
development and knowledge. Literacy and
knowledge are extremely important for the
positive growth and stability of any society.
Opening a book opens the wonderful world
of knowledge for the child. However, for
majority of children in India, this world of
knowledge is out-of-reach.
Rotary in India has taken up the cudgels
to eradicate illiteracy from India. To start
with, it has launched a drive to reach this
world of knowledge to every child through
books. The project is to collect millions
of books and reach them into libraries of
schools in parts of rural and urban India.
On 2nd of August, 2014 - Rotary Club
of Bangalore and State Bank of India,
Bangalore formally announced their
collaboration to further this noble cause.
Dubbing it “Today’s Reader, Tomorrow’s
Leader” - the launch was inaugurated
by the Deputy Managing Director of SBI,
Mr. Ashwin Mehra at their local head
office on St Mark’s Road Bangalore in the
presence RCB President Rtn.Ramkumar
Seshu and a host of dignitaries from SBI
as well as from RCB. This collaboration
with SBI will help us collect books in large
numbers from SBI employees as well as
from their customers. A book box has been
placed at SBI headoffice and all branches
will put up the posters to encourage people
to donate books for this cause to RCB.
Books collected through this drive will be
placed in various libraries of our 19 Rotary
schools in Bangalore and Malur as well as
in Rotary Shankara Library for easy access
to children. RCB will also stock up libraries
of other schools who are in need.
Do you have books suitable for children
aged between 6 -14 years? Would you like
to donate those books or would you like to
contribute financially to buy new books for
these children? Please contact Rtn.Manjunath or Rtn.Sukumaran at rotarycb1934@
gmail.com for more information.
- Rtn.Manjunath
Give Me Your Blood and I Will Give…
On 1st August
2014, our Medical
association with
Manipal Hospital organized a
Blood Donation
Drive at Neil &
Rao Building @
ITPL, Whitefield,
the 62 people
who enrolled, we collected 48 units of
blood. Though, the camp per se was successful, we were disappointed at the turnout of donors considering 1800 employees
working there.
A discussion and a review of the matter
revealed that many did not donate blood,
because NO ONE ASKED of them!
Yes friends, the research corroborates
that one main reason for poor collection is
that no one asked them personally for blood
Medical Services Committee
7th August, 2014
Adolescence Education Camp @ Kamala Bai Girls High School for the benefit
of its students. Dr. Sangamitra Gopal will
anchor this programme.
12th August, 2014
Vision Test in association with Shankara
Netralaya @ Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya,
Nagadevanahalli for its students.
We request Rotarians to participate in
large numbers in both the events.
donation. Hence, dear Rotarians, we ask
of you now to please donate blood at the
next opportunity or at least, motivate your
staff, colleagues, near and dear ones to
donate blood. Because, every unit of blood
thus collected will make a difference not
just to a person but to 3 people!!!
Rtn.Vincent Raj
She was born 3rd April 1903 in Mangalore. A social reformer and freedom fighter.
She was the driving force behind the
renaissance of Indian handicrafts in independent India, and upliftment of Indian
women by pioneering the co-operative
Her vision brought into existence, the
National School of Drama, Sangeet Natak
Akademi, Central Cottage Industries Emporium, and the Crafts Council of India.
In 1931 she acted in the first silent film
of the Kannada film industry, Mricchakatika, at a time when acting was considered
unsuitable for women.
She was the first woman to run for a legislative seat in India, and lost narrowly by
200 votes.
She was the first Indian woman to be arrested in the 1930s for entering the Bombay Stock Exchange, to sell contraband
She instituted the National Awards for
Master Craftsmen.
She was a woman ahead of her times.
She was the first chairperson of the All
India Handicrafts Board and also the first
President of the World Crafts Council,
Asia Pacific region.
She was a Ramon Magsaysay awardee
(1966), Padma Bhushan (1955) and Padma Vibhushan (1987)
She was Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay.
- Rtn. Dinyar Lagrana
RPL TEAM SCORES - August 2014
Invincible Champions Team
[Gopu Sundarajan]
Classic 80
[Gowri Oza]
Silent Achievers
Trail Blazers
[Nalini Nanjundayya]
Rotary Votary
[Rosa Paramal]
Team McIver
[Sanjay Udani]
Happy Feet
[Sanjay Jain]
The Winners
[Subbu B]
Revamp Game Makers
Cap it
[Vineetha Chinappa]
Message from
RI President
“Share it with others
and Light Up Rotary
In Rotary, we mark August as Membership and Extension Month. There is a good
reason why we remind ourselves of the importance of membership early in every Rotary year: because the job of growing our
membership is one that we can never begin
too soon. It is also a job that we can never
stop working on. In order to keep serving,
Rotary always needs to be growing!
