14 - 2 February 1st, 2015 Sunday February 1st, 2015 -Papa Francisco- Gospel of Matt 4:16 Saturday: January 31, 2015 - St John Bosco 5:00 pm *for the healing of Ilidio Pereira † Al Mcara † Gess Flipe Gocotano † Narcisa Guinares Sunday: February 1st Gospel Meditation: All of us must confront many battles waged between good and evil throughout our lives. For us to destroy the evil that confronts us, we must be “of God”, we must be Holy. We have the authority to banish evil because, baptized into Christ, we are holy ones “of God”. The authority of holiness is our baptismal birthright. la meditazione del Vangelo: Ogni domenica, giorno del Signore, la Liturgia ci aiuta a conoscere meglio il Signore Gesù. È il profeta annunziato da Mosè. Egli è colui che ci libera dal male, ed è venuto per insegnare una dottrina nuova, per recare a tutti la salvezza. Non siamo indifferenti a questi doni. Meditación del Evangelio En aquel tiempo, Jesús y sus discípulos entraron en Cafarnaún, y cuando el sábado siguiente fue a la sinagoga a enseñaba como los escribas, sino con autoridad. Estaba precisamente en la sinagoga un hombre que tenía un espíritu inmundo, y se puso a gritar: “Qué quieres de nostros, Jesús Nazareno?” Has venido a acabar con nostros? Sé quién eres: el Santo de Dios.” Jesús lo increpó: “Cállate y sal de él.” El espíritu inmundo lo retorció y, dando un grito muy fuerte, salió. Todos se preguntaron estupefactos: “Qué es esto? Es una enseñanza nueva, con autoridad. Hasta a los espíritus inmundos les manda y le obedecen.” Pronto se extendió su fama por todas partes, en toda la región de Galilea. 8:00 am † Martini Donato, Antonina e Francesco, Angelo e Giovanna Michelle Izzo 9:30 am † Eustaquio Villas and Felipe Guzman 11:00 am *For the intentions of Filomena Ferreira † Antonio Arone e Familiari †Dal Ben Gemma 12:30 pm 2:00 pm *Por la Salud de Gabriel Campos & Maria Alvarado *Intentions for Sonia Arana * por la paz en el mundo. 7:00 pm † Mary Kelly M onday: February 2 - The Presentation of Our Lord 9:00 am †For the soul of Marchits Ramos 7:00pm *Conversion of people in El Salvador, Mexico & Honduras Tuesday: February 3 – St Blaise 9:00 am *Birthday Blessings for Derek Stephens 7:00 pm † Mary Kelly W ednesday: February 4 9:00 am *for Conversion of all souls. 7:00 pm *Intentions of Ms. Irena Misko for the Holy Cross of Mary Lake (with Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help) Thursday: February 5 - St Agatha 9:00 am † Michele Trovano 7:00 pm † Giuseppe Barbuto Friday: February 6 – St Paul Miki & Companions 9:00 am † for the soul of Julio Atienza Rodriguez 14 - 2 February 1st, 2015 10:00am– 7pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm † (MEMORIAL) Leonardo & Palmira Cerroni 7:30-8:30pm Community Adoration Saturday: February 7 9:00 am † for the souls of Caterina e Nazzareno Ariganello Community Adoration Every Friday Adoration from 10:00am – 7:00pm Sign-‐up sheets are available. Every First Friday for 1 hour after 7pm Mass. Come spend some time with Jesus Our Eucharistic Lord! Saint Thomas Aquinas World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 3:00 p.m . at St. Paul's Basilica 83 Power Street, Toronto ON (Parliament Street and Queen Street East) Mass Celebrant: His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins ARCHBISHOP OF TORONTO Join Us DINNER PARTY TICKETS: Adult: $50.00 Time: 6:00pm Children: $25.00 Parish Hall (Under 12 years old) For Tickets please contact: 780- 0985 Maria Coccia : Tel (416) Paola Ricci : Tel (416) 783-5956 Or the Parish Office: (416) 782-8943 THE Saturday FEB 14, 2015 & VALENTINE “The things that we love, tell us who we are” Aquinas defined the virtue of "mercy" in his Summa Theologiae as "the compassion in our hearts for another person's misery, a compassion which drives us to do what we can to help him" (ST II-II.30.1). For St. Thomas, this virtue has two aspects: "affective" mercy and "effective" mercy. Affective mercy is an emotion: the pity we feel for the plight of another. In this respect, St. Thomas says, human mercy is grounded in a "defect" in our nature: the defect of human vulnerability to suffering. We feel pity for those who suffer because we, too, are subject to such miseries. Thus, our affective sympathy for others arises from our capacity for empathy. Saint Thomas notes: "Those who reckon themselves happy and so powerful that no ill may befall them are not so compassionate" (II-II.30.2). To some extent, however, the intensity of our SaintAsh Thomas Aquinas Wednesday th Feb. 18 9am Mass – English & Trilingual Mass at 7pm
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