We have talked for many years about the
importance of the family of Rotary. In this
Rotary year, I want to make not just the family of Rotary, but our own Rotary families, a
priority in our membership. After 37 years
of following me in Rotary, my wife, Corinna,
finally became a Rotarian last year.
Inviting our spouses into Rotary isn’t just
about getting our numbers up. It addresses
the reality that Rotary still has far more men
as members than it does women, and that
is something we need to work on. When we
bring more women into Rotary, our clubs
become more appealing to prospective
female members – and become more productive as well.
This year we are going to have something new in Rotary: a membership support
team pin. This means that if you invite a
new member into Rotary, you get a special
pin to wear with your Rotary gearwheel. But
we all know that the job of growing membership doesn’t end when a new member
joins. It ends only when a new member is
enjoying being a Rotarian and never wants
to leave!
So let’s enjoy our Rotary service, share it
with others, and Light Up Rotary together!
Gary C K Huang
RI President 2014 - 15
Sakala - A Step Towards
Better Governance
It is rare that we citizens have something
great to think, when it comes to the Government, always ticking it off, both mentally
and verbally for everything it does, or does
not do! But all that is due to change with
the introduction of the brand new, positive,
Sakala mission, introduced by the Karnantaka Government, to remove exactly such
misgivings that exist in our minds, with excellent initial results.
Mr. Varaprasad Reddy - Administrative
Officer, Sakala Mission and Mr. Varun Gowda were present at RCB on 4/08/14, to enumerate exactly, how this initiative begun in
2012, intends to remove the mistrust and
despair that exists in the minds of the denizens of Karnataka, with regards to the functioning of the Govt. The Chief minister and
his colleagues were compelled to start a
new mission after observing the long standing disconnect that existed between the citizens and the Govt, the failure to address
matters pertaining to issue of documents,
land registration, revenue, certificates, af-
Karnataka, being tech-savvy has latched
on to this sheme with ease, he said.
Whenever a person seeks assistance in
an administrative matter, she/he is given
a docket number, which will help her/him
track the concerned file and will be able to
know exactly how long it will take for delivery. Also, information is regularly disbursed
through SMS, when mobile phone numbers are provided for communication.This
system has made it possible for citizens to
feel empowered and in control of their time
and work, as against the earlier system that
made them feel at loss and helpless, with
regard to the same. Transparency, speed
of redressal, doing away with unnecessary
paper work and delays in movement of
files, introduction of single- point counters
for enquiries as well as deliverance, all appear to be the new mantra of the Karnataka Govt, with the introduction of this very
positive citizen-friendly scheme, which has
shown very good results till now, since its
fidavits and so much else, that generally
made citizens wait for time on end, spending many hours and monies in wasteful
pursuit of the logical end, with no-win feeling at the end. A lady in distress regarding
her pension not being delivered, was what
set it all off, when she approached the CM,
when he visited her village. Kudos to her!
Sakala, which means ‘in time’ or ‘good
time’ is the citizen charter scheme which
was recently launched, has hogged the
limelight, for all the positives that it encompasses, with regard to making the life of
citizens easy, doing away with middle-men,
corruption, unnecessary delays and documentation, long-winded processes, archaic laws and everything that made people
waste precious time on travel and waiting
for jobs to be done. Mr. Reddy explained
passionately and effectively, through PPT,
how this works and how it has penetrated
even the remote areas, through the use of
cyber cafes, mobile phones and technology, that gives people who seek administrative help, tranparency and promptness
in delivery. The system has made several
services go online, for ease of functioning.
The main drawbacks noted till now have
been lack of awareness, slow adoption by
the citizens, and some confusions with regard to the new system, he said. IIM-B and
Booth business school, Chicago have been
instrumental in offering assistance and
guidance in all matters pertaining to the formulation and outlay of the mission. It is with
the help of many brains and hands that the
Govt intends to set errors right and make
it more and more user friendly. Also, they
are looking at partnering with Corporates
as well as service organisations to spread
the good word. The website is very impressive and has been made easy to access. All
information is availabe and the whole system appears to be transparent and efficient,
taking governance to a greater level than
the Governent, which is the noble intention
of Sakala !
The presentation was received very well,
with audience participation and it was a
very optimistic feeling all around. In fact Mr.
Varaprasad could not have been named
more aptly – he brought in a ‘Vara’ and it
was received as ‘Prasada’ !
Ann Dr. Chandrika Rao
Proceedings of the meeting
Proceedings of the 5th meeting of the
80th Rotary year of the Rotary Club of
Bangalore held on Monday, the 4th August 2014 at Rotary House of Friendship,
Lavelle Road,
• Rtn. Sundeep Gupta, Sgt-at-arms conducted the lucky draw for the Rotarians
who signed in before 7.20pm and this was
won by Rtn. G.Krishnamurthy.
• The meeting was called to order by the
President Rtn Ramkumar Seshu.
• President Ramkumar Seshu, welcomed
Rotarians, Anns, Innerwheel Club members, Rotaractors and invitees for the
• President welcomed Mr. Varaprasad
Reddy, KAS, Administrative Officer of
Sakala Mission.
3190 who spoke on Membership Development and Retention.
• Rtn. PDG.K.N.Prabhashankar and Rtn.
Dr.Pradeep Rao who is spearheading
the Buddies Night program to be held on
Monday the 25th August 2014, released
a special poster for the occassion. He
requested each member to bring atleast
one friend to RCB.
Rtn. Ashok Kumar Vyas
11th August
Rtn. Dattaraj M.K.
11th August
Rtn. Ramachandra M.K.
Spouses’ Birthdays
13th August Ann. Takako Kuboki
Attendance 6th July 2014
Total Membership
Members Present
Members Exempted
Contribution to Community Chest
Brought Forward
• Rtn. Vincent Raj made an announcement about the Blood Donation drive held
on Friday the 1st August 2014 at ITPL,
Whitefield and informed that they collected 48 units of Blood.
• He also mentioned that Adolescence
Awareness Talk will be held on 7th August
2014 at Kamalabai Girls High School and
on 12th August, Vision Test in association
with Shankara Netralaya will be held at
Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya.
• Rtn.Manjunath informed the members
that One Million book – TEACH program
was jointly inaugurated on Saturday by
SBI Deputy Managing Director and it was
a joint program with SBI and we have
collected more than 17,000 books and
our club now stands first in the Dist. He
thanked all those who helped in this project & donated books & amount.
• Rtn. Sridhar Chari, announced that we
have completed one more school at Yeshwanthpura, Malur and the total no of
schools in Malur is now 15. He thanked
OSSAT for funding this school. President
thanked Rtn.Sridhar Chari and Rtn.B.
Subramanian for the wonderful work done
in this regard.
• President requested Rtn. PDG.KN Prabhashankar, Counselor of the Membership Development Committee RI Dist.
11th August
Rtn.Ute Peter
Rtn.Kalpana Udaykumar
Rtn. Vineetha Chinnappa
Rtn. Meerabai Shankar
Rtn.Kanchana Rao
Members who have not yet paid their
subscription are requested to pay it
Next Two Weeks’ Programme
• Rtn. Pankaj Singh, gave Vocational Talk.
• Ann.Shantala Manjunath made Birthday
and Wedding Anniversary announcement
for the week and they were recognized.
• Secretary, Rtn Vivek Prabhu, read the
schedule of committee meetings and
weekly meeting for the months of August.
• Rtn. Sundeep Gupta, announced the
winner for the first month of RPL and the
team leading is led by Rtn Sanjay Udani
and individual Rtn.C.S.Sukumaran.
Program for the day
• Mr. Varaprasad Reddy. KAS, Administrative officer of SAKALA gave power point
presentation in detail about the e-governance and SAKALA.
• President thanked him for giving update
on the SAKALA.
• Rtn. Zarir K.Batha, proposed the vote of
11th August, 2014
Presentation of Plans for the year by the
Directors. Followed by lite dinner.
15th August 2014 (Friday)
Independence Day Celebration, Flag
hoisting at 10.30 a.m. at Rotary House of
Friendship and presentation of Pride of
workmanship award followed by Lunch.
Communication Committee
Rtn.Rohidas Bhat
Rtn.Musten Jiruwala
Rtn.Kalpana Udaykumar
Rtn.Jagadish DV
Rtn.Sandhya Mendonca
Ann Dr.Chandrika Rao
August 2014